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praising God-rising in moral majesty in the traveller's view at every sentence he uttered-had stood in his presence, only six years before, his eyes bloodshot with intemperance, his throat choked with profanity, and his lips parched with blasphemies. Without any cant, the traveller called this a refreshing hour;-he had been bred among the learned, was familiar with the great, and had witnessed the highest efforts of mighty mind-but he has often been heard to declare, that the blacksmith's prayer had more influence on his affections, hopes, and faith, than all the eloquence he had ever heard, in temples of justice, halls of legislation, or from the sacred desk ;and he has adopted it as a maxim ever since, that on literature, well directed, mainly rests the happiness of man here and hereafter.



The ancient Peruvian oracles foretold the advent of a Liberator, who would break the iron hand of Spanish oppression; scatter the darkness of superstition before the light of reason, and plant the tree of LIBERTY on both sides of the Andes; and that he would fall before the great work of political redemption was finished, by the poisonous tooth of a serpent. The poison that curdled the thin and wholesome blood of the mighty warrior, the sage lawgiver, and disinterested patriot, was the ingratitude of his countrymen.

Laurentius' Eulogy on Bolivar.

THERE are some spots on the earth more beautiful than others, in which nature shows her power over the mountain, the vale, the wild wood and the water-fall. On these we love to linger and mark the lights and shadows of the landscape as they change with the course of the sun; so in the history of man, there are romantic incidents that are constant themes of admiration to each succeeding generation. Among these is the history of the Incas of Peru, who called themselves the children of the sun. The first of the Incas was Mango Capac; and his wife was Coya Mama. It is now well settled that they were Mongels, who, as they were sent from China to attack the Japanese with large ships carrying elephants to assist them in battle, were blown off, and after a long voyage landed in South America There can be no question but that the Peruvians and the Mexicans were originally of the same race. They had the same customs, laws, manners, and habits, both in war and in peace. Mango Capac and

his few followers arrived at that part of the continent now called Peru. These strangers, the children of the sun, taught the Indians the arts of civil life, and to cultivate the ground with wheat and maize. Coya Mama instructed the females in spinning cotton and wool. The Incas did not disclose to the Indians whence they came, or what was their true origin. Their first appearance was probably about the middle of the thirteenth century. The circle of their influence was continued from age to age for nearly three centuries; first, by conquest, and then by the wisdom of their institutions. The Peruvians were originally small, independent tribes, like the other aborigines of that country; rude in their policy, but more inoffensive and mild than those of North America. They were in the state of nature, when, as their traditions inform us, a man and woman, dressed in elegant garments, made their appearance on the banks of the lake Titiaca. They told the Indians that they were sent by the sun, their father, and the moon their mother, to bring them from savage lives, and to teach them to worship the sun, and to make them good and happy. Mango bore in his hand a rod of gold;-he said that his father told him wherever he stopped to strike the rod into the ground, and where it should at the first stroke go down to the top, on that spot he should build a temple to the sun, and fix the seat of his government. This happened in the vale of Cuzo, where he founded a city as the capital of his kingdom. Here he began the primitive arts of civilization, by dividing the people

into small families, and by putting rulers over them, and superintended them himself. The most beautiful upland cotton grew spontaneously around them, and the use of it, under the instruction of Coya Mama, soon became common. The females, who before wandered almost in a state of nudity, now wore flowing robes of shining whiteness, or those dyed by coloring vegetables or by insects which grew or swarmed around them. Belonging to a warlike race, himself a warrior, he, by degrees, organized an army powerful enough to carry his conquests as far as he wished. After a long reign, Mango Capac died beloved by his subjects as a father, and was adored by them as a demigod, when dead. The next Inca was Sinchi Roca. He, like the Roman Numa, was brave and powerful, but preferred the arts of peace to those of war. He extended the olive-branch with such kindness and persuasion, that he never was under the necessity of using his arms, which were always in readiness. He understood the maxim-to keep peace, a nation should be prepared for war.

LOQUI YUPANQUI was the first who made use of arms against the natives. He added new provinces to the empire, and spent his time and treasures in the internal improvements, in the provinces he had conquered,-making canals, roads and public buildings; but his great labor was erecting a temple of the sun, and a house of consecrated virgins therein. This inner temple for the vestal virgin was called ACLLAHUA,

MAYTA CAPAC added the province of Collao to his

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