| William Howitt - 1838 - 552 páginas
...ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF PLANTS; comprising the Description, Specific Character, Culture, History, Application in ihe Arts, and every other desirable Particular, respecting all the Plants Indigenous to, CnliivaU-d in, or Introduced into Briiain. With nearly 10,000 Engravings on Wood. Second edition, corrected,... | |
 | John Angell James - 1838 - 402 páginas
...ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PLANTS, comprising the Description, Specific Character, Culture, History. Application to the Arts, and every other desirable particular respecting all the Plants, indigenous, cultivated in, or introduced to, Britain; combining all the advantages of a Linnsean and Jussk-iifan... | |
 | Samuel Laing - 1839 - 472 páginas
...work in the literaBy JC LOUDON, FLS 6>c. Sfc. ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF PLANTS; comprising the Description, Specific Character, Culture, History, Application...to, Cultivated in, or Introduced into Britain. With nearly Ten Thousand Engravings on Wood. 2d Edition, corrected, 1 large vol. 8vo. £3. 13s. fid. boards.... | |
 | Sydney Smith - 1839 - 464 páginas
...volume, 8vo. His. boards. By JC LOUDON, FLS $c. 8fc. ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF PLANTS; comprising the Description, Specific Character, Culture, History, Application...to, Cultivated in, or Introduced into Britain. With nearly Ten Thousand Engravings on Wood. 2d Edition, corrected, 1 large vol. 8vo. £3. 13s. 6d. boards.... | |
 | Mrs. Marcet (Jane Haldimand) - 1839 - 452 páginas
...Eotany, %c. continued. BY JC LOUDON, FLS &c. &c. ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF PLANTS; comprising the Description, Specific Character, Culture, History, Application...to, Cultivated in, or Introduced into Britain. With nearly 10,0U0 Engravings on Wood. Second edition, corrected, 1 large vol. Svo. 3/. 13s. 6d. boards.... | |
 | William Bingley - 1839 - 414 páginas
...BOTANY, &C.-CONTINUED. By JC LOUDON, FLS (fc. $e. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PLANTS; comprising the Description, Specific Character, Culture, History, Application...to, Cultivated in, or Introduced into Britain. With nearly Ten Thousand Engravings on Wood. 2d Edition, corrected, 1 large vol. 8vo. £3. 13s. 6d. boards.... | |
 | Robert Buist - 1839 - 396 páginas
...&c. FOR SALE BT EL CAREY & A. HAR T. LOUDOUT'S ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF PLANTS; Comprising the Description, Specific, Character, Culture, History, Application...to, Cultivated in, or Introduced into Britain. With nearly 10,000 Engraving* on Wood. Second Edition, corrected. One large vol. Svo. boards. The most useful... | |
 | John Lindley - 1839 - 652 páginas
...&C.-CONTINUED. By JC LOUDON, FLS cj-e. jc. ENCYCLOPEDIA or PLANTS; comprising the Description, Specifir Character, Culture, History, Application in the Arts,...to, Cultivated in. or Introduced into Britain. With nearly Ten Thousand Engravings on Wood. 2d Edition, corrected, 1 large vol. 8vo. £3. 13s. fid. boards.... | |
 | Elizabeth Sandford - 1839 - 274 páginas
...Description, Specific Character, Culture, History, Application in the Arts, and every other desirahle particular respecting all the Plants indigenous to, cultivated in, or introduced into Britain ; comhining all the advantages of a Lin mean and Jussieuean Species Plantarum, an Historia Plantarum,... | |
 | William Howitt - 1840 - 560 páginas
...DOTANT, &C.— CONTINUED. By JC LOUDON, FLS 8>c. %c. ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF PLANTS; comprising the Description, Specific Character, Culture, History, Application...to, Cultivated in, or Introduced into Britain. With ncarly Ten Thousand Engravings on Wood. 2d Edition, corrected, 1 large vol. 8vo. £3. 13s. fid. boards.... | |
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