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the request that each recipient of a question answer it concisely with a few remarks. not occupying more than three minutes. It would then be open for discussion for a few minutes and after that two minutes would be allowed for the first speaker to close the discussion. A few of the questions thus taken up were: What position should the League take in regard to amusements? Is it right to give a secular program? How much time and vitality should be given to the social side? What kind of social exercises shouid be taken up? People of what ages should be encouraged to become members of the Luther League? The result was an intensely interesting and instructive discussion, although on account of the necessary time limit. many of the questions were by no means treated as exhaustively as might be desirable.

During the evening session of May 4, the paper on the third and last subtopic, "When and Where God's Will Should Be Done," was read. This paper was by Carl Trygstad, of Brookings. Some leading thoughts from his paper are: God's will is that we should believe in Him and serve Him This should first be done at home. We are too prone to measure what we do with property values, but His will is that we estimate the value of what we do by the measure in which they help to glorify God. Some attempt to do the will of God by retirement and seclusion, but that is not where He desires us to do it. We should do it wherever we are, even in the midst of our daily activities. God commanded His disciples to go and preach the Gospel to all the world. In this command, Christ indicates where His will should be done. For that more education of the right kind is needed. This education on the part of the missionary workers must be a training for the activities necessary on the mission field, and on the part of the people, of such a nature so as to call fort! a right sympathy with the missionary, and a willingness to aid him by material support. Of the missions, the home mission should receive our first support; the foreign should come second. The work of the missionary is not only to save the souls of the benighted heathens, although this is the prime object, but it also paves a way for commerce and civilization. It is not only His will that we correct evil already existing, but more so that we remove causes of evil.

The discussion of this paper was taken up by Rev. Skartvedt. God's will should be done

all the time and everywhere. His will is our salvation and the most important thing we can do is that which we can do to further our salvation. We can not atone for our sins. In so far as that is concerned, we can do nothing. Christ only can do that and He has done it, but we must seek the good He has reserved for us. To seek this should be the great object of our lives-that is His will. He has salvation and atonement reserved for us and He invites us to come and partake of it. The best way for us to please God is to accept His invitation.

Rev. Glesne: We sometimes make a mistake by giving promiscuously to the supposed poor.

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We too often give alms to lazy and undeserving persons and thereby encourage the parasitic habit. To give persons of that kind a few cents often affords us the least trouble, and therefore we do it.

On Sunday, May 5, at 10:30, the convention again assembled in the church, which was filled almost to the limit of its seating capacity. The convention sermon was delivered by Rev. G. M. Bruce, of Red Wing, Minn., who took for his text "Thy Will Be Done." God's will is first of all that we should believe in Jesus Christ. To do that, the first thing we must do is to repent our sins and become born again. After that. we must grow in

grace. As a child must grow naturally after it is born, so we must spiritually, until we become like Christ Himself. The Apostle puts up before us no other pattern but Christ. Some people think it not necessary to be regenerated every day, but they are wrong. The Church should take the same attitude toward its wayward members as a parent takes to a deformed child. A mother will be fonder of the sickly child than of the strong one, and will care for it more tenderly, and that is what the Church should do for its erring child. It is a law of nature that the body or any part of the body that is not used will atrophy. The same law applies to spiritual faculties. The reason why we often lose faith, why it atrophies instead of grows, is that we do not use our faith. Paul says that every member of the church is to the church as a joint of the body is to the whole body. It is God's will that all men should serve their fellow men. We often read of conservation of natural resources. But there is also a conservation of spiritual resources, and the greatest source of knowledge that we have of spiritual conservation is the Bible. Even the most humble and menial work, when done in the right spirit, is a service done to God.

The principal feature of the Sunday afternoon session was an address, "Lutheran Education and Training," by Prof. E. J. Braulick of Eureka. In this address he pointed out a few weak points in the public school system of our country, the principal one of which was the lack of moral training and emphasized the merits and advantages in this respect of denominational schools in which religious instruction is given together with the secular branches. People should not keep their children out of the public schools, however, when no other schools are available, but whenever there is an opportunity of sending them to Lutheran denominational schools, they should by all means be sent there.

In the evening the rally address was delivered by Rev. O. Glesne. For his text he took Is. 40:8, "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the word of our God shall stand forever." This was to be a raily in which the ranks were to be gathered about the word of God. Knowledge is needed for all activity and we must know ourselves in order to make the best use of ourselves, and this knowledge we can get only from the Bible. It is said that Alexander's reading of Homer spurred him

on to the accomplishment of deeds almost superhuman; if human words have such a power, how much more power must not the word of God have! Any kind of work, when prompted by Christ, will be treasure laid up in heaven for eternity. In these days we are tempted to believe other books more than the Bible. If we do, we will fail as Christians. Our sign of success as Luther Leaguers is faith in the Gospel.

Short closing addresses were then given by Professor Nordgaard, who urged the United Church not to withdraw from the League, and Rev. Kuhns, who enlarged on the text, "God's word endureth forever," and Rev. Dahl, who made a few remarks about "Lord, what wouldst thou have me do?"

During the reception, Friday evening, musical numbers were furnished by the local orchestra and during the entire program music formed an important feature. A number of selections were given by the Brookings Male Chorus, consisting of some twenty members. Other selections were given by the local choir and quartet; solos were given by Miss Caroline Hermanson, vocal instructor at Augustana, and by E. J. Anderson of Canton.

The following resolutions were adopted:

I. That during the ensuing year, the president and the corresponding secretary be instructed to receive more complete and accurate statistics of numerical strength of the State League, and to urge upon each local League that for some time has not been represented at the State convention to send at least one representative to the next convention. That this convention urges each local League to take up some definite form of church activity and would direct especially attention to the many opportunities offered by the foreign mission activities of the various synodical bodies.


3. That a Luther League lecture bureau be established for the purpose of giving information and arranging the most feasible plan for a lecture course at such places where such a course may be desired. The committee in charge of this work shall consist of two memhers and shall be appointed by the president.

4. That the individual Leagues belonging to this organization are urged to get into touch with local Leagues and young people's societies in their vicinities that are not yet members of the State League and to urge them to become members of the State organizations.

5. That this convention acknowledge with thanks the kind greeting, brought by Rev. Kuhns from President Stoever, of the Luther League of America, and that we request Rev. Kuhns to return the greetings of this conven(Continued on page 18.)

RAJAHMUNDRY, India, March 27, 1912. Mr. Louis Van Gilluwe, Pres. Luther League, of New Jersey:

MY DEAR SIR-My first two months in India have been very pleasant, and as the first impressions are to be received-and such there are many, when one comes to a land like India for the first time-this short space of time has been mighty interesting, never to be forgotten. In one respect I may say I did not come into a strange land, or rather, surroundings, for my brother and family are here, a few of my old schoolmates and other faces who have been familiar to me before, are my com.panions in this vineyard. All of these I can see and visit from time to time.

Our first duty is to study the vernacular. While doing this there are a few things which Iwe, the ordained missionaries, can do. As to myself I might say I preach in our Rajahmundry church every third Sunday evening in English. There are here in Rajahmundry native Christians, some of them teachers and students, and our missionaries who regularly attend an English service. I also have been street preaching with one of our evangelists. I would speak in English and he would interpret sentence by sentence. Mostly when I went with him I illustrated the life of Christ and he would speak. These pictures draw crowds of people and we can preach Christ and Him crucified to a large number of precious souls. If we had more lantern slides and lanterns we could reach still more people. Since my arrival a Luther League has been organized at St. Paul's Church, Rajahmundry. They have chosen me as their president. Forty-four boys have signed the constitution. There are two other boys' Luther Leagues among congregations of our district missionaries. Miss Schade, the superintendent of our Rajahmundry girls' school, has among her 200 attendants three Luther League divisions. Mine is the only one conducted in Englishand that only to a large extent.

I am very glad to help the boys in their Luther League work. They are so sincere and active. In fact, all our Christians are so devoted to Christ that they would be good examples for many people at home. My boys wanted a devotional service.

The congrega

tion worships from 8 to 9 a. m., and the.

League from 9.30 to 10.30. We then have two or three addresses given by the boys and young men. Some of these young men arc teachers in our boys' school. Thus you will understand when I say some very fine addresses are delivered, even in English. Last Sunday one of them gave a very excellent address on "God's Love Revealed in the Cross on Calvary." Another, a boy of fifteen, gave a very good address on "Christ's Sufferings," the introduction of which was amusing as well as interesting. It is as follows: "Not long ago, one who was called a great man, died. There were columns and columns in the newspapers about his last days, which were

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read eagerly, even by boys and girls. I wonder if you have ever fully read the whole account of the last hours of Him who loved us so." Then he continues to narrate the story of Christ's sufferings in simple but effective words.

Shortly after my arrival my brother went into the district, where he serves more than 9,000 souls. During the present months he is visiting his 250 congregations, to examine the spiritual life, to baptize the infants, to baptize or confirm the adults and to administer the Lord's Supper. He is very much pleased with the success of his work, rather the blessing from on high. Since New Year's he baptized 700 souls, old and young, 200 infants of Christian parents, all others heathen con

verts. You will agree that he has more than one man's work to do. But the secret of his far-reaching ability is, that in every congregation there are men and women who are true missionaries. Among these are especially the members of his Church Councils.

Yours in Christ,

A. F. A. NEUDOEFFER. N. B. The above I wrote to my former congregation, and if it be of any interest to yours, present it with my warmest greetings, and God's blessing to the labors of your new pastor. Special greetings to the Church Council, with which I spent such a pleasant evening. Mr. Van Gilluwe, may I ask a favor of you will you please order for me about one-half dozen Junior League Topics, to be sent to my address. The Senior League Topics are too difficult for most of my boys. I will be very grateful to you. Please let me hear from you some time.

Very sincerely yours in Christ,


Book Reviews

NARRATIVES ON THE CATECHISM. 75 cents net. Lu. theran Book Concern, Columbus, Ohio. What had previously been issued in four separate and small books is now combined in one handy volume of foo pages. The title is fully descriptive and the contents justify the title. It is a series of selected comments and illustrative incidents, taken from Caspari, Hermann Fick, and C. A. E. E. G. Glaser. Those who teach and any who would understand Luther's Small Catechism will find here much excellent material to assist them.

LIFE'S MORNING. Addresses to Young Men and Young Women. By Rev. L. H. Schuh, Ph.D. Pp. 207. 75 cents net. Lutheran Book Concern, Columbus, Ohio.

This book by the president of a university is far better fitted for young men than for young women. It contains five addresses on "Youth Preparatory to Maturity," "The Successful Life," "The Noblest Calling," "Christian Growth," "A Vocation." The first three are the best and are of the kind that any youth would read with genuine interest. Success is, for instance, pithily summarized under the elements of Work. Self-Control and Love. The appeal for the Christian ministry in the third address is placed in terms which are unusual and distinctly attractive. It is a good gift book for a growing lad.

Luther League of South Dakota
(Continued from page 16.)

tion to Mr. Stoever with our hopes for a successful and blessed convention at Albany, N. Y.; and also that we send through Rev. Kuhns the fraternal gretings of the Luther League of South Dakota to the various State conventions that he may visit during the year.

6. That, in gratitude to the Luther League of America for the valuable aid and inspiration furnished the Luther League of South Dakota through the presence and enthusiastic work of the General Secretary, Rev. Luther M. Kuhns, at this and former conventions of our State league, and in view of the fact that this organization has contributed very little to the general secretary fund, the Luther League of South Dakota contribute to the general secretary fund the amount of the collection received at the rally meeting of this convention.

7. That we express our thanks to the Triune God for His gracious kindness, which has made possible the good things of this convention, and for the strong spirit of Christian fellowship that He has permitted to prevail throughout the deliberations of these days.

8. That to Rev. Dahl, the members of the local League and the members of the local congregation, we extend our hearty thanks for the splendid and hospitable reception and for the many courtesies shown the members of this convention.

9. That to Rev. Bruce, for the sacrifice of time and effort to be present and for his kind words of advice and encouragement. To Rev. Kuhns for the inspiration and enthusiasm he has brought the members of the convention, to all who have contributed in any way, in music or speech, to make the program a success this convention expresses its sincere gratitude.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, James O. Berdahl, Lake Preston; vice president, Rev. Kraushaar, Aberdeen; recording secretary, Lilli Bengston, Hecla; corresponding secretary, A. S. Bragstad, Sioux Falls; literary secretary, J. S Nordgaard, Canton; treasurer, E. J. Anderson, Canton.

The following were appointed by the president:

Executive-A. C. Anderson, Baltic; Christina Ostroot, Lake Preston: Rev. Oluf Lysness, Vermillion; A. S. Bragstad, Sioux Falls: Mrs. B. A. Adams, Bristol.

Extension-Rev. E. J. Braulick, Eureka : Prof. B. E. Wick, Redfield; Miss Lena Jenson, Yankton; J. C. Jenson, Hurley; Rev. K. N. Rudie, Sisseton.

Lecture Bureau-Prof. John G. Berdah'. Canton; Rev. O. Glesne, Aberdeen.

Second Week after Trinity. June 16, 1912. Honoring Parents and Superiors Exodus 20:12; Eph. 6:1-9.

Topic reviewed by Rev. Paul W. Koller. This is the first commandment on the second table, which table gives us the duties we owe to our fellowmen. Rightly is that command with regard to honoring our parents put first, for nothing is more important than filial obedience and love. The family is the foundation, in a very true sense, of the State and the Church life, and if it is to be preserved children must honor and obey their parents and superiors.

1. froze do we best honor them?--In answering this question the mind of every Lutheran will naturally go back to what he learned in his Catechism-Luther's Answers. We honor them not simply when we protest our love in ardent terms of endearment, but by constant and cheerful obedience. This is the truest test of our respect for them.

We honor them by loving them and showing that love in acts of tender devotion and service. Nothing is more beautiful in all the world than strong men and women ministering to their aged parents, and doing all in their power to make comfortable their closing days.

We honor our parents by listening to their advice and giving heed to their counsel. There comes a time in almost every child's life when he thinks he knows more of the world and its up to date ways than his parents. This has been the danger time for many children. Children do not know more than their parents of the ways of the world, and they do well to heed their counsel, and follow their godly example. Our Master, who was Lord of heaven and of earth, honored with obedience and love His earthly parents, and so should


2. The Parents' Part.-This commandment only reached a Jewish child through his parents or superiors. What an opportunity it gave them and what a responsibility, too. They could not and did not use it simply to uphold arbitrary authority; it was a sacred thing and to be brought as God's word. Parents therefore felt the obligation to be worthy of the respect and honor of their children, not

only in right living, but in providing for the temporal and spiritual interests of their children. In studying this lesson, if we are parents, we should not forget our part, and strive to be worthy of our children's honor and respect.

3. The Promise. This is the only commandment that carries with it a promise, which gives it special significance and interest, "Honor thy father and thy mother that it may be well with thee and thou mayest live long on the earth."

Modern commentators say that this promise is natural-the nation's days were to be "long upon the land," if the citizens generally were obedient children. But the writer of the Epistle to the Ephesians makes it a personal affair, and teaches that children who honor and obey their parents have the promise of long life. Of one thing we are sure, and that is, those who honor their parents will be richly blessed.

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Reputation and Character

Prov. 22:1-6; I Cor. 15:58.

Topic reviewed by Rev. Paul W. Koller.

1. The Value of a Good Name.-There was a time when Christian men cared little what other men thought and said of them. In fact, they thought it belittled their piety to have men generally speak well of them. There was a reason for this, which had its foundation in what our Master said in the sermon on the mount: "Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets." This was and is important advice, for the principles of the world and of Christ's kingdom are not alike, and those Christians who win the approval of

The Luther League Topics, complete lessons (of which the above are outlines and reviews), in 32-page pamphlet, covering three months, can be supplied at rates given on page 35 by LUTHER LEAGUE REVIEW, Box 876. New York, N. Y.

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