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Anecdote of a Lioness-Clarke's Improved Night-soil.


THE inclosed communication comes from a gentleman who witnessed the extraordinary fact. Should it seem to require confirmation, he begs leave to refer you to Exeter 'Change.

A lioness only eight days old was purchased in 1815, at the Cape of Good Hope, by Capt. Waddington, of the City of Edinburgh East Indiaman. The animal was fed with milk and bread, and suffered to roll about on the floor of Capt. W.'s bed-room. A terrier bitch, kept in the same house had littered a few days previously to the purchase, and her pups had been destroyed. A servant accidentally going into the bed-room found the bitch suckling the whelp. Astonished at the spectacle, he soon communicated the circumstance to the family, and crowds flocked into the house to witness so extraordinary a sight. It was resolved not to separate the new companions; they were placed in a large kennel in the yard; and the bitch conceived a maternal attachment to the whelp, which the latter seemed to return with great affection. A commodious cage being made for them, they were conveyed on board the ship, which proceeded to England. During the voyage their friendship increased daily; the lioness grew prodigiously, but appeared unconscious of her superior strength, or unwilling to use it to the detriment of her foster mother. The latter having acquired the ascendant, preserved it: at her meals she invariably satisfied herself before she per:mitted the lioness to taste a morsel; and if the latter became refractory, she would bite her severely, and drive her into a corner of the den: in short, she kept her completely under control.

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Capt. Waddington shortly after his arrival in England disposed of the lioness and her foster-mother to Mr. Cross, the spirited proprietor of the menagerie at Exeter 'Change, where the two friends are to be seen, inhabiting the same cage, and exhibiting a most extraordinary instance of affection between two females! Chapter Coffee-house,

Feb. 25, 1816.


WHEN an improvement has taken place in any branch of science, I conceive that it is the duty of individuals to make the same public, for the benefit of the community; I therefore avail myself of the medium of your valuable Monthly


Magazine to state the following particulars.*

I had been disappointed three times successively in the present season, by not having a crop of turnips upon a field that had previously been manured in the usual manner: the plants were destroyed by the fly immediately as they appeared above ground: it was notwithstanding a desirable object to obtain a turnip crop, and to that end I made a fourth trial, After sowing the whole of the land as usual, I dressed two acres of it with two hogsheads of CLARKE's compressed nightsoil, of which I had recently heard, as a likely means to secure a crop; I also dressed a part of the field with the best fleshings I could procure; thus dividing the field under three sorts of dressings, namely:

1st, One part dressed in the usual way; 2d, The part dressed with fleshings; 3d, Two acres dressed with Clarke's com pressed night-soil.

The results from those dressings were: Of the part dressed in the usual way, nearly the whole of the crop was for the fourth time taken off the land by the fly, and it was obliged to be sowed again.

On the part dressed with fleshings the turnips have stood but in a very weakly


On that part of the field which was dressed with the compressed night-soil, the fly did not appear to have touched the turnips, which came up very luxuriantly, and continue uncommonly strong and healthy.

I must own, that in setting out to make the foregoing experiments, I did not entertain much hope of success, and consequently I was surprised at the striking difference in their results: forasmuch as the parts dressed, either with the common yard manure or the fleshings, ap peared almost like a fallow, while the part dressed with compressed night soil was covered with strong plants.

I have been for many years a farmer, and have tried manures of various kinds, but have not met with any thing that appears to possess the fertilizing principle in so great a degree as the compressed night-soil; I therefore feel it a duty to communicate to agriculturists these experiments; from which it results, that a crop of turnips (so valuable to the farmer) may be obtained, even in the driest sea

of our intelligent and liberal-minded correWe earnestly recommend the example spondent to the imitation of our readers of all professions,-Editor.

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Rev. Mr. Campbell's Experiments with a Corked Bottle. [April 1,

and I must take occasion to repeat a most important feature-that the fly does not appear to have touched the turnips where the compressed night-soil was used. I am, &c. SOLOMON BAXTER. Potterals Farm, North Mims.


I AM induced to transcribe the following account of an experiment from the Rev. Mr. CAMPBELL's Journey through South Africa, hoping thereby to gain some more satisfactory conclusion than that given by the author from some of your scientific correspondents. It will be found in the 42d chapter of the above-mentioned work, and was performed on board the Venus brig by Mr. C. and Capt. Kilgour. "Having heard or read, that if a corked bottle were sunk 50 or 60 fathoms in the occan, however tight the cork might be, the pressure without would drive the cork into the inside of the bottle; on mentioning this to the captain, he readily consented to make the experiment, which proved the accuracy of the assertion." In a subjoined note is the following account of the method of making the experiment.

"We drove a cork very tight into an empty bottle. The cork was so large that not more than one-half of it could be driven into the neck of the bottle. We then tied a cord round the cork, which we also fastened round the neck of the bottle, to prevent the cork sinking down, and put a coat of pitch upon the whole. By means of lead we sunk it in the water. When it was let down to about the depth of fifty fathoms, the captain said he was sure the bottle had instantaneously filled; on which he drew it up, when we found the cork driven down into the inside, and of course the bottle was full of water.

"We prepared a second bottle exactly in the same way, only with the addition of a sail-needle being passed through the upper part of the cork, and rested on the mouth of the bottle, and all completely pitched over. When about fifty fathoms down, the captain called out, as before, that he felt by the sudden increase of weight that the bottle was filled, on which it was drawn up. We were not a little surprised to find the cork in the same position, and no part of the pitch broken, yet the bottle was full of water. None of us could conjecture how the water got in; there was no part of the pitch even that would admit the point of a needle. Supposing the pitch and cork both porous, it does not appear

easy to account for a quart of water passing so instantaneously through so small a space: the porousness of the glass seems to be the only consideration by which we can account for the fact."

Mr. C. further adds, that he does not know whether the same experiment as the second was ever tried before, and positively asserts that no water was in the bottle before it was let down; that the cork was as large as for the first experiment; that it was not split by pierc ing it with the needle; that every part of it was pitched over, and particularly round the neck of the bottle; that it was minutely examined by Mr. Beck, a passenger, as well as himself and Capt. Kilgour, and that both were so satisfied that not deem it necessary to make a third every thing was correctly done, they did trial. Now, Sir, in this, it is my opinion, they were culpable, as in what appears, to me so novel and interesting an experiment, they ought to have been doubly satisfied at least that it was not the effect of accident, before they attempted to hazard an opinion as to the probable cause of it. But if we are to conclude that the water was admitted through the pores of the glass, surely the great pressure must have acted as a repulsive power to the attraction of cohesion of the particles of glass; for it certainly could not happen in its ordinary state that a quart of water could penetrate so "instantaneously" as the bottle is said to have been filled, we being given to understand that it was no longer in the water than was sufficient to sink it the fifty fathoms; indeed, Sir, this altogether appears in so singular a light to me, that I feel desirous to have it explained. Perhaps this arises from my very partial acquaintance with scientific works; and there may be many who will experience no difficulty in gratifying one of your

most constant readers. Feb. 29, 1816.



THE following Leonine verses are inscribed at the head of each month in the calendar prefixed to an ancient missal preserved in the library of Swaffham church, in Norfolk. If they afford as much amusement to your readers as to your correspondent, his purpose will be fully answered in transmitting them to you; but more especially if they should lead the way to a dissertation in your pages on the very curious subject of the origin of these dies fasti et nefasti. Yours, Antingham, THOS, GOOSE,

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Missal at Swaffham-State of Arundel Church.







"Prima dies mensis et septima truncat ut ensis."
"Quarta subit mortem, prosternat tertia fortem."
"Primus mandentem disrumpit quarta bibentem."
"Denus et undenus est mortis vulnere plenus."
"Tertius occidit et septem ora relidit."
"Denus pallescit quindenus fœdera nescit."
"Terdenus mactat Julii denus labefactat,"

"Prima necat fortem perdidit secunda cohortem," SEPTEMBER. "Tertia Septembris et denus fert mala membris." OCTOBER. "Tertius et denus tibi sit morsus alienus." NOVEMBER." Scorpius est quintus et tertius est vite tinctus." DECEMBER. "Septimus exanguis vivorum ternus ut anguis."


YOUR correspondent, who so properly exposed to the notice of the public, in your pages, the scandalous state of neglect in which he found the church of A, in Sussex, was perhaps not aware at the time of the probability that the author of that neglect would so soon be summoned before a higher tribunal than that of the Bishop of Chichester. Although I should be sorry to see your respectable Magazine encumbered with unprofitable controversy, yet as I think its principles, as well as its execution, likely to introduce it to the occasional notice of some at least of the episcopal bench, I was not sorry that you had given insertion to the communication of ARCHIDIACONUS, as a probable means of placing before that right reverend body the feelings of (I will venture to say) a very large portion of the community on what cannot but appear to them a flagrant breach of duty somewhere. That any one of our bishops (whose characters are generally allowed to deserve the veneration of the church) should connive at such conduct in a duke as would draw down their censures with due severity on the head of you or me, I am not willing myself to believe, and much less willing should I be that such an opinion should be extensively entertained; nay, I am willing to hope, and I have expected to find in your work, that some explanation might be given, which might tend to extenuate the degree of blame that certainly attaches, not only to those who have caused, but to those who have for so many years permitted so disgusting a violation of decorum.

The successor of the nobleman above alluded to, does not, I believe, even profess to be a member of our church, and therefore still less is fairly to be expected from him, unless enforced by the proper authority. As the matter is now before the public, I do hope that such of your readers as feel any interest for the respectability of the establishment, will


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FORSTER, in his Observations on the Brumal Retreat of the Swallow, when discussing the question of its torpidity in winter, expresses a hope that any one in possession of curious facts relative to this extraordinary bird, will communicate them to the public through the medium of some of the periodical journals. I beg leave then, through the means of the NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, to make known the following, which may attract the attention of the curious, and by most will be deemed interesting.

Several years ago, in the county of Devon, in the neighbourhood of Plymouth, on the coast, a great number of that species of swallow called the swift

hirundo apus) from some cause unknown, did not take their depa ture at the usual season of the year; they hovered over the town and neighbourhood for several weeks, to appearance in much distress, and when the weather became stormy and the air chill, retreated to holes in walls, old thatch, &c. A considerable quantity took shelter in the belis of the church steeple, where they hung together in clusters, and in this state they suffered themselves to be taken: though not inanimate, they were weak, and on the verge of torpidity. The novelty of the circumstance attracted the attention of the boys of the neighbourhood, and even "children of larger growth," who searched for them in all directions, and in their hands many hundreds perished. Attem, ts were inade to preserve some of these birds; but the most experienced failed in getting them to swallow insects, or any other food put into their mouths. They soon revived from their half torpid state on being warmed by the heat of the hand, or any other means; but when set free, they

214 Retreat of Swallows-On Relieving the Agricultural Interest. [April 1,

flew no longer than to find another hiding place, where they soon relaxed into their former state of insensibility. There is no doubt but the major part of these birds perished with cold during the succeeding winter. Being many years ago, I have forgotten the precise time of year, but I recollect perfectly, that it was considerably after the usual period of departure, as this circunstance formed the subject of conversation. Every species of the swallow visits Devonshire, annually, in very great numbers, to which they are particularly attracted, I presume, by the serenity of the climate, and the facilities they meet with in the construction of their nests. I have never observed them so numerous in any other part of the kingdom.

In the work above alluded to, Forster observes, "The result of my observations on this subject has convinced me, that the swallow is a migratory bird, annually revisiting the same countries in common with other birds of passage; and that the bulk of each species betake themselves to some warmer climate when they disappear in autumn. There is sufficient evidence on record to establish the migration of birds of this genus; at the same time that, from the inaccurate observation of the witnesses, it is difficult in most cases, to determine exactly the species alluded to. But while it is pretty certain that the greatest number of swallows migrate, it is not impossible that many individuals of each of the species may be concealed during winter near their summer haunts. Nature may have provided the swallow with this power of accommodating itself to accidental circumstances; and have ena→ bled it when hatched late, or otherwise prevented from joining the annual emigration, to sleep in security through the season, when it could not obtain its proper food abroad; and to be revived again, on the return of warm weather, and of food. On the other hand, as there exists no proof of the vernal reanimation of the torpid swallows, it is possible that their torpidity, perhaps merely induced by cold and hunger, may, unless they be roused by accident before it has gone on too long, be a fatal period to their existence. The cases of the discovery and revival of such torpid swallows, are surely interesting; and future investigations may, perhaps, throw some light on the destiny of those left undisturbed."

Perhaps, Mr. Editor, many of your numerous readers will be capable of af

fording more information on this interesting subject. ROBERTUS. Carlisle, Feb. 24, 1816. Y


AT a time when it appears to be the general opinion that something must be done to relieve the distress of the agriculturist, I may presume to offer my opinion on a subject of such universal importance; I shall venture to say, that nothing will effectually relieve the real farmers, but lowering their rents to the same rate they were at in time of peace. In most cases rents are doubled, and in many trebled, in consequence of the very great demand for farming produce during a long war; and I can see no rea son why rents, tythes, &c. should not return to their former level with the produce of the land. This being done, the farmer wants no other assistance from Parliament than an abatement in the war taxes that bear upon agriculture. The interests of the manufacturer, the tradesman, and the farmer, are so blended together, that they cannot be sepa rated without manifest injury to the whole; and the mode I have pointed out, appears to me the only way to ensure to all classes of society an equal share of the blessings of peace. It is the interest of the landholders to lower immediately the rents to their tenants, notwithstanding they are held by leases; for no landlord can expect his estate to improve in the hands of a sinking tenant, and holding him on must be his certain ruin, and the land being run out, must be let for less at the end of his term. If the Corn-Bill had raised the price of corn to 80s. a quarter, it would have been no advantage to the real farmer; it might have enabled him to pay his present high rents a little longer at the expence of the community.

Your correspondent OMEGA, in your Magazine for January, has proposed a remedy for all agricultural evils, by di viding the lands into small farms not exceeding twenty acres each, and the rent not to be more than 20 or 30% k

If he will have the goodness to try the experiment on a small scale, suppose 20 acres only, he will find that on a mo derate calculation it will cost (to erect a house, barn building, &c. and to enclose it) at least 4001, the interest of which, together with repairs, will not leave much for the landlord. He ad vises the tenants to be chosen, honest industrious men. Now one industrious man will do all the work on a farm of

1816.] Anti-British Sentiments of the Editor of the Old Mon. Mag. 215

20 acres; and what is to be done with those employed at present as labourers? How are the markets to be supplied with heef, mutton, lamb, and veal, as farms of 20 acres each can furnish none of these?~a very small quantity of corn, some eggs, poultry, and roasting pigs, will be all the marketable commodities. It is no difficult matter to prove that the tenant will be no better off than the landlord, but I must not intrude myself any longer upon you or your readers. Hereford.


J. L.

YOU have had but too frequent occasion to expose the perverse spirit that pervades a miscellany to which your own has proved a most successful opponent. Its editor, now that Buonaparte's sun is set in endless night, and he sees no chance of the realization of his wish that the ex-emperor would make him one of his kinglings, seems to have transferred his adoration to the Transatlantic Hemisphere, and to have become as enthusiastic an admirer of the United States of America, as he lately showed himself of imperial France. This, however, cannot excite any wonder; as a disciple of Paine, rebels and usurp ers have a much stronger claim to his veneration, than institutions sanctioned by a series of ages, and legitimate sovereignty, confirmed by the unanimous voice of a whole people, and transmitted through a long line of illustrious monarchs.

I have been led to these reflections by the perusal of a passage in the last number of the Old Monthly Magazine, in which, under the title of COLLECTIONS FROM AMERICAN LITERATURE, is introduced an article on Americanisms. The writer, who displays considerable humour, seems in his defence of Americanisins, to forget that these peculiarities are just as foreign to the language upon which they are ingrafted, as what he terms the "almost irresistible Yorkshire, Somersetshire, and Leicestershire dialects." This question, as it must be manifest to every reader, has nothing to do with politics, yet here the knightly collector mixes up, as he does on every

On the return of Buonaparte from Elba, the modest Knight, in the warmth of his exultation, was heard to observe: "He hoped the time was come at last, that Napoleon would find a kingdom for him some where or other." This anecdote was related to me by the person to whom the words were addressed.

other occasion, his perverse political sentiments, for the sake of indulging in an attack upon the press of his own country, too gross to be suffered to pass unnoticed. It is contained in a note to the article to which I have just referred, and is as follows:

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"Writers and editors in America and in other countries, complain justly of that wicked spirit of writers in England, which seeks to create and perpetuate national ani mosities; justice, however, to the intelli gent part of our country, compels us to explain, that the writers in question are no legitimate part of the English public, but sordid agents of unprincipled ministers, who flourish best in times of public calamity, and are happy only in the degree in which they see others miserable. The practice is also part of a series of political frauds, designed to reconcile to political impositions the great and small vulgar, who in every country constitute the majority of the popu lation; for he will not grumble who allows himself to be persuaded, that whatever be the extent and variety of his sufferings, he is better off than all other people. This prin ciple is illustrated at length in Machiavel, who is still the standard of truth and virtue among European statesmen ; though its inThere is besides another and a better apo= fluence happily has not reached America. logy for our national literati, namely, that many of the writers in question are not Englishmen, but anglicised Germans, who are preferred for such dirty work; and having obtained the controul of several of our public journals, propagate through their medium, doctrines of servility and passive obedience, and other sentiments which are alien to the ancient and honoured feelings of Englishmen."

So far Sir RICHARD PHILLIPS.-Hegood soul !-actuated by the disposition of his pacific idol the GREAT NAPOLEON, would have us, in the true spirit of Christian charity, to love those that hate us, to do good to those who despitefully use and persecute us, and to embrace as brethren, men whose hands are extended to pierce us to the heart. It is truly edifying to witness the unbounded philanthropy with which this citizen of the world proffers the fraternal bug to all the avowed enemies of his own country, and with what industry he bestirs himself to stifle the "national animosities" which tend to their prejudice, Let us now see how admirably he applies the same principle to his fellow subjectshow zealously he exerts his influence to extinguish all heart-burnings among them, and to unite them, of whatever. denomination they may be, into one harmonious and affectionate family. That

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