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M. d' Oubril to sign such a treaty as they ous prosecution of the war, was a thing so wished, by persuading him that the British obviously just and necessary, and the good government was on the point of concluding intentions of government were in this nea separate peace. He considered, as a gociation so manifest, and the good faith subject of deep regret, that a man of Mr. observed to our allies so entirely honourFox's great talents and incorruptible mind, able, that he felt no difficulty whatever in had been betrayed into a private and con- assenting to the address most cordially. fidential correspondence with such a man Lord Howick made a very animated reply, as his attached friend M. Talleyrand. He and we are sorry that the hour at which he blamed ministers for not having sooner put rose precludes us from following him in dean end to the negociation, and declared his tail. He noticed with much animation firm conviction that no peace could take whad had fallen from the last speaker on place with France, at least such a peace as the subject of Mr. Fox's correspondence. would be worthy of the acceptance of this Language had been used, he observed, country, as long as the force and councils which would have been unbecoming in one of that country were directed by two such member towards another sitting on the men as Buonaparte and Talleyrand. He bench opposite to him, and yet all the then adverted to the situation of this coun- scoffs, taunts, and insinuations which bad try in relation to America. He said he been employed were directed against one understood that a Treaty of Amity had who was now no more, and whose answer been concluded between us within these the learned gent. knew he had no reason to few days. He disapproved of the manner dread. He had commented with much in which our affairs had been conducted asperity on an attachment which he supwith the United States, for they had terrified posed had been formed between Mr. Fox us into a compliance with their object; and M. Talleyrand. Where did he learn and if there had been a spark of spirit in that any such attachment ever existed? his majesty's councils, that disposition He could assure the hon. and learned gent. would have been resisted. They had passed that no intimate friendship subsisted bea law by which our goods were prohibited tween M. Talleyrand and Mr. Fox. All to be imported into their territories, and the relation in which they stood with rethis law he understood to have been actu-spect to each other was that of common ally enforced. The government of this acquaintance, and they had no intimacy country ought not to have acted in compli- but that which had arisen in social inter ance with this dictatorial proceeding; we course. An extract only of one letter, should have said that we disdained to treat which passed between them, had been with the United States of America, with a given, because the remainder was of a pripistol at our breast; and that until they vate nature. But was the learned gent. repealed that act by which the importation warranted on that account in supposing the of our goods was prohibited, we would not remainder of the letter contained sometreat with them at all. He observed also, thing improper? He could assure him that that as France had adopted a course by there was no part of the correspondence of which neutrals were prevented from tra- which his majesty's ministers were ignorant. ding with us, we could easily retaliate, by Nay, he could further assure him, that taking care that no neutrals should trade every line written by Mr. Fox to M. Talwith them until the goods should first have leyrand was seen by the king. The noble paid a duty in our ports; and this was not lord then replied to some of the arguments difficult for us under the present condition used by Mr. Canning and Mr. Whitbread. of things, for we were now literally mas- The hon. gent. he observed, blamed his ters of the whole trade of the world, as majesty's ministers for having done too far as related to carrying any thing by sea. much in the way of negociation, while his These were matters which required serious hon. friend and relation blamed them for consideration under the present condition doing too little; but he thought it was not of things, for if we were so disposed, we a little in their favour, that they had steercould levy a very heavy tax on our ene-ed a middle course between the two exmies, which they would be compelled to tremes. The pamphlet which had been pay, or perish almost for want of many articles of commerce. Having made these observations, he must confess that the supsport of the government in the most vigor

alluded to, shewed from the total ignorance with which it was written, that it could come from no official authority, as insinuated. As to the prosecution hinted

other election petitions from these respective places.

[THETFORD ELECTION.] The order of the day for resuming the adjourned debate on the question of granting a further day for the hearing of the Thetford Election Petition, being read,

at, he could only say, that those within whose department such proceedings came, would, if they thought fit, prosecute it. With regard to his hon. friend's question, are we to be shut out from all prospect of peace? he could only answer by saying, that, unless a change took place in the temper and character of the French go- Mr. Whitbread rose and said, that he vernment, peace must, in his view of the was the more confident in soliciting, on besubject, be considered as very distant. half of the petitioner, a more distant day The chief of that government, it appeared, than had been already fixed upon, when he had lately stated that he would not con- considered that it was an indulgence geneduct the present war as he had done those rally granted by that house, and which the in which he was before engaged. He had sitting member was seldom unwilling to declared that be would not leave the shores accede to. From what had fallen from an of the Baltic, nor evacuate any of the hon. member (Mr. Mingay) in the begincountries of which he might take posses- ning of this discussion, he believed that sion, unless this country gave up her mari- that gentleman was under a mistake in time conquests. This was what England supposing that there was but one unqualinever could submit to. She must resist a fied voter only objected to among those of pretension to which it would be dishonour-the corporation who composed that genable to yield, or the enemy must abandon tleman's majority; but he was instructed to it. There was here no choice, the honour state that there were three, four, or more of the country must at all hazards be main-persons admitted to vote for the sitting tained and vindicated, or we must sink un-member who were not electors, whose der the attack meditated against us. This pretence to the right of suffrage was founwas a melancholy prospect for humanity, ded upon an illegal claim; and though an but it was one which rose out of the unfor- undisputed possession of franchise for a litunate state of the continent, and it se-mited time made that right of suffrage variously called for the pledge of supporting lid, yet that time not being yet expired, his majesty in the vigorous prosecution of the objections had been made within the the war, which was contained in the address he had moved.

Mr. Perceval said, that with respect to the word "attached," he had taken it from the Correspondence: if the noble lord would refer to No. L. of the Papers, (see p. 93.) he would there find that Mr. Fox, in addressing M. Talleyrand, had subscribed himself" with the most perfect attachment." The address was then put and carried, and the house adjourned at five o'clock on Tuesday morning.

period prescribed by law, and of course, no argument in favour of those votes could be drawn from the fact of possession. The sitting member had said, that the court of king's bench, if applied to for a quo warranto, would not hear such application. The hon. gent. said he would contend for it, that that court could not refuse such application, because the time limited by law was 6 years. Now, those voters had exercised this elective capacity only 5 years, and consequently the time for confirming a doubtful franchise was not yet expired. But there was another circumstance: the Tuesday, January 6.. petitioner did not know of the illegality of [MINUTES.] The deputy usher of the two of the voters objected to, till long after black rod required the attendance of the the beginning of the term, and yet it was house at the bar of the house of peers, objected to him by the sitting member, where the royal assent was given by com- that the petitioner did not apply to the mission to the Controverted Elections Tri- court of king's bench against those voters, bill. The speaker informed the house, of the validity of whose franchise the petithat he had received a letter from Mr. tioner had not at that time any doubt. He Bouchier, deputy clerk of the crown in Ire- then moved, that the order of the day for land, stating, that he had received peti-hearing the Thetford Election petition be tions complaining of undue elections in discharged.


Dublin, Newry, and Mayo county.-It Mr. Mingay contended that the question was ordered, that these petitions be taken then before the house was not whether, the into consideration the same days as the king's bench would receive or reject any VOL. VIII

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application that might be made to it on of November, though he was not at that behalf of the petitioner, but whether that time apprised of the inadequacy to vote of house would, in this so comparatively un-two of the persons objected to. He should important a case, make a precedent that think it a monstrous injustice to refuse the might in all future cases of this kind be application for a longer day. productive of consequences the most se- The Attorney-General conceived that the rious: five years ago, the persons objected house was now about to exercise a judicial to voted for the petitioner; and was the function, and that it should pause before it house now to be told, that this was the first would rashly go to establish a precedent. time the petitioner had discovered those al- The hon. gent. who spoke last had said, leged inadequacies? After a five years' that it was hard to expect that the process dream, he, the petitioner awaked, and disco- of an application for a quo warranto could vered for the first time, that certain persons have been made within the first day of who had voted for him upon a former oc- term; but the hon. gent. should recollect, casion, now that they voted against him, that though term did not commence till were from the beginning incompetent to the 6th, it did not end till the 28th, and vote. There was one fact, that he could that it was rather suspicious that in all not pass by. It had been said, that four that time no step had been taken by the or more voters were objected to. He (Mr. petitioner to make such application. As M.) assured the house, that there were not to the argument, that delay was not almore than two objected to at the time of leged to be an inconvenience to the sitting voting, upon the ground of not being fran- member, he did not think it conclusive, chised, as the third was objected to not up-nor should he think it fair to be compelled on this ground, but as having some employ- to prove his title to his estate, merely bement in the post-office. He said that, an- cause that proof was entirely practicable. xiously as he waited for the decision of that He should therefore vote against the mohouse upon what he would call a vexatious tion. proceeding, he should, however, bow to that decision with unfeigned humility and respect.

Mr. C. Wynne thought, that however it might be a question whether such delay was inconvenient to the sitting member, he was sure that it was inconvenient to that house and to the public.

The Solicitor-General did not think that the house could reject the motion, consistently with justice-it had come within his knowledge that of three of the persons objected to, one only was opposed at the time of tendering his vote, and that a month had elapsed since the election before the petitioner was apprized of the illegality of the other two votes. He hoped that this strong circumstance would have its due weight with the house.

Mr. Tierney said, that he ought not to be anxious to speak on a question apparently agitating the feelings of two gentlemen, for each of whom he felt so much respect. He should, however, remove all such personal considerations from his mind, and consider merely the simple fact of a petitioner asking for a more distant day than that already fixed upon for hearing his petition; though in the case of petitions the granting a further day was by no means an unusual indulgence, yet he was, upon the general principle, an enemy to delay in such cases. But he thought the Mr. Roscoe thought, under such circumpresent case sufficiently exempted from the stances, that the party must apply to the general rule by its peculiar circumstances, court of king's bench, and therefore it must the petitioner desires a further day as in- be supposed, that the house would give dispensable to the object of his petition- them time to do this. The attorneythe sitting member, on the other hand, general had said, that this could not be does not shew that any possible inconve-done in so short a time as that sought for nience can arise to him from this delay. by the petitioner; it therefore necessarily It was objected, too, that the petitioner did followed, that the decision of the question not make an earlier application to the king's must extend beyond the time limited; and bench. The election took place on the as it was very possible, that persons pre4th of November, and the day next but senting such petitions might not quite unone was the first day of term, and yet it derstand the law as well as other gentle was asked why the petitioner did not pre-men, it appeared to him that time should pare all the necessaries for an application be granted to the petitioner.

to a court of law between the 4th and 6th Mr. Bragge Bathurst was of opinion,

The Speaker reminded the house of the

that if parties were allowed to postpone questions of this nature, because they had rule being entered into, that no petition only just discovered an objection to three should be postponed after a certain day, voters, they might come in a month more, except under the special circumstances of and apply for further time, upon a disco- the case. It was, therefore, for the house very of objections to three more electors, to judge whether they would relax that so that there would be no end to it. They rule upon the present application. might go in the first instance before the Mr. C. Wynne expressed himself percommittee; and if an application to the fectly satisfied with the explanation of the court of king's bench was then found ne- hon. gent. and Mr. Shaw declared his ap. cessary, they would be in no worse situa-probation and consent to the application.' tion than before. He entirely concurred-The petition was accordingly postponed with the attorney-general, and thought until the 12th of March.

that the house would not be justified in postponing the hearing to a more distant day than that already fixed upon.


Wednesday, January 7. Mr. Johnstone thought, that the petitio- [MINUTES.] Mr. Hobhouse from the ner had deprived himself of the benefit of commons brought up the Malt Duty, and such an application by his own act. In the Pension Duty bills, which were read a bis anxiety to present his petition, it was first time.-The Duke of Norfolk rose to lodged three or four days earlier than was advert to a Petition which had been laid necessary, and consequently, an early day on their lordships' table, from the claimants was appointed for taking it into considera- to the Barony of Howard de Walden. tion. Upon these and other grounds al-That petition was upon motion referred to ready stated, he therefore thought the pe- the Committee of Privilege: but it was his titioner was not entitled to the indulgence of the house. The question being loudly called for, a division took place; when there appeared for the motion, 35; against it, 54; majority against the motion, 19.

[DUBLIN ELECTION PETITION.] The order of the day for postponing the consideration of the Dublin Election petition, being read,

Mr. C. Wynne was of opinion, that upon such a subject as this, very sufficient reasons should be given, before the house would consent to any delay, which might tend to interfere with other more important public business.

wish that the day for taking it into consideration be extended. He therefore now gave notice that he should to-morrow move, that the said petition be referred to the Committee of Privileges, on the 10th of February next.


Wednesday, January 7. [MINUTES.] The Malt and Pension Duty bills were read a third time, and passed.-The Speaker informed the House, that as the Horsham Election petition was to be taken into consideration to-morrow, he would come down to the house at half

past three, and proceed to count the house at a quarter-past four precisely. Mr. Vansittart brought in a bill for granting to his majesty 10,500,000l. to be raised by Loans or Exchequer bills, which was read a first

Mr. Calcraft answered, that since the day fixed for the consideration of the pe. tition in question, another petition had been presented against Mr. Grattan, of which he had not the least notice. In a city like Dublin, where there were up-time.-Mr. Hobhouse brought up the Anwards of 5000 voters, it was necessary to nual Qualification Indemnity bill, which scrutinize a great many, and therefore it was read a first time.-Lord Ossulston was important that sufficient time should reported to the house, that his majesty had be granted for this purpose. He further been waited upon with the Address voted observed, that having received the peti- unanimously the 5th instant, and that his tion in question, he inadvertently presen- majesty was graciously pleased to return ted it before he had received any parti- the following answer:-"Gentlemen, “I cular instructions upon it. He had since" thank the House of Commons for their received a letter from Mr. La Touche, in" loyal and dutiful Address; and receive which he explained these circumstances." with satisfaction the assurances of their He, therefore, trusted the house would "full conviction, that the restoration of grant a longer time for the consideration of this matter.

Peace has been prevented only by the "ambition and injustice of the enemy. I


"rely with entire confidence on the effec-nution would be found to be in the same "tual support of my faithful people in the proportion, and to be ascribed to the same prosecution of a contest, manifestly con- cause; and in general he could say, and it "tinued, on the part of the enemy, with was great satisfaction to him that he felt "the hope of destroying the power and warranted in saying, that whoever should " independence of the British empire." have the honour of discharging, next year, [ORDNANCE ESTIMATES.] The house the duty he was now called upon to perhaving resolved itself into a committee of form, would yet have a more pleasing task, supply, Mr. Calcraft moved, that the Es-as the reduction would, by that time, be timate of the charge of the office of ord- still greater, as the lines of Chatham, and nance for Great Britain and Ireland, for the the great works now carrying on at Dover year 1807, be referred to the said committee. and the Coast, would, by that time, be Mr. Calcraft then rose. He said, that, on completed. He had but one observation moving the Ordnance Estimates, he felt more to make, that since the estimates had much satisfaction, that it would not be ne-been laid upon the table, an advance upon cessary for him to detain the committee by the vote of credit had been made to the observations of any length; that if, how-amount of 400,000l.; he would therefore, ever, there were any topics that required from the sum originally required, make a further explanation, or any questions that deduction to that amount, He did not gentlemen might deem it necessary to pro-think it necessary to detain the committee pose to him, he should willingly answer further than by stating, that he was very such questions, and, if he could, adequate-willing to give every information in his ly. He had an additional satisfaction in power to any gentleman, and should listen being enabled to inform the committee that with respect, to any suggestion the hon. there was a considerable reduction in the gentlemen opposite should think it necesEstimates he had now to submit to them, sary to offer.-The bon. gent. concluded compared with those of last year: he did with moving, "1. That a sum, not exceeding not mean, in stating this, to claim any ex-2,278,1971. Os. 10d. be granted to his matraordinary acknowledgement of merit as jesty, for the charge of the Office of Orddue to the present Board of Ordnance; he nance for Land Service for Great Britain, rather thought that the present reduction for the year 1807.-2. That 479,246l. 19s. might more justly be imputed to the ade7d. be granted to his majesty, for thequate supplies of former years, which, in charge of the Office of Ordnance in Ire facilitating the progress of the public works, land, for the year 1807.-3. That 301,4067. had lessened the grants of money neces- 9s. 8d. be granted to his majesty, for desary to support them. If the Board of fraying the expence of services performed Ordnance had any claim to merit, it was by the Office of Ordnance for Land Serfor the uniform zeal with which the Board vice for Great Britain, and not provided resisted all the projects of expenditure for by parliament in the year 1805.-4. That that had been submitted to them, and con-262,3657. 14s. 2d. be granted to his masulted upon all occasions the most practi-jesty, for defraying the expence of services cal economy. The principal reductions performed by the Office of Ordnance for were owing to the completion of those Land Service for Great Britain, and not great works in Kent, and upon the coast provided for by parliament in the year of Sussex, which, while erecting, were pro- 1806." The report was ordered to be reductive of an expence of no inconsider-ceived to-morrow.


able magnitude. The sum now required would be found to be 600,000. less than that voted last year, and this too, notwithThursday, January 8. standing the increase of 1,400 men in one {MINUTES.] At four o'clock the Speaker `battalion of foot artillery; the increased counted the house, when above 100 mem❤ expence of the establishments of engineers,bers being present, the house proceeded to and the augmentation of pay to the artille-ballot for a committee to decide on the ry, granted by his majesty. This three-double return from Horsham. Forty fold addition to our expenditures would members having been balloted, a minor amount to 150,000/. so that had there not committee was appointed, and retired been a reduction of 600,000l. the increase now required would be 750,000l. As to the Ordnance Estimates for Ireland, the dimi

into one of the committee chambers for the purpose of reducing the committee of forty to fifteen. Some time after, Mr.

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