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Mr. Smith employed a great many men in his mills, of which he had several (some working for him for 35 years), and he was considered an adept in smoothing out difficulties, and it is said the only person he could not manage was this same Mary Reenan-Mr. Gourlay's second wife. She would go on sueing for this and that, thinking Mr. Gourlay was enormously wealthy, whereas he was getting poorer all the time. And after he returned to Edinburgh, in 1859, Mr. Smith, as his agent, had all these suits to look after, and then for the daughters after his death. Mr. Gourlay did have a great deal of money at times, but spent it lavishly on printing his books, pamphlets, etc., and also spent a large sum on the city of Edinburgh, of which, justly, he was very proud.

His daughters were highly educated; one-Miss Jane Gourlay-was a noted philanthropist of Edinburgh in her time. She was the originator of the "Settlement Houses for Girls," and had schemes and plans in such good working order, and so much accomplished, that she felt she could leave it to others to carry on, and sought to help elsewhere, going out to South Africa, in the early seventies, where she did good work until called to cease her labours in this world.

Miss Helen Gourlay was a great traveller, having visited many countries, and had a very charming manner. She was extremely religious, and the trouble her father had with Mary Reenan was most distressing to her, and she tried in every way to conciliate her, but without avail; she was quite fond of her before the marriage, of which she quite approved. She was with her father during this return visit of his to Canada. She was a scholar, and translated the Greek Testament into English, and had memorized every Collect in the Church of England Prayer Book, and could tell where to place them for the different seasons. She was a most devoted churchwoman. She visited Mr. Smith again at Sunnyside, Toronto, staying nearly two years from 1876 to 1878-but during that time paid several visits to friends and relations elsewhere. She spent a short time with the authoress, Miss Agnes Maule Machar, of Kingston, who is a relative, and brought back some charming books written by that lady. She also visited her cousins, the Hamiltons, at Kingston, Princeton and Drumbo, and other places, and spent two months with relatives in Virginia, who lived in a once lovely Colonial mansion situated on the Rappahannock, which had been sadly disfigured during the Civil War. There were so many historical incidents connected with it that Miss Gourlay wrote an article on the subject for the Edinburgh "Scotsman." Her photo appears in Miss Carnochan's article (Niagara Historical Society, No. 18) that was taken at this time, in 1878. She left Mr. Smith's house in 1878 for New York en route to her home in Edinburgh, that being her last visit to Canada; but Mr. Charles Perley Smith, barrister, of Toronto, Mr. Smith's only son, visited her in 1891, and found her very well, and as much interested in Canada, and all her friends and relatives there, as ever. She died about 10 years ago. He also visited Mr. Alexander Duncan, Mr. Gourlay's only grandchild, of whom he was very fond, and whose mother, one of Mr. Gourlay's daughters, died very young. Mr. Duncan's father, John Duncan, was

a naval officer in the East India Service. Mr. Alex. Duncan's wife is the daughter of Admiral Sir Wm. Edmonstone, and they have two daughters and three sons, all living. These sons are Mr. Robert F. Gourlay's greatgrandsons, and are all at present in responsible positions serving their country:

Commander John Duncan, R. N. C. V., Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.
Capt. Basil Duncan, serving at the front.

Capt. Wm. Duncan, in the Royal Field Artillery, who has recently won the Military Cross.

NOTE.-I wish to thank Mr. Lockhart Gordon for the latest information regarding the great-grandsons of Mr. Gourlay. Margaret McLellan Farmer.

April, 1917.

[The illustrations from photographs of Robert (Fleming) Gourlay and two of his daughters appear in these pages through the kindness of Mrs. Sidney Farmer, who also sends these reminiscences.]



This list was found in the Register of Births, Deaths and Marriages · kept by the Rev. Robt Addison, from 1792 to 1829, in Niagara, or Newark, and in possession of St. Mark's Church. It is arranged in seven columns, neatly ruled, with: Date of baptism, date of birth, Christian name of child, Christian names of parents, surname, quality, etc., of father, by whom the ceremony performed-apparently half sheets of foolscap, and sewn together. There are altogether eighty-five baptisms; the rank of the father varying from full private to K. C. B., Major General and Lieutenant-Governor, the regiments being 68th, 70th, 76th, and Royal Artillery; the officiating clergymen being W. Cokayne Frith, LL. D., and R. W. Turney, both Chaplains to the Forces, also Thomas Handcock, acting Chaplain to the forces at Ft. George, in one case the Rev. R. Addison, of St. Marks, and the last recorded is the baptism of Emily Sophia, daughter of Lady Sarah and Sir Peregrine Maitland, by Charles, Bishop of Quebec.

I have copied exactly the text, omitting the headings and division lines:

Baptized 7th Aug., 1821, born 17th May, Julia Catherine, of George and Sarah McDonald, Capt. 68th Regiment, by W. Cokayne Frith, LL. D.

2nd Sept., born 21st Aug., Wm. Henry, of James and Mary Ann Duff, Sergt.-Major 68th Regt.

10th Sept, born 8th April, James Septimus, of James and Susan Read, Surgeon 68th Regt.

10th Sept., born 9th Sept., James, of Patrick and Mary Feely, Private 68th Regt.

10th Sept., born 9th Sept., Rosanna, of Bryan and Mary Gibbons, Private

68th Regt.

9th Sept., born 24th Aug., Agnes, of William and Jennett Airde, Sergeant 68th Regt. (This baptism was performed by Robert Addison, acting Chaplain.)

21st Oct., born 6th Oct., Margaret, of Christian and Archibald Paterson, Sergeant 68th Regt.

23rd Oct., born 15th Oct., Charles, of John and Mary Lavell, Corporal 68th Regt.

27th Oct., born 13th Oct., Frances Ottley, of Robert Henry and Elizabeth Dee, D. A. Comng. Genrl.

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