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Lopez. Three Volumes. Tomo I. 16 prel. leaves Indice 9 pp. Tomo II. 2 prel. leaves Tomo III. 2 prel. leaves and 364 pp. (10s. 6d. 2548)

and 357 pp. and 500 pp. Small 8vo. SOLORZANO PEREIRA (JUAN DE). [Engraved title] Politica Indiana/de/ el Dor. D. Jvan de Solorzano/ Pereira Cavallero del Orden de/ Santiago, del Confejo del Rey/ N. Sr. elos Supremos de Cas/tilla y de la/ Indias/ Dirigida/ Al Rey Nvestro S,/ en fu Real y Supremo Confejo/ de las Indias/ por mano del Exmo./Sr. Conde de Castrillo/ Prefidente delmefmo/ Confejo &c./ Con Privilegio en Madrid en la Officina/ de Diego diaz de la Carrera/ An'o de 1647. [Printed title] Politica Indiana./ Sacada en Lengva Castellana de/ los dos tomos del derecho, i govierno mvnicipal/ de las Indias Occidentales que mas copiosamente/ escribio en la Latina./ El Dotor Don Ivan de Solorzano Pereira/ caballero del orden de Santiago, del/ Confejo del Rey Nueftro Señor en los Supremos/ de Caftilla, i de las Indias./ Por el Mesmo Avtor,/ Dividida en feis Libros./ En los qvales con gran distincion, i estvdio/ fe trata, i refuelve todo lo tocante al Defcubrimiento, Defcripcion, Adqui-/ficion, i Retencion de las mefmas Indias, i fu govierno particular, afsi cerca/las Perfonas de los Indios, i fus Servicios, Tributos, Diezmos, i Encomien-/das, como de lo Efpiritual, i Eclefiaftico, cerca de fu Dotrina, Patronazgo Real, Iglefias, Prelados, Prebendados, Curas Seculares, i Regulares, Inqui-/fidores, Comiffarios de Cruzada, i de las Religiones. I en lo Temporal, cerca de todos los Magistrados feculares, Virreyes, Prefidentes, Audiencias,/ Confejo Supremo, i Iunta de Guerra dellas, con infercion, i/ declaracion de las muchas cedulas Reales que/ para efto fe han defpachado./ Añadidas/ mvchas cosas, que no estan en los tomos/ Latinos, i en particular todo el Libro Sexto, que en diez i fiete Capitulos trata de la Hazienda Real de las Indias, Regalias, Derechos, i Miembros de que fe/ compone, i del modo en que fe adminiftra; i de los Oficiales/ Reales, Tribunales de Cuentas, i Cafa de la/ Contratación de Sevilla./ Obra de svmo trabaio, i de igval importancia,/i utilidad, no folo para los de las Provincias de las Indias, fino de las de Efpa-/ña, i

otras Naciones, de qualquier Profession que fean, por la gran va-/riedad de cofas que comprehende, adornada de todas/ letras, i efcrita con el metodo, claridad,/i lenguaje que por ella/ parecerà./ Con dos Indices muy diftintos, i copiofos, uno de los Libros, i Capitulos en que fe/ divide: i otro de las cofas notables que contiene./ Con Privilegio,/ En Madrid. Por Diego Diaz de la Carrera./ Año M.DC. XLVIII./ 24 prel. leaves; viz. Engraved and printed titles 2 leaves; 'Censvra del Señor etc. Licencias' etc. 2 leaves; Al Rei Nro Sor Don Felipe IV.' etc. 7 leaves; Al Excelentissimo Señor Don Garcia de Haro i Avellaneda,' etc. 3 leaves; copperplate engraved portrait, 1 leaf; Al Retrato del Autor defte libro.' etc. 1 leaf; Al Lector.' 3 leaves; 'Indice de los Libros, etc. 5 leaves: Text 1040 pp. Indice mvy Copioso' etc. 52 leaves. Vellum. Fine copy. Folio. (1l. 1s. 2549)

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SOLORZANO PEREIRA (JUAN DE). D. D. Ioannis/ de Solorzano/ Pereira,/ I.V. D. ex eqvestri Militia/ D. Iacobi, et in supremis Castellæ, & Indiarum Confiliis Senatoris ;/ de Indiarum Ivre ;/ sive/ de justa Indiarum Occidentalium/ Inquifitione, Acquifitione, & Retentione./ Cui acceffit alia ejusdem avthoris/ Difputatio de Parricidii Crimine. Cum duplici Indice, primo Librorum & Capitum; altero Rerum notabilium abfolutiffimo./ Editio nouiffima ab innumeris, quibus priores deformatæ erant mendis emaculata./ Lugduni,/ Sumptibus Lavrentii Anisson./ M. DC. LXXII./ Cvm Svperiorvm Permissu./ Two Volumes. Tomvs Primvs. 12 prel. leaves and 438 pp. Indexes 44 leaves; followed by 64 pp. of text, and 8 leaves of Index. Tomvs Secvndvs. 6 prel. leaves, and 858 pp. Index 71 leaves. Folio. (10s. 6d. 2550)

SOME Account of the North-America Indians; their Genius, Characters, Customs, and Difpofitions, towards the French and English Nations. To which are added, Indian Miscellanies, viz. 1. The Speech of a Creek-Indian against the immoderate Ufe of Spirituous Liquors; delivered in a National Affembly of the Creeks, upon the breaking out of the late War. 2. A Letter from Yariza, an Indian Maid of the Royal Line of the Mohawks, to the principal Ladies of New-York. 3. Indian

Songs of Peace. 4. An American Fable. Collected by a learned and ingenious Gentleman in the Province of Penfylvania. London: R. Griffiths, [1754] 68 pp. Half mor. 8vo. (10s. 6d. 2551) SOME Remarks on a Pamphlet, call'd, Reflections, on the Conftitution and Management of the Trade to Africa, Demonstrating the Author's abufive Afperfions therein contained, to be ill-Grounded, the Matters of Fact wrong Represented, and the late Management of that Trade fet in a True Light. With An Account, of the Needful Charge of the British Settlements in Africa; in what manner they may be beft Maintain'd, and the Trade carry'd on to the Benefit of this Nation, and our Plantations in America. [London] Printed in the Year, MDCCIX. 32 pp. Half mor. 8vo. (4s. 6d. 2552) SOME Considerations on the Consequences Of the French Settling Colonies on the Mississippi, With refpect to the Trade and Safety of the English Plantations in America and the Weft-Indies. From a Gentleman of America, to his Friend in London. London: J. Roberts, 1720. Half-title, title, and 60 pp. With map. Half mor. 8vo. (7s. 6d. 2553) SOME Observations on the Affiento Trade, As it has been Exercifed by the South-Sea Company; proving the Damage Which will accrue thereby to the British Commerce and Plantations in America, And particularly to Jamaica. To which is annexed A Sketch of the Advantages of that Island to Great Britain, by its annual Produce, and by its Situation for Trade or War. Addressed to His Grace the Duke of Newcastle, One of his Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State. By a Perfon who refided feveral Years at Jamaica. London: H. Whitridge, MDCCXXVIII. iv and text 38 pp. Half morocco. 8vo. (5s. 6d. 2554) SOME Observations on Extracts taken out of the Report from the Lords-Commiffioners for Trade and Plantations. [London, 1730] 4 pp. folded and bound in calf. Folio. (8s. 6d. 2555)

SOME Considerations Humbly offer'd upon the Bill Now depending in the Houfe of Lords, Relating to the Trade between the Northern Colonies and

the Sugar-Iflands. In a Letter to a Noble Peer. [London], MDCCXXXII. 19 pp. Half morocco. 8vo. (4s. 6d. 2556) SOME Fruits of Solitude, in Reflections and Maxims, Relating to the Conduct of Human Life. In Two Parts. The Eight Edition. Newport, RhodeIland: Printed by James Franklin, at the TownSchool-Houfe, 1749. 6 prel. leaves and 158 pp. Table 7 pp. More Fruits of Solitude: Being The Second Part of Reflections and Maxims, Relating to the Conduct of Human Life. Newport, Rhode Inland: Printed by James Franklin, at the Town School-Houfe, 1749.' 3 prel. leaves: imperfect, wanting all after page 106. 12mo. (10s. 6d. 2557) SOME Observations on the Bill, Intitled, “An Act for granting to His Majefty an Excife upon Wines, and Spirits diftilled, fold by Retail or confumed within this Province, and upon Limes, Lemons, and Oranges." Boston: Printed in the Year, 1754. Title and text 12 pp. Half morocco.

Small 8vo.

(21. 2s. 2558) SOME Hints to People in Power, on the Present Melancholy Situation of our Colonies in North America. London: J. Hinxman MDCCLXIII. Half morocco. 48 pp. 8vo. (5s. 6d. 2559) SOME Thoughts on the Method Of Improving and Securing the Advantages which accrue to GreatBritain from the Northern Colonies. London: J. Wilkie, MDCCLXV. 23 pp. Half morocco. (4s. 6d. 2560) SOME Important Observations, Occafioned by, and adapted to, The Publick Fast, Ordered by Authority, December 18th, A.D. 1765. On Account of the Peculiar Circumstances of the prefent Day. Now humbly offered to the Publick, By the Author. Newport: Printed and fold by Samuel Hall. 1766. Half-title, title, and pp. 3–61. Half mor. (10s. 6d. 2561)



SOME Candid Suggestions towards Accommodation of Differences with America. Offered to Consideration of the Public. London: T. Cadell, MDCCLXXV. 33 pp. Half mor. 8vo. (4s. 6d. 2562) SOME Reasons for approving of the Dean of Glou

cester's Plan, of separating from the Colonies; with a Proposal for a further Improvement. London: N. Conant, M.DCC.LXXV. 32 pp. Half mo(4s. 6d. 2563)

rocco. 8vo. SOME Seasonable Observations and Remarks upon The State of our Controversy with Great Britain; And on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress: Whereby many interefting Facts are related, and Methods propofed for our fafety and an Accommodation. By a Moderate Whig. America: Printed and fold in the Year MDCCLXXV. 14 pp. Half morocco. 8vo.

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SOME Transactions between the Indians and Friends in Pennsylvania, In 1791 & 1792. London: James Phillips, MDCCXcп. 14 pp. Half morocco.

8vo. (3s. 6d. 2565) SOME Considerations on this question; Whether the British Government acted wisely in granting to Canada her present constitution? With an Appendix; containing Documents, &c. By a British Settler. Montreal: Printed and Sold by J. Brown/ No. 20, St. François Xavier Street. 1810. 26 pp. Half morocco. 8vo. (4s. 6d. 2566)

SOME Account of the conduct of the Religious Society of Friends towards the Indian Tribes in the Settlement of the Colonies of East and West Jersey and Pennsylvania: with a brief narrative of their labours for the Civilization and Christian Instruction of the Indians, from the time of their settlement in America, to the year 1843. Published by the Aborigines Committee of The Meeting for Sufferings. London: Edward Marsh, 1844. prel. leaves and text 247 pp. With two coloured maps. (4s. 6d. 2567)




A True Relation/ of the/ Illegal Proceedings/ of the/ Somer-Islands-Company in their/ Courts at London./ And the like done by their Governour/ Sir John Heydon, Knight, and his Council, in the/ Somer-Islands. In all Humility prefented to the Honourable Knights,/ Citizens and Burgeffes Affembled in Parliament./ Craving from them to be Relieved from the following/ Oppressions./ London: Printed in the

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