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starting,' is only good for indifferent swimmers ;| a man of any practice or skill will always consider


gar's Opera.


Why, how now, saucy Tom,

If you thus must ramble,

I will publish some
Remarks on Mr. Campbell.


Why, how now, Billy Bowles,
&c., &c., &c.

the distance less than the strength of the stream. To the air of 'How now, Madame Flirt,' in the BegIf Ekenhead and myself had thought of crossing at the narrowest point, instead of going up to the Cape above it, we should have been swept down to Tenedos. The strait, however, is not so extremely wide even where it broadens above and below the forts. As the frigate was stationed some time in the Dardanelles waiting for the firman, I bathed often in the straits subsequently to our traject, and generally on the Asiatic side, without perceiving the greater strength of the opposite stream by which the diplomatic traveller palliates his own failure. Our amusement in the small bay which opens immediately below the Asiatic fort was to dive for the LAND tortoises, which we flung in on purpose, as they amphibiously crawled along the bottom. This does not argue any greater violence of current than on the European shore. With regard to the modest insinuation that we chose the. European side as 'easier,' I appeal to Mr. Hobhouse and Captain Bathurst if it be true or no, (poor Ekenhead being since dead.) Had we been aware of any such difference of current as is as- "This was the beginning of a letter which I serted, we would at least have proved it, and were meant for Perry, but stopped short hoping that you not likely to have given it up in the twenty-five would be able to prevent the theatres. Of course minutes of Mr. Turner's own experiment. The you need not send it; but it explains to you my secret of all this is, that Mr. Turner failed, and feelings on the subject. You say that there is that we succeeded; and he is consequently disap-nothing to fear, let them do what they please,' that pointed, and seems not unwilling to overshadow is to say, that you would see me damned with great whatever little merit there might be in our success. tranquillity. You are a fine fellow."

Why did he not try the European side? If he had succeeded there, after failing on the Asiatic, his plea would have been more graceful and gracious. Mr. Turner may find what fault he pleases with my poetry, or my politics; but I recommend him to leave aquatic reflections till he is able to swim 'five-and-twenty minutes' without being 'exhausted,' though I believe he is the first modern Tory who ever swam against the stream' for half the time."

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"Ravenna, Feb. 22, 1821



"March 2, 1821.



"Raveana, Jan. 22, 1821.

"DEAR SIR, "I have received a strange piece of news, which cannot be more disagreeable to your public than it is to me. Letters and the gazettes do me the honor to say, that it is the intention of some of the London managers to bring forward on their stage the poem of Marino Faliero,' &c., which was never intended for such an exhibition, and I trust will never undergo it. It is certainly unfit for it. I have never written "As I wish the soul of the late Antoine Galignani but for the solitary reader, and require no experito rest in peace, (you will have read his death pub-ments for applause beyond his silent approbation.lished by himself, in his own newspaper), you are Since such an attempt to drag me forth as a gladiarequested particularly to inform his children and tor in the theatrical arena is a violation of all the heirs, that of their Literary Gazette,' to which I courtesies of literature, I trust that the impartial subscribed more than two months ago, I have only part of the press will step between me and this pol received one number, notwithstanding I have writ- lution. I say pollution, because every violation of ten to them repeatedly. If they have no regard for a right is such, and I claim my right as an author me, a subscriber, they ought to have some for their to prevent what I have written from being turned deceased parent, who is undoubtedly no better off into a stage-play. I have too much respect for in his present residence for his total want of atten- the public to permit this of my own free will. Had tion. If not, let me have my francs. They were I sought their favor, it would have been by a panpaid by Missiaglia, the Wenetian bookseller. You tomine.

may also hint to them that when a gentleman writes "I have said that I write only for the reader.a letter, it is usual to send an answer. If not, I Beyond this I cannot consent to any publication, or shall make them 'a speech,' which will comprise an to the abuse of any publication of mine to the pureulogy on the deceased. poses of histrionism. The applauses of an audi"We are here full of war, and within two days of ence would give me no pleasure; their disapprobathe seat of it, expecting intelligence momently.-tion might, however, give me pain. The wager is We shall now see if our Italian friends are good for therefore not equal. You may, perhaps, say, How any thing but shooting round a corner,' like the can this be? if their disapprobation gives pain, Irishman's gun. Excuse haste,-I write with my their praise might afford pleasure?' By no means: spurs putting on. My horses are at the door, and the kick of an ass or the sting of a wasp may be an Italian Count waiting to accompany me in my painful to those who would find nothing agree ride. Yours, &c. able in the braying of the one or the buzzing of the other.

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"P. S. Pray, among my letters, did you get one detailing the death of the commandant here? He was killed near my door, and died in my house.

"This may not seem a courteous comparison, bua I have no other ready; and it occurs naturally

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"In my packet of the 12th instant, in the last sheet, (not the half sheet,) last page, omit the sentence which (defining, or attempting to define, what and who are gentlemen) begins I should say at least in life that most military men have it, and few naval; that several men of rank have it, and few lawyers,' &c., &c. I say, omit the whole of that sentence, because, like the cosmogony, or creation of the world,' in the Vicar of Wakefield,' it is not much to the purpose.

outery in this world as that which these fellows are trying against Pope.

"Ask Mr. Gifford if, in the fifth act of the Doge,' you could not contrive (where the sentence of the Veil is passed) to insert the following lines in Marino Faliero's answer?

"But let it be so. It will be in vain :

The veil which blackens o'er this blighted name,
And hides, or seems to hide, these lineaments,
Shall draw more gazers than the thousand portrait
Which glitter round it in their painted trappings,
Your delegated slaves-the people's tyrants."

"Yours truly, &c.

"P. S. Upon public matters here I say little; you will all hear soon enough of a general row "In the sentence above, too, almost at the top of throughout Italy. There never was a more foolish the same page, after the words that there ever was, step than the expedition to Naples by these fellows. or can be, an aristocracy of poets,' add and insert "I wish to propose to Holmes, the miniature these words I do not mean that they should write painter, to come out to me this spring. I will pay in the style of the song by a person of quality, or his expenses, and any sum in reason. I wish him parle euphuism; but there is a nobility of thought to take my daughter's picture, (who is in a conand expression to be found no less in Shakspeare, vent), and the Countess G.'s, and the head of a Pope, and Burns, than in Dante, Alfieri,' &c., &c., peasant girl, which latter would make a study for and so on. Or, if you please, perhaps you had bet- Raphael. It is a complete peasant face, but an ter omit the whole of the latter digression on the Italian peasant's and quite in the Raphael Fornavulgar poets, and insert only as far as the end of rina style. Her figure is tall, but rather large, and the sentence on Pope's Homer, where I prefer it to not at all comparable with her face, which is really Cowper's and quote Dr. Clarke in favor of its accu- superb. She is not seventeen, and I am anxious to racy. have her face while it lasts. Madame G. is also Upon all these points, take an opinion; take very handsome, but 'tis quite in a different stylethe sense (or nonsense) of your learned visitants, completely blonde and fair-very uncommon in and act thereby. I am very tractable-in PROSE. Italy; yet not an English fairness, but more likely "Whether I have made out the case for Pope, Ia Swede or a Norwegian. Her figure, too, particu know not; but I am very sure that I have been larly the bust, is uncommonly good. It must be zealous in the attempt. If it comes to the proofs, Holmes: I like him because he takes such invetewe shall beat the blackguards. I will show more rate likenesses. There is a war here; but a solitary imagery in twenty lines of Pope than in any equal traveller, with but little baggage, and nothing to do length of quotation in English poesy, and that in with politics, has nothing to fear. Pack him up in places where they least expect it. For instance, in the diligence. Don't forget."

his lines on Sporus,-now, do just read them overthe subject is of no consequence (whether it be satire or epic)-we are talking of poetry and imagery from nature and art. Now mark the images separately and arithmetically :

"1. The thing of silk.

2. Curd of ass's milk.

3. The butterfly.

4. The wheel.

5. Bug with gilded wings.

6. Painted child of dirt.

7. Whose buzz.

8. Well-bred spaniels.

9. Shallow streams run dimpling.

10. Florid impotence.

11. Prompter. Puppet squeaks.

12. The ear of Eve."

13. Familiar toad.



"Ravenna, April 5, 1981. "Thanks for the translation. I have sent you some books, which I do not know whether you have read or no-you need not return them, is any case. I enclose you also a letter from Pisa. I have neither spared trouble nor expense in the care of the child; and as she was now four years old complete, and quite above the control of the servants-and as a man living without any woman at the head of his house cannot much attend to a

14. Half froth, half venom, spits himself abroad. nursery-I had no resource but to place her for a

• 15. Fop at the toilet.

16. Flatterer at the board.

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Beauty that shocks you, parts that none will trust,

Wit that can creep, and pride that ticks the dust."

time (at a high pension too) in the convent of Bagna. Cavalli, (twelve miles off,) where the air is good, and where she will, at least, have her learning advanced, and her morals and religion inculcated. I had also another reason;-things were and are in such a state here, that I had no reason to look upon my own personal safety as particularly ensurable; and I thought the infant best out of harm's way for the present.

"It is also fit that I should add that I by no means intended, or intend, to give a natural child an English education, because with the disadvan "Now, is there a line of all the passage without tages of her birth, her after-settlement would be the most forcible imagery, (for his purpose?) Look doubly difficult. Abroad, with a fair foreign educaat the variety at the poetry of the passage at the tion and a portion of five or six thousand pounds, imagination: there is hardly a line from which a she might and may marry very respectably. In painting might not be made, and is. But this is England such a dowry would be a pittance, while nothing in comparison with his higher passages in elsewhere it is a fortune. It is, besides, my wish the Essay on Man, and many of his other poems, that she should be a Roman Catholic, which I look serious and comic. There never was such an unjust upon as the best religion, as it is assuredly the old

• Second letter in answer to Bowles.

• These lines were never inserted in the tragedy.

est of the various branches of Christianity. I have now explained my notions as to the place where she now is-it is the best I could find for the present; but I have no prejudices in its favor.

"I do not speak of politics, because it seems a hopeless subject, as long as those scoundrels are to be permitted to bully states out of their independence. Believe me

"Yours ever and truly.

'Expect not life from pain nor danger free,

Nor deem the doom of man reversed for thee."

"You know my opinion of that second-hand school own poetry, because it is of no school. I read of poetry. You also know my high opinion of your Cenci-but, besides that I think the subject essentially undramatic, I am not an admirer of our old dramatists, as models. I deny that the English have hitherto had a drama at all. Your Cenci, however, was a work of power and poetry. As to my drama, pray revenge yourself upon it, by being as free as I have been with yours.

"P. S. There is a report here of a change in France; but with what truth is not yet known. "P. S. My respects to Mrs. H. I have the 'best opinion' of her countrywomen; and at my time of "I have not yet got your Prometheus, which I life, (three-and-thirty, 22d January, 1821,) that is long to see. I have heard nothing of mine, and do to say, after the life I have led, a good opinion is not know that it is yet published. I have published the only rational one which a man should entertain a pamphlet on the Pope controversy, which you will of the whole sex :-up to thirty, the worst possible not like. Had I known that Keats was dead-or opinion a man can have of them in general, the that he was alive and so sensitive-I should have better for himself. Afterward, it is a matter of omitted some remarks upon his poetry, to which I no importance to them, nor to him either, what was provoked by his attack upon Pope, and my disopinion he entertains-his day is over, or, at least approbation of his own style of writing.

should be.

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You want me to undertake a great poem,-1 have not the inclination nor the power. As I grow older, the indifference-not to life, for we love it by instinct-but to the stimuli of life, increases. Besides, this late failure of the Italians has latterly disappointed me for many reasons,-some public, some personal. My respects to Mrs. S. "Yours ever.

"P. S. Could not you and I contrive to meet this summer? Could not you take a run here alone?"



"P. S. You may make my subscription for Mr. Scott's widow, &c., thirty instead of the proposed "Ravenna, April 26, 1821. ten pounds: but do not put down my name; put "I sent you by last postis a large packet, which down N. N. only. The reason is, that, as I have will not do for publication, (I suspect,) being, as mentioned him in the enclosed pamphlet, it would the apprentices say, 'damned low. I put off also look indelicate. I would give more, but my disap- for a week or two sending the Italian scrawl which pointments last year about Rochdale and the trans- will form a note to it. The reason is, that letters fer from the funds render me more economical for being opened, I wish to bide a wee.' the present."



"Ravenna, April 26, 1821. "The child continues doing well, and the accounts are regular and favorable. It is gratifying to me that you and Mrs. Shelley do not disapprove of the step which I have taken, which is merely tempo

"Well, have you published the tragedy? and does the letter take?

"Is it true what Shelley writes me, that poor John Keats died at Rome of the Quarterly Review? I am very sorry for it, though I think he took the wrong line as a poet, and was spoiled by Cockneyfying, and suburbing, and versifying Tooke's Pantheon and Lempriere's Dictionary. I know, by experience, that a savage review is hemlock to a sucking author; and the one on me (which produced the English Bards, &c.) knocked me downbut I got up again. Instead of bursting a bloodvessel, I drank three bottles of claret, and begun an answer, finding that there was nothing in the article I am very sorry to hear what you say of Keats for which I could lawfully knock Jeffrey on the is it actually true? I did not think criticism had head, in an honorable way. However, I would not been so killing. Though I differ from you essenti- be the person who wrote the homicidal article for ally in your estimate of his performances, I so much all the honor and glory in the world, though I by abhor all unnecessary pain, that I would rather he no means approve of that school of scribbling which had been seated on the highest peak of Parnassus it treats upon.


than have perished in such a manner. Poor fellow! "You see the Italians have made a sad business though with such inordinate self-love he would pro- of it-all owing to treachery and disunion among bably have not been very happy. I read the review themselves. It has given me great vexation. The of Endymion' in the Quarterly. It was severe,-execrations heaped upon the Neapolitans by the but surely not so severe as my reviews in that and other Italians are quite in unison with those of the other journals upon others. rest of Europe. "Yours, &c.

"I recollect the effect on me of the Edinburgh on "P. S. Your latest packet of books is on its my first poem; it was rage, and resistance, and way here, but not arrived. Kenilworth excellent. redress-but not despondency nor despair. I grant Thanks for the pocket-books, of which I have made that those are not amiable feelings; but, in this presents to those ladies who like cuts, and landworld of bustle and broil, and especially in the ca- scapes, and all that. I have got an Italian book or reer of writing, a man should calculate upon his two which I should like to send you if I had an oppowers of resistance before he goes into the arena. portunity.

I am not at present in the very highest health, at the top of it. I assure you that there are some -spring, probably; so I have lowered my diet and loftier spirits. taken to Epsom salts. "Nothing, however, can better than your poem, "As you say my prose is good, why don't you or more deserved by the lazzaroni. They are now treat with Moore for the reversion of the Memoirs? abhorred and disclaimed nowhere more than here. -conditionally, recollect; not to be published before We will talk over these things (if we meet) some decease. He has the permission to dispose of them, day, and I will recount my own adventures, some of and I advised him to do so." which have been a little hazardous, perhaps.



"Ravenna, April 28, 1821.

"So you have got the letter on Bowles? I do not recollect to have said any thing of you that could offend,-certainly, nothing intentionally. As for, I meant him a compliment. I wrote the whole off-hand, without copy or correction, and expecting then every day to be called into the field. What have I said of you? I am sure I forget. It must be something of regret for your approbation of Bowles. And did you not approve, as he says? Would I had known that before! I would have given him some more gruel. My intention was to make fun of all these fellows; but how I succeeded, I don't know.

"You cannot have been more disappointed than myself, nor so much deceived. I have been so at some personal risk also, which is not yet done away with. However, no time nor circumstances shall "As to Pope, I have always regarded him as the alter my tone nor my feelings of indignation against greatest name in our poetry. Depend upon it, the tyranny triumphant. The present business has rest are barbarians. He is a Greek Temple, with been as much a work of treachery as of cowardice, a Gothic Cathedral on one hand, and a Turkish -though both may have done their part. If ever Mosque and all sorts of fantastic pagodas and conyou and I meet again, I will have a talk with you venticles about him. You may call Shakspeare upon the subject. At present, for obvious reasons, and Milton pyramids, if you please, but I prefer the I can write but little, as all letters are opened. In Temple of Theseus or the Parthenon to a mountain mine they shall always find my sentiments, but of burnt brick-work.

nothing that can lead to the oppression of others. "The Murray has written to me but once, the day "You will please to recollect that the Neapolitans of its publication, when it seemed prosperous. But are nowhere now more execrated than in Italy, and I have heard of late from England but rarely. Of not blame a whole people for the vices of a province. Murray's other publications (of mine) I know That would be like condemning Great Britain be- nothing,-nor whether he has published. He was cause they plunder wrecks in Cornwall. to have done so a month ago. I wish you would do something, or that we were together. "Ever yours and affectionately,

"And now let us be literary-a sad falling off, but it is always a consolation. If Othello's occupation' be gone, let us take to the next best; and, if we cannot contribute to make mankind more free and wise, we may amuse ourselves and those who like it. What are you writing? I have been scribbling at intervals, and Murray will be publishing

about now.

"Lady Noel has, as you say, been dangerously ill; but it may console you to learn that she is dangerously well again.





"Ravenna, May 10, 1821.

"I have written a sheet or two more of Memoranda for you; and I kept a little journal for about "I have just got your packet. I am obliged to a month or two, till I had filled the paper-book. I then left it off, as things grew busy, and, afterward, Mr. Bowles, and Mr. Bowles is obliged to me, for having restored him to good humor. He is to write, too gloomy to set down without a painful feeling and you to publish, what you please,-motto and This I should be glad to send you, if I had an op- subject. I desire nothing but fair play for all par portunity; but a volume, however small, don't go ties. Of course, after the new tone of Mr. Bowles well by such posts as exist in this inquisition of a you will not publish my defence of Gilchrist it As a very pretty woman said would be brutal to do so after his urbanity, for it is rather too rough, like his own attack upon Gilchrist. to me a few nights ago, with the tears in her eyes, You may tell him what I say there of his Missiona as she sat at the harpsichord, Alas! the Italians must now return to making operas.' I fear that ry, (it is praised, as it deserves.) However, and if and macaroni are their forte, and 'motley their yet bearing upon the question, you may add them there are any passages not personal to Bowles, and only wear. However, there are some high spirits to the reprint (if it is reprinted) of my first letter among them still. Pray write, "And believe me, &c." to you. Upon this consult Gifford; and, above all, don't let any thing be added which can personally affect Mr. Bowles.

"I have no news.



"Ravenna, May 3, 1821.

"Though I wrote to you on the 28th ultimo, I

"In the enclosed notes, of course, what I say of the democracy of poetry cannot apply to Mr. Bowles, but to the Cockney and water washing-tub schools.

"I hope and trust that Elliston won't be permitted to act the drama! Surely he might have the grace to wait for Kean's return before he attempted it; though, even then, I should be as much against the attempt as ever.

"I have got a small packet of books, but neither must acknowledge yours of this day, with the Waldegrave, Oxford, nor Scott's novel's among lines. They are sublime, as well as beautiful, them. Why don't you republish Hodgson's Childe and in your very best mood and manner. They are Harold's Monitor and Latino-mastix? they are exalso but too true. However, do not confound the cellent. Think of this,-they are all for Pope. Scoundrels at the heel of the boot with their betters "Yours, &c."*

"Ay, down to the dust with them, slaves as they are," &c., &c.



"Ravenna, May 11, 1821.

[not dejected, and I shall not take the usual resource of blaming the public, (which was in the right,) or my friends for not preventing-what they could not help, nor I neither-a forced representation by a speculating manager. It is a pity, that you did not "If I had but known your notion about Switzer-show them its unfitness for the stage before the play land before, I should have adopted it at once. As was published, and exact a promise from the manait is, I shall let the child remain in her convent, gers not to act it. In case of their refusal, we would where she seems healthy and happy, for the present; not have published it at all. But this is too late. but I shall feel much obliged if you will inquire, "Yours. when you are in the cantons, about the usual and "P. S. I enclose Mr. Bowles's letters; thank better modes of education there for females, and let him in my name for their candor and know the result of your opinions. It is some Also a letter for Hodgson, which pray forward. The consolation that both Mr. and Mrs. Shelley have Milan paper states that I brought forward the written to approve entirely my placing the child play!!! This is pleasanter still. But don't let with the nuns for the present. I can refer to my yourself be worried about it; and if (as is likely) whole conduct, as having neither spared care, kind- the folly of Elliston checks the sale, I am ready to ness, nor expense, since the child was sent to me. make any deduction, or the entire cancel of your The people may say what they please, I must con- agreement. tent myself with not deserving (in this instance) that they should speak ill.

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"You will of course not publish my defence of Gilchrist, as after Bowles's good humor upon the subject, it would be too savage.

Let me hear from you the particulars; for, as yet, I have only the simple fact.

The place is a country town, in a good air, where there is a large establishment for education, and many children, some of considerable rank, placed in it. As a country town, it is less liable "If you knew what I have had to go through to objections of every kind. It has always appeared here, on account of the failure of these rascally to me, that the moral defect in Italy does not pro- Neapolitans, you would be amused: but it is now ceed from a conventual education,-because, to my apparently over. They seemed disposed to throw certain knowledge, they came out of their convents the whole project and plans of these parts upon me innocent even to ignorance of moral evil,-but to chiefly."



"May 14, 184.

the state of society into which they are directly plunged on coming out of it. It is like educating an infant on a mountain-top, and then taking him to the sea and throwing him into it and desiring him to swim. The evil, however, though still too general, is partly wearing away, as the women are more permitted to marry from attachment; this is, I believe, the case also in France. And, after all, what is the higher society of England? According "If any part of the letter to Bowles has (unin to my own experience, and to all that I have seen tentionally, as far as I remember the contents) and heard, (and I have lived there in the very high-vexed you, you are fully avenged; for I see by an est and what is called the best,) no way of life can Italian paper, that, notwithstanding all my remonbe more corrupt. In Italy, however, it is, or rather strances through all my friends, (and yourself was, more systematized, but now, they themselves among the rest,) the managers persisted in attemptare ashamed of regular serventism. In England, ing the tragedy, and that it has been unanimously the only homage which they pay to virtue is hypoc- hissed!!" This is the consolatory phrase of the risy. I speak of course, of the tone of high life,-Milan paper, (which detests me cordially, and the middle ranks may be very virtuous. abuses me, on all occasions, as a Liberal,) with the

"I have not got any copy (nor have yet had) of addition, that I brought the play out' of my own the letter on Bowles; of course I should be delight- good-will.

ed to send it to you. How is Mrs. H.? well again, "All this is vexatious enough, and seems a sort I hope. Let me know when you set out. I regret of dramatic Calvinism-predestined damnation, that I cannot meet you in the Bernese Alps this without a sinner's own fault. I took all the pains summer, as I once hoped and intended. With my poor mortal could to prevent this inevitable catasbest respects to madam, "I am am ever, &c. trophe-partly by appeals of all kinds up to the "P. S. I gave to a musicianer a letter for you Lord Chamberlain, and partly to the fellows them sometime ago; has he presented himself? Perhaps selves. But, as remonstrance was vain, complaint you could introduce him to the Ingrams and other is useless. I do not understand it-for Murray's dilettanti. He is simple and unassuming-two letter of the 24th, and all his preceding ones, gave strange things in his profession-and he fiddles me the strongest hopes that there would be no re like Orpheus himself or Amphion; 'tis a pity that presentation. As yet, I know nothing but the fact, he can't make Venice dance away from the brutal which I presume to be true, as the date is Paris, and tyrant who tramples upon it."



"May 14, 1821.

the 30th. They must have been in a hell of a hurry for this damnation, since I did not even know that it was published; and, without its being first published, the histrions could not have got hold of it. Any one might have seen, at a glance, that it was utterly impracticable for the stage; and this little accident will by no means enhance its merit in the closet.

"Well, patience is a virtue, and, I suppose, prac"A Milan paper states that the play has been tice will make it perfect. Since last year, (spring represented and universally condemned. As re- that is,) I have lost a lawsuit, of great importance, monstrance has been vain, complaint would be use- on Rochdale collieries-have occasioned a divorceless. I presume, however for your own sake, (if have had my poesy disparaged by Murray and the not for mine,) that you and my other friends will critics-my fortune refused to be placed on an adhave at least published my different protests against vantageous settlement (in Ireland) by the trustees its being brought upon the stage at all; and have my life threatened last month-(they put about a shown that Elliston (in spite of the writer) forced paper here to excite an attempt at my assassination, it upon the theatre. It would be nonsense to say on account of politics, and a notion which the priests that this has not vexed me a good deal, but I am disseminated that I was in a league against the Ger

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