esq. late purser of her Majesty's ship Griffon. At Baden Baden, aged 13 months, Charlotte Henrietta, only child of the Hon. John Boyle. May 22. Aged 21, Prince William of Saxe Weimar, eldest son of Duke Bernard of Saxe Weimar, and nephew to her Majesty the Queen Dowager. May 27. On his way to Canada to join his regiment, aged 22, John Boughton Egerton Ward Boughton Leigh, esq. Cornet in the First Dragoons, eldest son of John Ward Boughton Leigh, esq. of Brownsover Hall, Warwickshire. Lately. In the United States, Zera Colburn. He was distinguished when a child for a most remarkable power of arithmetical calculation. He was born in Vermont, and soon after his remarkable talent was discovered, he visited some of the principal towns and cities of America. Subsequently he came to Europe, but after an absence of twelve years returned to his native country. He became a clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and recently a professor of the Literary Institution of Norwich, in which situation he remained to the period of his death. At Paris, aged 80, M. Emeric David, member of the Institute. At the Hague, aged 62, M. Van¡Os, the distinguished animal and landscape painter. BILL OF MORTALITY, from May 28 to June 18, 1839. AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, by which the Duty is regulated, June 21. Farnham Pockets, 67. 6s. to 97. 9s.-Kent Bags, 21. 2s. to 51. 12s. PRICE OF HAY AND STRAW AT SMITHFIELD, June 24. Hay, 31. 10s. to 47. 15s. Od.-Straw, 17. 18s. to 21. 2s.-Clover, 47. 10s. to 5l. 12s. 6d. SMITHFIELD, June 24. To sink the Offal-per stone of 8lbs. Walls Ends, from 17s. 6d. to 22s. 3d. per ton. Other sorts from 19s. 3d. to 21s. Od. TALLOW, per cwt.-Town Tallow, 48s. CANDLES, 8s. Od. per doz. 6d. Yellow Russia, 48s. 6d. Moulds, 9s. 6d. PRICES OF SHARES. At the Office of WOLFE, BROTHERS, Stock and Share Brokers, 23, Change Alley, Cornhill. Birmingham Canal, 201.- Ellesmere and Chester, 81. Grand Junction, 190. Kennet and Avon, 284. Leeds and Liverpool, 750.-Regent's, 15. -Rochdale, 112.--London Dock Stock, 664.- -St. Katharine's, 109. India, 110. West -Liverpool and Manchester Railway, 193.--Grand Junction WaterWorks, 694. -West Middlesex, 104.- -Globe Insurance, 140.- Guardian, 39. Hope, 6. Chartered Gas, 55. Imperial Gas, 51.-Phoenix Gas, 28. Independent Gas, 50.-General United Gas, 36.—Canada Land Company, 28.-Reversionary Interest, 136. For Prices of all other Shares inquire as above. METEOROLOGICAL DIARY, BY W. CARY, STRAND. J. J. ARNULL, Stock Broker, 1, Bank Buildings, Cornhill, late RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and ARNULL, J. B. NICHOLS and son, 25, pARLIAMENT-STREET.' GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. AUGUST, 1839. BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. CONTENTS. MINOR CORRESPONDENCE.-Tytler's England.-Family of Beauharnois.-Sir .... .... Description of Hurley Church, Berkshire (concluded) ... ... PAGE 106 ...... 107 126 129 133 136 139 144 146 154 159 160 THE GAELIC Controversy-PUNIC AND IRISH-Non-identity of the Welch and Gaelic-The Tenses in Hebrew, &c. Burnett's Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as displayed in the Animal Creation, 161; Schism, as opposed to the Unity of the Church, 162; Halliwell's Rara Mathematica, 164; Reliquiæ Antiquæ, 165; Dauney's Ancient Scotish Melodies, 166; Taylor's Manual of Modern History, 167; Billings's Carlisle Cathedral, 170; Bartholomew's Fire-proof Buildings, 172; Illustrations of Knight's Normans in Sicily, ib.; Fra Cipola, and Poems by Sir John Hanmer, 174; the Stirling Peerage-Miscellaneous Reviews FINE ARTS.-Architectural Drawings at the Royal Academy, 177.-Sale of Pictures, 178.-Panorama of Malta, ib.-Thorwaldsen's Works, Medal of Her Majesty, &c. LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE.-New Publications, 179. -University of Cambridge, 180.-Winchester School, 181.-Royal Society, ib.-Royal Society of Literature, ib.-Geological Society, 182.-Statistical Society, ib.-Zoological Society ........ ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES.-Catalogue of Roman Altars, &c. in the 175 179 182 186 HISTORICAL CHRONICLE.-Proceedings in Parliament, 188.- Foreign 192 Promotions and Preferments, 194.-Births, Marriages.. OBITUARY; with Memoirs of the Prince de Borghese; Cardinal Fesch; Bill of Mortality-Markets-Prices of Shares, 215.-Meteorological Diary Stocks.... ....... Embellished with several specimens of WOOD ENGRAVING. MINOR CORRESPONDENCE. The letter on Tytler's "England" in p. 22, was written, as it was inserted, in too great haste. The LOVER OF HISTORIC TRUTH will find, on a re-perusal of the review, that he has misquoted when he says that "the Reviewer states that Mr. Tytler has drawn an unfair inference -Mr. Tytler's inference being that Cecil conformed outwardly during Queen Mary's reign to the Roman Catholic religion." On turning to our June number, p. 573, our correspondent will perceive that the "overstrained" inference which it was shown that Mr. Tytler has drawn, is that Cecil actually "became a Roman Catholic," and "embraced the Catholic faith." It is in this positive assertion of an actual change of religion that Mr. Tytler's error consists; whilst the matter of mere outward conformity is just where it was before Mr. Tytler's researches began. This our correspondent would have seen if he had given himself five minutes' consideration. M. J. remarks: "The statement of J. R. in p. 35, ascribing a plebeian origin to the family of Beauharnais, is totally at variance with the account of it,-inserted in the Annuaire Historique, Genealogique et Heraldique de l'ancienne noblesse de France, par M. De Saint Allais, Année 1835,' page 509,-where I find,' De Beauharnois ou Beauharnoys, et dans les temps modernes Beauharnais, Marquis de Ferté Beauharnais, Comtes des Roches Baritaud, Barons de Beauville, Seigneurs de Beaumont, de Villechauve, De La Grilliere, de Miramion, De la Chaussée, de Nesmond,' &c. &c. The author then adds, that before ascending thrones, and associating itself with the Sovereign Houses which occupy them, this ancient and distinguished House, in the order of French nobility, had rendered signal services to the State, both in the army and in the ranks of high magistracy during many centuries. He commences the genealogy with Guillaume de Beauharnais ler du nom, Seigneur de Miramion et de la Chaussée-who on 20 January 1390, married Margaret de Bourges, by whom he had a son, Jean de Beauharnais, one of the witnesses in favour of the Maid of Orleans. The descents then follow in regular succession-with the names of their wives-dates of their marriages-an account of the various offices they held down to Alexandre Vicomte de Beauharnais, the first husband of the empress Josephine." F. E. will be obliged to our correspondents by any information respecting the time of death, or place of burial, of Sir William Griffith of North Wales, who married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Fines, summoned to Parliament as Lord Say, 29 Hen. VI. Persons of the name abound in Welsh genealogies, but anything respecting his identity, or reference to where any account of his issue can be found, will oblige. He E. D. S. saw last year, at Sandown Castle, near Deal, a portrait, said to be that of Colonel Hutchinson, hanging up in the room wherein he breathed his last. It appears to be of tolerable execution, but does not at all correspond with the likeness of him prefixed to "the Memoir" by his lady in the edition of 1810. is represented as about forty-five years of age, with a full flowing wig; it is a third-length portrait on canvas, about three feet by two feet six, in oil colours, and in very good preservation. At Sandwich we were shewn some old paintings on the wainscot of a room in a house which had formerly been inhabited by some of the mayors of that town. There are four heads, portraits as large as life, placed in pairs on two opposite sides of the room. The first seems a little like the figure of Charles the First, and the companion resembles that of his queen Henrietta; the third I could not make out, but has apparently been intended for some prince or general, and the last is the portrait of the mayor, in whose mayoralty the royal visit (for such the pictures I am about to describe, seem to portray) took place. The intervening panels are filled with representations of a long procession either to or from the water side, accompanied with the firing of many cannons and muskets, with numerous band of musicians. Ships on one side, and carriages and horsemen on the other, are seen in great abundance. The procession is closed by a carriage, through the windows of which are seen the two first-mentioned personages, sitting side by side. Altogether they are most interesting pieces of historical painting, and they have been executed by an artist of considerable merit. I have looked over "Boys's Collections" for an account of them, but could find none. When we saw them, the house was in the occupation of Mr. H. Standly, China and Glass Warehouseman. I shall feel much obliged if you, or any of your readers, can give me some information respecting these pictures at Sandwich, and that which tradition assigns to Colonel Hutchinson, at Sandown Castle. General Cockburn, of Dover, had a copy taken of the latter a few years ago. |