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"The importance of the subject," he observes, "not only in a philosopbical and ornamental, but also in a medical point of view, must be obvious to every person of common reflection. It is a matter of just inquiry-Why, amidst the innumerable works published on medical science, so little has been written on the subject of the Human Hair? Disappointed in bis researches on this point, even in writers of approved excellence and just celebrity, the Author of this present Essay resolved to apply sedulously to a branch of study which was intimately connected with his former professional avocation, to acquire a deep practical judgment of the nature and properties of the Human Hair; and having studied anatomy under a Gentleman of eminent and distinguished talents, he flatters himself he has acquired some degree of knowledge on this important subject, the fruits of which he has endeavoured to develope in the ensuing Essay. The curious structure and delicate formation of the Human Hair- the causes of the diseases to which it is subject-the means of preventing or eradicating them -and the method of preserving and beautifying it, were the primary objects of the Author's investigation, and of his anatomical and physiological studies. His object also has been to make a subject, in some degree uninteresting to general readers, interesting to all; -he therefore has relieved the philosophic part of this work by a copious selection of numerous anecdotes, and appropriate passages from the most eminent British Poets."

The following remark may, perhaps, be interesting.

"Violent nervous headaches will cause the hair to fall off, and if not attended to, will frequently become bald. I have found the hair in this instance, on observing it with the glass, to contain a matter just sufficient to squeeze out of the tube of the hair. This, I believe, seldom happens in England; but in foreign countries it appears to be more general, more particularly in Poland and the Northern parts of Germany, where the inhabitants are frequently afflicted with the disorder denominated the Plica Polonica."

A few of Mr. Rowland's Anecdotes may amuse our Readers.

"The celebrated Dr. E. D. Clarke, in his Travels, thus describes a Lady of Athens: At her cheek is a lock of Hair made to curl towards the face, and

*"Joshua Brooks, Esq. Lecturer on Anatomy, &c. Blenheim-street."

down her back falls a profusion of Tresses, spreading over her shoulders. Much time is consumed in combing and braiding the Hair after bathing, and at the greater festivals in enriching and powdering it with small bits of silver gilded, resembling a violin in shape, and woven at regular distance."

"The beauty of the Hair did not escape the notice of that elegant and Royal Poet, James the First of Scotland. While a prisoner in England, he wrote a Poem in honour of Lady Jane, daughter of the Earl of Salisbury. Speaking of the native charms of that Lady, the Royal Poet says,

Of hir array the form gif I sal write, Toward hir goldin Haire, and rich atyre.' This Monarch afterwards describes the manner in which the Hair was then adorned, with emeralds, and sapphires, and precious stones of the most brilliant lustre. Upon the head was worn a chaplet formed of feathers of white, red, and blue."

"Sir Henry Halford, who attended His Royal Highness the Prince Regent into the Royal vault at Windsor, upon examining the head of King Charles the First, found his pointed beard in a state of high preservation."

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"The ladies in the reign of Charles the Second, and succeeding Monarchs, took uncommon pains in arranging the Hair. The portrait of the Duchess of Cleveland, and other ladies of the Court, evidence the taste used in this arrangement."

"Lord Orford relates the following anecdote of the Duchess of Marlborough, wife of the Hero of Blenheim :- One of her Grace's principal charms was a prodigious abundance of fine fair Hair. One day at her toilet, having some words with the Duke, she cut off those commanding tresses, and flung them in his face.' Lady Sunderland, her daughter, (whose beauty captivated even Dr. Watts, who wrote some elegant verses upon her) was possessed, like her mother, of a most beautiful head of Hair; and she used, while combing it, to receive visits from persons whose votes or interest she wished to influence."

"The Hon. Mrs. Howard, afterwards Countess of Suffolk, Mistress of George the Second, at an early period of her life, was eminently conspicuous for her beautiful Hair. Lord Orford relates an anecdote of this Lady: That her husband having given a grand entertainment to the Hanoverian Ambassador, and the expences not being paid, she cut off her beautiful tresses, which at that time procured an immense profit, to defray the expences.''

52. Vir

52. P. Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, Eneis. Accedunt, in Gratiam Juventutis, Notæ quædam Anglice scriptæ. Editio Secunda. In Ædibus Valpianis. 12mo. pp. 640. Law & Whitaker. A very neat and accurate impression of the Prince of Roman Poets; which we are glad to see thus introduced:

"The favourable reception given by the publick to a previous Edition of Virgil in the present form, has induced the Printer to proceed to another impression, accompanying it, for the use of Schools, with some brief English Notes.

Mr. Valpy thus proceeds:

"In preparing these, as the design, in some respects, differs from that of other annotators of school editions, a few prefatory words in explanation appear necessary. On general subjects of history or of mythology, of chronology or of geography, these Notes are not designed to give information, or to abridge the labour of the youthful student in consulting such a dictionary as that of Dr. Lempriere. They are meant to be confined strictly to the elucidation of the text. On every occasion, without exception, where any difficulty, either of construction, or in the sense, or in the metre, seemed likely to arise, the best information has been diligently sought and applied; with a few grammatical or etymological remarks interspersed, which may lead the youthful student to inquire and think for himself, and may facilitate his future progress in the Latin tongue. Heyne has observed, that it is easy to say much about Virgil, but difficult to say a little well. If the difficulty were felt by this great man in the range of four or five octavo volumes, how much more sensibly must it press his humble follower, within these narrow bounds? Among the various excellencies of our poet, it has been remarked that clearness is not to be reckoned. In elucidating his text, many renowned critics have, in successive generations, applied great acuteness and unwearied industry: and what has been the result? Not simply discordance of opinion, complete, frequent, and warmly expressed, but in several instances, the suggestions of three or four widely differing solutions, too often all doubtful. Among these the Annotator's duty has been to select that which in his judgment seemed the most probable, the want of space precluding him from doing justice to the different arguments. On this head, therefore, it is incumbent on him to bespeak the favour of better-informed men, should,


by chance, these Notes attract for a moment their attention. We have all our favourite opinions and bypotheses, on disputed points; in Virgil in particular, we have many of us formed conclusions early, and not to be shaken. Even it is perhaps in human nature, on these where we privately retain some doubts, points, even to resent any attack on opinions which we favour, and believe to be well founded.

"The authorities whence the Notes are derived The are frequently stated. letters D. H. and M. show that these have been borrowed, respectively, from the Delphin, from Professor Martyn, and Heyne. The valuable body of by J. H. Voss, was not procured withnotes on the Eclogues and Georgies, out considerable delay and difficulty: but for the exertions of a learned friend, probably it might not have been obtained. As well on account of

its scarcity, in this country at least, as because this work is still confined to its Author's native language, the Annotator has considered it as a point of ho nour, to avow in what instances his Notes have been benefited by the labours of this Veteran in Classical Literature, who has conferred on its lovers such various and important obligations."

53. The Literary Bazaar; or, Poet's Council: a Grand, Historic, Heroic, Serio-comic, Hudibrastic Poem, in Two Cantos. With a Pic-Nic Elegy on Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Esq. By Peter Pepperpod, Esq. 8vo. pp. 63. Harper &Co.

THERE is somewhat of originality in this application of the name of Bazaar; where a Conclave of Poels are supposed to be assembled for the purpose thus expressed:

"Record, O Muse! with pathos all thine own,

The valiant deeds of thy heroic sons; Record the noble courage they have shewn, [Duns.

In quelling Booksellers,—and routing How, in full Conclave, they, with wisdom fraught, [to mend, Argued on means their hapless state Spake of their wrongs with mighty depth

of thought,

And pray'd Apollo Genius to befriend."

An attempt is then made (on the plan of "The Rejected Addresses") to imitate the manner and language of several of our modern Bards, some of them not unsuccessfully; and on the whole, the parodies are amusing, though to select any one of


them might appear invidious. We would whisper, however, to this and other Authors, that, when they thus rail at Booksellers, they are censuring their best friends and steadiest patrons.

54. A Description of the correct Method of Waltzing, the truly fashionable Species of Dancing, that, from the grace. ful and pleasing Beauty of its Movements, has obtained an Ascendancy over every other Department of that polite Branch of Education. Part I containing a correct explanatory Description of the several Movements and Attitudes in German and French. Waltzing. By Tho. Wilson, DancingMaster, (from the King's Theatre, Opera House) Author of "The Analysis of Country Dancing," Treasures of Terpsichore," and a Variety of other Works on Music and Dancing. Illustrated by Engravings, from Original Designs and Drawings, by J. H. A. Randall. 12mo. pp. 113. Sherwood & Co.


HAVING in our last Volume paid proper consideration to Mr. Wilson's Country Dances," we shall content ourselves with now giving only the ample title of the present work; observing merely, that it is dedicated

"To the Ladies and Gentlemen, of the King's Theatre, Opera House, of the Theatres Royal, Drury Lane and Covent Garden, and of the other Theatres, and to the Teachers of Dancing, and the others who have honoured the Treatise on the correct Method of Waltzing with their patronage and support, as subscribers and otherwise.

"No work on Dancing ever having been so highly patronised as the present, I can only say, that my sense of gratitude, excited by your goodness, is so strong, as to be altogether inexpressible, and such as never can be destroyed, but must be ever held in my remembrance, and cherished with enthusiasm."

The volume is splendidly printed; and will be a curious morsel for some Bibliomaniac of the next Century. Disapproving in toto of the art of Waltzing, we cannot say more of the mode of teaching it.

55. The celebrated and fashionable Dance La Batteuse, with the various Figures correctly explained, as danced at Paris, and at all the fashionable Balls and Assemblies of the Nobility and Gentry, and also at the Author's Balls and Assemblies: clearly illusGENT. MAG, April, 1817.

trated by Diagrams, shewing the various Movements of which it is composed. Arranged for the Pianoforte, or Violin, by Thomas Wilson, DancingMaster. folio, pp. 11.

THE skilful and indefatigable Mr. Wilson thus introduces La Batteuse :

"The great celebrity which this Dance has so generally acquired in the first circles of Fashion, and the required frequency of its introduction in all fashionable Balls and Assemblies, has rendered it necessary that every Teacher of Fashionable Dancing should become properly acquainted with it. It has however, since the introduction of it as a fashionable dance, suffered many alterations which have tended to pervert the true nature of its composition as it correctly stands. To obviate as much as possible any further innovation on this pleasing Dance, is the Author's object in laying down the correct method of its performance, by giving the proper music, pointing out where the steps and the beating should be introduced, the quantity of musick required

for each, and shewing by diagrams the

form of the dance, and the correct manner of performing all the various movements of which it is composed.”

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"TO the Poor Laws," says this well. intentioned Writer," which are generally supposed to be founded in humanity, and which have been regarded by many as the boast of the Country, must be attributed no small proportion of its present distress. Among the evils to be enumerated as proceeding from these laws must first be mentioned the Poor Rate; this Tax, unknown, I believe, to any Country except England, bas gradually increased, from a very small sum, to a most enormous amount; its oppressive nature is universally acknow ledged, almost all the land and houses in the Country are subject to it; it every where bears a considerable proportion to the rent, and sometimes greatly exceeds it. Large tracts of land in different parts of the country are left uncultivated in consequence of it, houses are every where wanting tenants, many of their former occupiers having removed to other countries, where this grievous tax is unknown."

After expatiating on the insufficiency of the present Laws for effecting the much-desired purposes, the benevolent Writer adds,


"The greatest facility should be given to the lower orders to deposit Savings, which they might be certain of receiving again with an accumulation of interest. -Benefit Societies afford very partial advantage, and are objectionable, as they frequently fail, and always promote excess of drinking.--Banks instituted for Savings in various parts of the country, encouraged by gentlemen of the neighbourhood, have already been productive of considerable benefit, and would certainly be attended with the greatest national good, if the lower orders were conscious that they must depend on themselves in cases of emergency. The plan which would probably he the most generally beneficial is, that in every parish there should be a weekly meeting of the Clergyman, Churchwardens and Overseers, or a part of them, to receive savings to be repaid with interest.These sums to be used for parochial purposes, until the savings of any individual may amount to a sum sufficient to be vested in Government securitywhen the Government, and not the Parish, would become responsible.-This plan would operate universally, and give facility to all to accumulate Savings."

57. A Remedy for the late Bad Harvest. 12mo. pp. 24. J. M. Richardson.

IF this Sixpenny Pamphlet in any degree answers its Title, it will be worth its weight in gold. It is certainly well intentioned; contains many sensible remarks; and gives very wholesome advice, not only to the Distributors of Public Bounty, but to the middling ranks of Society, and also to the poorer classes.

"It has pleased Providence, in the present year, to alleviate the calamity of a bad barvest by an abundance of animal food, which (except when made wastefully fat) is now unusually cheap. Here, then, a substitute may be found of the most nutritious kind, to enable the poor to reduce their consumption of bread; and it behoves the higher classes to as

sist them in availing themselves of this substitute, in the cheapest and most commodious form."

Seven different Receipts for the making of Soup are given

the result of some experiments made in the year 1795, by James Johnston, M. D. Physician to the Royal Hospital at Haslar, and reported by him to the Hon. Adm. Waldegrave, now the Rt. Hon. Adm. Lord Radstock; a Noble

man who is ever among the foremost in judicious attempts to promote the happiness of his fellow creatures. The pre

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58. The Young Man's Book of Know ledge: containing a familiar View of the Importance of Religion, the Works of Nature, Logic, Eloquence, the Fassions, Matter and Motion, Magnetism, Mechanical Powers, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Optics, Acoustics, Electricity, Galvanism, Geometry, Geography, Astronomy, History, Chronology, &c. By Thomas Tegg, Editor of the Chronology, or Historian's Companion." The 4th Edition, enlarged, with an Index. wood & Co.

12mo. Sher

We have already given our opinion of this Work in Vol. LXXXVI. i. p. 250, and are glad to see that the indus trious Editor continues to improve it in its progressive impressions.

"As this publication," he says, "was originally compiled with the view of dividing the profits among seven of the Editor's children, partly as a reward of their past exemplary conduct, and partly as a stimulus to future exertions; he has much reason to be grateful for the re ception it has met with from the publick in the rapid sale of the former Editions, as well as in the demand there has been for the present." LITERARY

Nearly ready for Publication: The First Part of the Polyglott Bible (announced some time since by Mr. BAGSTER, and intended to be comprised in one quarto volume), containing the Pentateuch, is nearly ready for delivery.

The Third Part of NEALE'S Illustrated History of Westminster Abbey is announced for publication in July.

A New Edition of "Four Letters on the English Constitution," with Additions. By Mr. G. DYER, Author of the History of the University of Cambridge.

Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay, in H. M. S. Rosamond, containing some Account of the North-Eastern Coast of America, and of the Tribes inhabiting that remote region. Illustrated with Plates. By Lieut. EDWARD CHAP PELL, R. N.

Public Education; consisting of Three Tracts, reprinted from the Edinburgh Review, The Classical Journal, and The Pamphleteer; together with the Defence of Public Schools. By the late Dean of Westminster.

A Reply to certain Observations on the Bampton Lectures for 1815, contained in the British Critic for December 1816, and January 1817. In a Letter to the Head of a College, by REGINALD HEBER, A. M.

Oweniana; or, a Selection from the Works of Dr. OWEN. By ARTHUR YOUNG, Esq.

A Treatise, touching the Libertie of a Christian Man, written in Latin, by Doctor MARTYNE LUTHER, and translated by JAMES BELL. Imprinted by R. Newbery and H. Bynneman, 1579. Dedicated "To Lady Anne, Countesse of Warwicke." With the celebrated Epistle from M. Luther to Pope Leo X. Edited by WILLIAM BENGO COLlyer,

D.D. F.A.S.

Letters on some of the Events of the Revolutionary War.

Lalla Rookh; an Oriental Romance. By Mr. T. MOORE. Accompanied with Illustrations from Paintings by Westall. Odin, a Poem; by the Right Hon. Sir WM. DRUMMOND. This Poem, which is connected with the most interesting æra of Northern Mythology, refers principally to the Origin of the Gothic Empire. Catalogus Avium in Insulis Britannicis habitantium; being a Catalogue of all the British Species of Birds, with the Provincial Synonims. By Mr. Edw. FORSTER, jun.

Eight Familiar Lectures on Astronomy, delivered at Tottenham last winter to a numerous audience of young persons. By Mr. WILLIAM PHILLIPS, Author of the "Outlines of Mineralogy and Geology," &c.

The Second Volume of an Introduction to Entomology, or Elements of the Natural History of Insects. By the Rev. W. KERBY, M.A. F.L.S. and W. SPENCE, Esq. F.L.S.

A Descriptive Catalogue of Recent Shells; arranged according to the Linnæan method, with particular attention to the Synonymy. By LEWIS WESTON DILLWYN, F.R.S.

Decerpta ex P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon libris; ad optimorum exemplarium fidem recensita, Notulis sermone Anglicano exaratis illustrata, et Indice Nominum Propriorum uberrimo instructa. In usum Scholæ Glasguensis. Studio JOANNIS DYMOCK. Editio altera. Preparing for Publication:

'An entirely new Translation of the New Testament into Latin. By Mr. LEOPOLDO SEBASTIANI. This Translation has been made from the celebrated Alexandrian Codex, consulting at the same time all the various published readings, and a great number of manuscripts, all the sacred Greek Writers, sacred Critics, Glossaries and Biblical Dictionaries. The author has also traversed the whole of Greece, and has consulted the most learned Ecclesiastics of that nation, in order to know their ancient traditions with regard to the sense of many passages.

A Key to the Old Testament, or a Summary View of its several Books, pointing out the Persons, Events, and Ordinances that were figurative of Christ and his Church; with a more minute Detail of the Psalms and the Frophetic Writings. By the Rev. HENRY RUTTER.

A Six Weeks' Course of Prayers for the Use of Families. By the Rev. WM. SMITH, Author of "A System of Prayer."

Shakespeare and his Times: including the Biography of the Poet; Criticisms on his Genius and Writings; a Disquisition on the Object of his Sonnets; a New Chronology of his Plays; and a History of the Manners, Customs and Amusements, Superstitions, Poetry, and Elegant Literature of his Age. By Dr. DRAKE, Author of "Literary Hours."

A fragment of the Consular Annals was found at Rome on the 29th of March, in the ruins of the Temple of Castor. It corresponds with the Tables that were found some time before, and deposited in the Capitol. They contain the names of eight of the Decemvirs, who were the authors of the Law of the Twelve Tables. A stone is said to have been lately found in a Temple at Pompeia, on which are engraved the linear measures of the Romans.


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