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TWENTY-FOUrth Bulletin.

This is dated Moscow, Oct. 14, and contains but little remarkable. "The forces which Russia had in Moldavia, have joined Gen. Tormassow; those from Finland have disembarked at Riga. They marched out and attacked the first corps. They have been beaten; 3000 men have been made prisoners. We have not yet received the official relation of this brilliant combat, which does so much honour to Gen. D'York....The engineers have taken a plan of the city by marking the houses which have been saved from the fire. It results, that we did not succeed in saving more than the tenth part of the town. The other nine-tenths no longer remain."



"Noelskve, Oct. 20. All the sick who were in the hospitals of Moscow left them* on the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th inst. for Mojaisk and Smolensko. The artillery, caissons, the ammunition taken, a great quantity of articles of curiosity, and trophies, were packed up and sent off on the 15th. The army received orders to bake biscuit for 20 days, and hold itself in readiness to march. In fact, the Emperor' left Moscow on the 19th. The headquarters were the same day at Disna. On the one side the Kremlin had been armed and fortified; at the same time it has been mined in order to blow it up.Some think the Emperor will march upón Toola and Kalouga, to pass the winter in these provinces, and occupy Moscow, by a garrison in the Kremlin. suppose the Emperor will blow up the Kremlin and burn the public establishments which remain, and that he will approach within an hundred leagues of Poland, to establish his winter-quarters in a friendly country, and sufficiently near to admit of receiving every thing there is in the magazines of Dantzic, Kowno, Wilna, and Minsk, and to recover the army from the fatigues of war. The latter observe, that Moscow is distant from St. Petersburg 180 leagues of bad road, whilst Witepsk is only 130 from Petersburg; that from Moscow to Kiow is 218 leagues, whilst from Smolensko to Kiow is but 112 leagues; from whence they conclude, that Moscow is not a military position, or that Moscow possesses no longer political importance, since that town is burned and ruined for 100 years.-The enemy shewed many Cossacks, who annoyed our cavalry; the advanced guard of cavalry placed in advance of Vinkovo, were surprised by a horde of Cossacks. They were in the camp before they could mount on horseback. They took a park of Gen.

*Lord Cathcart says, that the French left several thousand sick in Moscow, in the most miserable state.

Sebastiani's of 100 baggage waggons, and made about 100 prisoners. The King of Naples mounted on horseback, with the cuirassiers and carabineers, and pursuing a column of light infantry of four batta lions, which the Enemy sent to support the Cossacks, he charged it, broke it, and cut it in pieces. General Dezi, aid-decamp to the King, a brave Officer, was killed in this charge, which honours the carabineers. The Viceroy has arrived at Fomenskoi. All the army is in march.--Marshal the Duke of Treviso has remain❤ ed at Moscow with a garrison. The wea ther is fine, like France during October, perhaps a little warmer; but in the first days of November we may expect cold weather. Every thing indicates that we must think of winter-quarters-our cavalry particularly requires it. The infantry refreshed themselves at Moscow, and are very well,"

The above Bulletin cannot otherwise be considered than as a funeral oration pronounced over the grave of the Enemy's hopes. It is evident that Buonaparte has been completely frustrated in all his plans, and that his army is in full retreat from the territory of Russia, with the view of seeking shelter in Poland and in Prussia; but how they are to find their way thither it is not easy to conjecture.The Russian armies at Kalouga, under KutusoffPolotsk, under Wittgenstein-and Minsk, under Tormassow, are computed in the aggregate at 240,000 men; and march in whatever direction Buonaparte may, he cannot avoid encountering his enterprising and formidable enemies. Under these circumstances we are not without san guine hopes, that not one half of the Enemy's present reduced force will be suffered to pass the Polish and Prussian frontiers.

A letter from St. Petersburg states, that the defeat of Murat was attended with the capture of the French military chest, containing four millions of ducats, and the taking 15,000 of the Enemy prisoners. It is further stated, that the Rus sians have entered Warsaw in great force, and that Buonaparte is exposed to a situ ation of infinite peril; which is very likely, if it be true as the letter informs, that Gen Kutusoff is 200,000 strong, and that all the peasants are armed.


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from Batavia, against Palambang, had been completely successful; and that the army on its return to Java had again been employed against the Rajah, or Prince of Jacjoccattra, who had shewn symptoms of disaffection to the British Government during the absence of the troops. This force was commanded by Col. Gillespie, who stormed the fortress and town in which the Rajah had taken post, and had succeeded in gaining a complete victory. The Rajah was taken prisoner, and the whole of his property captured. The Rajah had 10,000 men in arms, and his loss in killed and wounded is said to have been very great. Colonel Gillespie was wounded in the arm, but was getting better, and our loss was inconsiderable. Palambang is the capital of a country of the same name, on the East part of the island of Java.

The Dutch islands of Macassar and Timour are also said to have been captured by the same force, consisting of the Bucephalus, Cornelia, and Procris frigates; the East India Company's cruisers Teignmouth and Mary Ann, and five transports. The 59th and 84th Regiments were the land forces employed on this expedition. The resources of the colony at Java not only enabled Government to provide for its own security, but were considered sufficiently ample to contribute to the general defence of the British Empire.

By an official dispatch from Lieut.-col. Smith, dated 24th of February, we learn that the fort of Nowanugger had fallen into our hands.

Canton, April 7.-I am happy to inform you, that my labours of Vaccination have now terminated; the general report being, that it is now universally known and confided in, and that the Chinese value it so much as to give money for it. There are, therefore, abundance of practitioners among their own countrymen, and no danger of its being lost.


A Court Martial held at Halifax, Viceadmiral Sawyer, President, after mature consideration, came to the following opinion: "That the surrender of the Guerriere was proper, in order to preserve the lives of her remaining crew; and that her being in that lamentable situation was from the accident of her masts going, which was occasioned more by their defective state than from the fire of the Enemy, though so greatly superior in guns and men. The Court do, therefore, unanimously and honourably acquit the said Captain Dacres, the Officers, and crew of His Majesty's late ship La Guerriere, and they are hereby honourably acquitted accordingly."

A letter from Barbadoes, dated Sept. 20, says, "This island never saw so dis

astrous a year as the present. The vol canic powder, which fell on us on the 1sof May, is supposed, in conjunction with the long drought, to have generated swarms of worms, which have spread devastation over the face of the island. In some parishes they have not left a vestige of the corn, nor a blade on the cane, Famine stares us in the face; and without speedy relief great numbers must perish. Flour is not to be had at any price. We import from the Dutch settlements in South America plantains in small craft, on which the garrison is chiefly fed. It has rained for two or three days; we there fore expect a favourable change; but the island will not make one-third of its usual crop of sugar."

By the last accounts from the River Plate, peace was about to be restored be tween the contending parties in that quar ter.

The Slave Trade has been prohibited at Buenos Ayres, by an order of the Government of that place.

A newly-discovered island in the lati tude of about 54 S. named Macquarrie Island, in compliment to the Governor of the British possessions of Austral Asia, have opened an additional fruitful feld to adventurers in the Seal Fishery; and the enterprise of those individuals who prosecuted the fishing at Macquarrie Island have been abundantly rewarded. Up. wards of 80,000 seals had been caught at that island in 4 months.


Government having ordered a lighthouse to be erected on Tuscar Rock near Wexford, Mr. Needham, an eminent architect, was sent thither in the course of the summer, with about 25 persons experienced in such works. For their ac commodation they constructed near the place three small wooden houses: these habitations were at high water 40 feet above the level of the sea: on the morning of Oct. 19, it blew a perfect hurricane; the waves broke over them, and the unhappy inhabitants were obliged to leave their huts, of which in two minutes not a vestige remained, and fasten themselves by ropes to large stones preparing for the building, and weighing a ton, or a ton and a half each; which ponderous stones were, nevertheless, dashed about by the waves like so many pebbles. Some of the persons who had fastened themselves to the stones, were killed, and others forced from their hold into the ocean. The survivors, after continuing in this perilous situation during two tides, were at length discovered (the weather having become more mild) by the boat employed to attend the rock. They had remained from Sunday noon till Wed


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nesday morning, without any sustenance. In the evening ten of the unfortunate men were conveyed to Wexford; three were brought to the hospital, one of whom had his leg broken, and the others were much hurt. In short, all suffered in some



Oct. 6. A coal-pit at Shiney-row, Durham, took fire, by explosion of the inflammable air, and one man and six boys were severely scorched, but are in a fair way of recovery.

Oct. 10. The Harrington Mill Pit, distant from the other about 200 yards, also took fire, and four men and nineteen boys were killed upon the spot, and many people severely wounded and burnt.

Oct. 12. In consequence of objections made to the election of Mr. Serjeant Frere to the Mastership of Downing College (see Part I. p. 484.) that gentleman was again elected, without prejudice to the validity of the formér election.

In the night between the 17th and 18th, what was conceived to be the shock of an earthquake was felt a few miles up the Nith, Scotland. It was instantaneous, and unaccompanied with any noise, but like the percussion of two solid bodies that had come in contact.

Oct. 22. A man was examined at Huddersfield, and gave the most satisfactory evidence of the murder of Mr. Horsefall (see Part I. p. 479). The persons concerned have been committed to York Castle.


Oct. 26. The Leeds Mail, in coming to London, was robbed of 16 letter-bags, between Burton and Higham Ferrers. The guard rode from Kettering to Burton with the coachman, there being no outside passenger; during which time, it is supposed, the robbery was committed. Kendall, a farmer of tolls, who rented the gate at Bythorn bar, on the road from Huntingdon to Kettering, has been committed for trial as a principal in committing the robbery; and his sister, who kept the Bythorn bar-gate on the evening of the robbery, as an accessary after the fact. The property inclosed in the letters in the different bags is supposed to amount to 15,000. (chiefly Country Bills), none of which has been discovered.

From the year 1750, the North Esk, in Kincardineshire, emptied itself into the sea upon the lands of Kirkside and Woodstone. About a twelvemonth ago, however, in consequence of an overflow in the river, and a very high tide, it excavated a new channel on the lands of Comieston, upon which, on an average, one half of its contents continued to run last fishing season. A new revolution has now taken place in the course of the river, which, c. 26, completely opened out its old

channel upon the lands of Kirkside, and Woodstone, by which a valuable property is restored to its former proprietors.

Nov. 1. Last week, a man aged 70, and a boy 12 years old, servants of Mr. Northey, of Haselbury farm, near Box, Gloucestershire, went to fetch two bulls and a cow to drive to a neighbouring fair; one of them being of a very vicious disposition, immediately made at the lad, and gored bin most dreadfully. On the old man running to his assistance, the bull set furiously at him, threw him to an amazing height, and afterwards mangled his head so shockingly, that he expired before any rescue could be afforded him. The bull was shot. Hopes are entertained of the boy's recovery.

Nov. 12. About nine o'clock at night, as a Folkestone boat, containing five persons, was leaving Gravelines, it was sud denly swamped in the surf, and three of the crew (Michael Boxer, his son Jacob, and Thomas Elgar) belonging to Folkestone, were drowned.

Nov. 13, the amiversary of the birthday of Edward Colston, esq. the Societies instituted at Bristol for the commemoration of it, and for imitating his exemplary munificence, met as usual, and contributed 7917. 4s. 6d. towards the relief of their necessitous fellow-creatures.

Nov. 15. As Mr. S. Kirkby, of Bridgehill, near Sheffield, was returning from Chapel, in his gig, accompanied by his son, the horse took fright at the drums of the S. Devon militia, and ran furiously down Wain-gate. Mr. Kirkby and his son were both thrown out, the skull of the former was so fractured, that he died in an hour. His son too was much hurt.Mr. W. Darling, publican, was run over in attempting to stop the horse, and now lies dangerously ill.

The tesselated pavement discovered last year at Bignor, in Sussex (see our Magazine for Dec. last, vol. LXXXI. p. 515.), was covered with earth, to preserve it during the winter. It has been lately opened again, and the surrounding land dug up, for the purpose of further discovery. A series of apartments are now exposed, all paved with beautiful Mosaic, the most part of it in the highest state of preservation, and exhibiting, perhaps, the best specimen of the kind in this country. The various figures are well defined and delineated; some of them very beautiful, particularly an Eagle with a Ganymede, a Pheasant, a Dolphin, and some others. Walls are erecting on the antient foundations, the ruins furnishing materials, so that the plan of the building may be tolerably traced. It, no doubt, has been the villa of some of the Roman Generals, the chief city of the Regni, Chichester, where Vespasian fixed his head-quarters,

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being within a few miles, and the antient Roman road, thence to London, crossing the South Downs directly in front of the edifice. The surrounding scenery is very romantic, and must have been always interesting, The destruction may, in all probability, be dated with that of many other monuments of the power and splendour of the Romans at one time in the same county, from the barbarous invasion of the Saxons under the ferocious Ella, who, irritated with the formidable oppo sition he met at Chichester, ravaged it and the surrounding country, with fire and sword, with the most unrelenting fury. So completely bad time effaced all appearance of former habitation, that the same family have ploughed the field every year for thirty years past, without the remotest suspicion of the treasure it contained, till last autumu the plough-share came in contact with one of the large stones of the building.

The manufacturers of Norwich have reeived orders from the East India Company for 25,000 pieces.

At the sale of Mr. Bayley's stock at Wormsley Grange, seven miles from Hereford, the following prices were obtained: 23 breeding cows and heifers, 7331.; six two-year-old heifers, 1651.; twelve yearling heifers, 2371.; nine late calves, 931. 6s.; a young bull calf, 351.; a pair of twoyear-old bullocks, 50.; three yearling bullocks, 421. 15s. They were bred by Mr. T. A. Knight.

Eight French officers lately broke their parole of honour, from Andover. They were accompanied by two English conductors, and arrived near Christ-church, opposite the Needles, Oct. 2, where there was a smuggler's vessel waiting for them; the wind being contrary, and blowing a hurricane, they remained in a cottage till the night of the 5th, when they went on board, but had scarcely put to sea, when a storm arose, and they disembarked with the greatest difficulty. Two of them, having missed their way, wandered about till day-light, when, being interrogated, one of them confessed that himself and seven companions had broken their parole, and that six were concealed. The cottage was traced, and the officers apprehended. Their conductors have also been taken.

Tuesday, October 13.

A case of considerable importance to the agricultural interest was decided at Marlborough-street. It was brought by Mr. Shephard, a farmer in Hertfordshire, against Ramsden, a farmer of toll at Whetstone-gate, who had exacted 271. 9s. Id. for over-weight in a waggon-load of dung, and detained two horses until the money was paid. The plaintiff pleaded that a clause

14 Geo. III, exempted dung from being weighed. For the defendant it was contended that it was enacted by the Act of last Session, that no waggon with wheels six inches in breadth should be allowed to carry more than three tons weight in the winter, and two and a half in the summer. Another objection was taken, that no other load but dung could be considered exempt, when, in this instance, a basket was part of the carriage. Mr. Byng, M.P. and the other magistrates, reprobated the Act of the last Session, which they were of opinion was neglectfully framed, and thought that dung was exempt from toll; but allowed the objection, as a basket did form a part of the load.

Wednesday, October 21.

This afternoon, about three, the inhabitants of Palace-Yard were thrown into confusion, from the Thames over

owing its banks. The houses of the Speaker, Mr. Warren, Mr. Rickman, Westminster-hall, and every dwelling house contiguous, were completely inundated. Three boats were brought into Westminster-Hall to convey the passen gers out at one shilling per fare. At Mille bank, Chelsea, and several other places up the river, great damage was sustained, by the high tide washing away the fences of several shrubberies; and at one time the water was so high, as to cover the top of the first arch of Westminster-bridge. The warehouses below London-bridge were also inundated, and many articles washed away. The tide was equally high the next day.


Tuesday, October 27.

One of the Hampstead stages was overset by a gust of wind, and a gen tleman riding on the outside had his leg broken. Three unfinished houses at Somers-town were blown down. In town several buildings sustained material damage.-Seven persons were killed in the metropolis, by tiles falling, &c. A lamplighter named Burke, while lighting the lamps on the East side of Blackfriars Bridge, was by a sudden gust blown into the river, in presence of his son, a child of ten years old, and sunk before assistance could be procured.-Part of the roof of a villa at Putney, inhabited by Mad. Chery, was unroofed by the wind. Several persons were in the ruins, but no lives were lost.

Friday, October 30.

On Friday, J. S. Winter, B. Allen, and W. Taylor, were indicted for stealing on the 18th July, from out of a hoy on the river Thames, ten bales of silk and two cases of ostrich feathers, valued at 20004; and G. Harris (clerk to an attorney), and R. Cooper, were indicted for receiving the same, knowing it to have been stolen. J. Knox and T. Joy were also indicted as accemaries

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accessaries before the fact. The cause occupied, the attention of the court till the following Monday. At eleven o'clock on Friday night, not one quarter of the witnesses being examined, Mr. Baron Thompson informed the Jury that as they had now been sitting twelve hours, and as there was no probability of finishing the evidence (there being still 40 witnesses) if they were to sit through the night till the middle of to-morrow, he thought it better to adjourn the trial: since it would be utterly impossible, after an attention of so many hours, to give the proper consideration to the question; their faculties both of mind and body would be too much impaired to admit of steady deliberation. Every possible accommodation would be afforded them; but they could not be allowed to separate. A room was prepared for them, where they might all pass the night together. One of the Jury asked if they could not be allowed to go to their families. The Judge said the law was imperative: it could not be granted. The evidence against the prisoners concluded on Monday afternoon, when the prisoners were called on for their defence. They all declared their innocence. Mr. Baron Thompson's charge to the Jury occupied four hours. The Jury withdrew about twenty minutes past nine, and remained enclosed till past twelve. They then returned a verdict of Guilty against J. Winter, B. Allen, and W. Taylor.-J. Ivey, of being accessary, and R. Cooper of receiving. J. Knox, and G. Harris, were found Not Guilty.

Saturday, Oct. 31.

The corner-stone of the Highgate Archway was laid by Mr. E. Smith, one of the directors. This arch (which is to be 35 feet high and 18 feet wide, surmounted by a bridge traversing the valley, over which the Hornsey road is to pass) is now dedicated to the Prince Regent, and is to have an inscription in brass letters to that effect.

Tuesday, Nov. 3.

A fire broke out at eight, in the Packthread Manufactory belonging to Mr. Nicholls, in the Grove, Guildford-street, Southwark, which raged with the utmost fury. The flames communicated to two adjoining houses, which were burnt.

Monday, Nov. 9.

Lord Mayor's Day was celebrated with much splendour. Three men in armour (two in steel, and one in brass) formed a part of the procession. At Guildhall the principal members of Government were present, and the Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian Ambassadors. The men in armour remained in the Hall the whole of the evening. After the toast "The Emperor of Russia, and success to the Russian War," the Russian Ambassador made GENT. MAG, November, 1812.

his bow, and Lord Castlereagh, in his name expressed his gratitude for the honour. Friday, November 13.

A grand solemn Dirge took place in the Catholic Sardinian Chapel, Duke-street, at 10 this morning, in consequence of the death of his Excellency Count St. Martin' de Front, the Sardinian Ambassador. At an early hour the Chapel was crowded in every part with persons of distinction, among whom were the Chevalier D'Aglie, Charge des Affaires from the Court of Sardinia, the Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Russian, and Sicilian Ambassadors. The Chapel, hung with black, had an elegant Cenotaphium placed in the middle of it, surrounded with large wax tapers. In the middle of the pulpit was placed the family arms of his Excellency. The High Mass was sung by the Rev. Mr. Broderick, first Chaplain to the Sardinian Embassy. The musick was composed by Mr. Webbe. The other singers were Messrs. Danby, Tyrrel, Grimshaw, Freeman, and Guichard, Monday, Nov. 16.

The price of Porter has been advanced to 50s. per barrel; and the retail price. from 5d. to 5d. per pot.

Tuesday, November 17.

About three, a fire broke out at the Pantheon. The only parts burnt are the passages and the lobbies between the stone front and the theatre.

Court of King's Bench, Nov. 20.-"The King and the University of Cambridge v. Bryer. This was an action brought by the University of Cambridge against the Defendant, for having published a book without sending a copy for the aforemeentioned University, agreeably to the provisions of the 8th Anne. -The Plaintiffs obtained a verdict for 6i. 5s. that is, 57. penalty, and 17. 5s. the value of the book. -The action was, in fact, brought to try the right of the several Universities and Public Libraries (11 in number) to a copy of every book that comes from the press, whether entered at Stationers'-hall or not; for the publication in question had not been entered at Stationers'-hall, and on that ground the Defendant contended, that he had no right to give a copy, as by the non-entrance of the work, he did not take the benefits of the several Acts for the protection of literary property. The verdict, however, was entered for the Plaintiffs; but the Judge who presided at the trial, suffered this point to be reserved for argument before the Court, and it was this day argued, and the verdict confirmed. Tuesday, Nov. 24.

The Parliament of the United Kingdom assembled this day; and on the motion of Sir John Nicholl, seconded by Mr. Carts wright, unanimously re-elected the Right Hon. Charles Abbot, as Speaker. The


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