ACCOUNT of the only known Manuscript of Shakespeare's Plays, comprising some important variations and corrections in the "Merry Wives of Windsor," obtained from a Playhouse Copy of that Play recently discovered. By JO HALLIWELL. 8vo. 1*. KIMBAULT'S "Who... Catalogue of the library. [With] - Página 38de Sacred harmonic society - 1855Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
| Johann Martin Lappenberg - 1857 - 554 páginas
...tliatPky recently discovered. By JO HALHWEI.L. 8vo. 1*. EIMBAULT'S "Who was ' Jack Wilson,' the Singer ol Shakespeare's Stage?" An Attempt to prove the identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, AD 1644. 8vo. 1». SHAKESPEARE'S WILL, copied from the Original... | |
| Homerus - 1857 - 336 páginas
...discovered. By JO HalliwelL 8vo, Is. Rimbaulft "WTio wot 'Jack Wilson' the Singer of Shakespeare's Stage f" An attempt to prove the identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, AD 1644. 8vo, Is. tions. 4to, Is. A Few Remarks on the Emendation... | |
| George Wither - 1857 - 466 páginas
.... O. Halliwell. 8vo, Is. Rimbault's "WTto was ''Jack Wilson ' the Singer of Shakespeare's Stage f " An attempt to prove the identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, AD 1644. 8vo, ls. Shakespeare's Will, copied from the Original in... | |
| George Munford - 1858 - 202 páginas
...obtained from a Playhouse Copy of that Play recently discovered. By JO HALLTWBLL. 8vo. 1*. RIMBAULT'S "Who was 'Jack Wilson,' the Singer of Shakespeare's...identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, AD 1644. 8vo. Is. SHAKESPEARE'S WILL, copied from the Original in... | |
| Ebenezer Thomson - 1858 - 144 páginas
...obtained I'rom a Playhouse Copy of that Play recently discovered. By J. 0. Halliwell. 8vo, Is. Bimbault's "Who was 'Jack Wilson ' the Singer of Shakespeare's...identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, AD 1644. Svo. Is. Shakespeare's Will, copied from the Original in... | |
| Taliesin - 1858 - 390 páginas
...obtained from a Playhouse Copy of that Play recently discovered. By JO HJULTWELL. 8vo. Is. BIMBAULT'S "Who was 'Jack Wilson,' the Singer of Shakespeare's...identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, AD 1644. 8vo. 1*. SHAKESPEARE'S WILL, copied from the Original in... | |
| David William Nash - 1858 - 424 páginas
...obtained from a Playhouse Copy of that Play recently discovered. By J. 0. HALLIWELL. 8vo. Is " 1843 * WHO was ' Jack Wilson,' the Singer of Shakespeare's...identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, AD 1644. By E. F. RIMBAULT, LL.D. 8vo. la 1846 42 BOOKS PUBLISHED... | |
| David William Nash - 1858 - 390 páginas
...Play recently discovered. By JO HALLTWELL. 8vo. Is. BIMBAULT'S "Who was 'Jack Wilson,' the Singer oi Shakespeare's Stage?" An Attempt to prove the identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, AD 1644. 8vo. 1*. SHAKESPEARE'S WILL, copied from the Original in... | |
| william barnes - 1858 - 200 páginas
...Copy of that Play recently discovered. By J. 0. Halliwell. 8vo,*ls. Ttimbaulfs "Who was 'Jack Wileon' the Singer of Shakespeare's Stage ?" An attempt to prove the identity of this person with J olm Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, AD 1644. Hvo, Is. Shakespeare's Will^ copied... | |
| Alexander Dyce - 1859 - 270 páginas
...obtained from a Playhouse Copy of that Flay recently discovered. By JO HALLIWELL. 8vo. Is RIMBAULT'S "Who was 'Jack Wilson/ the Singer of Shakespeare's...identity of this person with John Wilson, Doctor of Music in the University of Oxford, Ar 1644. 8vo. 1*. SHAKESPEARE'S WILL, copied from the Original in... | |
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