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" Musick's Monument; or a Remembrancer of the Best Practical Musick, both Divine and Civil, that has ever been known to have been in the World. "
Catalogue of Early Books on Music (before 1800) - Página 160
de Library of Congress. Music Division, Julia Gregory, Oscar George Theodore Sonneck, Oscar George Sonneck, Library of Congress. Catalog Division - 1913 - 308 páginas
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A General History of the Science and Practice of Music, Volumen 2

John Hawkins - 1875 - 508 páginas
...subscribed John Birchensha. 726 CHAP. CLI. 727 a work entitled ' Musick's Monument, or a Remem' brancer of the best practical Musick both divine ' and civil,...has ever been known to have been ' in the world,' folio, 1676. This person was born in the year 1613 : under whom he was educated, or by what means he...
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Catalogue of the educational division of the South Kensington museum

Victoria and Albert museum - 1876 - 702 páginas
...Is. D'Almainc & Co. Mace, Thos. Musick's Monument ; or, a Remembrance of the best Practical Music, both Divine, and Civil, that has ever been known to have been in the World. 3 parts, in one volume. 4to. old calf. 12s. Printed by T. RatcliOe, & N. Thompson, 167G. Macfarren,...
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Bibliothèque royale de Belgique: Catalogue de la bibliothèque de F. J. Fétis ...

Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, François-Joseph Fétis - 1877 - 968 páginas
...opéra sua musicale. (DaMauritio Cazzati.) Bologna, HH.delDozza, 1663, 1 vol. 4281. Musick's monument, or a remembrancer of the best practical musick, both...that has ever been known, to have been in the world; by Tho. Mace. London, Ralcliffe etc., 1676, 1 vol. in-fol. 4282. Lettre de Clément Marot, à Monsieur...
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Catalogue de la bibliothèque de F.J. Fétis, acquise par l'état belge

Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, François-Joseph Fétis - 1877 - 974 páginas
...sua musicale. (Da Mauritio Cazzati.) Bologna, НИ. del Dozza, 1663, 1 vol. 4281. Musick's monument, or a remembrancer of the best practical musick, both...that has ever been known, to have been in the world; by Tho. Mace. London, Ralcli/fe etc., 1676, 1 vol. in-fol. 4282. Lettre de Clément Marot, à Monsieur...
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A Book of Musical Anecdote, from Every Available Source

Frederick J. Crowest - 1878 - 354 páginas
...and author of that quaint and humorous work which he published iu 1676, entitled "Musick's Monument, or a Remembrancer of the best Practical Musick, both...that has ever been known to have been in the world." The style of the work will be gathered from a perusal of the following extract from its sixth chapter...
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The Euing Musical Library: Catalogue of the Musical Library of the Late Wm ...

Anderson's College, Glasgow. Library. Euing Collection - 1878 - 276 páginas
...tho remote extremes, ,5гc. Fol. Lond. nd MACE, THOMAS. Mustek's monument ; or a remembrancer of tho best practical musick, both divine and civil, that has ever been known to have been in the world. Fol. Lond. 1676. MACFARREN, GA The rudiments of Harmony. Roy. 8vo. Lond. 1860. MACGREGOR, JOHN, MA...
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A Dictionary of Music and Musicians (A.D. 1450-1889) by Eminent ..., Volumen 2

1880 - 866 páginas
...(in small folio, 272 pp., beside 18 pp. of prefatory matter) in 1676, entitled 'Musick's Monument; or, A Remembrancer of the best Practical Musick, both...that has ever been known to have been in the world,' the first part of which treats of the then condition of parochial psalmody and cathedral music and...
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A Dictionary of Music and Musicians (A.D. 1450-1880) by Eminent ..., Volumen 2

George Grove - 1880 - 778 páginas
...1 8 pp. of prefatory matter) in 1676, entitled ' Mustek's Monument ; or, A Remembrancer of the bent Practical Musick, both Divine and Civil, that has ever been known to have been in the world,' the first part of which treats of the then condition of parochial psalmody and cathedral music and...
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Second Series of Bibliographical Collections and Notes on Early English ...

William Carew Hazlitt - 1882 - 768 páginas
...Blagrave . . . 1683. 12шо, А— Т 10 in twelves. With a portrait. MACE, THOMAS. Mustek's Monument; Or, a Remembrancer of the best Practical Musick, both...have been in the World. Divided into Three Parts. ... By Tho. Mace, one of the Clerks of Trinity Colledge, in the University of Cambridge. London, Printed...
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Collections and Notes, 1867-1876: Second Series OfBibliographical ...

William Carew Hazlitt - 1882 - 746 páginas
...А— Т 10 in twelves. With a portrait. MACE, THOMAS. Musick's Monument; Or, a Remembrancer ofthebest Practical Musick, both Divine, and Civil, that has...have been in the World. Divided into Three Parts. ... By Tho. Mace, one of the Clerks of Trinity Colledge, in the University of Cambridge. London, Printed...
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