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mighty, of the learned and of the ignorant, and hence every man is in some respect, at certain moments of his life, a philosopher. As long as human thought exists, Philosophy will exist. The problems of the philosophers of all ages have not always been the same. They could not have been. The history of human thought bears the same impress of progress and evolution which is noticeable everywhere. Old problems disappear and new ones take their place. Just as the grown-up man looks back with a smile upon the ideas of his early youth, realizing that what was once most interesting to him is now trivial, so the human race, in its march onward, changes its notions, conceptions, and ideals, rejects old beliefs and replaces them with new ones. Scarcely does the human mind find an answer to an old perplexing question when a new one arises; almost simultaneously with the discovery that what appeared a mysterious phenomenon is a very simple occurrence, the natural event of a given cause, there emerges a new point on the horizon of human thought. The craving and yearning for knowledge, the desire to raise the veil of nature, to penetrate her secrets, and know the truth, will be everlasting in the human breast. Mighty revolutions in the domain of thought will solve old riddles, upset deep-rooted conceptions, and shatter old creeds and ideals; but humanity must have new ones. To solve the everrising, hydra-headed riddles; to work for the realisation of new ideals; to set up a new truth in the place of the old-one to which humanity can cling and by which it may shape its action and conduct-has for ever been, and will continue to be, the aim of Philosophy.



J. M. BALDWIN, Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, New York, 1901.

R. EISLER, Wörterbuch der philosophischen Begriffe und Ausdrücke, Berlin, 1899.

H. CALDERWOOD, Fleming's Vocabulary of Philosophy, 1887. Articles on Esthetics, Logic, Metaphysics, Psychology, and Philosophy in Encyclop. Britannica; Ersch und Gruber's Encyclopädie; and La Grande Encyclopédie.


G. T. LADD, Introduction to Philosophy, London, 1891. O. KUELPE, Einleitung in die Philosophie, 1895; Engl. transl., London, 1897.

FR. PAULSEN, Einleitung in die Philosophie, 4. Aufl., 1896. W. JERUSALEM, Einleitung in die Philosophie, Wien, 1899.


J. E. ERDMANN, History of Philosophy, transl. by Muirhead, 3rd ed., 1893.

A. WEBER, History of Philosophy, transl. by F. Thilly, London, 1896.

WINDELBAND, A History of Philosophy, transl. by J. H. Tufts, 1893.

UEBERWEG-HEINZE, History of Philosophy, transl. by H. B. Smith, London, 1875–76.

P. JANET et G. SÉAILLES, Histoire de la Philosophie, Paris, 1887.

F. C. A. SCHWEGLER, Handbook of the History of Philosophy, transl. by J. H. Sterling, Edinburgh, 1888.


P. DEUSSEN, Elements of Metaphysics, London, 1894.
P. JANET, Final Causes, transl. by W. Affleck, 1883.

A. FOUILLÉE, L'Avenir de la Métaphysique fondée sur l'expérience, 1889.

E. VACHEROT, La Métaphysique et la Science, 2 Tom., Paris, 1858.

TH. FECHNER, Die Tagesansicht gegenüber der Nachtansicht, Leipzig, 1879.

F. A. LANGE, History of Materialism, transl. by E. C. Thomas, 1877.

P. JANET, The Materialism of the present day, transl. by G. Masson, 1865.


A. BAIN, The Emotions and the Will, 3rd ed., London, 1875. The Senses and the Intellect, 1855.

J. SULLY, Outlines of Psychology, London, 1892.

The Teacher's Handbook of Psychology, 4th ed., 1897.
The Human Mind, London, 1892.

H. MUENSTERBERG, Aufgaben und Methoden der Psychologie,


G. T. LADD, Philosophy of Mind, London, 1895.

H. HOEFFDING, Outlines of Psychology, 1891.

W. JAMES, Principles of Psychology, 1890.

E. B. TITCHENER, An Outline of Psychology, 2nd ed., 1897. W. WUNDT, Outlines of Psychology, transl. by C. H. Judd, 1897.

Lectures on Human and Animal Psychology, transl, from the German, 1896.

M. DESSOIR, Geschichte der neueren Psychologie, 1894.

C. GROOS, The Play of Man, transl. by E. L. Baldwin, 1901.


H. LOTZE, Logic, Engl. transl., 1888.

W. J. JEVONS, Elementary Lessons in Logic, 1887.
T. FOWLER, Logic, Deductive and Inductive, 1895.
W. H. S. MONCK, Introduction to Logic, 1890.
F. H. BRADLY, Principles of Logic, 1883.

J. S. MILL, System of Logic.

C. SIGWART, Logic, transl. by H. Dendy, 1895.
W. WUNDT, Logik, 2. Aufl., 1893–95.

C. PRANTL, Geschichte der Logik, 1855–70.
F. HARMS, Geschichte der Logik, 1881.


J. SULLY, Sensation and Intuition, London, 1874.

An Essay on Laughter, 1902.

C. GROOS, Der æsthetische Genuss, 1902.

Einleitung in die Esthetik, 1892.

W. KNIGHT, Philosophy of the Beautiful, 1891.

H. R. MARSHALL, Pain, Pleasure and Esthetics, London,


FR. VISCHER, Aesthetik, 1847-58.

H. LOTZE, Outlines of Esthetics, Boston, 1886.

M. CARRIÈRE, Aesthetik, 1884.

J. VOLKELT, Aesthetik des Tragischen, 1897.

E. VERON, Esthetics, transl. by W. H. Armstrong, 1877.

B. BOSANQUET, History of Esthetics, 1892.

M. SCHASLER, Kritische Geschichte der Aesthetik, 1886.


H. CALDERWOOD, Handbook of Moral Philosophy.
J. H. MUIRHEAD, Elements of Ethics, 1892.

H. SIDGWICK, Methods of Ethics, 6th ed., 1901.

Outlines of a History of Ethics, 1892.

SUTHERLAND, Origin and Growth of the Moral Instinct,


SIR L. STEPHEN, The Science of Ethics, 1882.

The English Utilitarians, 3 Vol., 1900.

H. SPENCER, The Principles of Ethics, 1892–93.

F. PAULSEN, A System of Ethics, transl. by F. Thilly, 1899. G. SIMMEL, Einleitung in die Moralwissenschaft, Berlin, 1892-93.

G. V. GIZYCKY, Moralphilosophie, 1888.

F. JODL, Geschichte der Ethik, Stuttgart, 1882-89.

TH. ZIEGLER, Geschichte der christl. Ethik, 1886.

A. FOLLÉE, Critique der systèmes de morale contemporains, Paris, 1883.

Y. GUYOT, La Morale, Paris, 1883.

P. JANET, The Theory of Morals, transl. by M. Chapman 1884.

CH. LETOURNEAU, L'Évolution de la Morale, Paris, 1887.


H. SPENCER, The Principles of Sociology, 3rd ed., 1885.
R. FLINT, History of the Philosophy of History, 1893.

J. H. W. STUECKENBERG, Introduction to the Study of Sociology, 1898.

J. G. VON HERDER, Outlines of a Philosophy of the History of Man, 1803.

H. LOTZE, Microcosmus, Engl. transl., 2 Vol., 1885.

L. STEIN, Die sociale Frage im Lichte der Philosophie, 1897. L. GUMPLOWICZ, Grundriss der Sociologie, 1885.


O. PFLEIDERER, The Philosophy of Religion, Engl. transl., 1886-88.

H. SIEBECK, Lehrbuch der Religions-philosophie, 1893 CH. LETOURNEAU,. L'Évolution religieuse dans les diverses races humaines, 1898.

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