According to a calculation of M. Coquebert Monthert, the French empire at present contains the following population:-Inhabitants who speak the French language, 28,126,000; the German, 2,705,000; the Flemish, 2,277,000; the Breton, 967,000; the Biscayan, 108,000; forming a total of 38,262,000. The celebrated Russian traveller, M. Hendenstrom, has paid a second visit to the countries discovered to the north of Siberia, which are denominated in the best maps the country of Listickof, or Sannikof. He has found them to be only an island; but farther to the north this traveller discovered a country watered by considerable streams, which he thought formed part of the continent. He examined coasts to the extent of 170 wersts, and found them covered with great trees, petrified and lying in heaps one upon another. The hills are formed vations another, consisting of several stories, was discovered. It is remarkable for having in one corner a pipe, or tube, of stucco, intended for the conveyance of smoke. This discovery seems to set at rest a question loug agitated by the learned, whether the ancients were acquainted with the use of vents, or chimneys, for carrying off smoke. In the same apartments were found several pieces of marble and alabaster, valuable on account of the bassorelievos and inscriptions with which they are adorned. Their Majesties then proceeded to a triclinium, or dining apartment, recently discovered. The walls are decorated with paintings in the best taste, representing fishes, birds, and game of all kinds. Here are three couches of masonry, in perfect preservation, upon which the ancients reclined during their meals, and near them is still to be seen a of scarcely any thing but slates, petrified wood,marble foot, which must have served to sup and coal. This country he has named New Siberia. In his researches there M. Hendenstrom has found the claws of a gigantic bird, which seems to have belonged to a species at present unknown. These claws are described as being each a yard in length; the Yakuts have port the table. A society for the education of the blind has lately been established at Zurich, in Switzerland. The present number of pupils is fifty; and what is singular, the head master, M. Fuake, is blind. He is described as an excel assured him that in their hunting excursionslent teacher and an ingenious mechanic. they have frequently met with skeletons and even feathers of this bird. This discovery cannot fail of proving interesting to naturalists, since it strengthens the probability that toge ther with the mammoths, mastodontes, and other quadrupeds now extinct, there existed both in the animal and vegetable kingdom species of corresponding dimensions, and in all probability a world quite different from the present. The calamities experienced at different times in Switzerland from the sudden rolling down of prodigious masses of rock and other component parts of mountains in the Grisons, have suggested to the government the propriety of employing M. Escher, a geologist of Zurich, to survey that country. He has accordingly published the result of his enquiries; from which it appears that the valley of Nolla, near the village of Thusis, and the valley of Plesner, near Coire, are threatened with the visitation of avalanches, unless measures of precaution be speedily adopted. A humorous French writer, in describing the peculiarities of the English, tells a story of a man who was going down the Bird-cage Walk, in St. James's Park, to drown himself in the canal, but was stopped in his passage by the sentinel, who refused to let him go on, though much intreated to do it. The other, enraged at his disappointment, flew into a passion, and exclaimed, that English liberty was lost for ever? In the month of October last a fresh search was made for antiquities in the ruins of the ancient Pompeji, by order of their Neapolitan Majesties. On this occasion the Chevalier Arditi, superintendant of the Royal Museum, presented several pieces of ancient pitch, a vessel full of wheat, a piece of coral, several beautiful paiutings, and a lamp of baked earth in the form of a leaf, with a Latiu inscription. This lamp was covered with a very fine varnish or vitrification, which gave it a silvery or pearly appearance. It seems therefore that those authors are mistaken, who assert that this vitrification was not invented till the fifteenth century by a Florentine sculptor.with a piece of ground in the suburbs of WarTheir Majesties having expressed a desire to saw, while lately engaged in removing some have some of the ruins dug up in their pre-rubbish, discovered at the depth of three feet sence, the workmen had the good fortune to find several pieces of money of various deneminatious; a number of bronzes, among which was a very fine vase and an urn for wine; some articles formed of bones; a great quantity of glasses of various shapes and sizes, and in particular several vases, improperly called Etruscan, with Latin inscriptions. They also discovered various works in marble, some comic masks, a few small but elegant altars adorned with basso-relievos, and weights marked on the upper side with cyphers. Hitherto only a single subterraneous babitation, erroneously denominated a cantino, but which ought rather to have been named crypte portico, had been found at Pompeji; in the recent exca An itinerant Jew having purchased a house a trunk covered with plates of iron, and which, on bursting open, was found to contain gold and silver coins to the amount of 14,000l. sterling. From particular circumstances it is supposed that the treasure was concealed during the siege of Warsaw by the Russians in 1796. A man and his wife were recently executed at Augsburg for a murder, the discovery of which, after a long lapse of time, strongly manifests the impossibility of eluding the allseeing eye of Providence. The criminal, whose name was Wincze, was originally of Nurenburg, but removed to Augsburg in 1788, where he followed the law. In this city he became intimate in the family of M. Gleg, to whose daughter he paid his addresses; but the old man not sanctioning his visits, he nict the daughter privately, seduced her, and persuaded her, in order to remove the only obstacle to their union, to administer poison to her father. The horrid plan succeeded, no suspicions were entertained, and their union put him in possession of the old man's wealth. During a period of twenty-one years they lived exter. bally happy, but, in secret, a prey to the greatest remorse. At length, unable to endure the weight of guilt, the wife made confession of the particulars of the atrocious crime she had been prevailed on to commit; the husband was apprehended, and both expated their guilt by an ignominious death. It is well known that the use of copper vessels in cookery has been attended with fatal consequences, and that it is justly dreaded. Various articles are nevertheless dressed in such vessels without contracting any injurious qualities. M. Proust, a celebrated French chemist, lately determined to discover, if possible, the cause of these contradictory effects. By numerous experiments he found that the copper becomes oxided, or rusted, only when the vessel is not full; in which case a portion of its surface is exposed to the action of the atmosphere, the oxygen of which combines with it. This combination, however, is prevented by the heat produced during the time of bailing, which considerably dilates the air The same gentleman also observes, that the fibres of all kinds of mallows, especially the malva sylvestris, are particularly beautiful. They are finer than camel's hair, which they somewhat resemble, and there is no difficulty in procuring them. Extract from the log-book of the Sarah Milner, Captain Cracklow, of Kingston, Jamaica, on a voyage from thence to Baltimore:-" At twelve o'clock at night (Sept. 9), a remarkable occurrence took place; we felt the vessel to receive a severe and sudden shock, which astonished all hauds, and for which we were at a loss to account. Some time having elapsed in various surmises, the mate discovered that a large sword-fish had struck us, which was unable to extricate itself, being fastened in the timbers; the vesselsprang a leak immediately. The length of the fish was twenty-five fect, and seven feet round by computation, and remained fastened to the vessel six or seven hours, when he broke off apparently dead. When we arrived at Baltimore the schooner was hove down and examined, and the sword was found about three feet from the keel, it having run rather in an oblique direction." A cluster of islands has been recently discovered in the South-Seas by Captain Bristow. These islands are situated in 50. 40. South latitude; and 166. 35. Fast longitude: they are seven in number, and the largest contains a fine barbour, in which an abundance of fish, that comes in contact with the copper. It fol-fowl, wood, and water, can be easily procured. lows that the accidents which sometimes attend the use of copper vessels are occasioned by suffering liquids to cool in them, during which time the air has access to the surface of the copper. Hence also our housewives will perceive the reason why cleanliness is their security when their culinary vessels become partly untinned by a continued use. This to ships employed in the southern fishery, in so remote a region, is of great benefit; and perhaps other advantages may be derived from them by a commercial country like England. Captain Bristow has named them Lord Auckland's Group." An eminent Apothecary in the vicinity of this metropolis, has lately recommended, as an effectual cure for the Tooth-ache, the following remedy which he has been in the habit of using for many years, and out of the number of cases, eight-tenths have succeeded, viz. to take three table spoonfuls of brandy, adding to it one drachm of camphire, with thirty or forty drops of laudanum, and then dropping a little on some lint, and applying it to the tooth affected, keeping the lint moistened for five minutes only on the tooth aud gum. The Rev. Jaines Hall has lately been engaged in experiments for procuring flax from broom. This is effected by the following process:-Steep the former year's branches, preferring the most vigorous shoots, for two or three weeks, more or less according to the heat of the season, in stagnant water, or boil them in water for an hour. On this the flax separates freely from the twigs; and where there is not machinery for the purpose, it may be stripped off by children or other persons, when not quite dry, as hemp is pulled from the stalks. What adds to the value of this discovery is, that on being cleared of the flax, and steeped for some time in boiling water, the twigs or wood become tough and beautifully white, and are worth, at a medium, from a shilling to eightecupence per pound, for mak-piece. ing carpet brooms and other purposes. When stripped from the twigs the Bax only requires to be well washed in cold water, then wrang and shaken well, and hang out to dry previ ously to its being sent to the paper manufac-said, "Why, my friend, I am always obliged turers, &c. Professor Davy has bleached some of it for Mr. Hall, who has also seen it spun. Mr. J-l having attended an invitation to breakfast, with another barrister, not less emi nent for economy than for legal knowledge, two rencers of dry toast were presented on a silver rack, accompanied by two prints of butter, each not larger than a half crown The witty advocate, mounting his spectacles, began to explore the plate which held the butter. His host exclaimed, with some surprize, "What the d-l are you at with your spectacles?"-Mr. J-, in answer, to use spectacles in perusing small prints??? Da INCIDENTS OCCURRING IN AND NEAR LONDON, INTERESTING MARRIAGES, &c. A LETTER having been addressed by Sir Francis Burdett to his constituents, contesting the right assumed by the House of Commons to imprison persons deemed guilty of violating their privileges; this publication was denounced to the House by Mr. Lethbridge as a high breach of the saine, and after an adjourned debate it was voted, on the night of Thursday, 5th April, that the author should be committed to the Tower. Such a measure, it was natural to expect from the popularity of the Member for Westminster, could not be carried without some disturbance. A considerable crowd remained in the avenues to the House during the whole of the night, and shouts of " Burdett for ever," together with occasional hisses and groans, were uttered as the Members were returning to and from the House. On Friday morning, as soon as the decision was known, upwards of two thousand persons assembled in Piccadilly, near the Baronet's house, who pel force by force. Here the conversation cuded, and Mr. Colman withdrew. On Friday evening the crowd about the Tower was particularly great. As soon as possible after the vote of the House, orders were sent to the Tower for Earl Moira to direct the necessary preparations to be made for the reception of a Member of the House of Commons. It is usual when a state prisoner is sent there, to plant artillery opposite to and commanding the principal gate, and to let the water into the ditches; this was done. About ten o'clock the populace began to assemble in great numbers at the Tower, anticipating the approach of Sir Francis Burdett. At tive o'clock a dragoon arrived with an express to Lord Moira; and about six his Lordship went away. In the mean time the crowd had increased amazingly in Piccadilly; they filled the whole of the street, and every carriage and waggon was stopped till the persons in them cried out "Bur continued there during the whole of the day, cal-dett for ever." "Towards evening the crowd in ling out "Burdett for ever!" and compelling the coachmen who passed to pull off their hats and receive placards into their carriages. Placards were posted up in the course of the day in all parts of Westminster, stating, that a requisition was signing, for the purpose of calling a meeting of the Electors of Westminster, to consider what steps they should take in consequence of the House of Commons having deprived them of one of their Representatives. No other symptoms of riot appeared during Friday, but towards night a considerable disposition to violence was manifested. A mob paraded about the streets in the neighbourhood of Piccadilly, directing the inhabitants to illuminate their houses under the penalty of having their windows broken; a party of them went in search of Mr. Lethbridge to Berkley-square, where that gentleman formerly resided, and from thence directed their course to St. James's. In the eastern part of the town a considerable crowd assembled in the neighbourhood of the Tower waiting for the appearance of Sir Francis Burdett. The warrant was sigued by the Speaker soon after the vote of the House had passed, and given to Mr. Colman, the Sergeant at Arms, to execute, Mr. Jones Burdett, who remained in the vicinity of the House of Commons throughout the night, proceeded to Wimbledon in the morning, to apprize his brother of the result of the debate. Sir Francis arrived in town about one o'clock, where he received a note from the Serjeant at Arms, informing him of the order of the House for his committal, and requesting to know when he should wait upon him with the Speaker's warrant, for the purpose of accompanying him to the Tower. Sir Francis, however, had not been many minutes at his house, when Mr. Colman entered, and he was informed that the Honourable Baronet would be at leisure to speak with him about twelve o'clock next day. Upon this Mr. Colman departed; but about six o'clock in the evening he again called, and stating to Sir Francis Burdett that he had the Speaker's order to execute the warrant forthwith, the Honourable Baronet replied, that he would not go with him. Mr. Colman urged the authority of his warrant, and that he was entitled, if he thought proper, to call in aid for its enforcement. Sir Francis denied the authority of such an instrument, alledging his right to call in aid if he thought proper to resist its execution, and expressed his resolution to re creased, and proceeded to the houses of those obnoxious to them; to Mr. Yorke's, in Charlesstreet, where they smashed every pane of glass, broke some of the window-frames and shutters, and covered the house with mud. From this the mob went to Lord Chatham's in Hill-street, where they broke all the parlour windows, those above being protected by Venetian blinds outside, then to Grosvenor-square, where they demolished the windows of the Duke of Montrose, of Lord Westmoreland, and of another person's house; in Upper Grosvenor-street they smashed in the whole front of Sir Robert Peele's house, and likewise the windows of the Marquis Wellesley, Lord Castlereagh, and Sir John Anstruther, were completely destroyed. Meanwhile Government had been taking taking precantions. The Horse Guards had been ordered to be in readiness; the different corps of Volunteers were also called to quarters. After having vented their rage on the houses we have enumerated, they proceeded again to St James'ssquare, and attacked Lord Dartmouth's; they next proceeded to Mr. Perceval's, in Downingstreet, and began demolishing the windows. The Horse Guards, however, arriving, soon cleared the street. Patroles of horse were in the mean time scouring the streets; the mob, however, confined themselves to breaking windows, and huzzaing "Burdett for ever." On Saturday Mr. Colman, accompanied by two messengers, waited on the Hon. Baronet, and endeavoured to prevail on him by remonstrances and threats to accompany him to the Tower, in obedience to the Speaker's warrant; but Sir Francis persisted in his refusal. The Serjeant then observed, -" Sir you must be aware that I have two persons waiting below who are prepared to take you away by force."" Then Sir," replied the Baronet, "I have four persons waiting above, who are ready to resist them by force." The Serjeant and messengers then went away. About eleven o'clock on Saturday night the populace attacked the military with stones and brickbats; several of whom, we are sorry to state, were so dreadfully cut and bruised in the face, as to be obliged to return to their quarters; and an officer was shot in the jaw. The military were then under the necessity of dispersing the mob, which had collected in every court and avenue in Piccadilly, especially in Derby-court, where the soldiers galloped through, firing several pistol Sir Francis Burdett, in the course of Saturday, wrote the following letter to the Sheriffs: make as much resistance as possible, the Serjeant at Arms consulted the Law Officers of the Crown for legal advice, whether he might use force for carrying the warrant into effect. His Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor-General gave their opinions, that the use of force was justifiable. The Serjeant then applied to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, to have the warrant backed by his authority, and to have the aid of a military force. The former was refused, as unnecessary; the latter readily granted. "GENTLEMEN, -In furtherance of an attempt to deprive me of my liberty, under the authority of an instrument which I know to be illegal, viz. a warrant by the Speaker of the House of Commons, my house is at this moment beset by a military force. As I am determined never to yield a voluntary obedience to an act contrary to the law, I am resolved to resist the execution of such a warrant by all the legal means in my power, aud as you are the constitutional Officers appointed to protect the inhabitants of your bailliwick from violence and oppression, from whatever quarter they may come, I make this requisition to you, Gentlemen, to furnish me with your aid, with which the laws have provided you, either by call-effort to force it. They then stove in one of the ing out the Posse Comitatus, or such other as the "FRANCIS BURDETT." On Sunday, at twelve o'clock, in consequence of the above letter, Sheriff's Atkins and Wood appeared at the Baronet's house, attended by the Posse Comitatus. On taking their places, they addressed the Officer commanding the Horse Guards on duty in the street, and informed him of the purpose of their coming. The Officer then immediately directed the troops under his command to divide, and take a position of about five hundred yards on either side of the house. At two o'clock an immense motley crowd had collected; some with purple ribbons in their hats, others with purple flags hoisted on the ends of their sticks; every carriage that passed was obliged to do homage, the servants compelled to take off their hats, cheer, and cry out, "Burdett for ever!" At five o'clock, the Horse Guards dispersed the crowd. At nine o'clock four pieces of artillery were brought into St. James's, Berkley, and Grosvenor-squares, and the horse were in motion in the streets. The mob increased at eleven o'clock, and the cavalry drove them along Piccadilly to near the Haymarket. The populace then obtained a ladder from a house that is under repair, and placed it across Piccadilly. By this manœuvre the military were stopped in their direct progress, but they immediately took a circuitous route and came upon the mob through Windmill-street. In the mean time the infantry came up, and their pioneers broke the ladder to pieces. Asharp contest then took place, but no person was seriously hurt. The populace again dispersed. Monday the groupes began to assemble early in the morning near Sir Francis's house. Several had blue cockades and large sticks in their hands. Shoutings were heard of "Burdett for ever." The Light Horse proceeded to Piccadilly with muskets only. During this time the Cabinet and Privy Couneil had met, the opinion of the Law Officers of the Crown had been taken; and orders had been transmitted from the War-Office, in every direction, for every regiment within one hundred miles of London to march to the metropolis forthwith. When it had been ascertained that Sir Francis did not mean to surrender voluntarily, but to Accordingly, a little before eleven o'clock, the Serjeant at Arms, accompanied by messengers, police officers, and a large military force, proceeded to Sir Francis's house. There was but a small assemblage of people, and a strong body of horse kept the street clear on each side of the house. The first attempt was made on the first floor widow, but it failed. The officers next descended into the area, and tried the door, but it was so well barricadoed that it resisted every kitchen windows, by means of iron crows. One of the officers entered and opened the area gate from within side. They rushed up stairs to the drawing-room, Mr.Colman, the Serjeantat Arms, having joined them. On entering the room, Mr. Colman said, "Sir Francis, you are my prisoner." SIR FRANCIS. By what right, Sir, have you forced an entrance into my house, in viola, tion of the laws of the land? THE SERJEANT. Sir Francis, I am required to arrest you under the authority of this war rant. SIR FRANCIS. Sir, I again ask you to exhibit to me the law that authorized you to break into my house? THE SERJEANT. Myauthority is in my hand. It is a warrantsigned by the Speaker of the House of Commons. SIR FRANCIS. Sir, I tell you, that warrant I know to be illegal. It does not justify you in securing my person in the open street, much less in breaking open my house. THE SERJEANT. I am justified in believing the warrant of the Speaker, authorized by a vote of the Commons, to be a legal instrument, and I require you to surrender yourself to me in virtue of it. SIR FRANCIS. name of the King? to obey. Sir, do you demand me in the THE SERJEANT. No, Sir; I repeat that I demand you in the name and by the authority of the Commons of England. SIR FRANCIS. Sir, I deny that they have the power, and I desire you to take notice, that I con. sider the law of the land as violated in my person, and that I am taken from my house by an unlawful force. The Serjeant and messengers, and constables, took Sir Francis into custody, and upon a signal being given, a glass-coach approached the streetdoor, and the cavalry made the greatest haste to surround the coach, to the number of several hundreds. Sir Francis was put in first, and was followed by the Serjeant at Arms and another of ficer. Mr. Roger O'Connor attempted to follow him, but was prevented by the officers. The coach, escorted by the cavalry, set off at a quick rate, up Albemarle-street, across Bondstreet, through Conduit-street and Hanoversquare, for the New-Road, in order to avoid passing the main streets. The military force was augmented in its progress by parties of dragoons, which had been Dd2 stationed at different parts of the New-Road, Islington, and the City-Road. Great numbers of people collected on the foot paths on each side, the artillery-men were seen on the ramparts with port-fires. Whenever an Officer was seen at any of the port-holes, he was saluted with a cry of "Burdett for ever." o'clock, some of them without hats, and most of them bedanbed with mud. and all the windows and balconies were filled. Sir F. was loudly cheered as he passed, the ladies | The troops reached the Horse Guards at three waving their handkerchiefs. The procession haring reached the precincts of the City at Moorfields, were received by the Lord Mayor, at the head of the Civil Authorities of the City. The Lord Mayor conducted the procession through the part of the limits of the City which it had to cross to the precincts of the Tower, where it arrived about half-past twelve. Two battalions of Guards, which had marched through Piccadilly, the Strand, and Cheapside, having arrived on Tower-hill about half an hour before, took their stations in divisions at the principal entrances. The guns around the parapet were immediately manned. About one o'clock the Baronet was received into the Tower, the crowd having by this time increased amazingly, and nothing being heard but cries of "Burdett for ever," and hootings of the military. We have not heard, however, of any mischief having been done in the procession to the Tower. As soon as Sir Francis entered the Tower-gate he was received by Lord Moira, who lamented that he should have to pay his compliments to Sir Francis The military force drawn into and near London, on this occasion, is stated to be about 25,000 men. MARRIED - At Hampton-Court, the Hon. George Cadogan, Captain in the Navy, and son of the late Earl of Cadogan, ogan, to Honoria, fifth daughter of the late Joseph Joseph Blake, Fsq. of Ardiry, county of Galway, sister to the late Lord Wallescourt and the Countess Dowager of Errol, At St. George's, Hanover-square, Hugh Stafford, Esq. a sq. a Colonel ou the he Hon. India Company's Bengal Establishment, to Harriet, only daughter of M. W. Spencer, Esq. of Hinton, in Dorsetshire-Charles Mills, Esq. M.P. for For Warwick, to Miss Miss v, daughter of the late Digby, Wris. Digby, of Moreden, Warwickshire. At Bromley, Joseph Crosby, Fsq. of Stanton, Suffolk, to Miss Adam, sister of John W. Adam, Esq. of New Grove House. The Hon. Joseph Vanneck, eldest son of Lord Hantingfield, to Miss Arcedeck ne, of Clevering-Hall, Suffolk - At Islegoons, to Alice, daughter of the late Thomas Harteley, Esq. of Helington, near York. At St. George il the Martyr, Queen-square, the Rev. Ed Hon. in such a place. Sir Francis thanked his Lord-worth, J. T. Proby, Esq. of the 13th Light Dra ship for his politeness, and was immediately conducted to the apartments destined for him. The firing of the cannon, the usual custom, upon the arrival of a State Prisoner, occasioned general alarm, particularly in the more distant parts of the metropolis, every body supposing that some attempt had been made upon the Tower, and that it had been found necessaryto resist with the Tower cannon. The Tower gates were in the meanwhile shut, the ramparts were lined, and every necessary precaution taken. The military having conveyed the Baronet to the Tower, prepared to return. But scarcely had the troops put themselves in motion, when the crowd began to hoot, hiss, and pelt them. After some time the cavalry turned upon the crowd, and began to fire with pistols. The passage through Crutched-friars, Fenchurch-street, and Gracechurch-street, was a continued scene of confusion and alarm. An old man, employed at a building in Tower-strect, was shot, standing by the door of Mr. Evans, in John-street. One man, who had received a ball through his throat, endeavoured to get admittance at a spirit-shop, but the door was shut against him, which so exasperated the mob that they forced the door open, and broke all the windows. At the corner of Mark-lane several were wounded with sabres and pisto's. One man had bis ear cut off, another was wounded in the breast, and a third was shot through the wrist. The balls passed through the shop windows of several tradesmen in the streets before enumerated. A peor uan, hard pressed by the multitude, sought refuge in the shop of Mr Goodeve, the corner of Mincing-lane, where he received a shot through the left breast, and, by falling, a severe contusion on the back of his to head. He was afterwards carried in a chair to St. mained, however, many detached bodies, who Α.Μ. of of Lincoln Col to Miss Ann, ouly surviving child of Upper Captain ward W illiam Grinfield, DIED-On the ninth day, Mrs. John Lochhart Barnard, May be comprised in very few words:- lotte Wen the At his seat, near Teddington, James Stopford, Farl of Courtown. His Lordship was in his 78th year, and is succeeded in his estates and titles by his eldest son, Viscount Stopiord, Member for Marlborough-In Upper W oper Wimpole-street, in the 70th year of her age, de Right Hon. Lady CharWentworth, the al the only surviving sister of the late Marquis of Rockingham, and aunt to the present Earl Fitzwilliam.-In George-street, Portman-square, Mirs. Spelle, wife of P. Spelle, Esq. President of the Board of Trade, Caleatta. At Hackney, aged 90, the Rer. John Kiddell.-In Sackville-street, Captain Charles Drummond, late Commander of the Glatton East Indiaman, aged 57.-In Gloucester-place, Mrs. Vaughan, relict of Richard Vang ghan, Esq. formerly of Golden Grove, Carmarthenshire. By her death a property of about eight hundred pounds per annum devolves to Lord Caw dor.-In Portman street, Lady Langham, relict of Sir James Langham, Bart.-In George-street, Hanover-square, Viscountess Carleton.-Lady Elizabeth Villiers, sister of the Earl of Jersey.--In Queen Annstreet West, aged 52, William Samuel Travers Esq.-In Berkely-square, Mrs. Raikes, wife of Thomas Raikes, Esq. |