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Tours of Professor Tauscher in Russia in Asia

Hence the two ineffable numbers, or numbers whose roots cannot be obtained, will be 300 and 77, instead of 15 and 13. Permit me also to add, that this geometric number is said by Proclus, (in Tim. p. 271) to comprehend in itself the proper motions of the fixed stars, and in short, of all the bodies that revolve in the heavens, whether visibly or invisibly, as likewise of the longer or shorter periods in the sublunary region, and of the fertility and sterility which there exists. Hence he adds, it has also dominion over the period of the human race.


Manor-Place, Walworth.

TAUSCHER in the SOUTHERN parts of
RUSSIA, &c. &c.

(Concluded from p. 227.)
"GURIEFF,which lies on a marshy is
land near the influx of the Ural into the
Caspian sea, and like the Samara lakes,
is surrounded by impenetrable thickets of
reeds, is a most melancholy spot. I have
reasons enough, and most disagreeable
reasons too, for remembering it on ac-
count of the gnats, which are bred in the
neighbouring marshes, and fill the air
with their countless hosts; nothing can
exceed the pain, which the inhabitants
of these parts suffer from these vampires
both day and night. Though you enve-
lope your body with an atmosphere of
smoke, or cover your hands and face
with ever so much care, or hood your-
self at night in a thick veil, there is still
no escaping from their stings. They
penetrate through the most impercep-
tible aperture, and satiate themselves
with human blood.

"A variety of circumstances prevented me from proceeding along the sea coast to Astrachan, and Iwas delighted, therefore, to find a Tartarian vessel, in which, after remaining a few days here, I set sail for that place. The Tartars are but sorry sailors, and kept us eleven days on the passage, which good seamen with a favourable wind, would have effected in two. A small island, at which we touched on our passage, though extremely parched by the heat, afforded me several unknown plants.* Sailing up one of the numerous arms, through which the Wolga flows into the Caspian, we came to Astrachan, where I purposed remaining until I had received more certain accounts and directions from


They were of the Melilotus and Are maria species.

[May 1,


"Astrachan may be compared to a card of patterns, on which specimens of the greater part of the eastern nations are offered to our notice. Above twenty different races of Asiatics, differing in their language, manners, and costume, and brought together from the remotest regions, either by the impulse of self-interest or their mutual wants, engage the attention of the inquisitive European, Among the lively crowd, you may see the Hindu and the American jostling the Persian and Buckharian, or the Calmuc come in contact with the Rus sian; each frequently developing the peculiar characteristic of his native counforcible in their expression. Is it possitry by traits distinct in their nature, and ble to find a more striking difference than what exists between the mild, amiable sian,the lazy Mogul, and the fiery ́ Hindu, and the fierce, waspish Perwarlike Circassian; or, the grovelling selfish Armenian, and the spirited descendant of the illustrious Tartars? Of all this motley throng I was most captivated by the gentle opencountenanced Hindu, whose character seems to have retained the primitive simplicity of the human race, above origin and mythology may be traced back that of every other people, and whose to the infancy of mankind. The settlers of this nation, who are chiefly from Bengal and the Indian peninsula, amount to between thirty and forty, inclusive of one Bramin, and inhabit a spacious handwith a large court in front. I paid resome dwelling, built in the Oriental style peated visits to them in that abode during my residence here, conversed with them through the medium of the Russian tongue and was present at several of their religious assemblies. Indeed, I was never in their society without feeling my esteem increased for their upright unassuming character, and the integrity which their whole deportment bespeaks.

"In one of the various arms of the Wolga, grows the beautiful plant, nelumbo, properly a native of India, by whose tribes it is held sacred. previously found after some search, by It had been M. Londes,one of my precursors who died at Georgieffsk, on the Caucasus, and had been highly praised by him for its splendid appearance. transport it, if practicable, to the gardens Being commissioned to to Sedlüstow, about forty versts below at Gorenki, I went down in a gondola, Astrachan; this is an islet close to the mouth of the Wolga, where the quaran tine is established. Here I procured a


Tours of Professor Tauscher in Russia in Asia

guide, who was acquainted with the mazy windings of the arms of the Wolga, as well as with the spot where the nelumbo is found, and was fortunate enough to meet with a great many specimens of this plant, in which Indian mythologists pretend to discover the sacred mystery of generation, flourishing in full bloom. It grows on an insulated spot, in one of the side arms of the Wolga, where the water is from two yards and a half, to three yards in depth; and sends out its vigorous roots several yards around, over a fenny soil, whilst it annually throws up young and verdant shoots above the water. Having carefully deposited a sufficient number of these offsets in a vessel filled with water, I immediately forwarded them by the post from Astrachan to Gorenki. To the great delight of the botanists, as I was afterwards informed, they arrived at their destination in excellent condition, and were transplanted into a pond reserved purposely for their cultivation. In spite, however, of every care and precaution, the hope of domesticating this rare and beautiful plant was completely frustrated, as it perished the very first winter after its transplantation.

"I then turned off from Sedlüstow to the Island of the Four Hills, a few miles distant from the shore, which is provided with a lofty lighthouse, as a mark for vessels sailing into the Wolga. We collected several insects and beautiful plants on this island.

"The country round Astrachan is of no great interest either in a botanical or entomological point of view; though, as I perceived from some specimens shewn to me by a collector, it must be much richer in those classes in the spring of the year. The gnats which render Gurieff and its vicinity a complete purgatory, also infest these quarters though in a less degree.

"In conformity with advices from Moscow, I resolved to make a tour on the approach of autumn, into the steppic regions, lying to the north-east of Astrachan, and to devote it to the collecting of saline plants. I quitted this place, therefore, in the first days of September; both myself and my attendants having previously performed quarantine at Solanka, on the opposite bank of the Wolga. It was not, however, so rigidly observed as to debar us from making excursions round the adjoining country during its continuance. Hence I re crossed to the left bank of the Wolga, and sailed down one of its side-arms to


Krasnoyar, a small town, about thirty versts distant from Astrachan, and come pletely surrounded by water. This place proved more welcome to us on account of the rare species of water-fowl and snipes, than of the plants, which we collected there.

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"That part of the steppe which lies near it, is generally visited during the summer, by the Konduroffsky Tartars, a roaming horde, who pass their winter in fixed habitations, contrary to the usual custom of the natives of the Steppes: these habitations compose two villages, situated close upon the Wolga. Of all the wandering tribes i hau yet met with, I found this by far the most civilized and wealthy. For some days I was the guest of one of their most distinguished men. In his appearance, he resembled one of those patriarchs, whose portraiture owes its existence to the imagination of some celebrated artist: the simplicity of his manners, the mild and paternal solicitude with which the master of the family governs every individual of his household, wives, children and servants, and I am almost tempted to add, the tender attention he bestows on his herds, consisting of horses, camels, oxen and sheep, which compose the wealth of the nomadic tribes, and constitute almost is whole livelihood, bring the pictures given us by the Scriptures of the primitive habits of the world's earliest ages, forcibly to our recollection. 1

"This tribe is not very numerous; at the utmost it includes scarcely more than five or six hundred kibitkes or tents, and about five thousand souls. It is infinitely superior to any other steppic race, particularly the Calmucs and Kirghisians. This is even externally evident from the greater cleanliness and size of their felt tents, their clothing, the attire of their women, and the use they make of a peculiar species of carriage, (an inmense covered waggon on two wheels, which they call Arpa,) that serves as a moveable dwelling for their women, and other appurtenances.

"Three hundred versts from Krasnoyar, but more to the north than Arsafar, lies a rock-salt hill, similar to, though better known than the former, and called by the Moguls, Tschaptschatschi. In the centre of a circle of rather steep hills, from fourteen to fifteen versts in circumference, where masses of rock-salt, sometimes covered over with a thin layer of earth, occasionally project, is a hollow of a crater-like form, and some versts

[blocks in formation]

in circuit. When the snow melts in the spring, it is filled with water, which the heat of the summer afterwards exhales, leaving behind a mixture of saltpetre, glauber-slt,and common salts. The acclivities as well as the borders of this salt-lake are covered with a great variety of saline herbs; but we were unsuccessful in our search after the rare and beautiful Sals, rosacea of Pallas, to which my particular attention had been directed. Between these salt-hills and the Achtuba, we unexpectedly met with a spot, where the Pallasia, of which we had before found a single plant only on the lakes of Kamysch Samara, grew in great abund


"From Wolodimirofka on the Achtuba, I again visited lake Bogdo, whose environs I had explored in the spring two years before: it now wore a totally different aspect. The gay and luxuriant scene of the spring had disappeared, and was succeeded by a few saline herbs. These, however being the object of our present pursuit, we gleaned an unexpectedly rich harvest of them, and found several sorts that have been hitherto unnoticed. I then returned by the same

[May 1,

route we had taken two years before, to the other side of the Wolga, and ultimately to Sarepta.

"Various considerations determined us to winter there. The Buckharian mission being apparently abandoned, a variety of propositions and negociations were set on foot on the subject of a journey on a more extensive scale to the delightful Persian province of Masanderan, (lying on the southern coast of the Caspian,) near the frontiers of which the expedition of the younger Gmelin once terminated in so melancholy a way.

"A dangerous illness which afterwards attacked me at Sarepta, was followed by several relapses, and my recovery from it was but slow and gradual; this expelled every thought of a greater undertaking from my mind.

"M. Herrman, who had hitherto been my companion, set out on an excursion to the southern environs of the Don, between Katschalsca and Tscherkaskoi, the capital of the Dor Cossacks. But I myself, returned through Tambow and Riesen to Moscow and Gorenki, in the beginning of June 1812." H. W. S.


ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF ELSPETH. SCOTUS observes: "The name of ELSPET OF ELSPETH is common in our family, which is of Scottish origin. My friends have frequently enquired the derivation of this name, which does not appear to be handed down from great antiquity.

I am inclined to believe that it has been brought across the North Sea from Denmark, or Lower Saxony, where if I am not mistaken, Elzbeth, or as it is pronounced Elzpet, (a contraction for Elizabeth) is not uncommon. If any of your numerous readers can give me some information on this subject, I shall feel gratified and obliged."


A NATIVE OF WINDSOR, (see Vol. IV. 211,) begs us to state that he should feel much obliged if W. S. (p. 389) could procure him a sight of the printed copy of "Osweld's Air," mentioned in his communication. He would gladly wait on W. S. at any time and place, and show him what further information he has collected, respecting the parish chimes at Windsor.

The same correspondent will be thankful to any one who can inform him who

is the author of the following lines:When winds breathe soft along the silent deep, The waters curl, the peaceful billows sleep; A stronger gale the troubled wave awakes; The surface roughens, and the ocean shakes. More dreadful still, when furious storms arise,

The mounting billows bellow to the skies; On liquid rocks the tott'ring vessel's toss'd, Unnumber'd surges lash the foaming coast; The raging waves, excited by the blast, Whiten with wrath, and split the sturdy mast: When in an instant, he who rules the floods, Earth, air and fire, Jehovah! God of Gods! In pleasing accents speaks his sov'reign will,

And bids the waters and the winds be still! Hush'd are the winds, the waters cease to roar; Safe are the seas, and silent as the shore. Now say, what joy elates the sailor's breast, With prosp'rous gales so unexpected blest! What ease, what transport, in each face is seen!

The heav'ns look bright, the air and sea

[blocks in formation]


[.319 ]



ON THE BENEFITS OF FREQUENTING WATERING-PLACES. HOW few of the inhabitants of towns live agreeably to the general rules for the preservation of health, which were the subject of a former paper! It is in vain to preach to them what they ought or ought not to do, in the expectation of obtaining a strict observance of the precepts that we inculcate. Every man, from the most independent monarch to the purchased slave, has peculiar duties incident to his station, which he ought to perform even at the expense of his life and health. Were the soldier to take it into his head no longer to expose himself to cold and rain; the tailor not to sit in a bending posture; the man of letters not to meditate; the merchant not to write and keep accounts; the women not to wash, sew, and cook; were, in short, every individual determined to do nothing but what is consistent with the rigid rules of health, the world would soon be overrun with lazy and hearty beggars; and the fruits of such a general self-indulgence would be the total abolition of all ranks in society, nay, even the destruction of society itself. We live, not merely for the sake of existing, but that we may be serviceable to the world. To be worthy of that life which the Creator hath given us, we must possess the courage to sacrifice it when necessary for the benefit of our fellow creatures, and we must be satisfied with such a state of health, as the duties of the trade or profession which we have voluntarily embraced will allow us to enjoy.

that by fears equally absurd, and another by the most frightful dreams that melancholy can suggest. One who has all his heart can desire, possesses nothing, because he is incapable of any enjoyment. Another, by dint of meditation upon all the misfortunes that might by possibility chance to befal him, completely cuts himself off from the means of remedying such as actually overtake him. Melancholy, depression of spirits, indolence, indigestion, want of appetite, nausea, flatulence, obstructions, unpleasant dreams, spleen, vapours, vitiated juices, and a thousand other plagues, are the constant companions of merchants, artists, men of letters, women, wealthy idlers and the votaries of luxurious indulgence; and yet all these are complaints for which no person need keep his bed or neglect his employment, although they may sometimes require the exercise of a physician's skill for their alleviation or removal.

Merchants, artists, literati, and the female sex in general, are obliged by their respective avocations to follow such an unnatural mode of life, as often renders them sickly and ailing. If we could but hear those persons who seem all bustle and vivacity as they pass along the streets complaining in private to their physicians, their friends, or by themselves, we should be astonished to find how much secret misery oppresses mankind. One cannot touch a morsel at the most sumptuous entertainment because he has no appetite, and his stomach no power of digestion; to another almost every kind of food is too strong, and all sorts of liquors overheating; while a third sits distended with flatulence and gasps for breath. This man is tormented by absurd doubts,

Of all remedies the most effectual for the persons in question, is a trip to some watering-place; and that they may be the more ready to try it, as I know them to be rather slow in their resolves, I will state the benefits which may be expected from their compliance. I shall premise that I confine myself to the advantages which are common to most kinds of mineral waters: as an enumeration of the peculiar qualities of each species could not be brought within a reasonable compass.

Most of the patients, whose case I am now considering, are prevented by their mode of life from taking sufficient exercise. They are mostly fixed to their chairs. Their juices become depraved. Their digestive powers are weakened, and obstructions in the viscera are produced by the compression of the abdomen, and from these sources spring most of their disorders.

At a watering-place, the rules generally prescribed to those persons who drink the waters, require them to assist the effects of the fluid by a due portion of bodily exercise. At such times, therefore, they return to their obedience to nature, who requires of us incessant activity, if we would continue in health. Here the man bloated with fat accumulated in sitting still, waddles along as fast


On the Benefits of frequenting Watering-places.

as the asthmatic female, who has not snuffed the fresh air since the month of September. Here the spare scholar and the rotund alderman, the deformed artist and the gouty squire, the cachectic prelate, and the hypochondriac peer, all meet in pursuit of the same object, and are all impelled to an exertion of their active powers. In exercise alone they find the means so indispensable to them, of securing themselves against the bad consequences of a too luxurious or too sedentary life. By these means they quicken the circulation of the blood, and produce a better commixture of all their juices. They promote the due perform ance of all the natural functions of the viscera, and strengthen by exercise their relaxed muscles. Hence we see how necessary it is that water-drinkers should seek to enjoy this advantage in its fullest extent. For this reason I should advise them to repair to the fountain-head, instead of having the water brought to them; for, in truth, the journey itself is more beneficial to such persons than the water. Neither is it sufficient for them to walk only the distance prescribed; they ought to pass the remainder of the day in gentle exercise, and to lead a real country life. Walking, riding, dancing, conversation, are all wholesome exercises with which the visitors at watering-places should diversify the day, without sitting down to the gaming-table and passing the whole afternoon or evening in an employment alike destructive of health of body and tranquillity of mind.

One of the greatest benefits of water ing-places is the diversion of the mind from the usual avocations, and its being occupied in seeking incessant amusement. For this reason also it is better not to drink the water at home, but at its source, or in some strange place, where the objects are novel and agreeable, and of a totally different kind from those which people are in the daily habit of seeing. This is a very essential point for my patients, whose malady is often more in the mind than in the body. The visitors at a watering-place must become Arcadian swains and shepherdesses. The fields, the gardens, the meadows, must be their haunts, the azure firmament their covering, the verdant turf their couch, the pure air their element, and amusement their object. Some amusements are to be preferred to others, but no kind must be wholly rejected, if no other is to be had. In general, those for whom a visit to a watering

[May 1,

place is most needful, are low-spirited, dissatisfied persons, enemies to pleasure, society, mirth, and the enjoyments of sense. I must, therefore, inform them that water-drinking alone would be of very little benefit to them, unless they take part in every thing, however trivial they may consider it, that tends to divert their minds, and to dispel some of the darkness which envelopes their gloomy imagination.

The amusements to be preferred are those connected with bodily exercise. For the most delicate, excursions in convenient vehicles or upon the water, in calm warm weather, may answer this purpose. To stronger persons, I would recommend walking, battledore and shuttlecock, conversation, singing, musical exercises especially dancing, shooting, and hunting. Whoever considers these amusements as improper or sinful, should be informed that this way of thinking is merely a consequence of that mental disease, for the cure of which he is ordered to drink the waters and to dance.

Next to bodily exercises come those amusements which consist in an agreeable diversion and occupation of the mind, and with which those hours may be filled up when exercise cannot be taken. The reading of entertaining works suitable to the taste of each individual, society, music, balls, masquerades, change of objects, the contemplation of nature, fishing, fowling, but above all, theatrical exhibitions are excellently adapted to this purpose. A play transports the spectator, as it were, into a new world, in which he with pleasure forgets himself and the old one. The mind of that person must be a perfect blank, devoid alike of feeling and of thought, who can witness a good play, well pers formed, without interest and gratifica tion. I can easily imagine that my hy pochondriacs may have strong scruples about going to the theatre. But they may rely upon it that a virtuous mind is not in such danger of contamination as they fancy, from theatrical exhibitions; and lest my arguments should have very little weight with them, I will appeal to the great reformer, Luther, whose au thority they will not question. In his Tuble-talk, cap. xxxvi. on Schools, this pious man expressly says, "Christians ought not to renounce plays entirely, because obscenities and gallantries sometimes occur in them, for in this case, we ought not for the same reason to rend the Bible. It is therefore frivolous to

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