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Waverley Or Tis Sixty Years Since

Walter Scott - 2021 - 661 páginas
Waverley Or Tis Sixty Years Since Walter Scott - Waverley Or 'Tis Sixty Years Since is a historical novel by Walter Scott (17711832). Scott was already famous as a poet, and ...
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Waverley; Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since

Walter Scott - 2016 - 576 páginas
The title of this work has not been chosen without the grave and solid deliberation, which matters of importance demand from the prudent. Even its first, or general ...
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Waverley; Or 'Tis Sixty Years Since

Walter Scott - 2016 - 699 páginas
It is the time of the Jacobite uprising of 1745 which sought to restore the Stuart dynasty in the person of Charles Edward Stuart, known as "Bonnie Prince Charlie". A young ...
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Waverley; Or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since

Sir Walter Scott - 2015 - 629 páginas
This vintage book contains Sir Walter Scott's historical novel, "Waverley" (first published in 1814). It tells the story of Edward Waverley, a young English soldier who is sent ...
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Waverley Or 'Tis Sixty Years Since

Walter Scott - 2023 - 0 páginas
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... Waverley; Or, Tis Sixty Years Since

Sir Walter Scott - 2021 - 284 páginas
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