On the cold earth lies th' unregarded king, A headlefs carcafe, and a nameless thing. On the Earl of STAFFORD's Trial and Death. GR REAT Stafford! worthy of that name, though all Crush'd by imaginary treason's weight, Which too much merit did accumulate : As chemifts gold from brass by fire would draw, * His wisdom such, at once it did appear Three kingdoms wonder, and three kingdoms fear; Whilst fingle he stood forth, and seem'd, although Each had an army, as an equal foe. Such was his force of eloquence, to make The hearers more concern'd than he that spake; Lefs feem thofe facts which treason's nick-name bore, They after death their fears of him express, D 4 Their Their legislative frenzy they repent: Enacting it fhould make no precedent. This fate he could have 'scap'd, but would not lofe Death from their fears, than fafety from his own, On my Lord CROFT'S and my Journey into Poland, from whence we brought 10,000l. for his Majefty, by the Decimation of his Scottish Subjects there. TOLE, tole, Gentle bell, for the foul Which are damn'd in our fcroul. Who having felt a touch That when we did arrive, 'Gainft the ftream we did ftrive; They would neither lead nor drive : Nor lend An ear to a friend, Nor an answer would fend To our letter fo well penn'd. Nor Had it come in the nick, Had it later been wrote, On Sandys they ran aground, On On Mr. THO. KILLIGREW's Return from Venice, and Mr. WILLIAM MURREY'S from Scotland. UR refident Tom, OU From Venice is come, And hath left the statesman behind him: Talks at the fame pitch, Is as wife, is as rich; And just where you left him, you find him. But who fays he was not Six plays, to attend The farce of his negotiation. Before you were told How Satan * the old Came here with a beard to his middle; At the noise of a can and a fiddle. These statefmen, you believe, Send ftraight for the shrieve, * Mr. W. Murrey. For |