Imágenes de página
[blocks in formation]

Cruiskeen-little c. lan...

205 7

trunks cased in pure c...

877 11

hands thee the c.

55 2

.214 15

urns of heaven..

..301 21

you c. break for fear.

Cruorem-adde c. stultitiæ..

.283 23

Crusade endless c. against wrong.

854 12

Cruse-of oil fail..

212 22

Crush-and the c. of worlds..

.388 4

down with heavy fall.

[blocks in formation]

.857 2 774 13 .854 10 .320 17 .107 13 c...574 10

[blocks in formation]

in a garden of c...

[blocks in formation]

lodge in a garden of c..

sunbeams out of c....

876 7

Cud-as cow chews c..

[blocks in formation]

as with the c....

.849 16

Cuddled-close together.

Crum-nor crust nor c...
Crumb starves without a c..
Crumble-rear temples they will c. 525 5 Crystalline-with a c. delight.
Crumbled-be c. into dust.. ..530 15
Crumbling-climbs the c. hall....402 9
day of c. not far.
..911 17
palaces are c. to the shore..... 831 7
Crumbe-dogs eat of the c. .199 15
Crumpled-fold on fold.
.681 19

Crystal-pointed-tents from hill. .857 18
Crystals-precipitated in pretty c.260 8
Cub-licking a c. into shape......345 6
Cuba-Creole of C. laughs out....649 17
Cuban-mines of gold our C. owned866 19
Cube-a faultless c.
97 11
Cuckold-that c. lives in bliss. .404 12
Cuckoo-before the shallow c.'s bill. 558 9
hedge-sparrow fed the c....... .740 20
see also Cuckoo p. 153
Cuckoo-buds-and c.of yellow hue.281 4
Cuckoo-flowers-Sweet c....... 146 28
Cuckoo Pint-toll me the purple. 124 9
Cucullus-non facit monachum.... 35 7
Cucumber-that confounded c....210 12
Cucumbers-as cold as c.. ..639 10

[blocks in formation]

wall, whose stones are c. Crushes-in the birth..

..398 15

.801 13

Cuddles-low behind the brake...580
Cudgel-what wood a c....

[blocks in formation]

.650 1

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

..912 20

blind did rise.

.473 5

365 2

[blocks in formation]

504 3

bow of C. lose power.

.475 16

share her wretched c.

.820 15

Culpa-enim illa bis ad.

.283 13

concludes with C.'s curse..

.475 20

underneath this c.

.229 20

ipsorum c. ferenda.

265 22

giant-dwarf Dan C..

.324 10

we live merely on the c.......445 7

major pæna quam c.

.650 4

is a casuist.

.321 21

with water and a c.

.471 6

nulla pallescere c..

130 19

is a knavish lad.

324 11

[blocks in formation]

perennis erit

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

.553 12 Culpam-ingenuo c.defigere ludo..6045

.219 10 Culta-dei pío c. continetur.
167 3 Cultivate a rich soil.

.479 9 a small one...
talents that attract.

pœna c. secunda.

711 12

is winged C. painted blind.....478 22

sceleris coacti c

[blocks in formation]

799 11 tacenda loqui..

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

invitat c. qui delictum..

267 4

the little greatest enemy

.470 15

levandam c. nimio.

346 2

[blocks in formation]

pœna premit

.650 17

.770 19

"the littlest greatest god". the wind-swift C. wings.. young C. slily stole. Cupide-jurasset c. quicquid 760 17 Cupidinibus-responsare c... 19 4 Cupidinis-periere c. arcus... .392 13 Cupiditas-veri videndi..

.481 2

.479 18

.464 15

....483 3

.295 8 ..475 16 .....819 19

[blocks in formation]

we for c. apply..

154 11

from his cradle..

441 5

tinkling c..

107 2

Cured-love cannot be c. by herbs475 13

she is intolerable c..

267 1

Cynic-hurl the c.'s ban.

.379 7

madman not c......

.779 1

the spot is c....

to wish to be c..

356 26

thou c. by Heaven's decree..

96 21 .484 26

let sage or c. prattle.

466 6

man who knows price.

829 21

with difficulty c..

.358 6

Cursu-qui studet optatam c......424 21 Cynthia-lady C.mistress of shade575 2

yesterday of my disease..

...503 17

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Curfew-beyond the c. of eve.....605


Curta-nescio quid abest rei.

290 7

of this minute.

..123 6

must not ring tonight..

68 17

Curtain-a funeral pall.

174 2

's pale beam shone

..415 14

tolls the knell..


.153 24

Curing of a strong disease..

...196 23

Curiosis-fabricavit inferos..

.362 7

Curiosity-gluttonous c. to feed..506 23

in a closet by way of c..

493 9

238 17

closing her c. up.

draw the c., the farce..

her sleeping world..

never outward swings..

round the vault.

let the c. fall..


[blocks in formation]

while Ralph to C. howls.

Cypress-and myrtle are emblems. 342

goddesses must C. adore......321 14 in sad c. let me be laid.

no shady c. tree.

Round the c, bier.

.556 6

newspapers excite c...

.408 10

the c. drops..

6 9

spread their gloom.

nor stirs my c. or spleen..

331 4

the c. of repose.

555 25

sweet is the c.

see also Curiosity pp. 153, 154

to c. her sleeping world

556 23

with c. promenaded.

.178 4

.175 4

[blocks in formation]

Curious-amazed and c..

511 13

are to hear.

.153 23

fashioned hell for the c...

.362 7

painter doth pursue.

please and sate c. taste...

quaint and c. war is!..

[blocks in formation]

something c. being strange....406 11 Curiously-consider too c....

Curl-barter c. for c..

golden c. with comb of pearl...511 10 ...111 1 she had a little c..... Curled-moon like little feather...527 6

opening c. of the clouds. Curtesy-to great kings... ..661 13 Curtius-like C. desperate in my..329 Curva-trahit mites... veniet tacito c. senecta........425 10

.749 13 twilight lets c. down... ..749 15 twilight's c. gathering far. Curtained-on the c.window-panes.526 10 .123 1 85 4 with cloudy red.. .546 7 Curtain-lecture-dreads a c. worse.496 5 .847 7 Curtains-feathery c. stretching...123 11 .249 28 fringed c. of thine eye..

Cypress-trees-shine through e...190 17 230 S Cyrus-I am C. founder. .834 21 Cytherea-ah, C. Adonis is dead. .278 3 or C.'s breath. Czar-wealth of the C. of the.... 31 13

let fall the c....

.778 23


525 17 154 24


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
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