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States is Greek," thus showing conclusively that the intention of Count de Capodistrias to create a Greek nationality was steadily kept in view by Great Britain, as the State entrusted with the Protectorate.

The British Government having received this trust, have endeavored faithfully to discharge the duties imposed upon them by the Allied Powers. In spite of many obstacles, they have ameliorated in all respects the condition of the inhabitants. With regard, however, to the exercise of the constitutional functions of the Lord High Commissioner and the Legislative Body, complete harmony has seldom prevailed between them. But the great change which took place in the condition of some of the neighboring Turkish Provinces, when the Greek people of those Provinces asserted their independence, altered materially the political condition of the inhabitants of the Seven Islands. From that time the sympathies of the Ionian people began to turn towards Greece, and when the Greek Kingdom became a recognized State of Europe, the wish to be politically united with men of their own race took root among the people of the Ionian Islands.

This wish has often been laid hold of as a pretext for factious opposition; it has been expressed since 1850, at times when Great Britain could not listen to it without yielding to projects of ambition very foreign from the freedom of Greece. But in its origin and tendency there is something in this Ionian wish of union with Greece which must obtain the respect of the British nation. A love of independence in union with a kindred race has in itself claims to regard from a nation which prides itself on its love of freedom.

It is thus that, with a view to strengthen the Greek Monarchy, to fulfil the original objects of the foundation of the Ionian Islands as a State, and to comply with the wishes frequently, though irregularly, expressed in the Ionian Islands themselves, Her Majesty's Government have declared their readiness to consent to the union of the Ionian Islands with Greece.

Her Majesty's Government are not insensible of the value of Corfu as a maritime and military station, nor are they unaware of the apprehensions felt in Austria and Turkey at the prospect of the abandonment of the Ionian Islands by Great Britain. It has been suggested in England that Corfu might be retained while the other Islands might be given up. But Her Majesty's Government conceive that it would be a perversion of the trust confided to them by Europe, and a breach of faith towards the Ionian people, if Great Britain were to turn a portion of a single free and independent State under her Protectorate, into a part of her military possessions, and to make Corfu an element of her European power.

Her Majesty's Government propose, therefore, now that a King of Greece has been recognized by the protecting Powers, to consult in the most formal and authentic manner the wishes of the inhabitants of the Ionian Islands, as

to their future destiny. If those wishes, deliberately expressed, should be in favor of a union with Greece, Her Majesty's Government would propose that, with a view to considering the future condition of the Ionian Islands, a Conference should be assembled, to consist of the Representatives of the Powers who signed the Treaty of November, 1815, and of the protecting Powers, who in 1827 and 1832, signed the Treaties by which the Kingdom of Greece was constituted. I am, &c.,

Lord Bloomfield.


P.S.— You are desired to read and give a copy of this despatch to Count Rechberg.

Treaty between Great Britain, France and Russia, on the One Part, and Denmark, on the Other Part, relative to the Accession of Prince William of Denmark to the Throne of Greece. Signed at London, July 13, 1863 1

Au nom de la Très Sainte et Indivisible Trinité.

Leurs Majestés la Reine du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande, l'Empereur des Français, et l'Empereur de toutes les Russies, désirant aplanir les difficultés survenues dans le Royaume de Grèce, placé sous leur commune garantie, ont jugé nécessaire de s'entendre sur les arrangements à prendre, afin de réaliser les vœux de la nation Grecque qui appelent le Prince Guillaume de Danemark au trône Hellénique.

De son côté, Sa Majesté le Roi de Danemark, se rendant à l'invitation de leurs dites Majestés, a consenti à leur prêter son concours en vue de ce résultat, conforme aux intérêts de la paix générale.

In the name of the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity.

Their Majesties the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. and Ireland, the Emperor of the French, and the Emperor of all the Russias, being anxious to smooth the difficulties which have occurred in the kingdom of Greece, placed under their common guarantee, have judged it necessary to come to an understanding with regard to the arrangements to be taken in order to give effect to the wish of the Greek nation, which calls Prince William of Denmark to the Hellenic Throne.

His Majesty the King of Denmark, on his part, responding to the invitation of their said Majesties, has consented to afford them his co-operation with a view to that result, conformable to the interests of the general peace.

1 Brit. St. Pap., vol. 53, p. 28. Ratifications exchanged at London, August 3, 1863. Translation from British Parliamentary Papers, 1864, vol. 66 [3246], p. 4.

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Constantinople entre les trois Cours et la Porte Ottomane le 21 Jullet 1832, recevront une extension par la réunion des Iles Ioniennes au Royaume Hellénique, à l'époque où cette réunion, proposée par le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté Britannique, aura été trouvée d'accord avec les vœux du Parlement Ionien, et où elle aura obtenu l'assentiment des Cours d'Autriche, de France, de Prusse, et de Russie.

cluded at Constantinople between the three Courts and the Ottoman Porte on the 21st of July, 1832, shall receive an extension by the union of the Ionian Islands with the Hellenic Kingdom, when such union, proposed by the Government of Her Britannic Majesty, shall have been found to be in accordance with the wishes of the Ionian Parliament, and shall have obtained the assent of the Courts of Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia.

Protocol of the Conference Held in London by Plenipotentiaries of Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia and Russia. August 1, 1863 1

Présents: les Plénipotentiaires de l'Autriche, de la France, de la GrandeBretagne, de la Prusse et de la Russie.

Le principal secrétaire d'Etat de Sa Majesté Britannique pour les Affaires étrangères a exposé les raisons qui déterminent le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté à s'entendre avec les Cours d'Autriche, de France, de Prusse et de Russie sur la révision du Traité du 5 novembre 1815, en vertu duquel les Iles Ioniennes ont été placées sous la protection immédiate et exclusive de la Grande-Bretagne. Animé du désir de consolider par de nouveaux arrangements le bien-être des populations confiées jusqu'ici à sa sollicitude, le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté Britannique considérerait la réunion. des Iles Ioniennes au Royaume hellénique comme la solution la plus con

Present: The Plenipotentiaries of Austria, France, Great Britain, Prussia and Russia.

The Principal Secretary of State of Her Britannic Majesty explained the reasons which induce the Government of Her Majesty to come to an understanding with the Courts of Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia as to the revision of the Treaty of the 5th of November, 1815, in virtue of which the Ionian Islands were placed under the immediate and exclusive protection of Great Britain.

Animated by the desire to consolidate by new arrangements the welfare of the people hitherto confided to its care, the Government of Her Britannic Majesty would consider the union of the Ionian Islands to the Hellenic Kingdom as the solution most con

1 Martens, N. R. G., vol. 18, p. 53. Translation from "Ionian Islands," British Parlia mentary Papers, 1864, vol. 66 [3247], p. 7.

forme aux intérêts mutuels des deux pays, liés entre eux par une communauté d'origine et de croyance religieuse.

Les représentants d'Autriche, de France, de Prusse et de Russie ont déclaré :

Que leurs Cours reconnaissent unanimement au Gouvernement de Sa Majesté Britannique le droit de renoncer à l'exercice du protectorat exclusif établi par le Traité du 5 novembre 1815;

Qu'elles sont disposées à accorder leur assentiment et à prêter leur concours à la réunion des Iles Ioniennes au Royaume hellénique, si les vœux du Parlement ionien se prononcent en faveur de ce plan;

Qu'elles réservent au Gouvernement de Sa Majesté Britannique de consulter à ce sujet les représentants de l'Etat Septinsulaire :

Qu'après avoir acquis la certitude de l'adhésion de cette assemblée, les Cours d'Autriche, de France, de Prusse et de Russie se déclareront prêtes à se concerter avec le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté Britannique sur la rédaction définitive du Traité destiné à placer l'arrangement proposé sous la sanction d'un acte européen.

formable to the mutual interests of the two countries, connected with each other by community of origin and of religious belief.

The Representatives of Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia declared:

That their Courts unanimously acknowledged the right of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty to renounce the exercise of the exclusive Protectorate established by the Treaty of the 5th of November, 1815:

That they are disposed to grant their assent and to lend their support to the union of the Ionian Islands to the Hellenic Kingdom, if the wish of the Ionian Parliament should be pronounced in favour of that plan:

That they reserve to the Government of Her Britannic Majesty to consult the Representatives of the Septinsular State on this subject:

That after having obtained certain knowledge of the assent of that Assembly, the Courts of Austria, France, Prussia and Russia will declare themselves ready to come to an agreement with the Government of her Britannic Majesty with regard to the definitive terms of the Treaty destined to place the proposed arrangement under the sanction of a European Act.

[Here follow signatures.]

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