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1816.] Strictures on the Old Monthly Mag. and Cobbet's Register. 311

desirous to disseminate principles, religious and political, subversive of all good order in society. You will probably perceive that I more particularly allude to Mr. COBBET and the Editor of the Old Monthly Magazine. The conduct of these men, together with some of their most sapient correspondents, really deserves the severest reprobation. After finding all their unfortunate anticipations concerning the idol whom they almost worshipped in the person of Buonaparte entirely false, they still have the effrontery to attempt to make converts to their wretched opinions, to wish mankind to believe, that had Napoleon completely triumphed, the world would ultimately have been more happy than it is at present. Mr. CAPEL LOFFT, a well known correspondent of the Monthly Magazine, and one of the most zealous favourers of the system of Buonaparte, has lately attained the very acmé of absurdity. His notions concerning the injustice of the Allies in transporting Napoleon to St. Helena, are scarcely worthy of a reply. Is it possible for any man to consider him as ill treated, when we know him to have been the primary cause of all the dreadful disasters that have nearly shaken Europe to its foundation? Has he not wantonly caused the death of innumerable human beings solely from the most insatiable ambition? After violating the most solemn and saered treaties, what possible trust could be put in such a man as this? Our own island feels the effects produced by the rapacity of this outlaw. What enormous sums have we not expended in aiding and carrying on a war, which has at length, after a long struggle, ended so fortunately for the whole civilized world, and on the successful termination of which so much depended the rights and liberties of mankind! Can Mr. Lofft recall to his mind the horrible cruelties perpetrated by order of the Corsican on the unfortunate prisoners at Jaffa?-this is one only out of a volume of instances that can be brought forward of the cruelty so frequently exercised towards those unfortunate beings that were in his power. So far from being ill used, we ought rather to consider him as having been treated with the most extraordinary lenity, unknown at any former period of the world. It shews, that let a proposition be ever so absurd, there will always be found advocates in its favour; but it is not only in politics that Mr. Loft has shewn himself so eccentric. Several years since he published paper

in his favourite magazine, attem mag to prove the truth of Dr. Berkeley's absurd metaphysical doctrine concerning the non-existence of matter. I allow Mr. Lofft to possess some ability as a riter; several of his letters have considerable merit; but when a person introduces opinions so contrary to the common sense of mankind, it is the duty of every one to point out to the author such glaring absurdities.

The infidelity promulgated in the Old Monthly Magazine, must be well known to all those who are in the habit of perusing it. "A Morning's Walk to Kew" still continued in that magazine, is evidently not favourable to religion, being in my opinion partly intended as a sly attack on Christianity, though glossed over in such a inauner as not to be immediately discernible. written by a person of no ordinary atIt is certainly tainments, one who might have made himself conspicuous in a better cause than that of promoting infidelity".

The editor of the Old Monthly Magazine is certainly to be praised for the very laudable attempts he formerly made in removing those abuses which had so long existed in the prisons of our metropolis. His services in this respect to the community cannot be doubted. The letter written by him to the Livery of London, bears all the marks of genuine philanthropy; his conduct in this respect must be highly appreciated by every one who has a heart to feel for the sufferings of his fellow-creatures and countrymen. Could equal praise be given to the general tenor of his character, he might indeed be considered as worthy of admiration: his political conduct and manner of treating religious subjects, is certainly deserving of censure. really believes what he is accustomed to If he write (which I sometimes very much doubt), in all due propriety he should have kept it to himself, and not have divulged opinions which must make him. appear (to say the least of it) extremely absurd in the eyes of the majority of mankind.

The Weekly Political Register is another of those works whose tenets, so far from tending to render mankind content with that fortune which has been as

Our correspondent does not seem to be aware that this Morning's Walk is from the pen of the knightly editor himself, who, under the specious signature of COMMON SENSE, insidiously aims many a blow at the venerated establishments of the country to which he unfortunately belongs.


Conduct of Evangelical Divines.

signed to them by Providence, is rather calculated to inflame the passions of mca (more particularly the lower orders), and make them discontented and unfit for those duties in society, which it is their particular province to perform. Mr. COBBET is a man possessed of considerable natural abilities. Happy for him if he would but employ those endowments which nature has bestowed on him in any other way than that of making every thing appcar in the worst and most hopeless light possible! Besides frequently misrepresenting affairs, which, if stated in a fair and candid manner, would appear totally different; his predictions relative to the usurper, have, it is well known, proved contrary to the event. His style and manner of writing are peculiarly adapted to the comprehension of the lower classes of society. His paper several years back was much sought after, and extremely popular; but I believe, since time has so strongly belied his prognostication, the work has fallen off in the public opinion, and the sale greatly diminished, though be vauntingly informs us in a recent number, that his work has the largest sale of any periodical publication in Europe. He even goes so far as to assert, that numhers who abuse and decry it, are among the first to extract papers from it as being their own composition; but we must have a stronger proof of this than the mere assertion of Mr. Cobbet. Among his correspondents, I observe one who calls himself Erasmus Perkins. Most of the papers written by this person have nearly, if not quite, as bad a tendency as the writings of that celebrated champion of Deism, Thomas Paine. This said E. Perkins not long since commenced a periodical work, entitled, The Theological Inquirer, which continued only to its seventh number, the few who read it being, I trust, sufficiently nauseated at such an infamous work. With the exception of the publisher, few, if any booksellers, allowed it to appear in their shops. The poison that it contained was consequently communicated to a very small part of the public. Among this mass of infidelity, merely from a show of impartiality a few letters were inserted, which would have done credit to the best of books; but the majority was of the very worst description, favouring Atheism, and the truly absurd ide otte world being coeval with the Greater, another name only for Atheism Had it continued much longer, the Attorney General no doubt

[May 1,

would have shewn the editor that a neighbouring nation had sufficiently suffered by the diffusion of such publications as these. If they could be of the smallest utility to mankind, this might be some apology for them. It appears as if such writers took a sort of pleasure in depriving the unhappy of the only consolation they have left-certainly a most unaccountable propensity, Erasmus Perkins pretends that it is only the inte rests of truth that he has consulted; I am confident, to say the least of it, that one of the chief motives which induced E. Perkins to publish his Atheistical work, was not so much for the interests of truth and freedom of enquiry, as on account of "base lucre." Truth must have been a minor consideration in the mind of such a man as this. From the scarcity of works of this description (to the credit of the present age be it spoken), he probably thought that for a time the novelty of it would occasion a considerable sale, but in this he was completely mistaken.

Allow me, Sir, in conclusion, to congratulate you on the increasing fame of your excellent publication, the design of it being so entirely opposite to senti ments which ultimately tend to sow discord and to disunite those compacts which hold men together in society. J.D.~ Holloway, March 15, 1816.


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I fully concur in the sentiments ex-.. pressed by your correspondent, who subscribes himself "No Calvinist Cler gyman." I am a sincere friend to relia gious toleration, but I should like to be informed why the Calvinists accept promotion in the Established Church? Why do not they adhere to their own followers? A minister of the church. might as well officiate in a Quakers' meeting. I am not, altogether, what is termed a churchman, yet I do not see why, in this land of toleration, any persons should cloak their opinions, and diffuse them in secret, when they bare the power of openly declaring them to the world. I fear, the solution of this is to be found in the temporal benefits. of the church, which holds out tempta. tions not to be resisted even by the zealous, the elect, the spiritualized Metho dists. I trust some of your correspon dents will take up the subject more at length, and with more talent than is possessed by




Conduct of Evangelical Divines.

IT was with the sincerest pleasure I observed in your last number a caution against those misguided clergymen of oar establishment, who arrogate to themselves the exclusive title of Evange lical divines. Indeed, Sir, I was rather surprised that the subject, from its alarming tendency, had not previously found admission into your diversified columns.

That there does exist among the constituted guardians of our church, a very considerable party who entertain peculiar notions on its discipline and its doctrines; that this party from its un bounded zeal is rapidly increasing; that it uniformly embraces every opportunity of abetting the cause of our adversaries, and that too in the most unequivocal manner, are facts which the slightest observation will abundantly verify. The instance mentioned by your correspond ent, though strong, is by no means an uncommon one. I had the misfortune about two years ago, to witness, if possible, a still more egregious violation of professional duty, in the case of a young clergyman who, by way of discounted mancing "false doctrine, heresy, and schism," made no scruple whatever of frequenting a Methodist conventicle, which had recently been established in his own village-an example, however, which I am happy to add, his parishioners did not generally think it prudent to follow. And by whom do you suppose, Sir, this gentleman expected to hear the word of God expounded? It was no less a personage than a worthy philosopher of the lapstone, who, with out any previous preparation, had intruded himself into the holy office, and fancied he was supernaturally appointed to unfold the mysteries of heaven.

It requires no great sagacity to conjecture what will be the ultimate result this disunion in the church. Surrounded as we are by seceders of every denomination, who, whatever may be their respective tenets, are unanimous in their opposition to the establishment, and rent asunder by the more dangerous, because more insidious attacks of intestine faction, the very foundations of our church must eventually tremble; and though we cannot for a moment believe that the venerable fabric which has been reared with so much wisdom, and sanctified by so much piety, will bow before the visionary phrensies of modern enthusiasm; yet we must reasonably sup pose, that unless some additional exerNEW MONTHLY MAG.-No, 28.


tion be used on the part of its orthodox members,and some counteracting principle excited, the time will come when other weapons than arguments must be resorted to. We may not feel the calamity ourselves. Let us be careful that it falls not upon our posterity. March, 1816. H. P. E.


IT was with pain that I read in your last number, a letter subscribed "No CALVINIST CLERGYMAN?-Permit me to assure that gentleman, that I have not the most distant suspicion, who the individual clergyman may be, with whom he is offended; but, upon general grounds, I lament that his irritability should lead him, from the imprudence of one unknown individual, to treat with such undue severity, indignation and contempt, a large and encreasing number of useful and respectable divines of the established church, whom he brands with the nick-name of Evangelicals. Such illiberality can have no influence upon them; but it assuredly reflects great discredit upon him, who can apply to them such scurrilous epithets, as those of the most poisonous serpents."

The ground of offence which this antievangelical, or non-evangelical clergyman, takes at his brother divine, is be cause the latter on being consulted by one who appears to have been dissatis fied with the former's preaching, advised him to go to a neighbouring meetinghouse. Now this advice from a clergyman is certainly not to be justified. But the case, as it should seem, appears to have been this: a serious' well-meaning man had been complaining of the dry unprofitable strain of preaching in his parish priest; and is it matter of surprise or indignation, if such should enquire after more wholesome and nutritious food? Had the adviser's counsel been under such circumstances, for the enquirer to have attended at the church of some neighbouring and more instructive clergyman, I really see not what harm would have ensued. The pride, indeed, of the "anti-calvinist clergyman" might thereby have been mortified, but the enquirer would probably have reaped spiritual advantage from attending to it.

If, indeed, it should unhappily be the case, that a clergyman, instead of bringing forth from the gospel treasury, "things new and old," contents himself from Sunday to Sunday, with delivering some dry jejune essays; or, with either opposing, or keeping out of sight the VOL. V.

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Defence of Evangelical Divines.

grand essential doctrines of divine revelation; if it should likewise so happen that he is found wasting his time in drowsy indolence or scenes of dissipation, neglecting his flock, and looking only for his gain from every quarter, is it any matter of wonder or blame, if a pious parishioner complains of such lean pas. turage, and wishes to have his soul fed with more substantial food?-Would to God, I were here putting a mere supposeable case! But what is it I would ask, which mainly contributes to thin many of our parish churches, and at the same time, to fill evangelical meeting-houses, but the doctrines inculcated in each? But, as a sincere friend to the church, I feel bound to add, that where pious and faithful clergymen devote their time and labours to the service of their flocks, and to feed them with "the sincere milk of the word," the parishioners will, in such cases, feel no inducement to stray.

Now, Sir, with regard to the word Evangelical, which I observe, has of late years been used as a term of contempt or reproach, as applied to many of the clergy; I really think it in the highest degree, unbecoming in any christian minister, thus to sneer at his brethren, who, to the best of their judgment, preach the gospel. For wherefore are they sent? And does not St. Paul pronounce a woe upon himself and others, if they preach not the gospel?

Good men may differ in their views of that gospel; but still, if this be not their chief aim to explain and enforce its leading truths, they are unworthy of the name and character of ministers of Christ. It has been a misfortune to have the names of individuals set up as a standard; but few I apprehend, will be ambitious in the present day, to be ranged under the banner of any individual divine, however eminent he may have been in his day, whether Calvin, or Luther, or Arininius, or Arius, or Socinus.

Let names, and sects, and parties fall,
And Jesus Christ be all in all.

March, 1816.

P. S. There is a letter addressed to the late Bishop of London, (Dr. Randolph) in answer to his charge, which ably, yet candidly, animadverts on the subject relative to which I have thrown out these short hints.

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[May 1,

Of all the emissaries employed by the great adversary of God and man, religious intolerance has been the most awful, and the best suited to his malignant designs. Assuming the form of an angel of light," and pretending a zeal for the honour of religion; the fiend has walked abroad. The earth has drunk the blood of his slaughtered millions, and the bones of his victims, scattered over the plains, leave many a mournful memento of his direful track. As the light of revelation increased, the fiend fearful of being detected shrunk into the dark places of the earth, waiting a favorable opportunity to walk abroad, or at least now and then to surprise and devour the unwary traveller. That he is still in existence, and that he walks to and fro in the earth too, if it were doubted, the letter of the " No CALVINIST CLERGYMAN" would be sufficient to demonstrate.

Here is a minister of the same church, a minister who professes to be a servant of the meek and lowly Jesus, openly abusing a very large part of the communion to which he belongs, by calling them the most poisonous serpents which the church of England is cherishing in her bosom, and that she is in no small danger of getting her death by their stings." And for what should you suppose, Mr. Editor ?-What I never could have believed, had it not come to me from his own pen, viz. because one of these "Evangelical divines" persuaded one of his hearers" to leave his" (the NO CALVINIST CLERGYMAN's) church for a meeting house."

What could induce the Evangelical Divine to pursue such a line of conduct, I cannot pretend to determine, nor shall I undertake to vindicate it. Allow me however to add, that such a daring attack upon the Evangelical clergy receives no shelter from the conduct of an individual, and deserves to be treated with contempt. But, though the conduct of the Evangelical Divine may not be so easily reconciled with the professions of private friendship, made to the offended

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NO CALVINIST CLERGYMAN," yet I think it will not be very difficult to absolve him from a breach of his ordination vow. "When he was made a priest, (says the (No Calvinist Clergyman), he solemnly promised to be ready with all faithful diligence to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines. Now all dissenters, (he continues), certainly hold opinions which he, as a clergyman of the church of England, ought

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Mr. Taylor, on an Arithmetical Error.

to consider both strange and erroneous." Indeed! let us examine by what chain of reasoning he arrives at such a conclusion "If they did not hold tenets different from us, there could be no cause for their separation," Profound logician! "much more zeal than knowledge," displays itself here," and certainly not less bigotry than charity." This is only acknowledg ing, for which the dissenters ought surely to thank him, that their dissent is a rational dissent, but that on this account they hold "strange and erroneous doctrines," is an assertion without a proof, and therefore falls to the ground. To adopt the language of a dissenting divine, and an able writer on this subject: "The dissenters, compelled by their views of divine revelation, to dissent from the ritual of the church, their separation, the cause of which they deeply regret, is conducted with candour and respect. The points in which they differ from the establishment are scarcely ever agitated by them, except in a modest selfdefence, whilst they recur with frequency and pleasure to the fundamental doc trines of the church, which they, with comparatively few exceptions, regard as founded on the holy scriptures.*

And now since the conscience of the No CALVINIST CLERGYMAN is so very tender as it regards the Evangelical divine, I would beg leave to ask him one question. How can he reconcile the signature of his letter with his ordination vow?" I am certainly (such is his language) No CALVINIST CLERGY MAN," and yet he has signed ex animo, the 17th article of the Church of England which speaks exactly Calvin's sentiments. Lest he should not have seen it, I beg leave to insert it for his consideration.

"Predestination to life is the everlasting purpose of God, whereby (before the foundations of the world were laid) he hath constantly decreed by his counsel, secret to us, to deliver from curse and damnation those whom he has chosen in Christ out of mankind, and to bring them through Christ to everlasting salvation, as vessels made to honour. Wherefore they which be endued with so excellent a benefit of God, be called according to God's purpose, by his spirit working in due season: they, through grace, obey the calling, they be justified freely: they be made sons of God by adoption: they be made like the image of his only begotten son, Jesus Christ: they walk religiously in good works, and at length, by God's mercy, they attain to everlast

* See Letters on the Crusade of the Nineteenth Century.


ing felicity. As the godly consideration of predestination and our election in Christ is full of sweet, pleasant, and unspeakable comfort to godly persons, and such as feel in themselves the working of the spirit of Christ, mortifying the works of the flesh and their earthly members, and drawing up their mind to high and heavenly things, as well because it doth greatly establish and confirm their faith of eternal salvation to be enjoyed through Christ, as because it doth fervently kindle their love towards God; so for curious and carnal persons, lacking the spirit of Christ, to have continually before their eyes the sentence of God's predestination,is a most dangerous downfal, whereby the devil doth thrust them either into desperation, or into recklessness of unclean living, no less perilous Furthermore, we than desperation.

must receive God's promises in such wise as they be generally set forth to us in holy scripture. And in our doings, that will of God is to be followed, which we have expressly declared unto us in the word of God."

Wishing most sincerely that the NO CALVINIST CLERGYMAN, may imbibe the spirit of an Evangelist, and leaving him to reconcile his " No Calvinist" principles with this article, I am, A FRIEND TO CANDOUR.

March, 1816.

We hope that in the preceding selection from the letters received on both sides of the question, relative to Evangelical Divines, our correspondents and readers in general will perceive that spirit of impartiality by which, we trust, this miscellany will ever be distinguished. EDITOR.


I must request your mathematical readers to correct an error which I committed in the developement of the numbers in the Republic of Plato, in your Magazine for April last. This mistake originated from misstating the product of a hundred times 27, (in p. 210) to be 270 instead of 2700. This omission of a cypher will cause the numbers, the aggregate of which should be equal to 10,000, to be different from what they are stated to be in p. 210. For they should be as









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