E'en the slight harebell raised its head, Elastic from her airy tread : What though upon her speech there hung The accents of the mountain tongue? — Those silver sounds, so soft, so dear, The listener held his breath to hear ! A Chieftain's daughter... The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott - Página 188de Walter Scott - 1855 - 840 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Sir Walter Scott - 1857 - 444 páginas
...trained her pace, — A foot more light, a step more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower dashed the dew ; E'en the slight hare-bell raised its head, Elastic...soft, so dear, The listener held his breath to hear. Her golden brooch, such birth betray'd. And seldom was a snood amid Such wild luxuriant ringlets hid,... | |
 | Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1857 - 800 páginas
...train'd her pace — A foot more light, a step more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower dash'd the dew ; E'en the slight harebell raised its head, Elastic...soft, so dear, The listener held his breath to hear I A chieftain's daughter seem'd the maid ; Her satin snood, ^ier silken plaid, SCOTT. [WILLIAM n Her... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1857 - 372 páginas
...train'd her pace, — A foot more light, a step more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower dash'd the dew : E'en the slight harebell raised its head, Elastic...tongue, — ' Those silver sounds, so soft, so dear, The list'ner held his breath to hear ! XIX. A Chieftain's daughter seem'd the maid ; Her satin snood,2... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1858 - 956 páginas
...traiu'd her pace, — A foot more light, a step more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower doJi'd the d?T E'en the slight harebell raised its head, Elastic...so soft, so dear, The listener held his breath to liear XIX. A Cliieftain's daughter seem'd the maid ; Her satin snood," her silken plaid. Her golden... | |
 | James White - 1858 - 316 páginas
...train'd her pace, — A foot more light, a step more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower dash'd the dew ; E'en the slight harebell raised its head, Elastic...tongue, — Those silver sounds, so soft, so dear, The list'ner held his breath to hear ! The lady thus beautifully described takes the unknown visitor into... | |
 | Walter Scott - 1860 - 656 páginas
...trained her pace-— A foot more light, a step more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower dashed the dew; E'en the slight hare-bell raised its head, Elastic...soft, so dear, The listener held his breath to hear. A chieftain's daughter seemed the maid; Her satin snood, her silken plaid, Her golden brooch, such... | |
 | L. Contanseau - 1860 - 232 páginas
...train'd her pace, A foot more light, a step more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower dash'd the dew ; E'en the slight harebell raised its head, Elastic...tongue, — Those silver sounds, so soft, so dear, The list'ner held his breath to hear ! A chieftain's daughter seemed the maid ; Her satin snood, her silken... | |
 | George Augustus Sala, Edmund Yates - 1871 - 588 páginas
...? A foot more light, a step more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower dashed the dew ; E'en the light harebell raised its head, Elastic, from her airy tread....mountain tongue ? Those silver sounds, so soft, so clear. The listener held his breath to hear.'• And such as Ellen is, when first she meets our view,... | |
 | John Hanbury Dwyer - 1860 - 370 páginas
...trained her pace, A fool more light, a s'ep more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower dashed the dew; E'en the slight hare-bell raised its head, Elastic...tread: What though upon her speech there hung The accen:s of the mountain tongue, Those silver sounds, so soft, so dear, The listen r held his breath... | |
 | 1861 - 144 páginas
...trained her pace — A foot more light, a stop more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower dashed the dew ; E'en the slight harebell raised its head, Elastic...her airy tread. What though upon her speech there hnng The accents of the mountain tongue — Those silver sounds, so soft, so dear, The listener held... | |
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