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" The pitying Duchess praised its chime, And gave him heart, and gave him time, Till every string's according glee Was blended into harmony. And then, he said, he would full fain He could recall an ancient strain, He never thought to sing again. "
The Gentleman's Magazine - Página 368
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The rhetorical reader, consisting of choice specimens of oratorical ...

John Hall Hindmarsh - 1845 - 464 páginas
...Monmoutb. The pitying Duchess praised its chime, And gave him haart, and gave him time, Till every string's according glee Was blended into harmony. And then, he said, he would full fain He could recal an ancient strain He never thought to sing again. It was not framed for village churls, But for...
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The Lay of the Last Minstrel: With Ballads, Songs, and Miscellaneous Poems

Walter Scott - 1845 - 382 páginas
...LATEST M7NSTHEL Sl!SiV. ' PRINTED FOR CHAHUJRS S.lPZM.nriS • ' PKINTKB FOB CH. IliKB SF-t»-»ns*c» And then, he said, he would full fain He could recall an ancient strain, He never thought to sing again. It was not framed for village churls, But for high...
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The Poets and Poetry of England: In the Nineteenth Century

Rufus Wilmot Griswold - 1846 - 540 páginas
...harp in vain. The pitving duchess praised its chime, And gave him heart, and gave him time, Till everv string's according glee Was blended into harmony....then, he said, he would full fain He could recall an ancient strain, He never thought to sing again. It was not framed for village churls, Bat for high...
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Readings for the Young from the Works of Sir Walter Scott

Walter Scott - 1848 - 754 páginas
...harp in vain! The pitying Duchess praised its chime, And gave him heart, and gave him time, Till every string's according glee Was blended into harmony....then, he said, he would full fain He could recall an ancient strain, He never thought to sing again. It was not framed for village churls, But for high...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. in Twelve Volumes: With All ...

Walter Scott - 1848 - 772 páginas
...RESl'ON-SiVR Uii^TCi, 'TWAS THI:S THE LATV.ST MINSTREL SHNG PRINTRI' FOR PRINTRID FOR CHA.HULRH R. And then, he said, he would full fain He could recall an ancient strain, He never thought to sing again. It was not framed for village churls, But for high...
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Select Works of the British Poets,: In a Chronological Series from Falconer ...

John Aikin - 1850 - 764 páginas
...harp in vain. The pitying duchess praised its chime, And gave him heart, and gave him time, Till every ancient strain, He never thought to sing again. * Anne, Dutchess of Buccleuch and Monmouth, representative...
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North American Second Class Reader: The Fourth Book of Tower's Series for ...

David Bates Tower, Cornelius Walker - 1850 - 292 páginas
...harp in vain. The pitying duchess praised its chime, And gave him heart, and gave him time, Till every string's according glee Was blended into harmony ;...then, he said, he would full fain He could recall an ancient strain He never thought to sing again. And much he wished, yet feared, to try The long-forgotten...
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English Literature of the Nineteenth Century ...

Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1851 - 768 páginas
...harp in vain! The pitying duchess praised its chime, And gave him heart, and gave him time, Till every string's according glee Was blended into harmony....then, he said, he would full fain He could recall an ancient strain He never thought to sing again. It was not framed for village churls, But for high dames...
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English Literature of the Nineteenth Century ...

Charles Dexter Cleveland - 1851 - 780 páginas
...Buccleuch, father of the duchess. Iter, Earl of Buccleuch, grandfather of the duche??, and a celebrate And then, he said, he would full fain He could recall an ancient strain He never thought to sing again. It was not framed for village churls, But for high dames...
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The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott

Walter Scott - 1852 - 594 páginas
...harp in vain. The pitying Duchess praised its chime, And gave him heart, and gave him time, Till every string's according glee Was blended into harmony....then, he said, he would full fain He could recall an ancient strain, He never thought to sing again. It was not framed for village churls, But for high...
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