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General Treaty of Vienna.

XC. The right that the Powers who signed the treaty of Paris of the 30th May, 1812, reserved to themselves by the 3d article of that treaty, of fortifying such points of their states as they might judge proper for their safety, is equally reserved without restriction to his Majesty the King of Sardinia.

XCI. His Majesty the King of Sardinia cedes to the canton of Geneva the districts of Savoy, designated in the 80th article above recited, according to the conditions specified in the act intituled "Cession made by his Majesty the King of Sardinia to the canton of Geneva." This act shall be considered as an integral part of this general treaty, to which it is annexed, and shall have the same force and validity as if it were textually inserted in the present article.

XCII. The provinces of Chablais and Faucigny, and the whole of the territory of Savoy to the north of Ugine, belonging to his Majesty the King of Sardinia, shall form a part of the neutrality of Switzerland, as it is recognized and guaranteed by the powers.

Whenever, therefore, the neighbouring powers to Switzerland are in a state of open or impending hostility, the troops of his Majesty the King of Sardinia which may be in those provinces, shall retire, and may for that purpose pass through the Vallais if necessary. No other armed troops of any other power shall have the privilege of passing through or remaining in the said territories and provinces, excepting those which the Swiss Confederation shall think proper to place there; it being well understood that this state of things shall not in any manner interrupt the administration of these countries, in which the civil agents of his Majesty the King of Sardinia may likewise employ the municipal guard for the preservation of good order.

XCIII. In pursuance of the renunciations agreed upon by the treaty of Paris of the 30th May 1814, the Powers who sign the present treaty recognize his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, his heirs and successors, as legitimate sovereign of the provinces and territories which had been ceded, either wholly in part, by the treaties of CampoFormio of 1797, of Luneville of 1801, of Presburg of 1805, by the additional convention of Fontainebleau of 1807, and by the treaty of Vienna of 1809; the possession of which provinces and territories his Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty obtained in consequence of the last war; such as Istria, (Austrian as well as heretofore Venetian) Dalmatia, the ancient Venetian isles of the Adriatic, the mouths of the Cattare, the city of Venice with its waters, as well as all the other provinces and districts of the formerly Venetian States of the Teria Firma, upon the bank of the Adige, the duchies of Milan and Mantua, the principalities of Brixen and Trente, the county of Tyrol, the Voralberg, the Austrian Frioul, the ancient

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Venetian Frioul, the territory of Montefal cone, the government and town of Trieste, Carniola, Upper Carinthia, Croatia on the right of the Save, Fiume, and the Hungarian Littorale, and the district of Castua,

XCIV. His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty shall unite to his monarchy, to be possessed by him and his successors, in full property and sovereignty;

1. Besides the portions of the Terra Firma in the Venetian states mentioned in the preceding article, the other part, of those states, as well as all other territory situated between the Tessin, the Po, and the Adriatic sea.

2. The vallies of the Valteline, of Bormio, and of Chiavenna.

3. The territories which formerly composed the republic of Ragusa.

XCV. In consequence of the stipulations agreed upon in the preceding articles, the frontiers of the states of his Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty, in Italy, shall be;

1. On the side of the states of his Majesty the King of Sardinia, such as they were en the 1st of January, 1702.

2. On the side of Parma, Placentia and Guastalla, the course of the Po, the line of demarcation following the Thalweg of the river.

3. On the side of the states of Modena, such as they were on the 1st of January, 1792.

4. On the side of the Papal states, the course of the Po, as far as the mouth of the Goro.

5. On the side of Switzerland, the ancient frontier of Lombardy, and that which separates the vallies of the Valteline, of Bormio, and Chiavenna, from the cantons of the Grisons, and the Tessino.

In those places where the Thalweg of the Fo forms the frontier, it is agreed, that the changes which the course of the river may undergo shall not, in future, in any way affect the property of the islands therein contained.

XCVI. The general principles adopted by the Congress at Vienna for the navigation of rivers, shall be applicable to that of the Po.

Commissioners shall be named by the states bordering on rivers, within three months at latest after the termination of the Congress, to regulate all that concerns the execution of the present article.

XCVII. As it is indispensable to preserve to the establishment known by the name of the Mont-Napoleon at Milan, the means of fulfilling its engagements towards its creditors; it is agreed, that the landed and other immoveable property of this establishment, in countries which formed part of the ancient kingdom of Italy, and have since passed under the government of different princes of Italy, as well as the capital belonging to the said establishment placed out at interest in these different countries, shall be appropriated to the same object.

The unfunded and unliquidated debts of

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the Mont-Napoleon, such as those arising from the arrears of its charges, or from any other increase of the outgoings of this establishment, shall be divided between the territories which composed the late kingdom of Italy; and this division shall be regulated according to the joint bases of their population and revenue.

The sovereigns of the said countries shall appoint commissioners, within the space of three months, dating from the termination of the Congress, to arrange with Austrian commissioners whatever relates to this object. This commission shall assemble at Milan.

XCVIII. His Royal Highness the Archduke Francis d'Este, his heirs and successors, shall possess, in full sovereignty, the duchies of Modena, Reggio, and Mirandola, such as they existed at the signature of the Treaty of Campo Formio.

The Archduchess Maria Beatrice d'Este, her heirs and successors, shall possess in full sovereignty and property, the duchy of Massa, and the principality of Carrara, as well as the imperial fiefs in La Lunigiana.

The latter may be applied to the purpose of exchanges, or other arrangements made by common consent, and according to mutual convenience, with his Imperial Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany.

The rights of succession and reversion, established in the branches of the archducal houses of Austria, relative to the duchies of Modena, Reggio, and Mirandola, and the principalities of Massa and Carrara, are preserved.

XCIX. Her Majesty the Empress Maria Louisa shall posessss, in full property and sovereignty, the dechies of Parma, Placentia, and Guastalla, with the exception of the districts lying within the states of his Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty on the left bank of the Po.

The reversion of these countries shall be regulated by common consent with the courts of Austria, Russia, France, Spain, England, and Prussia; due regard being had to the rights of reversion of the house of Austria, and of his Majesty the King of Sardinia, to the said countries.

C. His Imperial Highness the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, is re-established, himself, his heirs and successors, in all the rights of sovereignty and property, in the grand duchy of Tuscany and its dependencies, which he possessed previous to the Treaty of Luneville.

The stipulations of the second article of the Treaty of Vienna, of the 3d of October, 1735, between the Emperor Charles VI. and the King of France, to which the other powers acceded, are fully renewed in favour of his Imperial Highness and his descendants, as well as the guarantees resulting from those stipulations.

There shall be likewise united to the said grand duchy, to be possessed in full property


and sovereignty by the Grand Duke Ferdinand, his heirs and descendants;

1. The state of the Presidii.

2. That part of the island of Elba, and its appurtenances, which were under the suzeraineté of his Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies before the year 1801.

3. The suzeraineté and sovereignty of the principalities of Piombino and its dependencies.

Prince Ludovisi Buoncompagni shall retain, for himself and his legitimate successors, all the property which his family possessed in the principality of Piombino, and the island of Elba and its dependencies, previously to the occupation of those countries by the French troops in 1799, together with the mines, founderies, and salt mines.

The Prince Ludovisi shall likewise preserve his right of fishery, and enjoy an entire exemption from duties, as well for the exporta tion of the produce of his mines, founderies, salt mines, and domains, as for the importation of wood and other articles necessary for the working of mines: he shall be also indemnified by his Imperial Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany, for all the revenues the family of the latter derived from the crown duties before the year 1801. In case any difficulties should arise in the valuation of this indemnity, the parties concerned shall refer the decision to the courts of Vienna and Sardinia.

4. The late Imperial fiefs of Vernio, Montanto, and Monte Santa Maria, lying within the Tuscan states.

CI. The principality of Lucca shall be possessed in full sovereignty by her Majesty the Infant Maria Louisa, and her descendants in the direct male line.

The principality is erected into a duchy, and shall have a form of government founded upon the principles of that which it received in 1805.

An annuity of 500,000 francs shall be added to the revenue of the principality of Lucca, which his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, and his Imperial Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany, engage to pay regularly, as long as circumstances do not admit of procuring another establishment for her Majesty the Infant Maria Louisa, her son, and his descendants. shall be specially mortgaged upon the lordships in Bohemia, known by the name of Bavaro-Palatine; which, in case of the duchy of Lucca reverting to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, shall be freed from this charge, and shall again form a part of the private domain of his Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty.

This annuity

CII. The duchy of Lucca shall revert to the Grand Duke of Tuscany; either in case of its becoming vacant by the death of her Majesty the Infant Maria Louisa, or of her son Don Carlos, and of their male descend. ants; or in case the Infant Maria Louisa or


General Treaty of Vienna.

her heirs should obtain any other establishment, or succeed to any other branch of their dynasty.

The Grand Duke of Tuscany, however, engages, should the said reversion fall to him, to cede to the Duke of Modena, as soon as he shall have entered into possession of the principality of Lucca, the following territories:

1. The Tuscan districts of Tivizano, Pietra Santa, and Barga.

2. The Lucca districts of Castiglione, and Gallicano, lying within the states of Modena, as well as those of Minucciano and MonteIgnose, contiguous to the country of Massa.

CIII. The Marches, with Camerino, and their dependencies, as well as the duchy of Benevento and the principality of PonteCorvo, are restored to the Holy See.

The Holy See shall resume possession of the legations of Ravenna, Bologna and Ferrara, with the exception of that part of Ferrara which is situated on the left bank of the Po.

His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty and his successors shall have the right of placing garrisons at Ferrara and Commachio.

The inhabitants of the countries who return under the government of the Holy See, in consequence of the stipulations of Congress, shall enjoy the benefit of the 16th article of the Treaty of Paris of the 30th May,


All acquisitions made by individuals in virtue of a title acknowledged as legal by the existing laws, are to be considered as good, and the arrangements necessary for the guarantee of the public debt and the payment of pensions, shall be settled by a particular convention between the courts of Rome and Vienna.

CIV. His Majesty King Ferdinand IV. for himself, his heirs and successors, is restored to the throne of Naples, and his Majesty is acknowledged by the Powers as King of the Two Sicilies.

CV. The Powers, recognizing the justice of the claims of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal and the Brazils, upon the town of Olivença, and the other territories ceded to Spain, by the Treaty of Badajos of 1801, and viewing the restitution of the same as a measure necessary to insure that perfect and constant harmony between the two kingdoms of the Peninsula, the preservation of which in all parts of Europe, has been the constant object of their arrangements, formally engage to use their utmost endeavours, by amicable means, to procure the retrocession of the said territories, in favour of Portugal. And the Powers declare, as far as depends upon them, that this arrangement shall take place as soon as possible.

CVI. In order to remove the difficulties which opposed the ratification on the part of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent of the kingdoms of Portugal and the Brasils, of the

[July 1,

treaty signed on the 30th of May, 1814, between Portugal and France; it is determiued, that the stipulations contained in the 10th article of that treaty, and all those which relate to it, shall be of no effect, and that, with the consent of all the Powers, the provisions contained in the following article shall be substituted for them, and which shall alone be considered as valid: with this exception, all the other clauses of the above Treaty of Paris shall be maintained, and regarded as mutually binding on the two


CVII. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of the kingdoms of Portugal and the Brasils, wishing to give an unequivocal proof of his high consideration for his most Christian Majesty, engages to restore French Guiana to his said majesty, as far as the tiver Oyapock, the mouth of which is situated between the fourth and fifth degree of north latitude, and which has always been considered by Portugal as the limit appointed by the Treaty of Utrecht.

The period for giving up this colony shall be determined, as soon as circumstances shall permit, by a particular convention between the two courts; and they shall enter into an amicable arrangement, as soon as possible, with regard to the definitive demarcation of the limits of Portuguese and French Guiana, conformably to the precise meaning of the sth article of the Treaty of Utrecht.

CVIII. The Powers whose states are separated or crossed by the same navigable river, engage to regulate, by common consent, all that regards its navigation. For this purpose they will name Commissioners, who shail assemble, at latest, within six months after the termination of the Congress, and who shall adopt, as the bases of their proceedings, the principles established by the following articles.

CIX. The navigation of the rivers, along their whole course, referred to in the preceding article, from the point where each of them becomes navigable, to its mouth, shall be entirely free, and shall not, in respect 10 commerce, be prohibited to any one; it being understood, that the regulations established with regard to the police of this navigation shall be respected; as they will be framed alike for all, and as favourable as possible to the commerce of all nations.

CX. The system that shall be established both for the collection of the duties and for the maintenance of the police, shall be, as nearly as possible, the same along the whole course of the river; and shall also extend, unless particular circumstances prevent it, to those of its branches and junctions, which, in their navigable course, separate or traverse different states.

CXI. The duties on navigation shall be regulated in an uniform and settled manner, and with as little reference as possible to the different quality of the merchandize, in order


General Treaty of Vienna.

that a minute examination of the cargo may be rendered unnecessary, except with a view to prevent fraud and evasion. The amount of the duties, which shall in no case exceed those now paid, shall be determined by local circumstances, which scarcely allow of a general rule in this respect. The tarif shall, however, be prepared in such a manner as to encourage commerce by facilitating navigation; for which purpose, the duties established upon the Rhine, and now in force on that river, may serve as an approximating rule for its construction.

The tarif once settled, no increase shall take place therein, except by the common consent of the states bordering on the rivers; nor shall the navigation be burthened with any other duties than those fixed in the regulation.

CXII. The offices for the collection of duties, the number of which shall be reduced as much as possible, shall be determined upon in the above regulation, and no change shall afterwards be made, but by common consent, unless any of the states bordering on the rivers should wish to diminish the number of those which exclusively belong to the same.

CXIII. Each state bordering on the rivers is to be at the expense of keeping in good repair the towing paths which pass through its territory, and of maintaining the necessary works through the same extent in the channels of the river, in order that no obstacle may be experienced to the navigation.

The intended regulation shall determine the manner in which the states bordering on the rivers are to participate in these latter works, where the opposite banks belong to different governments.

CXIV There shall no where be established store house, port, or forced harbour duties. Those already existing shall be preserved for such time only as the states bordering on rivers (without regard to the local interest of the place or the country where they are established) shall find them necessary or useful to navigation and commerce in general.

CXV. The custom-houses belonging to the states bordering on rivers shall not interfere in the duties of navigation. Regulations shall be established to prevent officers of the customs, in the exercise of their functions, throwing obstacles in the way of the navigation; but care shall be taken, by means of a strict police on the bank, to preclude every attempt of the inhabitants to smuggle goods, through the medium of boatmen.

CXVI. Every thing expressed in the preceding articles shall be settled by a general arrangement, in which there shall be comprised whatever may need an ulterior determination.

The arrangement once settled, shall not be changed, but by and with the consent of all the states bordering on rivers, and they


shall take care to provide for its execution with due regard to circumstances and locality.

CXVII. The particular regulations relative to the navigation of the Rhine, the Necker, the Maine, the Moselle, the Meuse, and the Scheldt, such as they are annexed to the present act, shall have the same force and validity as if they were textually inserted herein.

CXVIII. The treaties, conventions, declarations, regulations, and other particular acts which are annexed to the present act, viz.:

1. The treaty between Russia and Austria of the 21st April, (3d May,) 1815;

2. The treaty between Russia and Prussia of the 21st April, (3d May,) 1815;

3. The additional treaty relative to Cracow, between Austria, Prussia, and Russia, of the 21st April, (3d May,) 1815;

4. The treaty between Prussia and Saxony of the 18th May, 1815;

5. The declaration of the King of Saxony respecting the rights of the house of Schoenburg, of the 18th May, 1815;

6. The treaty between Prussia and Hanover, of the 29th May, 1815;

7. The convention between Prussia and the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, of the 1st June, 1815;

8. The convention between Prussia and the Duke and Prince of Nassau, of the 31st May, 1815;

9. The act concerning the Federative Constitution of Germany, of the 8th June, 1815;

10. The treaty between the King of the Netherlands, and Prussia, England, Austria, and Russia, of the 31st May, 1815;

11. The declaration of the Powers on the affairs of the Helvetic Confederation of the 20th March, and the act of Accession of the Diet, of the 28th May, 1815;

12. The protocol of the 29th March, 1815, on the cessions made by the King of Sardinia to the Canton of Geneva;

13. The treaty between the King of Sardinia, Austria, England, Russia, Prussia, and France, of the 21st May, 1815;

14. The act intitled "Conditions which are to serve as the bases of the Union of the States of Genoa with those of his Sardinian Majesty ;"

15. The declaration of the Powers on the Abolition of the Slave Trade, of the 8th February, 1815;

16. The regulations respecting the free navigation of rivers;

17. The regulation concerning the precedence of diplomatic agents, shall be considered as integral parts of the arrangements of the Congress, and shall have, throughout, the same force and validity as if they were inserted word for word in the General Treaty.

CXIX. All the Powers assembled in Congress, as well as the Princes and free towns, who have concurred in the arrangements


Incidents, &c. in London and Middlesex.

specified, and in the acts confirmed in this
General Treaty, are invited to accede to it.
CXX. The French language having been
exclusively employed in all the copies of the
present treaty, it is declared by the Powers
who have concurred in this act, that the use
made of that language shall not be construed
into a precedent for the future; every power,
therefore, reserves to itself the adoption, in
future negociations and conventions, of the
language it has heretofore employed in its
diplomatic relations; and this treaty shall not
be cited as a precedent contrary to the esta-
blished practice.
CXXI. The present treaty shall be ratified
and the ratifications exchanged in six months,
and by the court of Portugal in a year, or
sooner, if possible.
A copy of this General Treaty shall be
deposited in the archives of the court and
state of his Imperial and Royal Apostolic
Majesty, at Vienna, in case any of the courts
of Europe shall think proper to consult the
original text of this instrument.

In faith of which the respective plenipotentiaries have signed this act, and have affixed thereunto the seals of their arms.

Done at Vienna the 9th of June, in the year of our Lord, 1815.

(The signatures follow in the alphabetical order of the courts.)

(L. S.)
(L. S.)
(L. S.)



Great Britain.

[July 1,


(L. S.)
(L. S.)

The Prince de METTERNICH.
The Baron de WESSENBERG,

The Prince de TALLEYRAND.
The Duke de D'ALBERG.

(L. S.)


(L. S.)


(L. S.)


(L. S.)

(L. S.)

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The Comte de PALMELLA.

The Prince de HARDENBERG.
The Baron de HUMBOLDT.




Save and except the reservation made to the articles 101, 102, and 104 of the Treaty.


With Biographical Accounts of Distinguished Characters.

Bulletin of the King's Health.

"Windsor Castle, June 1. "His Majesty has enjoyed good bodily health, and has been uniformly tranquil throughout the last month; but his Majesty's disorder is not diminished."

On the 28th of May, the PITT CLUB met at the City of London Tavern to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of the immortal statesman, whose principles it is designed to perpetuate and extend. Edward Bootle Wilbraham, esq., M. P. was in the chair. After dinner, the toasts of the King and other branches of the royal family were drunk with due respect; upon which the chairman rose to propose the immortal memory of Mr. Pitt." He introduced it with a neat speech, in which he recalled to their memory the peculiar circumstances under which they had met to celebrate the birth of Mr. Pitt last year.. He took a rapid view of the events which had immediately preceded that . festival, and of those which followed close upon it, and which had terminated in the splendid and unparalleled victory of Waterloo. There was only one thing to be regretted, namely, that Mr. Pitt had not lived to witness the complete success with which all his deep laid plans (which had cost him many a

sleepless night, and many an anxious day, shattered his constitution, and prematurely terminated his existence,) had been finally carried into effect. When the toast of " the Prince Regent's Ministers" was given, the Lord Chancellor returned thanks in their name for the honor. He said, " that it had ever been their object to act up to the prin ciples and plans of Mr. Pitt, and these and these alone had enabled them to pass triumphantly through the late contest. It was not to be expected that the moment a war like that which had just closed was at an end, all the troubles consequent upon it would cease, but from perseverance in those principles which had been so successfully acted upon in war, even at his years, he hoped to live to see the day when the peo ple would be blest beyond expectation, blest beyond example, and, even in peace, looked up to by every other nation with envy and admiration." On the health of the chairman being proposed, Mr. E. B. Wilbrahazı returned thanks, and expressed his determi nation ever to adhere to the principles of Mr. Pitt, which had carried the country through all its dangers to that prosperity which ha trusted it was now about to enjoy. Mr. Ar cheson, the founder of the Pitt Cluby Mr.

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