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Published at the expense of the AMERICAN BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR FOREIGN MISSIONS; and all the profits devoted to the promotion of the missionary cause.



Abeih-see Syria.

Abenaquis, mission to, 16; annual survey, 16.
Ada Bazar-see Armenians.

Africa, South, 4, 38, 112, 139, 170, 181, 319, 361;
annual survey, 4; arrival of Messrs. Abraham,
Wilder and Tyler, 38; letters from-Mr. Ty-
ler, 38; Mr. L. Grout, 39, 184; Mr. Marsh, 41;
Mr A. Grout, 183; Mr. Bryant, 183; Mr.
Ireland, 361; Mr. Abraham, 362; the country
and people, 39; opposition, 39, 113, 117, 182;
encouragement, 39. 184; female convert, 39;
cases of interest, 40, 41; Table mountain, rea-
sons for leaving, 41; new station at Itafamasi,
42; characteristic believing, 43; annual report,
112; statistics, 113, 361; schools, 114, 120;
station reports - Umvoti, 114; Umsunduzi,
116; Umlazi, 117; Ifumi, 119; Ifafa, 120;
Amalongwa, 181; Sabbath congregation, 115;
out-stations, 115, 117; the churches, 115, 118;
additions, 115; converts, 118; female prayer
meeting, 118; native helpers, 120; geograph-
ical discoveries, 170; languages, 173; early
fruit, 181; spirit of inquiry, 183; the press,
183; general aspect of the work, 183; signs
of progress, 184; discouragements, 319; la-
bors and prospects at Ifumi, 361; new station
at Mapamulo, face of the country, reception,
362; Sabbath services, climate and soil, 363.

Africa, West, 4, 37, 212, 225, 280; annual sur-
vey, 4; letters from-Mr. Wilson, 37; Mr.
Bushnell, 38, 280; opposition subsiding, 37;
additions to church, 37, 226; movements of the
French, 37; the press, 38; death of Prince
Glass, 38; report for 1849, 225; Baraka sta-
tion, Bakali station, schools, the church, 225;
American rum, civilized depravity, 226; death
of Mrs. Bushnell, 280.

Ahmednuggur mission, 8, 43, 134, 162, 199, 270,
367; annual survey, 8; letters from-Mr. Wild-
er, 43, 134, 162, 273, 275; Mr Hazen, 200;
Mr. Burgess, 273; Mr. Mungur, 367; a young
man baptized, opposition, 43; cases of inter-
est, a contrast, 134; hook-swinging prevented,
162; Newasse, 163, 275-278; Seroor, report
of the station, church, native assistants, schools,
199, 200; tokens for good, 2003; report of
Ahmednuggur station, church, schools, preach-
ing, native assistants, out-stations, 270-272;
additions to church, 273; need of more labor-
ers, appeal to young men, 274; a baptism,
278; encouragement at Wudaley, 278; preach-
ing tours, 367; extent of the field. standing of
church members, 368; inquirers, 369.

Aintab see Armenians.
Aleppo-see Syria.
Amalongwa-see Africa, South.
American Board, survey of its missions, 1-16;
meetings in behalf of, 248; forty-first annual
meeting, 325; next meeting appointed at
Portland, 344.

American Baptist Missionary Union, 246.

American Home Missionary Society, 246.
American Bible Society, 246.
American Tract Society, 247.

American and Foreign Christian Union, 247.
American Seamen's Friend Society, 247.
American Sunday School Union, 247.
American Baptist Home Mission Society, 247.
American Education Society, 247.
Amin Bey at the Missionary House, 393.
Amoy mission, 11, 48, 177, 289, 320, 346, 393;
annual survey, 11; letters from Mr. Doty, 48,
177, 289, 3463; additions to church, 48; ас-
count of labors, 50; call for helpers, 51, 348;
letter from Mr. Talmage, healthfulness of
Amoy, 51; comfort from church members,
177, 289; death of a believer, 200; inquirers,
291, 320; favorable changes, 316; arrival of
Mr. Talmage, 393.

Appeals for missionaries, 17, 51, 145, 191, 195,
274, 304, 312, 320, 345, 343, 349, 354, 386.
Armenian pastors, letter from, 382; meeting of,


Armenians, work of God among, by Dwight, 391.
Armenians, mission to, 6; annual survey. 6-see
the stations, Aintab, Broosa, Constantinople,
Erzrum, Smyrna, and Trebizond, below.

Aintab, station at 6, 26, 139, 151, 205, 264,
354, 373; letters from Dr. Smith, 205, 373; from
Mr Schneider, 268, 354, 374; journal of Mr.
Schneider, 26, 151, 264, 4123; female prayer-
meeting, 28; domestic trial, 28; influence of
troth, 28; cases of conviction, 30; movement at
Killis, 30, 152, 414; religious interest, 30; na-
tive helpers, 31, 205, 208, 373; Vartabed of
Arabkir, 31; field open to females, 32; labors
of protestants, 205, 208; interesting young man,
154; candidates for the church, 156; interesting
communion, 157; progress of females, 206;
liberality, 207; interest at Marash, 152, 157,
264; Kissab, 154, 155; events at Kaisareah,
157, 266; efforts to procure a place of wor-
ship, 266; encouragement, 155, 267, 374, 413-
415; juvenile missionary society, 267; Diar-
bekir, interest and persecution at, 268; rea-
sons for occupying, 354; encouragement at,
414; Oorfa as a missionary field, 355-per-
haps is Ur. 356; many calls for laborers, 357;
civil relations of Protestants, 573; increased
congregations 374; outbreak of passion against
Protestants, 412; interest in the truth, 413;
Killis, influence of the riot, 414; Besneh, 415.
Broosa, station at, 6, 139. 158, 320; extract
from Mr. Ladd, the church, inquirers, &c.,
139; letter from Mr. Crane, a marriage cere-
mony, 158.

Constantinople, station at, 6, 99, 146, 177,
208, 253, 357, 330, 393 420; letters from-Mr.
Wood, 99, 208, 255, 383; Mr. Homes, 146,
150, 416; Mr. Everett, 253; Mr Goodell, 177;
Mr. Hamlin, 256; Mr. Van Lennep, 380; ad-
ditions to the church, 99; Ada Bazar, a dis-

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