Sheffield, who knows to strike the living lyre See generous Burlington, with goodly Bruce And friendly Congreve, unreproachful man! (Oxford by Cunningham hath fent excufe ;) See hearty Watkins comes with cup and can; And Lewis, who has never friend forfaken; And Laughton whispering afks-Is Troy town taken ? XIII. Earl Warwick comes, of free and honeft mind; Bold, generous Craggs, whose heart was ne'er dif, -Ah why, fweet St. John, cannot I thee find? Harcourt I fee, for eloquence renown'd, Another Simon, like as ftraw to straw. How Lanfdown fmiles, with lafting laurel crown'd! See See Rochefter approving nods his head *, Carleton and Chandos thy arrival grace; Hanmer, whofe cloquence th' unbiafs'd sways; And fhews his heart the feat where virtue flays. XVI. Arbuthnot there I fee, in phyfick's art, As Galen learn'd, or famed Hippocrate; Who could (were mankind loft) anew create: XVII. Thee Jervas hails, robuft and debonair, Now have [we] conquer'd Homer, friends, he cries: *So in the Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot, "Ev'n mitred Rochefter would nod the head." S. + This is no more than a compliment to the vanity of Sir Godfrey, which Pope and other wits were always putting to the strongest trials. S. Charles Ford, efq; writer of the Gazette. S. (Gay, Maine, and Cheney, boon companions dear, Gay fat, Maine fatter, Cheney huge of size) O Wanley, whence com'ft thou with shorten'd hair, "But hither me hath my meeke lady fent:- Yonder I fee, among th' expecting croud, And Titcomb's belly waddles flow along t. *So in the Dunciad, B. iii. 185. "But who is he in clofet clofe ypent "Of fober face, with learned duft befprent?" Humphrey Wanley was librarian to Lord Oxford. S. The names of the majority of perfons here enumerated are in want of no illuftration; and concerning a few of them, it would be difficult to fupply any. Titcomb, however, is mentioned in a letter from Pope to Congreve. "There is a grand revolution at Will's. "Morrice has quitted for a coffee-houfe in the city "and Titcomb is restored, to the great joy of Cromwell, "who was at a lofs for a perfon to converse with on "the fathers and church hiftory." S. VOL. I. See See Digby faints at Southern talking loud, Yea Steele and Tickell mingle in the throng; Lo the two Doncastles in Berkshire known! But who can count the leaves, the ftars, the fand? Lo Stonor, Fenton, Caldwell, Ward, and Broome! Lo thousands more; but I want rhyme and room! XXI. How lov'd! how honour'd thou! yet be not vain : And what rewards his grateful country pay? *See the "First Book of the Iliad" among the Poems of Mr. Tickell. N. See Prior's Ballad of "Down Hall." N. EPISTLE EPIST LE VII. то MR. THOMAS SNOW, GOLDSMITH, NEAR TEMPLE-BAR. A PANEGYRICK, OCCASIONED By his buying and felling of the Third South-Sea Subfcriptions, taken in by the Directors at a thousand per Cent. ISDAIN not, Snow, my humble verse to hear: DIS Stick thy black pen awhile behind thy ear. And thy wide-grafping hand grow black with gold; The South-Sea rocks and shelves, where thousands When credit funk, and commerce gasping lay, |