G. WILLIS AND H. SOTHERAN, in presenting their new and enlarged general Catalogue of Books to their numerous Friends and Customers, embrace the opportunity of thanking them for their continued support; and in addition they are happy to state that they are now enabled to offer to the Bookbuying Community for selection the largest collection of valuable new and second-hand Books for sale in England, at the lowest prices. Each work is faithfully described in their Catalogues, so that Gentlemen, however distant, are enabled to form Collections of scarce and good Books with the same advantages as those that have the opportunity of examining them on the spot. They PUBLISH ALSO A POST CATALOGUE of all their fresh purchases, on the 25th of each month, appended to which is a list of the New Publications, with the prices, from which they take a DISCOUNT OF TWOPENCE IN THE SHILLING. These Catalogues, known as the PRICE CURRENT OF LITERATURE, have appeared regularly for the last seventeen years, and are forwarded on the day of publication, post-free, FOR A YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION OF THREE SHILLINGS. W. & S. are always ready to purchase, on liberal terms, either large or small quantities of books; and also to value, arrange, and catalogue libraries, in town or country. Contracts given for the supply of Public Libraries, Institutions, etc., at home and abroad, upon the lowest terms. |