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" CARPENTER'S (Dr. WB) Zoology. A Systematic View of the Structure, Habits, Instincts, and Uses of the principal Families of the Animal Kingdom, and of the chief Forms of Fossil Remains. Revised by WS Dallas, FLS Numerous Woodcuts. 2 vols. 6s. each. —... "
Bibliotheca historico-naturalis: Verzeichniss der Bücher über ... - Página 318
de Wilhelm Engelmann - 1846 - 786 páginas
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The Oölogist: For the Student of Birds, Their Nests and Eggs, Volumen 18

1901 - 200 páginas
...Animal Physiology, 580p, 287fig, (3.50) 1 40 Carpenter, Zoology, A Systemic Account of the General Structure. Habits, Instincts and Uses of the Principal Families of the Animal Kingdom, as well as of the Chief Forms of Fossil Remains, 2 vols, 1164p, 624flg, (5.00) 2 85 Clark, Outline...
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Catalogue of the Library of the Zoological Society of London

Zoological Society of London. Library, Frederick Herschel Waterhouse - 1902 - 870 páginas
...Shells of North America. Carpenter (William Benjamin). Zoology : a Systematic account of the general Structure, Habits, Instincts, and uses of the principal families of the Animal Kingdom. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1848. . . A new edition, thoroughly revised by "WS DALLAS. 2 vols. 8vo. London,...
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Catalogue of the Keiogijuku Library

慶應義塾図書館 - 1906 - 438 páginas
...international scientific series). S... 91... 1 • Zoology ; being a systematic account of the general structure, habits, instincts and uses of the principal families of the animal kingdom : as well as of the Chief forms of fossil remains. London, 1881 S...394...2 Cl. До. Foi. Chamberlaine,...
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Finding List of the Books in Science

Virginia State Library - 1911 - 440 páginas
...and zoologist; 1875. QL50 B924. 3372 Carpenter, WB Zoology; being a systematic account of the general structure, habits, instincts, and uses of the principal families of the animal kingdom; as well as of the chief forms of fossil remains. 1847-48. New ed. 2 v. QL45 C29. 3373 Cuvier, Georges,...
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Bulletin of the Virginia State Library

Virginia State Library - 1911 - 520 páginas
...and zoologist; 1875. QL50 B924. 3372 Carpenter, WB Zoology; being a systematic account of the general structure, habits, instincts, and uses of the principal families of the animal kingdom; as well as of the chief forms of fossil remains. 1847-48. New ed. 2 v. QL45 C29. 3373 Onvier, Georges,...
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Bibliotheca zoologica, Volumen 7

1913 - 776 páginas
...(Vervollständigung des Titels auf S. 747.) Carpenter, William B., Zoology, being a systematic account of the general structure, habits, instincts, and uses of the principal families of the animal kingdom; as well as of the cheaf forms of fossil remains. A new edition thoroughtly revised by WSDallas. 2 Vole....
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The Bookseller

1861 - 930 páginas
...nnd HOROLOGY. A popular Exposition. With 181 Illustrations. Post bvo, cloth, 5s. Carpenter's Zoology: a Systematic View of the Structure, Habits, Instincts,...the principal families of the Animal Kingdom, and of the chief forme of Fossil Remains. New Kdition, revised nnd completed to the Present Time (under...
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The Ecclesiastical History of Sozomen: Comprising a History of the Church ...

Sozomen, Saint Photius I (Patriarch of Constantinople) - 1855 - 588 páginas
...Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man. ;>v. (<•/. CARPENTER'S (Dr. WB) Zoology, A Systematic View of the Structure, Habits, Instincts,...the principal Families of the Animal Kingdom, and of the chief Forms of Fossil Remains. Revised by WS Dallas, FLS Numerous Woodcut".. 2 vols. 6s. each....
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Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, Volumen 6

1858 - 444 páginas
...information it contains to the time of publication. Zoology ; being a systematic account of the General Structure, Habits, Instincts, and Uses of the principal families of the Animal Kingdom. By WB CARPENTER, MD Vol. I. A new Edition, edited by WS DALLAS. London : Bohn. WE call attention to...
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[The correspondence ] ; The correspondence of ..., Volumen 12;Volumen 1864

Duncan M. Porter, Sheila Ann Dean, Paul S. White, Sarah Wilmot - 2001 - 762 páginas
...animals. 2 vols. London: Wm. S. Orr and Co. . 1845. Apology; being a systematic account of the general structure, habits, instincts, and uses of the principal families of the animal kingdom; as well as of the chief forms of fossil remains. 2 vols. London: Wm. S. Orr & Co. Carr, Raymond. 1986....
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