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flavour, however, which many a one likes in peat-reek whiskey. Moors cherish and retain a peculiar atmosphere of their own, which is never altogether dispersed and conquered by the power of the sun.

The inhabitants of such places seem to like best whatever is well seasoned with their own air; and they look upon strangers, without pleasure at the novelty of the sight, but rather view them as intruders, breaking in upon the common tenor of their thoughts. We saw a little girl sitting on a hillock tending cattle, and wrapping round herself a piece of old blanket to defend her from the wind and rain.

Mr Snapflint made many a long circuit with his dog, while I continued walking forward towards such points as he, from time to time, directed me. We saw that there was a shower coming on, and we turned our course to a cottage that was within sight. I was glad at the thought of going in there awhile; for, on elevated grounds the perpetual sounding of the blast in one's ears overpowers the senses. On going down into a small hollow where the house stood, I felt as if an immense orchestra had suddenly stopped, so great was the change to comparative silence and tranquillity.

We knocked at the door of the house, but it was fastened, and there seemed to be no person within. In the meantime, down came the plump of rain, ringing upon an unscraped porridgepot, that stood against the wall, and lashing heartily, with might and main, upon a large dunghill, till the water came leaping from off it in every direction. We therefore went into a byre which was open, and found there a single cow, ruminating over some cut


Being by this time a good deal fatigued, I sat down on a wheel-barrow, very well pleased, for the breath of cows fills with wholesome odour the place where they are; and, Lord Justice-Clerk Macqueen, in a law-plea concerning a byre which was complained of as a nuisance in a country town, said on the bench, to the other judges, "Od, I like the smell of cow-dung very weel mysel." This remark shewed the sagacity of his lordship's nostrils, which acknowledged due respect for an animal that has been the object of idolatry among so many different

nations; and, if he had died on the banks of the Ganges, he would, according to Voltaire's notion, without any reluctance, have died with a cow's tail in his hand; but not with an intention to mock at religion, by mimicking the forms of superstition; for Macqueen was no infidel.

While these thoughts were passing through my mind, the rain had diminished, and a little child came peeping to the door, saying, "Eh, des a man.' Presently a woman, with a weatherbeaten countenance, looked in, and said, "Weel, freends, what are ye about here?" We told her that we had come there only for shelter, and she asked us into the house. After some hints from us about eating, she produced from a black pot that hung over the fire, some trouts that had been frying in the bottom of it. These, with some hot potatoes, served to allay our hunger in the meantime; and though she rejected our offered money good naturedly with a violent bounce, we put it into the hands of the little child. Mr Snapflint did not leave any of the game at the house, for the money was better to them, and he meant to make another use of his moorfowl. We therefore returned to our walk.

Ascending still farther up the heights, we separated for a while, Mr Snapflint shaping his course round the borders of a wet place, and I pursuing my way along the side of a hill, and sometimes taking a rest on large grey pieces of rock, that shot up through the soil. I saw the sportsman at a distance occasionally sending forth from his gun puffs of smoke, which hung in the air for a moment and then disappeared.

When we had walked a while, Mr Snapflint beckoned to me to come to the point of an eminence, from whence he shewed me the minister's house, about a mile off. I saw that his game-bag was not empty. We agreed that he should desist from using his gun any more, and proceed straight on, for it was now near dinner-time. The country before us sloped down towards a more cultivated region, in which was situated the manse of Glenlonely-trout, beside a small valley.

We soon reached the road that led to the house. It was a path overhung with plum-trees, which had dropped, here and there, some of their purple

coloured fruit among the grass. On approaching to the house, we saw Mr Gilmourton himself, going in at his barn-door, carrying a sheaf of barley under each arm, for he was getting in a small crop from a neighbouring field, and some other of his people followed bearing as many sheaves as they could, each in the manner that he found easiest for his sinews. Mr Gilmourton, though in an old suit of clothes, was dressed clerically to a certain extent, that is to say, he was in a black coat, a black waistcoat, and black breeches, but from these there was a harsh transition to white worsted stockings. He was not long in depositing his sheaves, and coming to meet us, shewing that he was glad to see either strangers or friends.

His wife and he lived on their glebe in great ease, for they had no children. As Mr Gilmourton was deficient in talents for the pulpit, and rather dilatory in making up his sermons, he rejoiced when any young clergyman came to visit him on a Saturday, and staid to preach next day. And he told us there was one, at that time, up stairs with his wife. "On Wednesday last," said Mr Gilmourton, "she entered her sixtieth year, and she is as stout and hale as ever; and I'm not at all ailing my self. Its a lang while, Mr Snapflint, since I hae gotten fou; but I hae seen the dayHere his wife cried out from an upper window, "Toot, ye hae seen the day, and ye bae seen the dayWouldna it be better, instead of standing clavering there, to bring up the twa gentlemen to get something after their walk? How are you, Mr Snapflint? You're welcome here. A sight o' you is gude for sair een." Accordingly, having been led up to the parlour, we found Mrs Gilmourton sitting on one side of the fire-place, and on the other the clergyman, a serious youth, with a large greasy round face, by name Mr Glebersmouth. He was examining some pieces of petrified moss, which he took from the chimney-piece; but he did not seem likely to take a bite of them, for his lips had a buttery softness that was evidently waiting for dinner-time.

In the meantime, we got some currant wine, as being the fittest thing for the forenoon. Looking round the minister's dwelling, I found it was a snug and comfortable place, though the ornaments were few. A stuffed black

cock and a snipe stood on a side table; and a wasp's byke was hung at one of the windows. There were also some curious pease, a potatoe of a wonderful shape, and an uncommonly long stalk of corn. Over the fire-place, Mr Gilmourton had fixed a print, representing a sederunt of the fifteen Lords of Session, in their places, on the bench, all portraits. This was an object of great interest to him, who lived far from Edinburgh, and who, at the same time, wished to know what was going on in the courts of law, and every change that occurred there. When he heard of the death of any of the Lords, he was very curious to ascertain who should come into his place; and, to assist his memory, he generally marked off the portrait of the deceased judge with a stroke of a lead pencil.

He then mentioned a butcher, one of the inhabitants of a neighbouring town, who had been unfortunate, and who had gone to Edinburgh to get a general discharge of his debts, after surrendering all his property. "It was as well for me," said Mr Gilmourton," that he did not buy the twelve rows of potatoes which he bid for at my roup last harvest." Mr Glebersmouth asked, What would you have got for them?"-" De'il a stiver!" replied Mr Gilmourton, sweeping his hand along a table.—“ De'il a stiver!" repeated Mrs Gilmourton; "What's the man saying? We shouldna hear that frae you.' She was always cutting her husband short, not from ill nature, but from a desire to keep him right in his sayings; and this last observation of her's raised a loud laugh from the jocular Mr Snapflint and me, at the minister's expence.

As our hostess began to question Mr Snapflint minutely about his wife and children, I took that opportunity of walking out alone, to observe the situation of the place. I went down into Glenlonely-trout, which was a small valley, with some natural wood in it; but the rivulet in the middle was often shewn quite uncovered. The sun shone straight through its pellucid waters upon the gravelly bottom, so that, if any trouts had been stirring, they might have been seen at a considerable distance. The rocks here and there sent forth clumps of hazel; the bramble also spreading out its thorny

arms, with their black and shining fruit, was intermingled with the long broom, whose dry pods were heard cracking and opening of their own accord, under the heat. The humming of insects pervaded the air, and whereever the soil was without verdure, it appeared baked and yellow. But where there was grass, the wild bee was seen clambering heavily upon some solitary head of small white clover. It is in places like these that the local inspiration of Scottish poetry seems to work, and mother Earth there assails and importunes the heart for some acknowledgment of natural affection. I would not willingly long submit to such influences; but, while one must yield a little to them on the spot, I thought of the poet Burns, as a person educated entirely under the spell. The spirit of such places took him up, and animated him; and this, mingled with the passion of love, filled him with poetical feeling. For awhile he was entranced with kissings among the scented birches; but, at last, the whole ended in bad whisky. Such, I thought, are the ways of the world. And then returning along the same path by which I had descended, I saw, at a distance, a person beckoning to me, and found it was a summons to come in to dinner.

On reaching the door, another huge, red-haired servant lass appeared, panting with haste; for she had been seeking me over the fields in an opposite direction. And when I came again into the parlour, Mr Gilmourton said, "You are lucky to have arrived in gude time." Dinner was soon placed on the table, and we drew round. Mrs Gilmourton said, "Wheesht ! Maister Glebersmouth is gunta gie us a grace." The young clergyman immediately shut his eyes, and twisting open his mouth, said grace. We then sat down to dinner, which was soup, and a leg of roasted mutton, with a boiled fowl and ham; and afterwards a brace of muir-fowl was brought in; and Mrs Gilmourton said, "Here is what Mr Snapflint handed into our pantry." On which Mr Snapflint observed, "We have had an excellent dinner already, and you should have kept the birds till another day for yourselves, or other visitors."- Na, troth, no we," replied Mrs Gilmourton, "what's in our wame is no in our testament, and we'll soon be getting mair." While this conver

sation was passing, the servant-maid, who has been already mentioned, was struggling with a bottle of porter between her knees, and Mr Gilmourton, seeing that the cork resisted all her strength, desired her to give it to Mr Glebersmouth, and let him try to draw it. He accordingly did so, and succeeded; but the bottle had been placed near the fire, and when it was opened, went off like a cannon. There being no vessel ready on the table, Mr Glebersmouth rose to give it to the servantmaid, and drove her, covered with suds and froth, from the room. Only a small quantity was left for us to drink; and, as Mr Gilmourton liked allusions to the law, I could not help saying, this was like a Cessio Bonorum, after prodigality, and that we, like the creditors, must be contented with what remained unspent.

Mr Gilmourton then called for a dram, which, he said, he liked always to see after dinner. Three kinds were produced, gin, brandy, and Highland whisky, besides a smoother liqueur, which had been composed by Mrs Gilmourton for her female visitors. There being no ladies present, she wished me to taste the sweet dram.


Na, na," said Mr Gilmourton, "gie him the gin."—"Toot, gie him a fiddlestick," replied Mrs Gilmourton; "mind your ain end o' the table, and let him judge for himsel."

After dinner, Mr Snapflint asked, what was the reason that the Laird of ***** * was cutting down the fir planting that used to shelter his parks? Mr Gilmourton answered, that the laird had many pecuniary claimants to satisfy, and that he was glad, in the first place, to resort to any expedient for paying off some persons, who were threatening him with personal diligence.-" Ay, trowth," said Mrs Gilmourton, "he maun scart first whar he finds the bitin' yuckiest, as they say."

After some more conversation, this outspoken old lady rose, and left us to our punch; and the evening passed pleasantly, till we saw from the window that the sun was approaching towards the horizon, and the longer shadows falling from the mountains. The minister insisted, that before our departure we should take tea, which was to be prepared immediately. Till then, he said, Mr Glebersmouth and I might go down and take a turn in

his garden, which was not far from the house.

We went, and found it a fine, tranquil, and sheltered place, well stocked with cauliflowers, pease, and artichokes. And not far from these rose a pigeonhouse, from whence sweet cooings sometimes mingled with a dashing among some trees below, from the same brook that ran through Glenlonely-trout. At another place roses, ranunculuses, and other flowers grew, beside a small hot-house, which the minister kept for his own amusement. The air here was so pleasant to breathe, that I took a turn or two along the gravel walk, and thought of the "dum manet blanda voluptas" of Lucretius. But Mr Glebersmouth reminded me that it was time to go in, and, as he and I were standing with our faces turned

towards an old wall; we saw the servant-maid, already mentioned, come leaping over a three-bar gate, to announce that the tea was ready. We returned to the house. Mr Snapflint was already drinking his tea, and soon went to get on the accoutrements he had brought with him.

Afterwards, when we had taken leave of Mrs Gilmourton and the young clergyman, Mr Gilmourton came out with us, and offered to me an old greyhaired poney; for he said it would be best to ride home after the forenoon's fatigue; but I answered, that it was no exertion at all to walk back, as we meant to go in the nearest direction. Therefore, shaking hands with the old minister, we returned to the road, and got home under a beautiful harvest sky, filled with stars.


**** "I have met with her several times," said Mr Jamphler, "and I cannot make myself acquainted with her. I am told she possesses much admirable humour, and is able to deceive, by her personations, even her most intimate friends. But somehow we never get more acquainted than at first; I should like, above all things, to see a specimen of her performances. I think, however, that her natural manner is so peculiar, that she could not disguise herself from me."

His friend regretted the dryness between him and the young lady, and the disappointment he had himself suffered; for he had expected much amusement from the keen encounter of two such wits.

One day, when the greater number of the same party were invited to dine with Mr Jamphler, and while, after coming from the Parliament-house, he was dressing for dinner, two ladies were announced, desiring to see him on some very urgent business. They were shewn into the library, and he presently joined them.

The eldest of the two was a large matronly "kintra-like wife," with tortoise-shell spectacles, dressed in a style considerably more ancient than the fashion. She rustled in stiff drabcoloured lutestring; wore a hard muslin apron, covered with large tamboured flowers. On her hands, she

had white linen gloves, and on her head, a huge black silk bonnet, gausy and full, and shaped something like the tuft of a tappit hen. Her companion had the air of a simple girl, bashful and blushing, but with a certain significant expression in her eyes, that said, as it were, "I could if I would."

"Ye'll no ken me, Mr Jamphler, I'se warrant," said the matron; " but aiblins ye maun hae heard o' me. I'm Mrs Ogleo' Balbogle, and I hae come intil Edinburgh, and anes errant, to take the benefit o' your counsel; for ye maun ken, Mr Jamphler, that I hae heard ye're a wonderful clever bodie baith at book lair, and a' other parts and particularities o' knowledge. In trouth, if a' tales be true, Mr Jamphler, they say the like o' you hasna been seen in our day, nor in our fathers' afore us, and that ye can gie an advice in a manner past the compass o' man's power. In short, Mr Jamphler, it's just a curiosity to hear what's said o' your ability in the law; and I thought I would never be properly righted, unless I could get the help o' your hand. For mine's a kittle case, Mr Jamphler, and it's no a man o' a sma' capacity that can tak it up; howsomever, I would fain hope it's no past your comprehension, Mr Jamphler. Na, Mr Jamphler, ye mauna fash at me, for ye ken it's a business

o' great straits and difficulties. I am, as I was saying, Mrs Ogle o' Balbogle, the relic o auld Balbogle.-O he was an excellent character, and if he had been to the fore, I wouldna hae needed to trouble you, Mr Jamphler, wi' ony complaint. But he's win awa' out o' this sinful world, and I'm a poor lanely widow; howsomever, Mr Jamphler, they tell me there's no the like o you for making the widow's heart glad."

Mr Jamphler was by this time become rather impatient-the dinnerhour was drawing near-and momentarily expecting his guests, he said, "Madam, I am at this time particularly engaged, and it would be as well for you to see your agent."

"My augent!" exclaimed Mrs Ogle of Balbogle." Ye're my augentI'll hae nae ither but you-I hae come here for nae ither purpose than to confer wi' you anent my affair

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"Well, but what is it what is it?" interrupted the counsellor, a little quickly.

"Mr Jamphler, ye maun thole wi me, for what I want your ability in is a matter o' desperation."

"Upon my word, madam, it is im◄ possible for me to attend to you any longer at this time," exclaimed Mr Jamphler.

"Noo, Mr Jamphler, really that's no like you; for Thomas Ellwand, the tailor in the Canongate, whar I stay -he taks in a' the books ye put out, and brags ye're o' a capacity to rule ä kingdom-what will he say, when he hears ye wouldna spare half an hour frae your tea to pleasure a helpless widow; for I see by my watch it's near five o'clock, and so I suppose ye're hyte for your drap o' het water. O, Mr Jamphler, I hope ye hae more concern for the like of me, and that ye'll no falsify your repute for discernment in the judgment of Thomas Ellwand-he says, that nobody can draw a strae afore your nose unkent. Aiblins, Mr Jamphler, ye're acquaint wi' Thomas-he's a desperate auld farrant creature he wasna pleased with the government here, so he took an o'ersea jaunt to America, and married a wife -a very worthy woman. It would do you gude, Mr Jamphler, to see how content they live."

"Madam," said Mr Jamphler, pray what is the business on which you want to consult me?"

"Mr Jamphler, sit down-sit your ways down beside me," cried Mrs Ogle of Balbogle," and hear my case. Ye needna be feart, Mr Jamphler, o' ony scaith frae me. I wadna meddle wi' the like o' you-and that's my own dochter, she's come wi' me for insight." Look up, Meg-'am sure ye hae nae need to haud down your head like a tawpy. Mr Jamphler, she's no an illfar't lassie ye see, and she'll hae something mair than rosy cheeks for her tocher-and, Mr Jamphler, she's come o' gentle blood-we're nane o' your muslin manufacturers; na, na, Mr Jamphler. I'm the Laird of Barwullupton's only dochter mysel, and my father left me a bit land—I'm sure I needna ca't a bit, for it's a braw blaud -But to make a lang tale short, I had on the burn side-ye'll aiblins, Mr Jamphler, ken the Crokit burn ?"

"I think, madam," said Mr Jamphler," it would be as well to have your case stated in a memorial."

"Memorial, Mr Jamphler! Na, na, Mr Jamphler-nae memorials for me. Ye're to be my memorial and testimony, and a' that I require."

"I beg, then, madam, that you will call some other time, for at present I am very particularly engaged," interrupted the counsellor, levying the utmost forbearance on his natural urbanity.


"Business! Mr Jamphler, it's a calamity-it's a calamity, Mr Jamphler !" exclaimed Mrs Ogle of Balbogle, spreading the hands of astonishment. "But I forget mysel, now I see what for ye had been so impatient-I forgot to gie you a fee; there it is, Mr Jamphler, a gowden guinea full weight.'

"But what are the circumstances?" "Circumstances! Mr Jamphler.I'm no in straightend circumstances; for, as I was telling you, Mr Jamphler, I'm the relic o auld Balbogle

Lang will it be, Mr Jamphler, before I get sic anither gudeman-but it was the Lord's will to tak him to himsel, wi' a fit of the gout, three year past on the night o' Mononday come eight days. Eh! Mr Jamphler, but his was a pleasant end-weel it will be for you and me, Mr Jamphler, if we can slip awa' into the arms of our Maker like him. He was sarely croint, Mr Jamphler, before he died, and his death was a gentle dispensation, for he had lang been a heavy


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