Museums, Their History and Their Use: With a Bibliography and List of Museums in the United Kingdom, Volumen 3James MacLehose and Sons, publishers to the University, 1904 |
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Página 23
... Museum . Deutsches Steinzeug bis zum Ende des 18 Mainz , [ 1884. ] Descriptive Catalogue of the collection of Mr. René Boch , of the firm of Villeroy & Boch ... NATURAL HISTORY COLLECTIONS . Fridrici ( RELATING TO PARTICULAR MUSEUMS 23.
... Museum . Deutsches Steinzeug bis zum Ende des 18 Mainz , [ 1884. ] Descriptive Catalogue of the collection of Mr. René Boch , of the firm of Villeroy & Boch ... NATURAL HISTORY COLLECTIONS . Fridrici ( RELATING TO PARTICULAR MUSEUMS 23.
Página 24
... Museum . Some Account of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the possession of Lady M. Second edition . 4to . London , 1896 . Mexico . 34 plates . NATIONAL MUSEUM . Hesse - Wartegg ( Ernst von ) , Traveller . Mexico . Land und ...
... Museum . Some Account of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the possession of Lady M. Second edition . 4to . London , 1896 . Mexico . 34 plates . NATIONAL MUSEUM . Hesse - Wartegg ( Ernst von ) , Traveller . Mexico . Land und ...
Página 26
... Museum in the Brera ; ( 3 ) The Museo Poldi Pezzoli in the Via Morone . IMPERIAL ROYAL or NATIONAL MUSEUM . Cattaneo ( Gaetano ) , Numismatist , Keeper , d . 1841 . Monete cufiche dell ' I. R. Museo di Milan . 4to . Milano , 1819 ...
... Museum in the Brera ; ( 3 ) The Museo Poldi Pezzoli in the Via Morone . IMPERIAL ROYAL or NATIONAL MUSEUM . Cattaneo ( Gaetano ) , Numismatist , Keeper , d . 1841 . Monete cufiche dell ' I. R. Museo di Milan . 4to . Milano , 1819 ...
Página 31
... NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY . Catalogue of the Library and Museum . 8vo . Montreal , 1846 . Third Report . 8vo . Ib . 1830 Annual Report . Ib . v.y. In progress . Instructions for preserving objects of Natural History respectfully addressed ...
... NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY . Catalogue of the Library and Museum . 8vo . Montreal , 1846 . Third Report . 8vo . Ib . 1830 Annual Report . Ib . v.y. In progress . Instructions for preserving objects of Natural History respectfully addressed ...
Página 32
... Museum and Portrait Gallery . Montreal , 1901 . 8vo . Prepared by Thomas O'Leary , Assistant Librarian . See Canada . Montrose . The Museum ... National Museum , Mexico . Morelia is the capital of the State of Michoacan . Moreno ( F. P. ) .
... Museum and Portrait Gallery . Montreal , 1901 . 8vo . Prepared by Thomas O'Leary , Assistant Librarian . See Canada . Montrose . The Museum ... National Museum , Mexico . Morelia is the capital of the State of Michoacan . Moreno ( F. P. ) .
Otras ediciones - Ver todo
Museums, Their History and Their Use, Volumen 3 David Murray No hay ninguna vista previa disponible - 1996 |
Términos y frases comunes
Alterthümer Ancient antiken Antiquary Antiquités Antiquities Archaeologischer Anzeiger Archaeologist Archiv für Ethnographie Ashmolean Museum Baron Berlin Beschreibung Bibliothèque Bildwerke British Museum Bronzes Bulletin Bullettino Cabinet Capitoline Museum Catalogue des objets Catalogue du Musée Charles Coins Coleccion collection Collector Curator d'Antiquités d'Histoire naturelle département Descriptive Catalogue Director du Musée Ethnographical Ethnographical Museum François French Friedrich Führer Gallery George Geschichte und Kunst Gesellschaft Henry historique infra Internationales Archiv Johann John Joseph Journal Katalog Keeper Leipzig Library London Louvre Madrid Mittheilungen Monuments Musei Museo arqueológico Museo civico Museography Museum is described MUSEUM MUSEO MUSEUM-cont Naples National Museum NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM Naturalist Notice Numismatist objects objets d'art Paris Petersburg Pierre plates Professor Reinach Reprint Revista de Archivos Revue Archéologique Roma Rome Royal Sale Catalogue Sammlung Sammlungen Sculpture Second edition Société Society Stockholm supra vases Verzeichniss Victor Balaguer Vienna volumes Westdeutsche Zeitschrift Wien Zeitschrift für Geschichte
Pasajes populares
Página 282 - Britannia Baconica; or, The Natural Rarities of England, Scotland, and Wales. According as they are to be found in every Shire. Historically related, according to the Precepts of the Lord Bacon; Methodically digested; and the Causes of many of them Philosophically attempted.
Página 35 - Catalogue systématique et raisonné des curiosités de la nature et de l'art qui composent le cabinet de M. Davila, avec figures en taille douce de plusieurs pièces qui n'avaient point été gravées; Paris, 1767 , 3 vol. m-8".
Página 122 - Pierres gravées des collections Marlborough et d'Orléans, des recueils d'Eckhel, Gori, Levesque de Gravelle, Mariette, Millin, Stosch réunies et rééditées avec un texte nouveau par Salomon Reinach...
Página 227 - Delle antiche statue greche e romane, che nell' antisala della libreria di San Marco, e in altri luoghi pubblici di Venezia si trovano.
Página 107 - A Description of ancient and modern coins in the cabinet collection at the Mint of the United States, Philadelphia, 1860.
Página 53 - City had given to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History.
Página 200 - Tancred (George). Historical Record of Medals and Honorary Distinctions conferred on the British Navy, Army and Auxiliary Forces, from the Earliest Period.
Página 105 - Notes upon the Collection of Coins and Medals now upon Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Museum and School of Industrial Art, Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia By HENRY PHILLIPS, Jr Philadelphia. 1879. [8vo. pp. 15.] Mr. Phillips is the author of" Historical Sketches of American Paper Currency...
Página 89 - Bibliothèque nationale, conservateur du département de la sculpture et des objets d'art du moyen âge, de la Renaissance et des temps modernes au Musée du Louvre...
Página 6 - INSTRUCCIÓN Hecha de orden del Rey NS para que los virreyes, gobernadores, corregidores, alcaldes mayores e intendentes de provincias en todos los dominios de SM puedan hacer, escoger, preparar y enviar a Madrid todas las producciones curiosas de Naturaleza que se encontraren en las tierras y pueblos de sus distritos, a fin de que se coloquen en el Real Gabinete de Historia Natural que SM ha establecido en esta Corte para beneficio e instrucción pública.