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has often heard, and which will inspire | truth, and yet be unwilling to put forth him with alternating and even passion- corresponding effort in order to their ate emotions of admiration and horror. removal. It has sometimes been urged The author (a respected congrega- in explanation, not to say defence, of tional minister in a northern county), their inactivity, that they have been appropriately commences his task by too much concerned for spiritual relisketching the character and career of gion to engage in polemics. But Wiclif Wiclif, the "morning star of the Re- was too intelligent, notwithstanding all formation." In admirable terms he the disadvantages of his times, to admit illustrates the secret of the confessor's the justice of such a plea. He well boldness in attacking error, how formid- knew that, if the gospel of the New ably soever defended; and of the re- Testament ever triumphed, it must be luctance of many good men, in the by its friends bringing it fearlessly present day, to commit themselves by and ceaselessly into contact with every taking part in the pending conflict. pretension; and therefore he sought "Errors and truths," he observes, "were the special aids of the Spirit, not to alike expounded by one simple princi- comfort him in soft repose but to ple, THE SUFFICIENCY OF SCRIPTURE. strengthen him for conflict. Who can Wiclif seized the truth, and it became listen to his devout pleadings without in his hand a thunderbolt. His blood emotion? "Almighty Lord God, most was up, and he wrote daringly and, for merciful, and in wisdom boundless, himself, dangerously. It is not for since thou sufferedst Peter and all ordinary minds to conceive of the im- apostles to have so great fear and petuosity of an ardent soul which has cowardice at the time of thy passion, caught fire from a 'present truth,'- that they flew all away for dread of especially if it happen to be one which death and for a poor woman's voice; has been long undiscovered. It is and since, afterwards, by the comfort more than conviction: it is an inspira- of the Holy Ghost thou madest them so tion. Colder men may censure; unbe- strong that they were afraid of no man, lieving ones may doubt. Prudence may nor of pain, nor death; help now, by summon a halt, and fear may draw gifts of the same Spirit, thy poor serback aghast. But such a man sees his vants who all their life have been goal, and opposition only stimulates the cowards, and make them strong and high purpose of his noble nature. bold in thy cause, to maintain the gosRushing on to the conflict, Wiclif was pel against antichrist and the tyrants not always careful on what or on whom of this world!"-P. 25. This is surely he trod. But he uplifted his standard, the language of a Greatheart, who unand fearful as have been the attacks derstands the nature of religion and upon it, it has never been removed. the obligations it entails. He set up the truth which the experience of centuries has but served to maintain, that, whether against popes or cardinals, against law churches or ecclesiastical organizations, the only test of truth is the word of God." P. 17.

Good men may, however, be aware of the existence of evils, and of their injurious influence on the interests of

The second chapter delineates the "writhings of the down-trodden." Among the victims of this early period were many whose views of Christian ordinances coincide with our own. Why Mr. Miall should have denominated them "anabaptists" (p. 43) we know not. If thus spoken of by the authorities from whom he derived his information, he was under no obligation to

retain their terminology, except when on questions of religion.'* They asked quoting their language; especially as again, 'Whether it be not better for us he designates the pædobaptist exiles at that a patent were granted to monopoFrankfort by the modern phrase of " alize all the cloth or corn, and to have it congregational church" (p. 45.) In this measured out unto us, at their price chapter the Hampton Court Conference, and pleasure, which were yet intolertogether with the names of Hooper and able, as for some men to appoint and Rogers, Latimer and Ridley, Cartwright measure out to us what and how much and Coverdale, and many others "of we shall believe and practise in matters whom the world was not worthy," come of religion? If the magistrate must under review. We scarcely think that punish errors in religion, whether it Cranmer is entitled to be placed in the does not impose a necessity that the same category: historical justice will magistrates have a certainty of knowconsign him to a much inferior classifi- ledge in all intricate cases? And cation. whether God calls such to that place whom he hath not furnished with abilities for that place? And if a magistrate in darkness, and spiritually blind and dead, be fit to judge of light, of truth, of error? And whether such be fit for the place of the magistracy?'"+ Pp. 172, 173.

"Contests with Despotism," "Pioneers of Liberty," and "Aimings at the Impossible," are the descriptive titles of succeeding chapters; and ample and illustrative materials are furnished by the occurrences of the last Tudor and the earlier Stuart's reigns. The Star Chamber and High Commission Inquiries like these, addressed to the Court, Whitgift and Laud, are titles of Westminster Assembly, were not unplaces and men which intrude them-likely to disturb the reverend subscribselves, like evil spirits, on the attention ers of "the solemn league and coveof the reader in connexion with this period. The deeds which their respective owners witnessed or perpetrated, were such as made the nation groan; which will cover the protestant episcopal church with indelible infamy; and which will awaken the indignation of virtuous minds through all coming time.

nant." Good Maister Baillie, one of the Scotch clerical commissioners, gave expression to his displeasure in a volume, the general tone of which may be easily guessed at by the terms of the title-page,









In describing the proceedings of the Westminster Assembly, Mr. Miall does honour to himself by doing justice to the baptist denomination. This is no more than might have been anticipated THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND, UNSEALED, from a gentleman of his intelligence and candour. He says, "To the anabaptists, as they were then termed, the high praise is due, that at this period and before it, they had been clear in the principle, that it is not only un

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But we must not linger, although other chapters and topics press for con

* Religion's Peace! or, a Plea for Liberty of Conscience. By Leonard Busher. First printed in

merciful, but unnatural and abominable, 1614. Reprinted by Hanserd Knollys Society.

+ Necessity of Toleration in matters of Religion. By S. Richardson. 1647. Reprinted by Hanserd

yea, monstrous, for one Christian to
vex and destroy another for difference Knollys Society.

sideration, fraught with important | ing to stem the torrent of Rationalism, lessons of instruction in reference to with which Germany had been desocivil and religious liberty, religious con-lated. What Sir Walter Scott once victions and divine truth. The writer said of literature, looking at it in a conducts his readers through a period pecuniary point of view, that it was a of English history extending over seve- good staff, but a bad crutch, may with ral centuries, at once the most pro- propriety be said of the biblical works foundly painful and interesting. The of these scholars, as translated for the limits he assigns himself, necessarily use of English students: he who is preclude lengthened details or remarks. strong enough to walk without them His style is, however, vivacious and may avail himself of their help advanagreeable; his topics are judiciously tageously, but he who has to depend selected; his practical deductions are upon them for support is likely to suffer important; and his whole volume for his implicit faith. The matured (which we cordially commend) worthy divine, who is well established in the of a cultivated and devout mind. "The truth as taught by the best British conclusion of the whole matter," may teachers, will read their writings with be thus expressed :-" Had the church advantage; but they are not likely to been, as the principles of the Reforma- do good to the public at large. In tion demanded, dissevered from the Germany, these works are adapted to state, into what comparatively small raise the public mind to a healthier dimensions would "The Acts and state than that which has been prevaMonuments of British Martyrs' have lent; in England they will excite been reduced! Papal, episcopal, puri- scepticism in minds which had received tan,-the degrees of intolerance may correct opinions, and debilitate that vary; but the fact of persecution, belief which needed to be strengthened. under any state church, is invariable.” -p. 44.

The Revelation of St. John, Expounded for those who Search the Scriptures. By E. W. Hengstenberg, Doctor and Professor of Theology in Berlin. Translated from the Original, by the REV. PATRICK FAIRBAIRN, Author of "Typology of Scrip ture," ""Ezekiel, an Exposition," "Jonah," &c. Volume 1. Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark. 8vo. pp. 480.

We received, however, this volume on the Apocalypse with pleasure. There are difficulties connected with the interpretation of that book which we have never been able to surmount completely, and if men looking at it from a different position from that to which we have been accustomed, can throw to receive their assistance gratefully. any new light upon it, we are prepared The first sentences of Hengstenberg's preface will doubtless excite the sympathy of many of his readers. THE name of Hengstenberg is not Revelation of St. John," he says, unknown to our readers. Translations for a long time a shut book to me. That of his learned work on the Antiquities it was necessary here to lay open a new of Egypt, and of his Commentary on path; that neither the course pursued the Book of Psalms, have afforded us in the older ecclesiastical, nor that of opportunities to introduce him to their the modern Rationalistic exposition was notice. He is one of the band of whom to be followed, I never entertained a Neander, Olshausen, and Tholuck are doubt. The constantly renewed atperhaps best known in this country, tempts at fresh investigations resulted who have, for some years been labour-only in a better understanding of par



ticular points, but accomplished nothing as to the main theme. I was not the less persuaded, however, that the blame of this obscurity lay not in the book itself, with the divine character of which I was deeply impressed, but in its exposition; and I did not cease to long for the time when an insight might be granted me into its wonderful depths."

to that early period. But," he adds, "it is one of the fundamental defects of the theology of the present day, that criticism is brought into play before exegesis has sufficiently done its part, and that the crudest thoughts are proclaimed with naive confidence as 'the result of the more exact and more perfect exegetical investigations for which the age is distinguished;' whence the path is at once taken to the region of criticism, and the most solid arguments, both of an external and internal nature, are unscrupulously set aside. This is certainly not the scientific mode of proceeding, however commonly it boasts of being so."-P. 36.

In his remarks on the Seven Epistles, which occupy more than a hundred pages, much will be found to repay the attention of one who is endeavouring to understand those interesting portions of this mysterious book. But when we arrive at the strictly prophetical parts, subsequent to the invitation, "Come up hither, and I will show thee things which must be hereafter," we meet with little else than disappointment.

The preliminary researches of our author have issued well. He not only professes his conviction that the book was written by the apostle John, and that the visions were seen by him in the isle of Patmos, but also that the older theologians were correct in their belief respecting its date, when they assigned it to the reign of Domitian. Into this question, which is of importance in determining "the historical starting point," he has gone very fully; and in opposition to the theories of some of his own celebrated countrymen, adopted greedily by some Englishmen, he argues satisfactorily, that the book could not have been written so early as the days of Nero, or of Galba, but that the testimony of Irenæus is true, "It was seen not long ago, but almost in our There are two particulars, especially, generation, towards the close of Do- in which the author differs from those mitian's reign." Thus he at once sets interpreters who have always appeared aside the hypothesis, which has recently to us to have made the nearest apbeen advocated both here and in Ame-proaches to a satisfactory elucidation rica, that the prophecies had reference of the Apocalypse. In the first place to the destruction of Jerusalem, by he does not regard it as predicting Titus. "He who takes this properly events: there is no such thing as an into account, will in the first instance event brought out; there is only a reat least assume for his starting point iteration of general truths, as applicable the period of Domitian, as that which to one era as to another. Every thing has so many solid grounds to support it, is vague and indefinite. Thus, with and will consider whether he may not regard to the seven seals, the opening thence gain an insight into the whole by of which is recorded in the sixth chapunbiassed and earnest inquiry, and ter, they are made to present "an exespecially may find the passages in hibition of the victory of Christ over question brought into their true light. the world." The book, it is remarked, The result will then be gained, that justly, is primarily a book of consolathese passages could not refer to the tion for the church. The first seal, ther, period before the destruction of Jeru- teaches that "This in all its feebleness salem, far less that they must be referred and tribulation shall be revived by

having the image of its heavenly King | tions which our author draws from the

placed before its eyes, as he goes forth with invincible might to win a sure and glorious victory." The second teaches, that when wars and terrors overspread the earth, the Christian should see in them the dawn of the church's triumph. The third shows that bad crops and scarcity are in the hand of God, with which he chastises unbelief and enmity to Christ and his church through the whole course of centuries, and punishes and breaks the arrogance of an apostate and rebellious world, so as to prepare the way for Christ's dominion. The fourth indicates that pestilence, and other things that tend to produce a general desolation, are directed to the one point of chastening and breaking the pride and insolence of the world, restraining its persecuting zeal, and converting out of it what is to be converted. The substance of the fifth seal, we are told is, "such catastrophes as bring to view the final judgment on the world, and in connexion with that the glorification of the church." The sixth scal is a description of the feelings of mankind in anticipation of the final catastrophe which takes place under the seventh. But the interpretation of the seven trumpets is even more indefinite than that of the seven seals. The first indicates warnot any particular war, but war in general. The second indicates warnot any particular war, but war in general. The third indicates war-not any particular war, but war in general. Respecting the fourth, we are told, "Here we can only think of the alarming and distressing times of war." The fifth is a "frightful image of war, as the awful scourge with which God chastises the apostate world." Now we do not deny that wars generally have been in every age made conducive to the divine purposes; nor do we impugn the correctness of the general observa

seals; but we do deny that the church needed an Apocalypse to teach these things, which had been taught fully and convincingly in the Old Testament scriptures; and we do believe that the symbols were intended to foreshadow things much more specific, though our defective acquaintance with history and other causes may at present leave us in some degree of doubt respecting their precise meaning.

Another cause of our author's small success in the interpretation of this book is to be found in his rejection of what seems to us to be the well established opinion respecting its structure. By those whom we have deemed the best expositors of this book it has long been deemed indisputable that its structure is this:-There are seven seals which are opened successively; the last of them contains seven trumpets which are sounded successively; and the last of these introduces to view seven vials which are poured out successively. Independently of interpretation, strictly speaking, this seems to be the plan of the prophecy; and thus we have been led to suppose that we are furnished in it with intimations respecting things which should come to pass, affecting the interests of the church, from the time of the last of the apostles to the time of the general judgment. Hengstenberg, on the contrary, rejects the idea of a continuous series; he regards the visions as totally independent of each other in reference to time, and is constantly recurring to the same starting point.

The work is at present incomplete. When we see the second volume perhaps we shall form a more favourable opinion of the author's scheme than we can conscientiously express at present. One observation, however, we may make now. We are surprised at the ignorance of English theology which Hengsten

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