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l'unissaient au corps helvétique; elle dépose et verse dans le sein de la République Française ses droits à une souveraineté particulière, et charge le gouvernement français de notifier aux cantons helvétiques, de la manière la plus amicale, que leurs anciens alliés seront désormais partie intégrante d'un peuple qui ne leur est pas moins cher, et dans lequel ils ne cesseront pas d'être en relation intimes avec leurs anciens amis.

ART. XII. La ratification du présent traité sera échangée dans le mois, à compter du jour de la signature.

Fait à Mulhausen, le 9 pluviôse, an 6, et ratifié par le directoire exécutif le 22. du même mois; par le conseil des cinq cents le 4 ventôse et par le conseil des anciens le 22. ventôse an 6.

united it to the Swiss body; it deposits and pours into the bosom of the French Republic its rights to private sovereignty, and charges the French government to notify the Swiss cantons, in the most friendly manner, that their old allies will be in future an integral part of a people who are not less dear to them, and in which they will not cease to be in intimate relation with their former friends.

ART. XII. The ratification of these presents shall be exchanged within the month, counting from the day of signature.

Done at Mulhausen, the 9th Pluviôse, Year 6, and ratified by the executive Directory the 22d of the same month; by the Council of 500 the 4th Ventôse and by the Council of Ancients the 22d Ventôse, year 6.

Decree of the Directory Appointing Citizen Desportes Commissioner to the Republic of Geneva, to Receive the Vote of Union. March 25, 1798 1

Le Directoire, informé que les citoyens de la République de Genève doivent s'assembler incessamment pour délibérer de leur réunion à la République française, arrête ce qui suit:

ART. I. Le citoyen Desportes, résident de la République française près celle de Genève, et nommé commissaire du gouvernement, à l'effet de conférer avec les magistrats, citoyens et habitants de cette dernière Répub

The Directory, informed that the citizens of the Republic of Geneva are to assemble immediately to deliberate on their union with the French Republic, decrees as follows:

ARTICLE I. Citizen Desportes, representative of the French Republic to that of Geneva, is appointed Commissioner of the Government, for the purpose of conferring with the magistrates, citizens and inhabitants of the

1 Mémoires et documents publiés par la Société d'histoire et d'archéologie de Genève. Series 4, vol. 4, Geneva, 1915.

lique sur tout ce qui peut avoir trait à leur demande tendante à la réunion dont il s'agit, ainsi qu'aux opérations préliminaires et subséquentes y relatives.

ART. II. Il est chargé en conséquence de recevoir le vœu des citoyens et habitants de la République de Genève, de le constater, d'en stipuler le mode et les conditions par tel traité ou acte qu'il appartiendra, et dont il adressera sur le champ un double au Directoire exécutif.

latter Republic regarding all that may pertain to their request concerning the union in question, as well as the preliminary and subsequent operations relative to it.

ART. II. He is accordingly instructed to receive the vote of the citizens and inhabitants of the Republic of Geneva, to establish it, to stipulate the manner and conditions by such treaty or act as may be proper, of which a copy shall at once be forwarded to the Executive Directory.

Treaty of Union of the Republic of Geneva with the French Republic. April

26, 1798 1

ART. I. La république française accepte le vœu des citoyens de la république de Genève, pour leur réunion au peuple français; en conséquence les Genevois, tant ceux qui habitent la ville et le territoire de Genève, que ceux qui sont en France ou ailleurs, sont déclarés français-nés.

Les Genevois absens ne sont pas considérés comme émigrés; ils pourront en tous temps revenir en France, et s'y établir. Ils jouiront de tous les droits attachés à la qualité de citoyen français, conformément à la constitution.

Le gouvernement français considérant que les nommés Jacques Mallet du-Pan l'ainé, François d'Yvernois et Jacques-Antoine-Duroveray, ont écrit et manœuvré ouvertement contre la

1 Martens, Recueil des Traités, 2d edition,

ARTICLE I. The French Republic accedes to the wish of the citizens of the Republic of Geneva, for their union with the French people; consequently the Genevois, both those inhabiting the city and territory of Geneva and those who are in France or elsewhere, are declared to be " Frenchborn."

The absent Genevois are not considered as emigrants; they may at any time return to France and establish themselves there. They shall enjoy all the rights belonging to the French citizenship, according to the Constitution.

The French government, considering that Jacques Mallet du-Pan, the elder, François d'Yvernois. and Jacques - Antoine - Duroveray have openly written and labored against the vol. 7, p. 659.

république français, déclare qu'ils ne pourront en aucun temps être admis à l'honneur de devenir citoyens français.

ART. II. Les Genevois qui voudront transporter leur domicile en Suisse ou ailleurs, auront pendant un an, à dater de la ratification des présentes, la faculté de sortir avec leurs effets mobiliers, dûment constatés. Ils auront trois ans pour opérer la vente et la liquidation de leurs biens et créances, et pour en exporter le prix.1

ART. XIII. La république de Genève renonce aux alliances qui l'unissaient à des états étrangers; elle dépose et verse dans le sein de la grande nation, tous ses droits à une souveraineté particulière.

ART. XIV. La ratification 2 du présent traité sera échangée dans le mois, à compter du jour de la signa


Fait double à Genève, le 7 floréal, an 6 de la république française, une et indivisible.

Signé: Moïse-Moricand, syndic; Samuel Musard, syndic; L. Guérin, syndic de la garde; Paul Louis Rival, syndic; Esau Gasc, secrétaire; François Romilly, secrétaire. Le commissaire du gouvernement français; signé FELIX DESPORTES.

French government, declare that they may never at any time be admitted to the honor of French citizenship.

ART. II. The Genevois who may wish to change their domicile to Switzerland or elsewhere, shall have, for one year dating from the present ratification, the right to depart with their personal property duly authenticated. They shall have three years in which to effect the sale and liquidation of their real property and debts, and to remove the amounts received.

ART. XIII. The Republic of Geneva renounces the alliances which unite it to foreign states; it deposits and delivers into the bosom of the great nation all its rights of private sovereignty.

ART. XIV. The ratification of the present treaty shall be exchanged within the month, counting from the date of signature.

Done in duplicate at Geneva, the 7 floréal, year 6 of the French Republic, one and indivisible.

Signed: Moïse-Moricand, syndic; Samuel Musard, syndic; L. Guérin, chief of the guard; Paul Louis Rival, syndic; Esau Gasc, secretary; François Romilly, secretary. The Commissioner of the French Gouvernment; signed FELIX DESPORTES.

1 The further provisions are similar to those of the treaty with Mulhausen regarding communal property and advantages to be enjoyed by the city.

2 Ce traité a été signé par le directoire exécutif, le 9 floréal, et ratifié par le conseil des cinq cents le 9 et par le conseil des anciens, le 28 du même mois.

(Translation): This treaty was signed by the Executive Directory on the 9th floréal, and ratified by the Council of the Five Hundred on the 9th, and by the Council of Ancients on the 28th of the same month.

The Period of 1848-1870



Proclamation of the Municipality of the City of Milan on Assuming. Power. March 20, 1848 1

Le terribili circonstanze di fatto per le quali la nostra città è abbandonata dalle diverse autorità fa sì che la Congregazione municipale debba assumere in via interinale la direzione d'ogni potere allo scopo della pubblica sicurezza. Egli è perciò che si fa un dovere di far noto ai cittadini che sino a nuovo avviso essa concentrerà momentaneamente le diverse attribuzioni onde condurre le cose al fine desiderato dell' ordine e della tranquillità. Ai membri ordinari della Congregazione vengono aggiunti in via provvisoria i signori: Vitaliano Borromeo - Francesco Borgia - Alessandro Porro Teodoro Lecchi - Giuseppe Durini - Avv. Anselmo Guerrieri Avv. Enrico Guicciardi - Gaetano Strigelli.

Milano, 20 marzo 1848, ore una pomeridiana.



On account of the terrible events through which our city has been abandoned by the diverse authorities, it devolves upon the Municipality to assume the direction of all functions in internal matters for the sake of public security. For this reason it is necessary to notify the citizens that until further notice the several functions are concentrated for the present in its hands in order to bring about the desired order and tranquillity. To the regular members of the congregation are added provisionally Messrs.: Vitaliano Borromeo, Francesco Borgia, Alessandro Porro, Teodoro Lecchi, Giuseppe Durina, Anselmo Guerrieri, barrister, Enrico Guicciardi, barrister, Gaetano Strigelli.

Milan, March 20, 1848, 1 P.M. CASATI, Mayor; BERETTA, Secretary.

1 Le Assemblee del Risorgimento, vol. 1, Piemonte - Lombardia - Bologna — Modena — Parma, p. 119.

The Provisional Government Postpones all Discussion as to the Political Future of Lombardy. March 22, 1848 1

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Proclamation of King Carlo Alberto Promising a Free Vote. March 31,

1848 2



Chiamato da quei vostri concittadini, nelle cui mani una ben meritata fiducia ha riposto la temporaria di

1 Le Assemblee, vol. 1, p. 120.
2 Ibid., vol. 1, p. 122.


Called by those of your fellow citizens, in whose hands a well merited trust has placed the temporary direc

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