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whom, by His Majesty's wise and gracious arrangements, she passed the years of her infancy and childhood, never can be extinguished, I well know; and the knowledge of it forms the greatest blessing of my existence. But let me implore your Royal Highness to reflect, how inevitably all attempts to abate this attachment, by forcibly separating us, if they succeed, must injure my Child's principles-if they fail, must destroy her happiness.

"The plan of excluding my Daughter from all intercourse with the world, appears to my humble judgment peculiarly unfortunate. She who is destined to be the Sovereign of this great country, enjoys none of those advantages of society which are deemed necessary for imparting a knowledge of mankind to persons who have infinitely less occasion to learn that important lesson; and it may so happen, by a chance which I trust is very remote, that she should be called upon to exercise the powers of the Crown, with an experience

of the world more confined than that of the most private individual. To the extraordinary talents with which she is blessed, and which accompany a disposition as singularly amiable, frank, and decided, I willingly trust much: but beyond a certain point the greatest natural endowments cannot struggle against the disadvantages of circumstances and situation. It is my earnest prayer, for her own sake, as well as her country's, that your Royal Highness may be induced to pause before this point be reached.

"Those who have advised you, Sir, to delay so long the period of my Daughter's commencing her intercourse with the world, and for that purpose to make Windsor her residence, appear not to have regarded the interruptions to her education which this arrangement occasions; both by the impossibility of obtaining the attendance of proper teachers, and the time unavoidably consumed in the frequent journeys to town which she must make, unless she is to be secluded from all intercourse, even with your Royal Highness and the rest of the Royal Family. To the same unfortunate counsels I ascribe a circumstance in every way so distressing both to my parental and religious feelings, that my Daughter has never yet enjoyed the benefit of Confirmation, although above a year older than the age at which all the other branches of the Royal Family have partaken of that solemnity. May I earnestly conjure you, Sir, to hear my entreaties upon this serious

matter, even if you should listen to other advisers on things of less near concernment to the welfare of our Child?

"The pain with which I have at length formed the resolution of addressing myself to your Royal Highness is such as I should in vain attempt to express. If I could adequately describe it, you might be enabled, Sir, to estimate the strength of the motives which have made me submit to it: they are the most powerful feelings of affection, and the deepest impressions of duty towards your Royal Highness, my beloved Child, and the country, which I devoutly hope she may be preserved to govern, and to shew by a new example the liberal affection of a free and generous people to a virtuous and Constitutional Monarch.

"I am, Sir, with profound respect, and an attachment which nothing can alter, your Royal Highness's most devoted and most affectionate Consort, Cousin, and Subject,

(Signed) "CAROLINE LOUISA. Montague-house, 14th of Jan. 1813."



(Continued from page 256.)

-The suf

bestowed on France by virtue of the general laws, one only was granted by Charles the 5th, but which was neither executed nor even acted on afterwards. frages of the people, the vows of the Nobility, the resolutions of the Council, the testaments of Monarchs, the arret of the Parliaments, have successively and almost always fell under the public influence, where secret passions, intrigue, seduction, corruption, or force bestowed the Regency of the State. But in the midst of these various examples, it is the Regencies of Queen Mothers that most frequently appear in our annals, and which have always been most conformable to the wishes of the nation, and the interest of the State. Happily, Gentlemen, for social order, it is in the strongest feeling of nature that we find the greatest security for the political opinion and conduct, and this guarantee given by maternal tenderness becomes still more efficacious, as we have before our eyes the happy example in the reciprocal affections which are born, and strengthened incessantly between a people sensible and good, and the August Sovereign, to whom they owe a successor to the Throne.

-It is on



-It em

is necessary to fix its power.-
After having instituted the Regency, it
braces in its extent and in the terms of the
1st Art. of Title 3, the whole plenitude
of the Imperial authority. It commences
at the moment of the Emperor's decease,
to the intent that the empire shall neither
suffer weakness, nor the interruption of its
government. With regard to its dura-

this happy principle that the first dispositions of the Senatus Consultum are founded, Extent and Duration of the Power of the which grants the rights of Regency to the Empress Mother, who is consecrated to fill the void, by interest, the love of her Son and of her people.- -It is not sufficient to have established this first rule, it is still requisite that in failure of the Empress, this disposition of the Emperor by establishing a gradual order, fixed and invariable for the exercise of the Regency, shall provide against all incertitudes, and in general against all interruption in the move-tion, the power remains in the hands of ments of Government. It is there provided that in being called to the Regency, the French Princes shall have obtained the age of 21 years, according to the hereditary order, and in default of them, the Princes Grand Dignitaries fixed by the Senatus Consultum.The Vice Grand Dignitaries shall in this respect, exercise the rights of those titularies whom they represent. To possess not a simple sovereignty, but a throne, a crown, to be in consequence subject to the duties, influenced by the affections, animated by foreign interests, opposite perhaps to the duties, the affections, the interests which ought to direct the Government of France, is in the eyes of reason and policy a motive of exclusion from the Regency, and two articles of the 1st Title, pronounce this exclusion.


Of the Regency by the Emperor. That, Gentlemen, which is established by Title I. as a general rule for the exercise of the Regency, may nevertheless be modified by the will of the Emperor, solemnly manifested.- -It is without doubt that the interest of the State demands that a

stated order should give a Regency to France, at the moment when she becomes the widow of her Monarch, without any change being made in this order, established by foresight and wisdom. But the interest of the State likewise requires, that the Emperor, under such circumstances as the general views of the laws can neither foresee nor define, may, after so much experience of events, the situation of affairs, the knowledge of persons, bring into the common rule modifications dictated by his wisdom, and inspired by the interests of his successors, and of his people.

-This wise

restriction is sacred, and the manner of mak-
ing known its object and extent is determined
in Titles 1 and 2, and finally in. Art. 23
of Title 4, touching the Council of Re-
Difcounts. 4

the Einpress, in case of one of her minor sons being called to the throne. It passes into the hands of a Regent, if at the death of the Emperor as a minor, the Grown belongs to a Prince of another branch. Separated from the title of Empress, that of mother has not appeared sufficient to call to the Regency the mother of the new Emperor.

Consultum, Gentlemen, is drawn up as -This part of the Senatus principle generally acknowledged, the exsurplus, to shew, that according to this ercise of power should not change hands, unless when absolute necessity or great interests require it.



Council of Regency.

History teaches us, that in epochas of minorities the Councils of Regency associated in the exercise of the administration, or of the Government, have been dispersed at the will of the Regents, embarrassing if they wished to become independent, inutile if they become seduced or subjected, dangerous if they wished to possess themselves of the public opinion.

-It is not such a Council of Regency which is appointed by title 4th, but a Council necessary in a fixed number of cases, useful in all, dangerous in none. SECT. 1.-This Council shall be composed of the first Prince of the Blood, the uncles, and two of the nearest relatives of the Emperor, according to order of birth, together with the Princes, Grand Dignitaries, at which the Empress or Regent shall preside, and to which the Emperor may add such number of members as he may judge convenient.

Deliberations of the Council.

SECTION 2.-To chuse a consort for the Emperor, declare war, sign treaties of peace, of alliance or commerce, such are the determinations on which the Council of Regency necessarily have to deliberate.The projected dispositions of the extraor


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dinary domains, and the necessity of placing the Princes Grand Dignitaries previous to the majority of the Emperor, in case of there being a Regent, is likewise submitted to them.Being solely consulted in all other affairs, the Council of Regency will always give light into matters, and will never present obstacles to the authority charged with the government of the empire.


Of the Guard of the minor Emperor. The Royal Infant which belongs to a great nation, like the child belonging only to a private family, can never repose with greater security than in the arms of its

mother. It is therefore to the mother of the Emperor, that the superintendence of his house, the charge of his education, and in short the guard of his person is confided. The Emperor has not even imagined that any one could suppose a necessity of ever derogating from this sacred rule, and that it must. only be in default of a mother, that the person of the minor Emperor is confided by the Emperor previous to his decease, or after his death, by the Council of Regency, to one of the Princes Grand Dignitaries of the empire.


Of the Oath to be taken for exercising the


The Constitution has determined that the Emperor at his accession should take an oath, which should be equally exacted for the exercise of the Regency, and contain special regulations relative to the temporary power attributed to the Regency.

makes no alteration in it, the rules established are to be observed concerning the revenues, the funds allotted to the crown are to follow its destination, and besides supply the housekeeping of the Empress Regent, or of the Regent.The private Domains, on the contrary, may be a depot for the future, a treasure of power, a gua-: rantee of peace, and it will be wise to take care of their preservation.The dispositions of the 2d Section of this Title have been provided for, referring at the same time to the forms prescribed by the family statute of the 30th March, and to the dispositions of the Act of Constitution of the 30th January, concerning the Emperor's


-The extraordinary domains remain entirely reserved for exigencies of the state, and the funds existing in its office are like those of the private domain, to be thrown into the Imperial Treasury.

-The 44th Article of Section 3d does not even leave the disposition of the vacant benefices, in so far as they do not exceed 50,000 franks in revenue.


Absence of the Emperor or Regent.

I have said at the commencement, Gentlemen, that His Majesty would extend his foresight to all events, and take all the chances of security in favour of maintaining public order and the guarantee of Government.- -This sentiment has led him to provide for the case of absence, of the Em-, peror called to the throne, or of the Prince called to the Regency. -The 1st and 2d

Sections of Title 8, provides for it by prorogation of the Ministers' powers, by formThe expression of those obligations shoulding a Council, presided over by the first not be entirely the same for the Empress in rank of the Grand Dignitaries.—FiRegent, as for the Regent. The differencenally, to omit nothing, Section 3d gives is established in 1st and 2d sections of the means of resolving in a Privy Council, Title 6th, in the first part of the oath.- by the drawing up and proposing a Senatus The 2d, which is in common both to the Consultum, all the unforeseen difficulties. Empress and to the Regent, is nothing which may attend extraordinary conjuncmore than the same oath which the Em-tures, and to the variety of which thought peror himself takes on his ascending the throne.


Of the Administrations of Domains. The titles of the Senatus Consultum which have just been analyzed, relates to the Government of the Empire, and the charge of the Minor Emperor.- -The 7th relates to the Administration of the three species of Domains possessed by the Emperor, and to the manner in which their revenues are to be employed.- -With regard to the Administration, the minority


has not been able to extend itself.
finishes, Gentlemen, what relates to the
Regency, and presents an order of ideas
relating to, without being entirely depen-
dent on it.


Called henceforth to the Government of the Empire, in case of minority, the Empresses will find themselves attached to France by a kind of new alliance, which is formed the moment that the Emperor owes to them a son, the throne an heir, and the nation an object of their love and hope.

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The 9th Title of the Senatus Consultum therefore supposes that the Empresses, if the Emperor should authorize it, have the right of being consecrated, crowned, and proclaimed, are capable, so to say, of exercising the Regency. In this august soleinnity, Gentlemen, you will find intermixed the strength of remembrance, the grandeur of interests, the force of attention, the extent of hopes, even to the possibility of misfortune, and to providing against regrets.-From this moment the double adoption of the nation by the sovereign, and of the sovereign by the nation, will be consecrated by whatever is most holy in religion, august in human power, and the most consoling Providence, and if possible to render this source of profound reflection and touching emotions still more fruitful. The last title of the Senatus Consultum promises the nation to see, as in other epochas of the monarchy, the hereditary Prince King of Rome, anointed and crowned under the auspices of his august Father, take beforehand the holy engagements which he is called to fulfil towards him and the state, and become thus more especially entitled to the love and devotion of the French.As I have said enough, Gentlemen, in this short exposé to make you appreciate, in all its extent, the importance of this Senatus Consultum, a fresh monument of the constant solicitude of the Emperor for the duration of his institutions, the security of his subjects, the glory of his dynasty. This is the manner, Gentlemen, in which it is proper to reply to mad projects-anarchial hopes-I almost said, to the murderous wishes of our enemies. The People and the Governments which they attempt to deceive, will acknowledge their error, in seeing on the one side, battalions, squadrons, already arrived, or ready to march wherever the safety or glory of the Empire calls them; and on the other, wise prudence guarding the future against improbable misfortunes, and still more strengthening a Government already secured by the affection of all, and defended by the interests of all.

The Projet of the Organic Senatus Consultum was sent to a Special Commission, and the Senate adjourned to Friday the 5th

made a long Report on the Projet of the Organic Senatus Consultum, (which will be given to-morrow.The Senate unanimously voted the Projet.


NAPOLEON, &C.-The Senate, after having heard the Orators of the Council of State, has decreed, and we ordain as follows:

Extract from the Registers of the Conservative Senate, Friday, Feb. 5.

The Conservative Senate assembled to the number of Members prescribed by Art. 90 of the Act of the Constitution of the 13th Dec. 1799;-Having seen the projet of the Organic Senatus Consultum drawn up in the form prescribed by Art. 57 of the Act of Constitution of the 4th of August, 1802;-After having heard on the motives of the said projet the Orators of the Council of State, and the Report of the Special Commission appointed in the Sitting of the 2d of this month. The adoption having been deliberated, to the number of voices prescribed by Art. 56 of the Act of the Constitution of the 4th August, 1802, decrees:


Of the Regency.

Art. 1. The case occurring, in which the Emperor ascends the throne a minor, without his Father having disposed of the Regency of the Empire, the Empress Mother unites of right to the guardianship of her Son the Regency of the Empire.-2. The Empress Regent cannot marry a second time. 3. In case of the failure of the Empress, the Regency, if the Emperor has not otherwise disposed of it, appertains to the first Prince of the Blood, and in default of him, to one of the other French Princes, in the order of succession to the Crown.

-4. Should there not be any Prince of the Blood capable of exercising the Regency, it passes of right to the first of the Princes Grand Dignitaries of the Empire in function at the moment of the decease of the Emperor, to one in default of the other, in the following order, viz. The first, the Archchancellor of the Empire; the second, the Arch-chancellor of State; the third, the Grand Elector; the fourth, the Constable; the fifth, the Arch-treasurer; the sixth, the Grand Admiral.-5. A French Prince, The Senate met at two o'clock, under the seated on a foreign Royal throne, at the presidency of his Highness the Prince Arch- moment of the Emperor's decease, is incaChancellor of the Empire. Count Pas-pable of exercising the Regency.6. toret, in the name of the Special Commis- The Emperor not appointing Vice Grand sion appointed in the Sitting of the 2d, Dignitaries, except when the Titulars are


Sitting of Friday, Feb. 5.

called to foreign thrones, the Vice Grand
Dignitaries exercise the rights of the Titu-
lar, whose places they supply, even in what
regards the entrance into the Council of
Regency.- -7. The Titular Princes of the
Grand Dignitaries of the Empire, who, ac-
cording to Article 51 of the Act of the Con-him the exercise of the Regency.
stitution of the 18th May, 1804, were de-
prived of the exercise of their functions at
the moment of the decease of the Emperor,
cannot resume their functions till they are
recalled by the Regent.- -8. To be ca-
pable of exercising the Regency, a French
Prince must be of the age of 21 years com-
plete. All the Acts of the Regency are in
the name of the minor Emperor.

the Constitution, retains the Regency till
the majority of the Emperor.- -The
French Prince who is prevented by any
cause whatever from exercising the Regency
at the moment of the Emperor's decease,
cannot, that impediment ceasing, take on


Of the Council of Regency.
Section I.-Of the Formation of the Council
of Regency.

19. The Council of the Regency is composed of the first Prince of the Blood, of the Princes of the Blood, uncles of the Emperor, of the Princes Grand Dignitaries of the Empire.-20. If there is no Prince, uncle to the Emperor, the nearest kinsman of the Emperor, in the order of succession, has entrance to the Council of Regency. 10. The Emperor disposes of the Re-21. The Emperor, either by letters or gency, either by an act of his will, accord-by will, adds to the Council of Regency ing to the forms established by the statute of the 30th March, 1806, or by letters pa

Of the manner in which the Emperon disposes of the Regency.



Of the extent of the power of the Regency,

the names of such members as he judges proper.- -22. None of the Members of the Council of Regency can be removed from his functions by the Empress Regent, gent, or the Regent, preside in the Council or the Regent.-23. The Empress Reof Regency, or delegate, to preside in their place, one of the French Princes, or one of the Princes Grand Dignitaries.

Sect. 2.-Of the Deliberations of the Council of Regency.

form new dotations of immoveable property, composing the extraordinary domain of the Crown.-4. On the question whether the Regent nominates to one or more of the Grand Dignitaries of the Empire, vacant during the minority?-25. The Council of Regency shall exercise the functions of the Privy Council, as well in matters of

and of its duration. 11. Until the majority of the Emperor, the Empress Regent, or the Prince Regent, will exercise for the minor Emperor all the Imperial power. -12. Their functions commence at the moment of the decease of the Emperor.-13. The Empress Regent 24. The Council of Regency deliberates appoints to the Grand Dignities and great necessarily by the absolute majority of Offices of the Empire, and of the Crown, voices.-1. On the marriage of the Emwhich are or become vacant during the Re-peror.-2. On the declarations of war, and gency.- -14. The Empress Regent, or on the signing of treaties of alliance; and-Regent, may appoint or dismiss all the Mi-3. On every alienation or disposition to nisters without exception, and may raise citizens to the rank of Senators conformably to Art. 57 to the Act of the Constitution of the 18th of May, 1804.- -15. If the minor Emperor dies, leaving a brother heir to the throne, the Regency of the Empress, or of the Prince Regent, continues without any new formality. 16. The Regency of the Empress ceases, if the order of inhe-grace and favour as in the drawing up Seritance calls to the throne a Prince who is not her son. It is provided, in this case, for the exercise of the Regency conformably to Art. 4.——17. If the minor Emperor dies, leaving the Crown to a minor Emperor of another branch, the Prince Regent shall retain the exercise of the Regency till the majority of the new Emperor.18. The French Prince, or the Prince Grand Dignitary, who exercises the Regency from defect of age, or other impediment, in the Prince called before him to the Regency, by

natus Consultum.-26. In case of disagreement, the voice of the Empress or of the Regent shall give the preponderance. If the Presidency is exercised by delegation, the Empress Regent or the Regent shall decide.27. On all other affairs referred to its examination, the Council of Regency shall have only a consultative voice.- 28. The Minister Secretary of State shall hold the pen at the sittings of the Council of Regency, and he shall draw up the proces verbal of its deliberations.

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