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Understanding Pragmatics

Jef Verschueren - 1999 - 316 páginas
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Semiotics: The Basics

Daniel Chandler - 2002 - 273 páginas
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Metaphor: Its Cognitive Force and Linguistic Structure

Eva Feder Kittay - 1990 - 376 páginas
The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive philosophical theory which explains the cognitive contribution of metaphor. The argument is illustrated with analysis of ...
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Frank Robert Palmer - 1981 - 236 páginas
When the first edition of Semantics appeared in 1976, the developments in this aspect of language study were exciting interest not only among linguists, but among philosophers ...
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"In Vain I Tried to Tell You": Essays in Native American Ethnopoetics

Dell H. Hymes - 2004 - 422 páginas
A landmark volume that revolutionized our understanding of the power and significance of Native stories and storytellers in North America, ?In vain I tried to tell you ...
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Folk Song Style and Culture

Alan Lomax - 390 páginas
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The Sociology of Consumption: An Introduction

Peter Corrigan - 1997 - 212 páginas
This lucid introduction to the sociology of consumerism examines the relationship between production and consumption in late capitalist societies. The historical and ...
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Acoustic Communication

Barry Truax - 2001 - 312 páginas
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