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proper publicly to disavow it, as far as regarded his Sovereign, the Emperor of Russia. Still the old jealousy of Russian hostility and intrigue operated powerfully on the minds of many of the Turks. Warlike preparations against the Greeks were carried on, however, with great activity. The Janizaries were armed and assembled; and the fleet which was busily preparing for sea, would be ready to sail, it was expected, in a few days. Great strictness was exercised towards all who were suspected of any intercourse with the Greeks: several arrests had been made, and two more Greek Bishops beheaded. The undisciplined Turkish recruits had committed so many depredations on private property, that the English Minister had found it necessary to expostulate personally with the Porte: his remonstrances were listened to; proper arrangements were made by the police: and the English merchants felt satisfied that the former irregularities would not again take place.


Stanhope caused his troops to cease firing, and, after long persuasion, the few that remained were induced to surren der. Endeavours were made to save the other party in the same way, but they continued to fire, and it was not until two six-pounders had been brought against them with grape, that they could. be induced to give in. Almost every one of the few remaining were badly wounded, and the whole found alive amounted only to 50 or 60. The women, children, and peaceable inhabitants, had gone off into the jungles, and the Brahmins had retired, with Colonel Stanhope's approbation, to a pagoda outside the town; so that retribution had fallen alone on that class which never gave, and consequently never ex pected to receive quarter. The Lieut. col. bears the most honourable testimony to the conduct of all the officers and men under him. The return is, killed, 4—wounded, 29; including three officers, Captain Soillieux, Lieut. Marriott, and Lieut. Cassan.

A Letter from Capt. Thompson, the political agent at Kishma, dated Muscat, Nov. 18, 1820, confirms the intelligence which had previously been received of the failure of the expedition against the Arabs of Alashkarah, in the Gulf of Persia. The object of the expedition was to co-operate with the Imaum of Muscat against those Arabs, who were of the tribe of Beni Ben Ali. The dispatch is of considerable length, and not uninteresting. The ill success of the expedition seems to have been occasioned by the cowardice of the native troops (Sepoys), who, when in front of the enemy, turned round and fled from the scene of action. The Imaum, who behaved most gallantly, was wounded by a musket-ball, which passed thro

By dispatches from Bombay we have the satisfaction to learn a brilliant and successful achievement by Lieut.-col. the Hon. Lincoln Stanhope. It is announced in the Bombay Gazette in the following general order ::-"The Hon. the Governor in Council has had the gratifica tion of receiving a report from Lieut.col. the Hon. Lincoln Stanhope to the address of the Adjutant General, of the first operation of the forces under his command, in the province of Okamandel, in the reduction of the fortress of Dwarka. The Governor in Council has much satisfaction in noticing the judicious and prompt decision of the Lieut. Colonel commanding, and his considerate humanity in the hour of victory, as well as the skill, discipline, and gal lantry, evinced by the officers and troops of every rank and description." He also expresses his regret at the severe wounds of Capt. Soillieux and Lieut. Marriott. The fortress was carried by escalade. The garrison, consisting of about 550 men, endeavoured to effect a retreat in the adjoining jungles, but were met by the different piquets posted by Col. Stanhope, and, hemmed in as they were, a dreadful scene of carnage ensued. One party of them were driven into a back water, deep and muddy, through which they passed, and they made a stand on the bank, and here Capt. Soillieux received two wounds, one of which deprived him of his right hand. From this the enemy again threw themselves into the water. After great numbers had been killed, Lieut.-col.

his wrist. He had endeavoured to res cue an European, who was cut down, and one of the enemy fired at him so close that the powder entered the wound. Two of the officers, also, whose names are not mentioned, appear to have acted with a gross disregard of military discipline. Instead of obeying the orders given to them by Capt. Thompson, to defend a particular position, they march ed away, carrying with them every per. son belonging to the artillery. The loss of the detachment engaged was neces sarily most severe, as must always be the case," says Capt. Thompson, "when troops wait to be attacked with the sword, and then give way." Lieut. Roswell, 1st batt. 2d regiment, and Capt. Thompson himself, were the only ones known to have survived, at the time of writing the dispatch.



Foreign News.-Domestic Occurrences.

AMERICA AND WEST INDIES. New York Papers have arrived to the 15th ult. The loan for the year, for the service of the United States, has been negotiated. Its amount is four millions of dollars, and the whole has been contracted for by the Bank of the United States, on terms considered so favour able to that establishment, that the shares in its stock immediately experienced a considerable improvement in value. Bank Stock, by the latest aecounts, was at 115.

The following is an extract of a letter from Port-au-Prince, dated 10th March:

"You will, no doubt, have been informed of the disturbances that have broken out at Gonaives. The insurrection was to have been general through the North at the same time. The vigilance of General Magny (the Governor of the Cape), and General Marc, at St. Marc's, prevented it from taking place, by arresting all the chief conspirators. General Richard and 23 others, who have arrived at Port-au-Prince, are under trial, and will be shot. To form an idea of the barbarous atrocities of the most bloody monster (Christophe) that ever disgraced the human form, you should visit the North as I did; see the miserable victims that escaped from his cells, hear their tales of woe, and view their emaciated and mutilated bodies. I went through his famous citadel and palace of Sans Souci. In the former, on the highest bastion, I saw the body of the monster; it was slightly covered with lime and earth, which I caused to be partially removed; he had been dead then six weeks. His cells were improvements on the celebrated black hole of Calcutta. Men of the best constitutions lost the use of their limbs in 24 hours, and it was a miracle if they survived the fourth day. It would take a ream of


paper, and more time than I can afford, to give you a faint idea of what the unfortunate people suffered who were under his iron yoke. The waste of human lives was incredible; and I hear, from the first authoritity, that Ferrier alone cost fifty thousand lives, and at least thirty thousand more annually died of hunger and fatigue at the public works, besides the many thousands sacrificed in cold blood, to gratify the thirst which the ruffian had for human blood." BRAZILS.

On the 17th of February the Manchester packet arrived at Rio de Janeiro with the news of the revolution at Bahia, which excited much alarm, and gave rise to such vague rumours as commonly obtain currency in moments of popular agitation, This state of uncertainty continued for several days. On the 22d the Icarus arrived, with the Conde de Palma on board; and on the 24th a Royal Decree appeared, dated the 18th, in which his Majesty announced, that, influenced by a view of the circumstances in which the monarchy was placed, and by anxiety for the welfare of his people, he had resolved to send his own son, Don Petro, to Portugal, to determine on and execute the measures necessary for the restoration of tranquillity, to hear complaints, to reform abuses, and to consolidate the Constitution. And, considering that the Laws and Institutions of Portugal might not be equally adapted to the kingdom of Brazil, and his other ultra-marine territories, his Majesty ordered the convocation at Rio de Janeiro of Attornies (Procuradores), elected by the municipalities of the Azores, Madeira, Brazil, &c. for the purpose of deliberating on such alterations and improvements as might be necessary in the Constitution agreed to by the Cortes at Lisbon.

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PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. CAUTION TO PARISHES.-An interesting Case to Parishes came on to be tried at the Warwickshire Sessions. It was an appeal against the removal of a Pauper, upon the ground that an Indenture of Apprenticeship was illegal when signed by the Churchwarden of a Parish in which an immemorial custom to elect only one Churchwarden could not be supported. Mr. Stockdale Hardy, from the Ecclesiastical Court, produced a number of antient documents to prove, that at former periods two Churchwardens had been elected, and acted for the Parish which now had only

one Churchwarden; and the Court, upon the authority of the King and Barsby, and some others, quashed the order for removal. We insert the Case as a caution to Parishes in general, to elect two Churchwardens in future, unless an immemorial custom to elect only one can be established. An Act has been introduced into Parliament to cure the defect; but as it will probably only have a retrospective effect, the caution as to the election of two Churchwardens is necessary, in order to prevent future inconvenience.

A beautiful and perfect Roman pavement has been discovered by Mr. Artis, house-steward to Earl Fitzwilliam, situated

in front of the manor-house at Castor, near Peterborough: it has since been removed.

A turkey, the property of Mr. Fraser, King's Arms, Dumfries, having picked up an acquaintance with a very fine Newfoundland dog chained in the yard, has at last established her head-quarters in the lower end of his narrow kennel; where, so far from being disturbed by her cauine friend, she is watched and protected with the most affectionate care. Although frequently removed from this situation, the turkey always returned to it the first opportunity; and being now placed on the eggs she formerly laid, bids fair to grace the kennel with a brood of young turkeys, to which the dog will no doubt act as guardian. When any boys or other intruders happen to take a peep at this singular pair, the dog appears irritated, and immediately prepares for a stern resistance. At the late Dorset Assizes, the Clergyman of Chardstock was indicted for an assault on one of the bell ringers of the parish. The ringers (on the abandonment of the proceedings against the Queen) determined to ring, in opposition to the will of the Clergyman, who, going to the belfry to stay their proceedings, attempted to stop the first bell-ringer-this was the assault. The Counsel urged that the Minister was authorized not only to prevent the ringing of the bells, but to remove the wrong-doers, and to stop any of them for the purpose of ascertaining their persons, provided no unnecessary force was used. The Chairman adopted the law as thus stated, and the Jury acquitted the Clergyman.

Leamington is improving, and is filling with company very fast. Mr. Elliston's New Rooms will be very superb. Bisset's Paragon is splendid and attractive. There are also new Promenades made round the Royal Pump-room.

April 18. SINGULAR PHENOMENON.-A phenomenon occurred at Bishop Monckton, near Ripon, on the estate belonging to Mr. Charnock. About two o'clock in the afternoon of that day, the attention of a person in the service of that gentleman was suddenly attracted by a kind of rumbling noise, which apparently proceeded from the stack-yard, distant not more than thirty yards from Mr. Charnock's house. He at first supposed the noise to proceed from some children playing and throwing stones against the doors and walls; but on going into the yard, he was surprised to find no one there. On looking, however, up the avenue, formed by a row of stacks, and leading to the house, he observed a small portion of the ground in motion, which, after remaining in a state of considerable agitation for a few minutes, suddenly presented an opening of about a foot square, from whence issued

a great body of water, which soon returning with the same violence and rapidity that marked its first appearance, carried down with it a portion of the surrounding earth, several feet in extent, which was instantly buried in the abyss below. The water, however, continued to ebb and flow, more or less, at intervals, during the whole of that day. Mr. Charnock and another gentleman plumbed this subterraneous pit in the evening of the same day, when it was found to be 58 feet in depth; the water has now subsided to remain settled within two yards of the top. Two large stacks were immediately removed, which, had it happened in the night, would have been swallowed up.

PREVENTIVE SERVICE.-An affray lately took place between a party of smugglers and the Preventive Service, immediately in front of the Ship public house, at Herne Bay. A large party of smugglers, in number reported from 100 to 150, came down from the interior of the country, and forming themselves into three divisions, one proceeded to unload a boat on the beach, while the others posted themselves to the right and left, and kept up continued vollies from fire arms, so as to prevent the approach of the parties of the coast blockade stationed in that vicinity, till the cargo of the boat, consisting, it is conjectured, of contraband articles, packed in half-ankers, was conveyed away in carts, which had been brought in readiness for the purpose, and guarded by those who had accompanied them. At this moment, while the boat remained on the beach with her crew, consisting of five or six men, Mr. Snow, a midshipman of the Severn, and belonging to the coast blockade, rushed forward, and alone attempted to seize it, when, being resisted, he pointed his pistol, which missed fire, and he was fired at in consequence by the persons in the boat, and fell on the beach dangerously wounded, one ball having passed through his thigh, and another through his shoulder, and lodged under the blade-bone. He was conveyed, after lying some time on the beach, to the Ship public-house, with but little expectation of recovery; but subsequently the ball in the shoulder having been found, there are hopes of a more favourable issue.

Another affair, between about two hundred smugglers, the majority of whom were armed, and a small party of the officers and seamen employed on the coast blockade service, took place on the same morning near Hythe. The smugglers, it is conjectured, had landed some parcels of contraband goods from two gallies; when, on the alarm being given, they were attacked by about a dozen of the blockade people: a running fight was maintained with great intrepidity by the seamen, supported every instant by increased


Country News,-Iron Coffins.

creased numbers, but the smugglers got their goods clear off, pursued, however, nearly three miles by their gallant assailants. We are sorry to learn that Lieut. Turner received several wounds in the affair, from buck shot; but it is believed they are not dangerous. One seaman was dangerously wounded. It is thought that many of the smugglers are severely wounded. The same day the Badger cutter sent a galley into Dover harbour, with 120 tubs of contraband spirits on board; and next day, the Lively cutter sent another galley into the same harbour with 125 tubs, having captured them off that coast. These are supposed to be the boats which attempted to land their cargoes near Hythe.

As some labourers were lately digging for gravel in the open fields of Litlington, co. Cambridge, they discovered the foundation of a wall, within which were deposited some human bones. Upon investigation it was ascertained, that the foundation of the wall enclosed a quadrangular area of 34 yards by 24, running parallel to, and at the distance of about ten yards from an ancient Roman road, called the Ashwell. street, which was the line of communication between the Roman station at Ashwell and that at Chesterford. Within this area are found a number of Roman urns, quite perfect, of various sizes and forms, containing bones and ashes; also a variety of pateræ, patellæ, simpula, some with one handle, some with two; ampullæ and lacrymatories of different sizes and shapes. The urns are composed of a red and others of a black argillaceous earth: those of the red are much the hardest and most durable; many of the black being in a state of great decay, and when disturbed by the spade of the labourer, have fallen to pieces. There has hitherto been only one coin found, and that is a coin of Trajan, with the head of a Trajan on one side, and on the reverse Britannia leaning upon a shield, with "BRIT." underneath; but as labourers are employed in making researches, it is hoped that further discoveries may still be made. There have been already at least 80 bodies found, some of which apparently have been buried in coffins of wood, as a number of iron nails greatly corroded, have been dug out of the graves. The spot of ground upon which this discovery has been made, is called in ancient deeds "Heaven's Walls," and lies at the bottom of a hill, on the summit of which is a tumulus, called "Limbury," and sometimes "Limbloehill."

An Act has recently passed for allow ing persons who have taken the degree of Bachelor of Arts or of Law, in the Universities, to be admitted as Attorneys, after a clerkship of three years.




Gilbert v. Buzzard and Boyer. May 4.

In this singular case, reports of which will be found in vol. XC. ii. 174. 419, the Consistory Court had directed affidavits to be filed, as to the comparative durability of iron and wood; and these had accordingly been obtained from Professor Brande, Messrs. Aikin, Parkes, &c.; and Counsel had been heard at length thereon.

Sir William Scott, in giving his judg ment on the Table of Fees, observed, that in this case he was now called upon to determine the amount of fee fairly due to the parish for the interment of Iron coffins, In delivering his former opinion, he had come to the conclusion, that if these Iron Coffins were more durable than those constructed of the usual materials, adequate compensation ought to be made to the parish for their longer duration, and a larger fee paid for their admission. Their proportionate duration, however, still seemed a controverted point; and in a case like this, where there was no experience to guide him, and where no experiments could have been made, to reach any thing like exactness in fixing their comparative durability, was an expectation not to be indulged. The fact itself of their duration, was influenced by so many various circumstances, as to make any general result, even when founded on experiment, in some degree doubtful. The only illustration the case had received, was derived from persons skilled in chemistry, but they could only give their opinions on a subject, where no experiments had been made, from analogy. And in looking at this evidence, he saw, as was usually the case in matters of opinion, the most conflicting testimony; nor could the Court presume to give a decisive judgment,

when those most conversant with the subject had left it in a state of doubt; the judicial aphorism-peritus in arte sua credendum, could in this question have no application; and the only alternative was to look at the opposing evidence, and endeavour to ascertain on which side the balance rested: looking at it in this point of view, he could not but express his conviction, that the balance was on the side of the greater durability of iron; and altho' it might be thought that he was in some measure influenced by his own prepos. sessions, he was bound to say, that on referring to the affidavits, he thought the weight of the argument rested with Messrs. Brande and Aikin, who fixed the proportionate durability of iron and wood, as three to one. A test had been suggested to him, by a person of much various and accurate information, founded on the results of the casual discovery of these sub


stances: both wood and iron have frequently been found together deposited in the soil, where they had been laid either accidentally, or in pursuance of the antient usage of the country, and discovered afterwards at very distant periods of time. Three different states of the soil in which these substances had been found, might be presumed; one where the ground had remained dry throughout the whole period; in such a soil both substances might be supposed entitled to a sound longevity; rust would not corrode the one, nor rottenness decay the other, where moisture and the external air were excluded. In this state Egyptian mummies, ascertained to be of 2000 years standing, had been discovered, composed, as it was said, of the sycamore of the country; which might hence be aptly termed, as Pliny had characterized the larch, the "immortale lignum." In the very interesting account given by Sir Henry Halford, of the disinterment of Charles I. at Windsor, it is observed, that the wooden coffin was found to be very much decayed, though it had been protected from external injury by being inclosed in lead, carefully soldered, and internally secured from those gaseous vapours proceeding from dead bodies, by searcloths and spices. Another state in which these substances had been found in contact with the soil, was where they were entirely or partially covered with water, either salt or fresh; frequent instances had occurred of old anchors, bolts, and chains, having been fished up, after having remained under water for an unknown length of time; and the keys of Lochleven Castle were recovered from the sea 250 years after they had been throwu in upon the flight of Mary from that Castle. It must, however, be allowed, that the piers of Trajan's Bridge over the Danube, and the Cowey stakes in the Thames, supposed to have supported the bridge over which the army of Cæsar passed, are striking instances of the durability of wood under certain circumstances. The third state of the soil is that in which these substances are subjected to alternations of moisture and dryness; here both decay, but at different periods and it is a well-known fact, that of the various weapons that are frequently discovered in the antient tumuli or barrows, the metallic heads of spears, and the blades of swords and daggers, are found in a condition from which they might easily be restored to their antient or any other metallic use; whilst the wood that formed the handle, the haft, and the connecting parts, were entirely decomposed and associated with the soil, so that no traces could be found of them. Numerous instances of this are mentioned in the English Archeologia.

It appears in an affidavit made by three persons on behalf of the patentee, that on taking up a child's coffin which had been deposited for only a short time in the soil, it was discovered to be greatly covered with rust; but the Court could not infer any thing from this one instance; various accidental circum stances might have concurred to produce this effect; the covering of rust, besides, would, he imagined, have tended to protect the metal from further decomposition. It was upon these species of evidence, his own impressions, imperfect as they were, upon the subject, the common apprehensions of men, and the result of various experiments by scientific persons, that he was now called upon to act, such being the only evidence that he had been able, by great industry of his own, and the valuable assistance of those much more competent on the subject, to collect; and should the conclusions he had come to, hereafter, appear to be erroneous, it was for the justice of the parish to correct any error; and if they failed in their duty, it was for the Court to enforce it. The mode of fixing the increased taxation was now the remaining question to be considered; and here he apprehended that no general measure of quantum could be established, as it depended upon so many various circumstances, acting differently in different parishes; the size of the burial ground, with reference to the population, the possibility of enlarging their ground, the facility of purchasing new ground, these, and many other circumstances, rendered the fee to be established for one, no rule for other parishes. Amongst the fees that had been laid before him, as agreed upon by various parishes, there were demands which he confessed startled him. That of St. Dunstan in the West had been proposed to be 251. but then it was to be considered that this parish was extremely populous, in the heart of the Metropolis, closely surrounded by buildings, with churchyards extremely circumscribed, and at a great distance from the environs of the city. The fee of 217. for the parish of St. Mary, Isling ton, appeared exorbitant, as ground there, though highly valuable, was much more attainable; he was, however, not prepared to say that it might not be justified. An objection had been made to the application of the fee and the proportion allotted to the incumbent; but the present party had no right to look into this; if the fee were a proper one, that was enough for him; and it would be foreign to the present question, to show that the freehold was in the incumbent, although in many instances in London, parishes have acquired by time a concurrent right. In the Table of Fees before the Court, the sum charged is, for a metallic Coffin; and


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