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Friday, November 19.

a most

mittee retired pro formá, and returned with no means either novel or extraordinary: the address, which, being adopted by the a disturbance, which sufficient experience house, was ordered to be presented to his had ascertained, went to the complete demajesty to-morrow, by the lords with struction of ancient and venerable estates, white staves. On the motion of lord at least to a degradation of them so humiGrenville, lord Walsingham was re-ap- liating as to leave little choice between pointed chairman of the committees of the that and their complete destruction. But, house. Lord Grenville gave notice, that although every successive disaster prepared on Monday next he would move the thanks the mind in some measure for the present of the house to sir John Stuart, and the state of affairs; yet it was not without the troops under his command, for the glo- utmost awe and inquietude that we could rious victory obtained by them in Calabria. behold the period, so long menaced, at length arrived a period when the power of the enemy was predominant and unlimited over the greater part of Europe, At 4 o'clock, Mr. Quarme, yeoman and when Great Britain, with the exception usher of the black rod, appeared at the of two powerful allies, was left unsupbar, and in the name of the lords authori-ported and compelled to rely for its secuzed by virtue of his majesty's commission, rity on those resources, on which, he required the immediate attendance of the was confident, we might rely implicitlycommons in the house of peers, to hear the natural courage and the unparalleled the commission read. The speaker, and spirit of the people. It was impossible, nearly all the members present, attended. therefore, not to consider the meeting of a On their return, the speaker having decla- new British Parliament, under such trying red that the clerk of the house had, ac-and arduous circumstances, as cording to custom, prepared a bill to pre-important event. Their deliberations vent clandestine outlawry, the bill was would be looked to by their country, by read a first, and ordered to be read a se- their enemy, and by their allies, with the cond time. The grand committees for re- utmost anxiety. By their country, with ligion, for grievances, for courts of justice, the expectation that their proceedings and for trade, and the committee of pri- would be distinguished by consistency and vileges, were appointed, and the due pow-resolution; by their enemy, with the hopeers given to them. The customary reso- disappointed as he trusted it would prove lutions relative to the term of limitation-that in their councils might be detected for petitions, complaining of undue re- an auspicious prognostic of alarm, waverturns to the internal regulations of the ing, and disunion; by their allies, with the house, &c. were passed. anticipation of increasing confidence and [THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS' SPEECH.] Co-operation. In his majesty's most graThe Speaker reported, that the house cious speech, which had just been read had been at the House of Peers, at the from the chair, their attention was princidesire of the Lords Commissioners appally drawn to two topics. The first was the pointed under the great seal, for opening fruitless Negociation with France. Noand holding this present parliament; and that the lord high chancellor, being one of the said commissioners, made a speech to both houses of parliament, of which, to prevent mistakes, he had obtained a copy. He then proceeded to read the speech from the chair, for which we refer to our report of the proceedings of the house of lords (see p. 15). After the speaker had finished reading the speech,

thing could be further from his intention than to touch on any subject which in the remotest degree might tend to revive political differences, now almost lost in the disastrous events in which we were so nearly interested; but he thought, without any hazard of such a revival, he might say, whether the pacific system so strongly recommended during the last war was prac ticable or not, that when the advocates for The Hon. William Lamb (son of lord that system came into power, it was at a viscount Melbourne) rose. He said, that time when their hopes of carrying that unfortunately the gloom cast over the system into effect must have been considemeeting of parliament by the continua-rably diminished. In the event of peace tion of the disturbance of that system, with France, and of the mediation of under which Europe had enjoyed the other powers, to produce that event, it highest tranquillity and happiness, was by was necessary, indispensably necessary,

that we should be strong ourselves, and of Great Britain, and the restlessness and backed by strong and formidable allies and inquietude of France. His majesty had mediators, to whom we might make an ef-been graciously pleased to order the papers fectual appeal, and from whom we might relative to the negociation to be laid on the expect effectual assistance. To go to war table of the house. It would therefore be might be merely the effort of despair, but premature to enter into any minute disto become a mediator and an abritrator cussion of the subject, but assuredly, among nations, required strength to sup- enough had appeared in the partial stateport the award. It followed, therefore, ment of the enemy to prove the equivocathat although at an earlier period France tion, the insincerity, and the subtlety to might have been successfully resisted by which they had the meanness to resort, the pursuance of a pacific system, yet it and the true wisdom, the ability, and the became a far different case when so many plain manly good sense, by which that rivals lay at her mercy; when their resour-equivocation, that insincerity, and that ces were exhausted; when their territo-subtlety were combated. Enough had ries were dismembered; when their ar- been discovered to make the house confimies were overcome; and when their spi-dent, that when the whole of the transacrits were abashed and dismayed before the tion was fairly on the table, it would induoverwhelming superiority of France.-bitably appear that the best means had Under these inauspicious circumstances, so been taken for security against the further little calculated to produce a pacific dispo-aggrandisement of the enemy; that nosition on the part of France, or to induce thing had been abandoned which ought to a corresponding inclination on the part of have been retained; that the interests, other powers; under these inauspicious neither of the continent, nor of our own circumstances, the negociation was begun. country, had been endangered; and that It was begun because ministers advised his not a particle of honour had been commajesty to take advantage of the opening promised. On this high ground, having presented by the enemy; because it was made every reasonable concession for deemed advisable to endeavour to put a peace, yet at the same time, maintaining stop to those encroachments of which ex- the dignity of Great Britain unimpaired, perience had too fatally shewn that a state ministers had a right to claim their most of hostility was the increaser; and be- honourable reward, the support of that cause it was so desirable an object to col- house and the approbation of their counlect what might be termed the relics of the try. The failure of the negociation had, continent, and by peace give to various it was too well known, produced a series powers the opportunity of recruiting their of most disastrous events, succeeding each strength, with a view to future exertions other with unexampled rapidity. In the for self-liberation from the oppression un- present state of circumstances, it was under which they groaned. But it was soon necessary, perhaps it might be ungenerous, discovered that if any peace consistent to comment on the conduct of Prussia, with the honour of this country could be which had led to that state; but at least, made, France would soon find it her inte- it was some satisfaction to know, that howrest to break it, or at least to indulge in far-ever desirous the British government might ther aggrandizements, which must eventu- be to afford every assistance to the king of ally lead to its rupture. His majesty's mi- Prussia, they were in no degree responsible nisters, therefore, having, in the first place, for the proceedings at the commencement so far relied on the good sense of the of the Prussian war, or for the manner in people of this country, that they would which that war was carried on. If our not allow themselves to be buoyed up by eyes were directed to another quarter, it false hopes, made the attempt at pacifica- would reasonably be permitted us to hope, tion; but finding that those terms alone on that although Russia might not be able to rewhich a peace ought to be concluded, conquer kingdoms, and re-establish thrones ; could not be obtained, they preferred war, she might yet have the power of setting a with all its calamities and burthens, to a boundary to that inordinate ambition which peace which, by the abandonment of our had swallowed up every government within allies, must eventually prove more destruc-its reach. From the contemplation of tive to the country than successive years of foreign affairs, which he allowed was com→ active warfare. This attempt, however, paratively painful, he would turn to that sufficiently shewed the pacific disposition which ever had afforded, which did afford,

and which he trusted, ever would afford, mons embrace, with the utmost satisfaction, a most pleasing picture; a picture, which the first opportunity of hambly testifying the contrast rendered more pleasing: he to his majesty those sentiments of duty meant the internal state of Great Britain. and attachment to his majesty's person and On the blessings which we enjoyed, it was government, and of zeal for the honour of unnecessary to expatiate; they were justly his crown, and the interests of his domiunderstood, they were fully appreciated, nions, which will uniformly direct all their they were warmly and enthusiastically be-proceedings:-To offer to his majesty our loved, not by that house alone, or by the humble thanks for having directed to be superior classes of society, but by a great laid before us copies of the papers which majority of the meanest and most illiterate have been exchanged in the course of the of the people. Dearer did the menaces of late negociation with France, which we the enemy render these blessings; not-will not fail to take into our most serious withstanding that the acknowledged supe-consideration: to express to his majesty riority of our navy, the bravery of our our firm conviction, that a general and perarmy, and the high and united spirit of our manent tranquillity can only be established population, warranted us in setting those on terms consistent with the honour of menaces at defiance. As to the enemy's his majesty's crown, with the interests of attempts to destroy or injure the commerce his loyal people, and with that inviolable of Great Britain, he flattered himself, that good faith towards his majesty's allies, by those hopes would be completely disap- which the conduct of this country has pointed; and that, secure in our capital always been distinguished :-That we deepand our credit, we might deride the vainly and sincerely regret, that his majesty's efforts of an implacable foe. Adverting to benevolent endeavours to obtain this dethat part of his majesty's speech, in which sirable end should have been disappointed, the necessity of enduring great burthens and that, in the same moment, a fresh war was lamented, he observed that, deeply as should have been kindled in Europe, the the weight of those burthens must be felt, progress of which has been attended with he was convinced that with that feeling the most calamitous events:-That we would be mingled throughout the country learn, with regret, that no adequate satisa firm conviction of the necessity which ex- faction had been offered to his majesty by isted of imposing them, of bearing them Prussia for those aggressions which had with good humour, and of making those placed the two countries in a state of musacrifices which, under the present circum-tual hostility; but that we sincerely applaud stances, a great nation was called upon to his majesty's generous resolution to adopt make. With these advantages, he could such measures as might be best calculated not believe that the house would, for a mo- to unite the councils and interests of the ment, hesitate in adopting the only line of two powers against the common enemy :conduct which, as it appeared to him, they That we observe, with sincere pleasure, could with propriety pursue, namely, to that, in the midst of the disastrous events pledge themselves to meet the exigencies which have followed, and under the most of this great crisis with firmness, and to trying circumstances, the good faith of his make provision for calling the strength of majesty's allies has remained unshaken ; the country into energetic exertion. We that the conduct of the king of Sweden has might then oppose the enemy with a con- been distinguished by the most honourable fidence not vague or baseless, but founded firmness; and that the happiest union conon the solid grounds of a real and ex-tinues to subsist between his majesty and tensive force, directed by experience and the emperor of Russia:-That we trust wisdom, and determined to fight to the last these reciprocal proofs of good faith will extremity for the happiness and honour which Great Britain had to preserve, and against the misery and disgrace which she had to avert. The hon. gent. concluded with moving, "That an humble address be presented to his majesty, to return his majesty the thanks of this house, for the most gracious speech which the lords commissioners have read to us by his majesty's command; to assure his majesty, that his faithful com

have the happy effect of strengthening and confirming an alliance which affords the best remaining hope of safety for the continent of Europe:-That, whilst we acknowledge, with gratitude, the gracious expressions of concern with which his majesty observes the necessity of adding to the public burthens, and sincerely partake in the same sentiment, we humbly beg leave to assure his majesty, that we will, upon

all occasions, carefully keep in view the ordered the papers relative to the late ne wishes which his majesty's paternal good-gociation to be laid before the house, it ness has induced his majesty to express, of would be premature to enter into the discombining all practicable economy with cussion of the subject. They would, in those efforts which it is necessary to make course, have an early opportunity of doing against the formidable and increasing power so. But from the state of that transaction, of the enemy:-That we are impressed published by the enemy, false and mutila with the deepest sorrow at the long series ted as it had been, he thought he might of misfortune which has afflicted the con- venture to pronounce, that the good faith, tinent of Europe, and which could not fail sincerity, and plain dealing of those noble to affect in some degree, many important persons to whom his majesty entrusted the interests of this country; but that we ob- conduct of the negociation, were no less serve, with the truest pleasure, that the conspicuous than the insincerity, double great sources of our national prosperity dealing, and duplicity, almost approaching have remained unimpaired :-That we feel to chicanery, of the French negociators. the utmost confidence, that, under every In the one, was plainly manifested British difficulty, his majesty will still have the sa- rectitude and British character; in the tisfaction of witnessing an increasing energy other, that evasive and varying policy and firmness on the part of his people; which had been the never-failing characand that the valour and discipline of his teristic of French negociation, in all times majesty's fleets and armies will continue to and under all circumstances. Indeed there be displayed with the same undiminished could be no great expectation of a favourable lustre which has distinguished them during result, when, at the very moment that the the whole of the present contest:-That, French government were making the most with these advantages, and with an humble pacific professions, they were taking those but firm reliance on the protection and very measures, which, as his majesty has support of Divine Providence, we are pre-been pleased to inform us, compelled the pared to meet all the exigencies of the present crisis, and to second, to the utmost of our power, the paternal efforts of his majesty, to secure the honour and independence of the British crown, and the prosperity and freedom of his brave and af-imperious circumstances. France demandfectionate people."

king of Prussia to engage in that calamitous struggle, the consequence of which we must all deplore. This resistance, which at first sight seemed ill advised, and ill timed, appeared now to have been the result of

ed of Prussia, not only the sacrifice of her Mr. John Smith, in rising to second the trade and commerce, and the dissolution of address, observed that, in the present crisis, her best and wisest alliances, but cessions and at a period so big with new and extra-of territory were insisted upon, evidently ordinary events, the satisfaction which his calculated to weaken her barriers, and in majesty was pleased to express at meeting the final result to render resistance imposhis parliament, must be equally felt by sible, and to compel that unhappy country every member of that house; for there to submit without the power of striking a never was a moment when the collective blow. Her fate, if it could now operate wisdom of parliament was more imperiously as a warning to Europe, ought to be felt as called for, than in the present unexampled an encouragement to Great Britain, whose state of public affairs: and he was persua- conduct had been the complete reverse, ded that the deliberations of that house and whose magnanimity had hitherto prewould be so conducted as to merit the served her power undiminished. We had confidence which his majesty had been seen Prussia, almost from the commencegraciously pleased to repose in them. The ment of the French revolution, crouch to house must see with concern that his ma-every one of those despots, under whom jesty's recent endeavours to restore peace the country had by turns fallen, and this, to his subjects, had been disappointed by too, at times when the exertion of her the failure of the late negociation; and arms in the common cause might have they must recognize in this proceeding of turned the scale, and insured the deliver his majesty, the same benevolent disposi- ance of Europe. And, what had been the tion which had so often led his majesty in effect of her base and abject submissions? circumstances equally discouraging, to Driven to contend, single-handed, with leave no means untried to put an end to the whole force of the enemy, and overthe calamities of war.His majesty having whelmed, he feared, or ever, with a ra❤

which they had supported all the expences of the war, and all the pressures of the times; and that ardour and promptitude which they had uniformly manifested in defence of their country and constitution.

pidity unequalled even in modern times; but we had his majesty's assurance that the and at last to fill the cup of her misery, in main sources of our prosperity were unthe answer of the French government to impaired, and he might venture to say, the manifeste of the king of Prussia, who would long continue so, notwithstanding to a generous foe would now be an object the present blockade of the British isles. of compassion, that unhappy monarch is A blockade by a country who had hardly cruelly and insolently taunted with the de- dared to trust a ship out of the protection grading submissions and temporizing po- of their batteries, against a country which licy, which his unfeeling tyrants had so commanded the seas, and could, if it long exacted from him. In the midst of thought fit, intercept the commerce of these disasters, it was truly consolotary to the whole world. The arrogance of this find that the king of Sweden and the em- threat of blockade could only be equalled peror of Russia were animated with such by its absurdity. The consequence of the just views of their duty and their interests.declaration only had been well described, And the house would doubtless attend to by a person, whom it might hardly be dethe recommendation of his majesty, to cul- corous to name in that house, by the vassal tivate and support a close connexion with king of Holland. He, in his address to those powers. With regard to our own his unfortunate subjects, himself told them particular situation, it was evident that in that the prohibition of the trade of neutrals a contest so important, and for the preser- would give a death-blow to the already-exvation of every thing that was dear to us, piring commerce of Holland.—With rewe must necessarily be called upon to sup-gard to the general situation of the counport additional burthens. But it was with try, there could be no doubt but that the extreme satisfaction, indeed, that he heard spirit and vigour of the people were fully that part of his majesty's speech which equal to any situation in which they could pointed out the necessity of the most eco-be placed; and he had observed with adBomical use of our resources. The attack miration, the firmness and fortitude with of the enemy was now openly aimed at the vitals of the country. In defence of these the country was ready, nay, desirous to make whatever sacrifices were necessary; but, with a view to the continuance of the war, of the speedy termination of which Mr. Canning declared that he never rose no one could now indulge a hope, the care with more lively sensations of anxiety than ful application of our resources and means on the present occasion, both because he of defence, was more than ever become an felt the unparalleled importance of the. indispensable duty, and he was happy to crisis, and the duty which bound him, in believe, one of the favourite objects of the common with every member of the house, noble lord (H. Petty) now below him. The and every subject of the realm, to state flourishing state of the revenue and of his real opinion of the situation of our public credit, must be a source of exulta-affairs, and of the best means which retion, in the present state of Europe. Ile mained for their extrication from the peril thought he might venture, without fear of contradiction, to attribute it to the wise and vigorous system of finance, established by that immortal statesman (Mr. Pitt), whose loss was so deeply deplored, whose virtues were indelibly engraven on the hearts of his countrymen, and whose splendid talents would be the admiration of posterity. But he was far from, wishing to withhold his tribute of applause from those who had succeeded him, and who had manfully and vigorously upheld and supported his system of finance. With regard to the state of our commerce, it must be expected that partial inconveniencies would be suffered, at a moment when the whole power and force of the enemy were directed against it:

in which they were involved. But in doing this, the greatest difficulty was to avoid that which, above all other things, he was most solicitous to avoid; namely, to appear to damp the spirits of the country at a period when it was so necessary that firmness and confidence should prevail. He begged, therefore, that the house would be candid enough to believe him, when he declared, that he entertained a perfect and sincere confidence-a confidence founded not on rashness, but on the most mature reflection-a confidence founded on the experience of the past, on the review of the present, and on the anticipation of the future-that there existed in this country resources amply sufficient to meet and

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