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all parts of the district, and prizes farm. They have morning and evenwere given to those who produced ing prayers, conducted by Levi, a the best. The Hindoo and Oordoo Catechist. The Orphan Boys have Schools were examined, and the hitherto cultivated about thirty bigcrowd to-day was as dense as yes gahs; but this year sixty biggahs terday. To-day, also, many books have been marked out for them. were given away, the people continu- Mr. Wilkinson introduced the growth ing to flock to my tent for them. of the sugar-cane; but as the farm is

Jan. 10.-Having last night re in its infancy, it will scarcely answer ceived a small case of Oordoo Testa for some years. As the fields in ments, we to-day distributed them which it was cultivated are contigamong the native gentry, who very uous to the jungles, the wild elethankfully received them : in fact, phants, tempted by the sugar-cane, this proved our most encouraging made nightly inroads upon the farm; day for giving away books.

and not only destroyed the cane, but

trampled down the other crops : two GORRUCKPORE.

fields of sugar-cane are, however, Upon the lamented decease of the kept under cultivation. As the boys Rev. F. Wybrow, the Rev. C. B. have never cultivated sufficient grain Leupolt was placed in temporary for their consumption, it was thought charge of this mission. On the 20th proper to make them first grow suffiof June last, the Rev. J. P. Menge, cient for themselves and the Orphan and Mrs. Menge, arrived at Gorrucks Girls, and then to proceed to the pore; and were shortly joined by the cultivation of other things. There Rev. J. C. Wendnagel, and Mrs. are at present fifty-eight Orphans Wendnagel. A few weeks after, residing on the farm. They rise at Mrs. Leupolt left; and the missions day-break, have morning prayers at aries agreed that the superintendence sun-rise, and an hour after sun-rise of the farm, with its Christian con proceed to the fields, in which they gregation, should devolve upon Mr. remain until ten A. M., when they Wendnagel, and that Mr. Menge have breakfast, and then read until should undertake the missionary past two P.M. From three o'clock duties in connexion with the station they are again engaged in the fields at Gorruckpore. We give an account until half-an-hour before sunset, of the mission by Mr. Leupolt, dated when they return and have dinner June 7, 1841.

and evening prayers. The plan of The mission divides itself into two not permitting the boys to enter the branches. The first branch consists fields before the sun has dispelled in the charge of the English congre the malaria which rises during the gation, and preaching in the city to night, and of making them return the natives. The English congrega home before the malaria can arise, tion comprises the civilians of the ought to be strictly adhered to; exstation, the officers and soldiers of a perience having confirmed its utility. regiment, writers, &c. The city con On the Lord's day, two services are tains about 23,000 inhabitants ; 15,000 held at the church'in the wilderness, of whom are Hindoos, and 8000 Mus in which the Christian families and sulmans. There is a chapel in the Orphan Boys assemble. The farm city, at present occupied by police is a useful establishment: may Isaiah men, because service is not held xxxv. be realized with regard to it! within it. The second branch is of The Female Orphan Seminary is a threefold nature-preaching to the likewise an important branch of native Christians, and pastoral visits; missionary labour; which, however, superintending the farm, and in will chiefly devolve upon the misstructing the orphans; and charge of sionary's wife. Much of the girls' the orphan girls.

future comfort and family happiness The farm contains 1742 biggahs* depends upon their being trained for of land, 200 of which are under cul domestic life. The girls have morntivation. There are at present nine ing and evening prayer in the parChristian families residing on the sonage, and service twice on the

Lord's day, at the station Church. * In Bengal, a biggah is equal to about the

There are four native Catechists. third part of an acre.


From the Rev. Edward Bickersteth.

Watton Rectory, June 30, 1842. I enclose you my reply to a letter of objections against our Bible So ciety, which will appear in our Herts. County Press on Saturday. It is at your service. I should be very sorry to be thought unfriendly to your blessed Society.

To the Editor. 'Sir,-I will not take up much of your space in replying to my friend, if he will allow me to call him so -Mr. Newcome, the Rector of Shenley.

My friend knows as well as I do, how large is the subject of heresy and schism; and how easy it is for both sides to give hard names to what they dislike; and how vast a proportion of these things must be left to the great day to be fully cleared up.

portance of the plain direction, “To mark those who cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrines of the Apostles, and to avoid them.” But we must not lose sight of other contrast directions also; such as, “Whereto we have already attained, let us walk by the same rule, let us mind the same thing."-" Grace be with all them that love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity.” I may avoid Dissenters in everything which causes divisions and offences, and yet walk with them on common ground where we are united ; and manifest, in this, the Christian gtace of forbearance, and bearing the infirmities of the weak : Rom. xv. 1.

"Thus I view the Bible Society to be just as much a charitable institution as an Infirmary. I do not object to meet Dissenters on a plain, defined, and understood object for the relief of the body; and so, also, do I not object to meeting them on a plain, defined, and understood object for the relief of the soul;—and I believe, that in this I commend to my flock both the principles and the spirit of my own Church.

'My friends know my love to my own Church; and the fact of my having been, for about thirty years, a member both of the Bible Society

and Christian Knowledge Society, may show, that in my view, these Societies do not interfere with each other, or clash in their work. There is ample room enough for all:

'In former days, when an opposition was made between the Chris. tian Knowledge Society and the Gospel Propagation Society, Archbishop Secker met it thus : " A true and judicious zeal will carefully avoid an opposition between two charities, which is a much surer method of hurting the one than serving the other : whereas with this precaution the first scarcely ever suffers considerably, if at all, by setting up a second; but men's hearts are engaged to contribute to both. Many of us belong to both, and promise to ourselves a larger share of the blessing , of God in each, for neglecting neither.”

I fear that I cannot withdraw the statement, though I would without reserve, admit my own share in the guilt of too much indifference in our county, not merely to the Bible Society, but—what my friend justly observes, is implied in it-to the circulation of the blessed Bible through the world. When we consider what the Scriptures are-God's own word, the only sure light to men's feet and lamp to their paths,-ignorance of which is the cause of all error, and which are able to make men wise unto salvation through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ-we shall see that famine of the word of God is, the worst of all famines; and this famine does to this day most largely desolate vast countries to which we have free access. When we consider that the Bible Society is circulating, or help. ing the translation of, the word of God, in at least 120 languages, in which no other Society-neither Christian Knowledge, Trinitarian, nor, I believe, any Foreign Society without its aid-has even attempted yet to introduce that word, it is clear that, at present, we can only aid in sending the Bible to the nations speaking those languages through the British and Foreign Bible society. However valuable other Societies may be as a help in maintaining Church principles or doctrinal truths, even as it regards the Bible Society itself, they do not supersede that Society.

"And as to incorrect versions—(for I will not readily, much as I dislike the system of the Papists, charge them, in their versions, with wilfully corrupting the word of God)—when we consider that our blessed Reformers received their first light through defective versions, while I would aim at giving the most correct version practicable, I will not wait for what my friend admits is unattainable-a perfect version; I will joyfully aid (I cannot for a moment hesitate) in giving to foreign nations any accessible, attainable, or admissible versions—which, though with known imperfections, still have the grand truths of the Gospel written as with a sun-beam throughout the pages of the Sacred Volume-rather than suffer them to continue in total ignorance of the word of God.

The union of all Denominations who agree in our version, furnishes a real security that there shall be no vital or sectarian error predominating in the fresh Translations. In our

language, the authorised Version is the only version admitted by the Society. I can see, therefore, no adequate reason why there should not be, among all who count the Bible the Inspired Volume, and agree in our Translation, which bears such full and clear testimony to all the great doctrines of salvation, a cordial and general union for its widest circulation in every land.

'I condemn not my brethren who may differ from me; we stand or fall each to our own Master, before whose judgment-seat we shall soon appear; but, by God's grace, while the Bible Society continues the same noble course which it has now done for thirty-eight years, of widely diffusing the Holy Scriptures in all languages throughout the earth, I wilì neither myself cease to have a part and share in the joy of aiding it; nor cease to invite my beloved brethren, in the Church in which I minister, who may now differ from me, to come and join us in partaking of the blessed privilege of doing good in this particular Society. 'I am faithfully yours,



LETTERS FROM THE BISHOP. Several communications have been received from the Holy City, both from the Bishop himself, and from other members of the mission. Their contents are very encouraging. Our first extracts are taken from his Lordship's letter of April 16, 1842.

'We are going on very satisfactorily. The building of the church is proceeding, no one hindering, in any shape whatever, excepting the general natural tardiness of the people; and things are now in such a train, that, if nothing unforeseen occurs, we may reasonably hope, in a year or two, to have a beautiful little church on Mount Sion, to testify of English generosity and English love for Jerusalem.

"To-morrow I hope to hold my first ordination in Jerusalem. Mr. Mubleisen, of the Church Missionary Society, has come here from Egypt for that purpose, as directed by the Committee of that Society.'

In his letter of April 29, the Bishop writesThere is a great and a glorious work before us. Indications many

and various there are of“ the time to favour Zion,” not being far distant. Let not, then, the servants of God slacken their hands at such a time, but let them renew their strength, their zeal, and their love, and in due time, “all who mourn for Jerusalem shall rejoice with her.”,

It cannot fail to be gratifying to the friends of the mission to learn, from the following extracts of a letter of so recent a date as May 12, how entirely without foundation have been the rumours of the ill-treatment of the Bishop of Jerusalem which have been repeatedly circulated by the public papers :**Since I last wrote to you, I have learnt from some of the public papers, sent me by friends, that there have been strange reports fabricated respecting us; amongst others, it appears that I was stoned whilst preaching in the open air ; and I fear, from private letters, which some of my family have received, that some of our friends were made really uneasy by it; and perhaps some of the lukewarm friends of the mission have deplored the want of judgment and

regularity in the bishop. But there is no new form indeed, but a more comnot a shadow of truth in it. I never plete character, as our congregations preached in the open air, and hither also were enlarged. The Bishop was to I have experienced nothing but pleased to nominate Mr. Ewald and respect and kindness; and I sincerely me Honorary Chaplains to his Lordhope that no credit will be given to ship. We take turns with Mr. Wilsuch news through any channels, ex liams in the English services, preachcept what may come direct from us. ing, and administrations, and with We are going on regularly, pursuing his Lordship in the daily Hebrew our course of duty, and I must say service. The German services we we have everything to encourage us. take alternately. His Lordship alOur congregations increase so much ways takes part in the Communionin number, that every Sunday we service and the administration of the quite long for the completion of our Sacrament, which has been more church, the building of which, I am frequent than was usual before, and happy to say, goes on as fast as pos he has also baptized two infants since sible under existing circumstances. his arrival. At times our chapel has You will receive by this post, the already proved too small. architect's Report; and in my letters . One of the advantages resulting I have given you many interesting from our having a bishop at the head points of information. You will have of the mission here, and of which I learnt that on the 17th ult. I held was particularly reminded last night, my first ordination. On Sunday next when, as usual on Sunday evenings, (Whit-Sunday) I hope to baptize a ourselves and most of the numerous Jewish family, whom Mr. Ewald has travellers now here, met athis Lordbeen preparing for some time, for that ship’s residence for evening service sacred ordinance, and whom he is to in English, is, that he thus forms a present unto me on Friday for fur- centre for seriously-disposed travelther examination; and if Mr. Nico lers, and gives weight, direction, and layson had been here, several bap regularity to our intercourse with tized Israelites would have been con

them. firmed on Whit-Sunday: but this During Lent we had a full service, privilege we shall hope to have on his with sermon every Wednesday afterreturn.

noon; and during Passion-week we

had the same every forenoon ; as also LETTER FROM REV. J. NICOLAYSON. on Easter Monday and Tuesday. Mr.

Mr. Nicolayson's letter of April 7, Ewald prepares candidates for bapcontains a condensed report of the tism, and I those for confirmation ; Jerusalem Mission, during the first and I also keep the records of the quarter of the current year. .

Church, and attend to everything of 'In giving you a sketch of the three a parochial nature. Mr. Williams first months of the present year, I prepares and examines those who are must first revert to the interesting candidates for ordination. fact, that the first month brought us · The medical department, so long the anxiously-expected blessing of suspended, was again resumed by having a bishop at our head, and thus Dr. Macgowan, on a superior footing, all the ecclesiastical authority needed. and with a direct view to speedy and

‘Our Church services now assumed fuller organization and extension.'

COLONIAL BISHOPS. The consecration of the five colonial Barbadoes, who chose for his text Bishops who are about to proceed to the fifth and sixth verses of the 43rd their respective dioceses, took place chapter of Isaiah. After the sermon, on Wednesday, August 24, in West the ceremony of the consecration minster Abbey. In consequence of was performed, the bishops being the indisposition of His Grace the presented by the Bishop of Chiches. Archbishop of Canterbury, the con ter and the late Bishop of Barbadoes, secration was by commission en in the following order :trusted to the Bishops of London, Dr. Parry, Bishop of Barbadoes ; Winchester, and Rochester. The Dr. Tomlinson, Bishop of Gibraltar; service was commenced by the morn Dr. Nixon, Bishop of Van Dieman's ing prayers for the day, according to Land; Dr. Davis, Bishop of Anthe rubric. The sermon was preached tigua ; and Dr. Austin, Bishop of by Dr. Coleridge, the late Bishop of Guiana.






OCTOBER, 1842.




In this short Collect are expressed with beautiful simplicity, the feel. ings most natural to a spiritual mind : namely, desire to please God; grief at the consciousness of inability to do so ; and a believing dependence on the gracious influences of the Holy Spirit, imparted through the mediation of Christ our Lord.

1. Desire to please God, is the first leading thought in this prayer. We come before the Lord, professedly having this desire : else, why speak of it at all ? But this, in truth, is above all others the ruling principle of every child of God. He has made it his choice, to study and to obey the will of his Master and heavenly Father. Being bought with a price, he no longer considers himself to be his own. The love of Christ expels that temper of self-pleasing, which was natural to him. And as self is no more bis idol, so neither does he now seek to please men : excepting that he endeavours, in the genuine spirit of self-denial, benevolently to “ please his neighbour,” as St. Paul expresses it, “ for his good to edification :” and by his doing this, he not only pleases men, but is also acceptable unto God. To glorify God in all things, is his high aim : angels can have no higher. The bliss of heaven is thus described by the Psalmist, in language the most sublime : “ Bless the Lord, ye bis angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts, ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.” (Psalm ciij, 20, 21.)

2. But of ourselves we are not able to do this : such is our conOCTOBER, 1842.

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