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Sir Walter Scott - 2017 - 404 páginas
"Waverley" is noteworthy not only in being the author's first novel, but also because it gives a fine panorama of an important historic period. The story is written around the ...
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Sir Walter Scott - 2012 - 547 páginas
Waverley is set during the Jacobite uprising of 1745c., which sought to restore the Stuart dynasty in the person of Charles Edward Stuart (or 'Bonnie Prince Charlie'). It ...
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Sir Walter Scott - 2006 - 502 páginas
In the backdrop of political issues such as the Jacobite risings and clashes between the two factions, the author has narrated the romantic tale of Waverley. The ups and downs ...
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Waverley: Or, 'tis Sixty Years Since

Walter Scott - 2018 - 512 páginas
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Walter Scott - 2017 - 350 páginas
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Waverley: Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since

Walter Scott - 2017 - 438 páginas
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Walter Scott - 2017 - 262 páginas
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