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" The spacious firmament on high, With all the blue ethereal sky And spangled heavens, a shining frame, Their great Original proclaim: The unwearied sun from day to day, Does his Creator's power display, And publishes to every land, The work of an Almighty... "
The Theological Works of Thomas Paine - Página 23
de Thomas Paine - 1822 - 264 páginas
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From Enlightenment to Romanticism: Anthology I

Ian L. Donnachie, Carmen Lavin - 2003 - 324 páginas
...proclaim: Th'unwearied Sun, from day to day, Does his Creator's power display, And publishes to every land The work of an Almighty hand. Soon as the evening shades prevail, The Moon takes up the wondrous tale, 1 Joseph Addison (1672-1719) essayist, moralist and politician. This...
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Romans: Verse-By-Verse

William R. Newell - 1938 - 596 páginas
...proclaim. The unwearied sun, from day to day, Doth his Creator's power display, And publishes to every land, The work of an Almighty Hand. Soon as the evening shades prevail. The moon takes up the wondrous tale, And nightly to the listening earth Repeats the story of her birth;...
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Religions, Reasons and Gods: Essays in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Religion

John Clayton - 2006 - 408 páginas
...unwearied sun from day to day does his Creator's power display, and publishes to every land the works of an almighty hand. Soon as the evening shades prevail...nightly to the list'ning earth repeats the story of her birth; whilst all the stars that round her burn, and all the planets in their turn, confirm the tidings,...
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