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Conducted by I. S. RUNYON

S ND IN THE NEWS.-Under this heading we aim to give the fullest reports possible of all District and Local Leagues. Secretaries and other officers are earnestly solicited to send in reports and items of

news promptly.

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.New Britain



Fremont .Hastings

Cor. Secretary, MISS ANNA SMITH...
President, PROF. KARL F. MILLER... Chehalis, Wash.
Cor. Sec., MISS CLARA A. GOKE.....Seattle, Wash.
President, REV. F. C. SCHULDT..
President, F. C. HESSLER.
District Leagues in States Not Organized
President, H. R. FELLINGER..... Washington, D. C.
Cor. Sec., HARVEY A. BENNER... Washington, D. C.
Secretary, MISS GRACE STEVENSON........ .San José




-The annual convention of the Luther League of New York State will be held in Albany, November 12, with sessions in the morning and afternoon.

Mohawk Valley District.

-The twenty-first annual convention of the Luther League of the Mohawk Valley District was held in St. James' Church, Gloversville, October 15, 1912.

The devotional service at the morning session was conducted by Rev. Empie, St. Johnsville. The address of welcome was extended by Rev. Joel Grubb, pastor of the church. C. A. Rockwell, president, responded.


The president's and the corresponding secretary's reports were received. There are four

teen Leagues in the district, with a membership of 993. Thirteen of these Leagues hold religious meetings, use the Topic cards, and six subscribe for the Luther League Review. The contributions of these Leagues amounted to $1,020.63.

The treasurer reported an income of $88.52, and the disbursements were $51.05, leaving $37.47 in the treasury.

The committee on resolutions was then appointed, as follows: Miss Marion Gray, Mr. Otto Gronau and Rev. P. J. W. Pestke.

The devotional service in the afternoon was conducted by the Rev. P. J. W. Pestke, after which a vocal duet was given by Mrs. Delbert Bradt and Mr. Frank Patten, Gloversville.

The address of the afternoon was by Rev. D. A. Wright, Stone Arabia.

After the report of the committees on credentials and resolutions, the Rev. Oscar Krauch, Albany, spoke of the national convention.

The District League subscribed $65 to the fund for entertainment of the national convention.

The following officers were elected: President, Mr. Otto Gronau, Troy; vice-president, Mr. Pearl, Utica; corresponding secretary, Mrs. C. J. Witherwax, Schenectady; recording secretary, Miss Lilian Knack, Amsterdam; treasurer, Mr. C. Ottman, Schenectady. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. Rockwell for the good and faithful work he has done during the four years he served as president of the District League.

Delegates appointed to the national convention are: Mr. C. A. Rockwell, Utica; Mr. A. Coney, Canajoharie, and Mr. C. Ottman, Schenectady. Delegates were also appointed to the State convention, to be held November 12.

A vote of thanks was extended to the members of St. James' Church for the hospitality shown the delegates and visitors.

The evening session began at 7.45 o'clock with an anthem, "Onward, Christian Soldiers," by the choir. Devotional service was in charge of Rev. Graves.

The address of the evening, "God's Call to the Young People of Today," was given by Rev. J. W. Smith, Utica.

The convention was then closed with the singing of the Luther League Rally Hymn.

Although the attendance at the morning and afternoon sessions was small, they were very enthusiastic, and much good was derived from the addresses.

A special meeting of the delegates from Schenectady, Gloversville and Amsterdam was held at the close of the afternoon session. A motion was adopted that those Leagues hold union rallies three or four times yearly, the first to be held at Amsterdam some time in December. A committee was appointed make necessary arrangements.


Philadelphia District.


-The Luther League of Bethlehem Church celebrated its fifteenth anniversary Monday evening, September 23. The pastor of the




155 East 23rd Street, New York, N. Y.

church gave a very interesting history of the League, illustrated by lantern slides. Addresses were made by Mr. Wm. C. Stoever, president of the National Luther League, and Mr. Francis C. Leupold, president of the District League. A musical program and refreshments rounded out of in a fitting manner the anniversary of one the most active Leagues in the Philadelphia District. Rev. A. C. Schenck is the pastor and Mr. Frederick A. Bernhardt is the president. Allentown District.

-The eighteenth annual convention of the Allentown District Luther League was held in Christ Church, Easton, Rev. E. E. Snyder, pastor, Wednesday, October 23, morning, afternoon and evening. The speakers for the afternoon were Rev. H. A. Kinkle, Allentown; Mrs. Raymond Higgins, Emaus; Prof. James H. S. Bossard, Allentown, and Rev. J. H. Waidelich, Sellersville. The speaker for the evening was Rev. Charles L. Fry, D. D., of Catasauquà. The morning session was devoted principally to business.

Catawissa District Luther League.

-The twenty-fourth convention of the Catawissa District Luther League was held October 3 and 4, in St. Paul's Church, Numidia, Pa., Rev. Wm. J. Masser, pastor. The convention was one of great profit. The convention theme was "The Local League." This was discussed by the speakers as follows: "The Musical Factor," Miss Sarah Woodside, Danville; "The Religious Factor," Rev. C. R. Botsford, Berwick; "The Social Factor," W. Grant Beaver, Numidia; "The Financial Factor," Miss Hazel R. Strine, Milton. Rev. George Gebhert, B. D., of Tamaqua, delivered a splendid address at the evening session upon the subject of "Our Church Schools: Their Mission and Purpose.' Officers were elected as follows: President, Rev. M. M. Dry, Aristes; vice-president, Lawrence Heddens, Washingtonville; recording secretary, Miss Laura Fahringer, Catawissa, R. D. 3; corresponding and statistical secretary, W. Grant Beaver, Numidia; treasurer, Mrs. J. D. Swanger, Milton. Delegates to the State convention were elected as follows: Rev. Wm. J. Masser, Mrs. Victor Miller, Miss Elsie Dimmick, Rev. J. L. Yonce, Mrs. J. D. Swanger. An invitation was accepted to hold the 1913 convention in Holy Trinity Church, Berwick, Rev. C. R. Botsford, pastor..

Berks County District.

-The seventy-fifth quarterly convention of the Berks District Luther League was held October 10, at the Lutheran Orphans' Home, at Topton. There were two sessions, morning and afternoon. It was one of the largest meetings

ever held by this District League. The chapel was festooned with the Luther League colors, as well as flowers. Autumn leaves were in evidence throughout the building and the word "Welcome" over the main entrance greeted the visitors and delegates.

Rev. Wm. Kline, Trinity Church, Topton, conducted the devotional services. "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" was sung with much spirit by the large assemblage. The president, H. H. Herman, presided.

Treasurer A. P. Body, Reading, reported $9.39 in the treasury. In the report of the extension committee it was recommended that every congregation support a Luther League-the result would be an intelligent laity, which will be of great benefit to pastor and congregation. The president of the District League reported four conventions held during the year-St. Mark's, Birdsboro; Hope, Reading; St. John's, Hamburg, and Grace, Shillington.

The president called attention to the efficient work done by the literary secretary, Mrs. H. Y. Yocum. There are now 249 subscribers to the Luther League Review, the number being more than doubled in the last three years. There are 1,638 Leaguers and 350 Junior Luther League members in the Berks District. The motto for 1913 is "Let's pass the 2,000 mark."

Dinner was served at the Home, for 25 cents per plate.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Wm. D. Schoenly, St. John's, Boyertown; first vice-president, Frederick Goelz, Hope, Reading; second vice-president, Rev. Dr. J. C. Seegers, Trinity, Reading; treasurer, A. P. Body, St. James', Reading; recording secretary, Miss Helen Himmelreich, Trinity, Reading; corresponding secretary, Miss Anna Flickinger, St. Elias', Numanstown; statistical secretary, Harry Shaeffer, Grace, Shillington.


The Rev. F. K. Fretz, Ph. D., Easton, gave a forceful address on "Practical Inner Mission Work." He made many suggestions how local Luther Leagues may assist the Church and community in this kind of mission work. few thoughts follow: "There is a world wide. tendency for people to move into large cities. The population of London increased 80 per cent. in the last century; Paris, 85 per cent. in eighty years; Cairo, in Egypt, 90 per cent. in fifty years. This increase is seen not only in European and American cities, but in the cities of Japan and India as well. This movement means in many cases that our country parishes will be depleted; but it doesn't always mean that our city churches will increase their membership. The Church therefore loses through this transformation. The growth of our cities is not only due to this movement, but there are 1,000,000 immigrants annually pouring into our country. The speaker asserted that 10 per cent. of the people in New York are living beneath the poverty line.

Rev. C. E. Kistler, Rev. Dr. J. C. Seegers, Rev. Warmkessel and Rev. Weber took part in the discussions. The new president, Wm. D. Schonely, appointed Miss Sadie Armstrong,

Reading, as literature secretary, to succeed Mrs. H. Y. Yocom, who wished to be relieved on account of the multiplicity of duties.

"Retrospection" was the subject of an interesting address delivered by Charles F. Reed, of Reading. A few thoughts follow: The chief value of statistics lies in their comparative qualities, and it is in placing figures against figures at stated periods of time by which we ascertain whether there has been growth and progress or not. Every enterprise, religious or secular, had a beginning. Take, for example, this splendid institution, the Topton Orphans' Home! This had its inception at a Sunday school convention, and while its inception was hailed with joy, its existence depended upon those who by sacrifice of labor, time and money performed the part of parents to children. Mr. Reed told how the District Luther League of Berks County was organized in Trinity Lutheran Church, Reading, May 18, 1894. There were many obstacles to overcome, and oppositions to meet, which required patience and courage.

The executive committee will decide where and when the next quarterly convention will be held.

Lancaster District.

-The eighteenth annual convention of the Luther League of the District of Lancaster, Lebanon, Harrisburg, etc., met October 16 for an all day session in the Church of the Holy Trinity, Lebanon, Rev. Arthur T. Michler, pastor. A special train conveyed the Lancaster delegates and friends to Lebanon. The beautiful church was handsomely decorated for the occasion with autumn leaves, flowers and Luther League pennants.

John M. Fry was presiding officer and was re-elected. Seventeen Leagues were represented and five new organizations were admitted, making twenty-two in all. The speakers of the day were Revs. C. Elvin Haupt, D. D., I. W. Kern, S. T. D., E. L. Wessinger, G. W. Genszler, Luther Weibel, F. C. Krapf, Prof. G. T. Ettinger, of Muhlenberg College, Rev. L. D. Lazarus, W. G. Dietz, Miss Blanche Dinkelberg and Mrs. Joseph R. Charles.

Reports were handed in by Charles B. Brady, statistician, and M. L. Weidman, treasurer.

The officers elect are: President, J. M. Fry; vice-president, J. S. Peifer; recording secretary, Miss Blanche Dinkelberg; corresponding secretary, Miss Anna Bair; statistician, Charles B. Brady; treasurer, M. L. Weidman.

The delegates to the National League at Albany, November 12, are: Rev. J. H. Strenge, Mrs. Minnie Breneman and Miss Ella Saunders.

Dinner and supper were served by the young ladies of the Trinity League. A picture of the members of the convention was taken at the front of the church.

Committees were appointed as follows: Executive, extension, credentials, Junior work, the press, the summer reunion, resolutions.

The weather was delightful and all enjoyed a most instructive and inspiring day.

York District.

-The Luther League of Trinity Church, Wrightsville, celebrated its third anniversary October 5. Mr. J. Fry, of Ephrata, was the speaker. An interesting review of the work of the League for the three years was given by the president, Mr. Caleb Drenning. Among the facts stated were that the League was organized with 71 members and now has 163. The average attendance at the devotional meeting on Sunday evening is 70 per cent. of the membership, and visitors frequently bring the attendance up to 260 persons. The success of this meeting is due partly to the preparation of the committee, whose members meet every week and study the Topic. The literary committee festival days, arranges special meetings


such as Luther Day, Easter Sunday and the like. The missionary spirit is prevalent and growing, the support of a native worker in India, at $30, having been provided for another year and with less effort. Many of the members are developing the capacity for public speech on religious questions. One of the helpful factors in the meetings is a male chorus, and another is a mixed quartet. Pittsburgh District.

-The Luther League of Christ's Church, Beaver Falls, held its annual meeting October 3, and elected the following officers: President, Mr. George Wagner; vice-president, Mr. Harry Grossglass; recording secretary, Miss Anna Holtzmann; corresponding secretary, Miss

Renetta Holtzmann; treasurer, Miss Anna D. Scheffler; organist, Miss Martha Cook; assistant organist, Miss Verna Shanor; librarian, Mr. Otto C. Grossglass; assistant librarian, Mr. William Mischka.

Cleveland District.


-The Luther League of Emmaus Church gave a reception to the Lutheran young people of Cleveland on Tuesday evening, October 22, 1912. The purpose of this meeting was to form a Lutheran young people's society for Cleveland and vicinity. All members of the Luther Leagues and the Luther League Review were invited. The Review hopes to publish a complete report of this meeting.

Northwestern Ohio District.

-The fall convention of the District Luther League of Northwestern Ohio was held at Defiance, on Wednesday, October 16.

At the morning session, which was held at Zion Church, Rev. Shepfer, pastor, an excellent sermor was preached by Rev. Ziemer, of St. Paul's, Defiance. At noon a dinner was served in the basement of the church.

At the afternoon session the subject, "The Need of Watchfulness," was informally discussed by the pastors and delegates. Two papers were read. The first, "Good Investments-Talents," by Mr. E. Rohde, of Grace, Toledo, and the second, "Good Investments-Influence," by Miss Hannah Hulstede, of St. Paul's, Defiance. Two vocal selections were sung by local Leaguers.

At the business session the following officers were elected: President, Mr. O. C. Rohde, of

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Central Indiana District.

-The tenth semi-annual convention of the Luther League of the District of Central Indiana was held on October 6, 1912, in the First Lutheran Church, Indianapolis.

The opening service of the afternoon session. was conducted by Mr. Wm. D. Schrope, of Indianapolis, District president. A paper on "Our Neighbor's Right to the Truth"' was read by This paper Miss Rosa Vetter, of Indianapolis. was followed by a general discussion on the topic, "Truth and Charity," by the delegates and pastors.

The vesper service of the evening was conducted by Rev. C. A. Renn, of the First Church, Indianapolis. The convention was led in prayer by Rev. Wm. S. Sigmund, D. D., of St. Mark's Church, Indianapolis. The convention sermon preached by Rev. C. L. Warstler, of Whitestown. His subject "The Young Men Shall See Visions and the Old Men Shall Dream Dreams." The convention closed with the benediction by Rev. E. A. Renn.


Northern District.


-The Luther League of Holy Trinity Church, South Bend, Rev. A. H. Keck, pastor, will entertain the Northern District in their annual convention, November 29.

-The Luther League of St. Peter's Church, Camden, at their business meeting in October, elected officers for the year, as follows: Mr. Charles E. Baker, president; Miss Amanda Roth, vice-president; Miss Myra Plank, secretary; Miss Abigail Lenon, treasurer.

-The executive committee of the District Luther League of Northern Indiana has chosen South Bend as the place for the annual convention, to be held Friday, November 29, 1912, an afternoon and an evening session.


-The Luther League of St. Peter's Church, Williamsburg, held its annual business meeting on Wednesday evening, October 2. The following officers were re-elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. O. P. Becker; vice-presi

dent, Mrs. Edgar Casselman; recording secreary, Mr. Frank Merkley; treasurer, Mr. Iden Whitteker.

At a recent meeting the League decided to pay $10 toward the scholarship of one of the theological students who will enter the Waterloo Seminary.

The League also expects to do mission work during the coming year. During the past year $118 were paid toward the remodeling of the church.

The midweek services, at which the Topic is presented, are usually very well attended.

Delegates were elected to the League rally, to be held in St. Luke's Church, Dunbar, October 28-29.

-Trinity Luther League, Hamilton, maintained its meetings during the summer, in the face of some difficulty. For its devotional meetings this League recently adopted the Topics and the Luther League Hymnal, and has found them very acceptable. On August 24 the League held an outing. Absentee members were systematically followed up by their associates. The plan has succeeded in reclaiming some members thought to have been lost.

-The Luther League of the English Lutheran Church, Berlin, held its first monthly business meeting at the home of Miss Edna Niergarth, 60 Breithaupt street. The meeting was an enthusiastic one, and three new members were received. It was decided to raise a property fund of $400 for the new church through the calendar plan. Mrs. M. J. Bieber was appointed to secure the Luther League colors and buttons to be worn by the members. A letter from Wm. C. Stoever, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa., president of the Luther League of America, was read, commending and encouraging this youngest of the Leagues in its endeavors to assist in the upbuilding of the congregation and the Church. A League quartet is to be organized. The corresponding secretary is to secure sample copies and subscribers to the Luther League Review. Mrs. M. J. Bieber was elected a delegate and Rev. Bieber alternate to represent the League at the biennial convention of the Luther League of America in Albany, N. Y. The president, J. Mahn, was in the chair. A pleasant social hour was spent at the conclusion of the business meeting.

Luther League Topics
(Continued from page 22.)

spirit which ruled men also ruined men. What men needed was the "child heart."

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This is

2d Week in Advent.

still to be the character of our religion. 3. As a Babe He Shows the Spirit of His Religion.

Christ laying aside His glory and coming to earth as a little child shows us that the way of life is through the valley of humiliation, and at the same time sets forth the spirit of our religion. The Babe of Bethlehem, by the very fact of His childhood, no doubt proclaimed

December 8, 1912.

Educational Work in Our Foreign


II Kings 17:27-28.


Hymn 74 (Luther League Hymnal).
Opening service in Topics.
Psalm 72. (Read responsively.)
Gloria Patri.

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