Los Tres Primeros Minutos Del Universo: Una Concepción Moderna Del Origen Del Universo

Alianza Editorial, S. A., 2 nov 1999 - 163 páginas
Algunos temas que contiene: Introducción: el gigante y la vaca (parte de una compilación de mitos nórdicos "Nuevo Edda" compilada aprox. En 1920 donde se explica el origen del universo) La expansión del universo El fondo de radiación cósmica de microondas Receta para un universo caliente Los tres primeros minutos Una digresión histórica El primer centésimo de segundo Epilogo: la perspectiva futura Glosario Suplemento matemático El efecto Doppler, La densidad crítica, Escalas de tiempo de expansión, Radiación del cuerpo negro, La masa de Jeans, La temperatura y densidad de los neutrinos, Sugerencias para lecturas adicionales Índice analítico.

Sobre el autor (1999)

Born in New York City, Steven Weinberg was a high school and college classmate of Sheldon Glashow; both attended the Bronx High School of Science and Cornell University. Although Weinberg has made contributions as a theoretical physicist in cosmology, quantum scattering, and the quantum theory of gravitation, he is most widely known for his work with Sheldon Glashow and Abdus Salam, with whom he shared the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics. Weinberg received a share of this honor for his formulation of the theory that unifies the relationship between the weak force and the electromagnetic force, including the capability to predict the weak neutral current. After receiving a Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1957, Weinberg held postdoctoral positions at Columbia University from 1957 to 1959, the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory from 1959 to 1960, the University of California at Berkeley from 1960 to 1966, Harvard University from 1966 to 1967, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1967 to 1969. He is married to a law professor, and they have one daughter.

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