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" Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols and .Romans ; in which Elephants and Wild Beasts were employed or slain : and the remarkable local agreement of History with the remains of such Animals found in Europe and Siberia. "
Bibliotheca historico-naturalis: Verzeichniss der Bücher über ... - Página 380
de Wilhelm Engelmann - 1846 - 786 páginas
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JOHN BOHN - 1829 - 586 páginas
...M. Us. (id. " IBOfl 5230 Randolph's Poems, with the Muse's Looking Glasse, Amyntas, 5241 Ranking's (John) Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports...Romans; in which Elephants and Wild Beasts were employed or slain : and the remarkable Local Agreement of History with the Remains of such Animals found in...
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Catalogue, Volumen 1

Royal college of surgeons of England libr - 1831 - 588 páginas
...(John) On the Conquest of Peru, Mexico, &c. by the Mongols accompanied with Elephants. 8vo. Land. 1827 Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols and Romans. 4to. ib. 1 826 RAOUL DU MoNT-VERD. Fleurs et Secrets de Médecine. 12mo. Paris, 1531 RAPOU (T., MD)...
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Bibliographia Palaeonthologica animalium systematica

Gotthelf Fischer de Waldheim - 1834 - 450 páginas
...formation de la terre et de l'orgine des pétrifications. Paris et Lyon. 1824. 236 pgg. 8. RANKING, lohn 3 Historical researches on the wars and sports of the Mongols and Romans ; in which Elephants and wild beats were employed or slain; etc. London 1826. 516 pagg. 4. With a Map and ten Plates. D. PROTYPA...
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A General Catalogue of Old and New Books

Obadiah Rich - 1834 - 178 páginas
...Ministry and the Proofs of his Divine Mission, 8vo. 2 vols. port, scarce, 16s. Oxford, 1784 1786 RANKING'S (John) Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols and Romans, 4to. plates, I1. 8s. (published at 31. 3s.) 1826 1787 Historical Researches on the Conquest of Peru,...
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A catalogue of the books belonging to the Library company of ..., Volumen 2

Library company of Philadelphia - 1835 - 458 páginas
...character and condition of its native inhabitants. By Rajah Rammohun Roy. London, 1832. Ranking, 1908, Q,. Historical researches on the wars and sports of the...; in which elephants and wild beasts were employed or slain. With a map and plates. By John Ranking. London, 1826. • • th'e Abbe Raynal. Translated...
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A Catalogue of the Library of the Russell Institution

Russell Institution, London. Library - 1835 - 390 páginas
...Parliamentary Companion 1 836 — 3 Peninsular Campaigns, Annals of, from 1808 — 14, 3 vols. 182! Ranking's (John) Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the Mongols and Romans, 4to I82i Royal Household, Ordinances and Regulations for its Government, made in divers Reigns, from...
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Index librorum manuscriptorum et impressorum quibus Bibliotheca ... aucta ...

Berlin preuss. Staatsbibl - 1836 - 372 páginas
...expeditionibus a Gallis in Macedoniam atque Graeciam snsceptis. Berol. 1834. 8. f. 8696. J. RANKING Historical researches on the wars and sports of the...which elephants and wild beasts were employed and slain, and the remarkable local agreement of history with the remains of snch animals found in Europe...
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Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions ..., Volumen 3

Royal Society (Great Britain) - 1837 - 554 páginas
...— Notices of the Proceedings of the Geological Society. No. 19. 8vo. — Presented by the Society. Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the...; in which Elephants and Wild Beasts were employed or slain : and the remarkable local agreement of History with the remains of such Animals found in...
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Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions ..., Volumen 3

Royal Society (Great Britain) - 1837 - 538 páginas
...— Notices of the Proceedings of the Geological Society. No. 19. 8vo. — Presented by the Society. Historical Researches on the Wars and Sports of the...; in which Elephants and Wild Beasts were employed or slain : and the remarkable local agreement of History with the remains of such Animals found in...
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Chine, ou, Description historique, géographique et littéraire de ce vaste ...

Guillaume Pauthier - 1838 - 656 páginas
...à la terre ; il hi estoit si grant la grie et (*У Voy. la pi. 67, tirée d'un ouvrage intitulé : Historical' Researches on the wars and sports of the Mongols and Romans, etc., l>y Jh. Ranking. London, tSaß, iii-4. Elle a été composée d'aptes la description de Marco-Polo...
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