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at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Paffage, Fleet-Street:
And fold by ELIZ. NEWBERY, the Corner of St. Paul's
Church Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1794.

of that Principality by Edward the Firft), who was killed near Baith, in Brecknockfhire, tranfcribed from the late Rev. Evan Evans's (the Antiquary) valuable MSS, now in the Poffeffion of Pau! Panton, Efq. of Anglesey.

*Hic Leolinus ultimus Cambria fuit Princeps, et occifus fuit juxta Buellt 11mo.die Decembrisanno 1282, proditoribus, Madog Min, et aliis; in MSS. Comitis de Macclesfield, hane Madug Min Epifcopum Bangorien em fuiffe dicitur; fed neque in Godwino, neque alias ullibi, me talem tegitle, memin. Hoc faltem verum eft, Epifcopum illum, qui, Leolino regnante, mitram tenuit Bangorienfem, illi infenfum fuiffe, et ab eo in Angliam pulfum., Marwnad Llywelyn ab Gruffudd y Tywysog olaf Gymru, yr hwn a Luddwyd ym Moelit drwy dwyll Madog Min, yr hwn medd Llyfr Arglwydd Mcclestiell, sold Elgob Bangor; Fal hyny cant Llywelyn ab Guttun.

Mae Doctor ar Fangor fain Des Bradwr Ynys Brydain Brad a wnaeth briw dan eithin Bradog fu wa th Madog min Yn d'erbyn Lywelyn lwyd 1 Fuellt pan ddifwyd &c.



CRIA Arglwydd rhwydd, rhold a archaf,

Crift fab Duw didwyl', hanbwyll honaf
Crift ddeddfawl, cedawl, y ca tarnaf,
Ar ddelw a borthes, ddolur ddygnaf.

A berthyn am ddin. a ddyweda',
A bortho gofid, bid bwyllocaf,
A fu gnaws, achaws uchaf, ei feddiant
Ei feddwl bid leiaf.

Crift a ddaeth ir Byd, rhag bod Addaf,
A'r bobl yn Uffern, gethern gaethaf,
Jvm'enwi Nef, ynghylch Naf uchel,
A golles Angel anghelf, ddaf.

Colles Cymru fawr, gwawr gwreiddaf, Cyweit in cigud, gywddrud, lewaf, Gwreidd lyw, mid byw, ba wafó g lied! Gwreiddlew hygêd, rhoddged rhwyddaf.

Gwr a las drofom; gwr oedd drofa', Gwr oedd dros Gymru, hy y henwaf, Gwrawl Lywelyn, gwiriaf o Gymro, Gwr ni chare: fto, i'r ffir'd peíaf.

Gurgwrd.! yn c. rchu lû, iled eithaf, Gwr gwyrddiw Behyll, gwerfyll gorfaf, Gwreiddfab Gruffudd, ddi, raflaf, am reg Yn neddfau mawrdeg, Nudd a Mordaf,

Gwr gway w-rudd, gwr prudd fegis Priaf Gwr gwiw yn frenhin, tyddm falchaf Gwrhylwydd eigld, gvrhaclaf,-am draul, Hydi cerddai haul, i'r hwyl bellaf,

Gwr dig i ddeftryw, Llyw llyfeidd..f,
Gwr dygn i alar, car cywical,
Gwr cywirgoeth, doeth de tholaf-o Fon
Hyd yng Haerleon y lle tecaf.

Gwr fu Llywelyn ger terfyn Tâf
Gwr cyhoedd, gwiscoedd gwascarocaf,
Gwr oedd, art ennig, benaf o wyr,
Hyd ym Horth Wygyr*, Eryr araf,

Ygwr a gymmyrth, engyrth yngaf,
Angau dres bunces, drymloes dromaf
A gymero fy Rhwyf, rhywiecaf fonedd
Yn rhan trug redd, fawredd fwyaf.

BLEDDYN FARDD a'i cant o ddeutu 1282.

* Afon Wgyr, medd rhai, yw Cemaes ут Моп.

LEOLINI GRIFFINI FILII THRENODIA. CHRISTE Domine mmifice, donum petó, Chrifte fili Dei, fincere, fons fapienta i Chrifte facer, liberals, fortiffime, [Lift rufime, Q crucis pœnam tulifi feveriam im

Qua ad hominem [id eft, humanum genus]
fpeétant loquar,

Qui fert dolorem, fit prudentiffimus,
Cut natura liberaliter profudit fuas dotes,
Is animi fit bumillimi.

Chriftus venit in mundum, ne Adamus
Et genus humanum effet in inferno, cum ca-
codemonibus maximecaptives,[mum,
Ut expleret Colum circa Creatorem fupre-
Quod per lidt Angelus ft lidiflimus.

Perdidit Cambria magna heroem virtute incl-tiffimum, [millinumque; Qui gladium tenuit, corufcum, rutilum, fiPrinceps magnanimus non vivit, heu! quid faciam ob ejus damnúm,

Qui fuit Leo ftrenuus, donorum profufus, munificentiffimus!

Vir pro nobis periit; vir ex nobiliffima profapia ortus; L'oqui non ve cor, Vir qui Cambriam defendi, de quo aperte Magnanimus Leolinos, Cambrorum maxime ingenuus;

Vir cui non placut fugere proxim : via, i. e. qui omnino hoitibus tergum dare dedignatus eft;

Virquivirilitereft aggreffus aciem maxime exteníam (i. e. copy hífimam 1; Vir cui viridia fuerunt caftra, stattoque, Validulimus Griffini filiu, qui in do is conferend's [claros; Superabat Nudd et Morlavum, liber late Vir rufa hafta, vir feruus et Prian us, Vii digaus, et dux copiarum superb lima[liffimus,


Vir cui gloria redundat, vir fumptown The Ufque ad eum locum, quo fol curfum fuum facit longinquifimum;

Vir in deftruendo iracundus, Princepfque clementiflimus, [amicus fidiflimus; Vir ob quem magnus eft Indies, qui fuit Vir appr me elegans, fapiens, et fele&tiffimus a Mona, [cherrimum; Ufque ad Caer Llier, lecum omnium pulVir fuit Leolinus juxta Tavi terminos, Vir in publico verfans, veftibus laxiffimis, Vir fuit præcipuus, hemnum etos, Uique :d portum Gv ygyr,.Aquila generofa, 1dle vero qui affumpfit ærumnam anguftiffimam, [graviffimamque, Et mortem pro genere humano, miferam, Accipiat meum Principem, nobiliffimi orûs, Et eum participem reddat fuæ mifericordiæ,

qui fummus eft honos. BLETHINUS BARDUS compofuit,circa 281.

The Gentleman's Magazine;

Lloyd's Evening
St. James'sChron.
London Chren.
London Evening.
The Sun-Star
Whitehall Even.
London Packet
English Chron.
Middlefex Journ.
Hue and Cry.
Daily Advertifer
Morning Chron.
M. Peft & World
Public ans Advert.
13. Weekly Papers
Bath a, Bristol 4
Birmingham 2


[blocks in formation]

Canterbury 2





The Meteorological Diaries for June and July 586 Charnel-houfesandCrypts-Sandys's Monum. 617
Letter from Dr.Franklin to the Earl of Buchan 587 Newton Hall-Chaler phonos -Charles's Chair 613
Mrs. Allerdyce-Bhops and Temporal Peers 588 Trans-atlantic Correspondence-Geo. Pierce 619
Scriptural Criticifm, and Mifcellan. Remarks Faffage in Buria' Service - Sir Ifac Newton 620
Particular Defcription of the land of Coifica 589 Lincolnshire Loyalty fhewn in 1ft Century ib
Mr. Tho Wath-The Author of Chryfal 591 Collinfon's Somes let -Affinity of Language 621
Cafimir-Proteftant and Catholic Churches th A Juryman's Thoughts on Turnpike Roads 622
Epaph at Mercers Hall on Chauncy Family 592 Critique on Mr Bolwell and on Dr. Johnfon 623
William the Lion, King of Scotland-Sterne 503 Poets vindicated-An Anecdote of Dr. Wat's 624
Mr. Archdeacon Travis and Profeffor Por fon 594 Original Letters of De in Swift to Mr. Windar 625
Letters of Dr. Hildefley and Mr. Richardfon 595 On the Inftinct ve Attection of Animals, &c 629)
Philofophical Reafons for Clerical Corpulence 596 What Abbey Lands difcharged from Tithes? 627
Popular Superftition-Cafe of Hydrophobia 598 The Chronicles of the Seafons for Spring 1794628
Scrophulous Abfcefs-The Farley Infeription 599 Proceedings of te laft Seation of Parliament 629
British Settlement-Mifcellan. Obfervations 600 REVIEW OF NEW PUBLICATIONS 633-548
WithernfeyandOwthorne-The BrownGrub 6c1 INDEX INDICATORIUS-Queries anfwered 648
The Garden Infect in White Froth harmless 602 | SELECT POETRY, Antient and Modern 649-654)
Mr.Shaw's Report of Hiftory of Staffordshire 603 National Convention in France-For. Affairs 655)
The Progrefs of an Author-M. Vou Haller 656 Intelligence from various Parts oftheContinent 657
The Gallican Church-Stat. 28 Hen. VIII. 607 Important Tutelligence from London Gazettes 659
A Two Months Tour in Scotland concluded 610 On the Union of Corfica with Great Britain 66;
Orgbromerer-A Barber's Fol-The Creed 612 Hiftorical Chronicle-Domeftic Occurrences 663
Free Mafonry-Reliques of Ancient Poetry 613 Marriages, Deaths, Preferments, &c. 670-679
Glattonbury Seal-The Langworth Family 615 Theatr. Regifter Monthly Bill of Mortality 679
Oliver Cromwell's Houfe -On Dr. Prietley 617 Daily Variations in the Prices of the Stocks 680
Embellished with a Portrait of ST. WILLIAM THE LYON, KING OF SCOTS; with
Picturefque Views of the Sifter Churches of WITHERNSEY and OWTHORNE ;





Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, at Cicero's Head, Red-Lion Paffage, Fleet-ftreet; where all Letters to the Editor are defired to be addreffed, Pos T-PAID. 1794.


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