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We shall see, while above us
The waves roar and whirl,*
A ceiling of amber,

A pavement of pearl.

Singing, "Here came a mortal,
But faithless* was she.
And alone dwell for ever
The kings of the sea."

But, children, at midnight,
When soft the winds blow;
When clear falls the moonlight:
When spring-tides * are low :
When sweet airs come seaward
From heaths starred with broom;
And high rocks throw mildly
On the blanched * sands a gloom :
Up the still, glistening beaches,
Up the creeks we will hie;'
Over banks of bright seaweed
The ebb-tide * leaves dry.




We will gaze, from the sand-hills,
At the white, sleeping town;
At the church on the hill-side-
And then come back down.
Singing, "There dwells a loved one,
But cruel is she.

She left lonely for ever

The kings of the sea.”

Whirl, to go round and round, to toss about in a confused manner.

Faithless, false, not true to her promise.

Spring-tides, those which rise higher than ordinary tides, after new and full moon.

Broom, a wild ever-
green shrub, with
leafless pointed twigs.
Blanched, made
white or whitened.
Creek, a small inlet
of the sea.

Hie, to hasten.
Ebb-tide, the going
back or retiring of the
Sleeping town, the in.
habitants had retired
to rest.


JAMES HOGG (1770-1835) was born in Ettrick Forest in Selkirkshire. He was a farmer and a shepherd, and hence called the "Ettrick Shepherd," but he was more successful as a poet. Chief work: The Queen's Wake, containing the beautiful fairy ballad Kilmeny: he also wrote songs and novels.


BIRD of the wilderness,
Blithesome* and cumberless,*

Sweet be thy matin* o'er moorland and lea! *
Emblem of happiness,

Blest is thy dwelling-place

Oh to abide* in the desert with thee!

Wild is thy lay* and loud,

Far in the downy cloud :

Blithesome, cheerful, gay.

Cumberless, free from

Matin, morning song.
Lea, pasture land, a
Emblem, sign or
figure, a token.
Abide, to live.
Lay, & song.

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Satraps, the chief governors and nobles.

In Judah, &c., these vessels were set apart for the service of the Temple, and were, therefore, held most Jacred.

Bloodless, &c., he be came pale with fear.


THE King was on his throne,
The Satraps thronged the hall;
A thousand bright lamps shone
O'er that high festival.
A thousand cups of gold,

In Judah* deemed divine-
Jehovah's vessels hold

The godless Heathen's wine.

In that same hour and hall,
The fingers of a hand
Came forth against the wall,
And wrote as if on sand:
The fingers of a man
A solitary hand

Along the letters ran,

And traced them like a wand.

The monarch saw, and shook,
And bade no more rejoice;

All bloodless* waxed his look,
And tremulous his voice.

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* Belshazzar was the last of the Babylonian kings. This poem is founded on the Account given of the overthrow of Babylon in the Book of Daniel.

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* Hohenlinden, or Linden Heights, is a small village in Bavaria. about six_leagues from Munich. It is situated between the Iser and the Inn, tributaries of the Danube. The Austrians and Bavarians were defeated here by the French on the 3d December 1800.

Revelry, the bustle
and din of battle.
Then shook the hills,
the surrounding
country seemed to
shake again with the
dreadful noise made
by the firing of the

torn asun

der; here it refers to
the ground being torn
up with the cannon-

Frank, the ancient
name for the French,
who in the 3d cen-
tury overthrew the
Roman dominion in

and settled

Huns, or, as they are
now called, Magyars,
are the inhabitants
of Hungary, and be-
long to the Mongol
race. They form the
chief portion of the
Austrian empire.
Munich, the capital
of Bavaria, on the
river Iser. It is a
very fine city, and in
its palace there is
one of the finest col-
lections of paintings
in Europe.
Sepulchre, a place of
burial, a tomb.

By torch and trumpet fast arrayed,
Each horseman drew his battle-blade;
And furious every charger neighed,

To join the dreadful revelry.*

Then shook the hills* with thunder riven ;*
Then rushed the steed to battle driven;
And, louder than the bolts of heaven,

Far flashed the red artillery.

But redder yet those fires shall glow
On Linden's hills of stainèd snow;
And bloodier yet shall be the flow

Of Iser, rolling rapidly.

'Tis morn-but scarce yon level sun
Can pierce the war-cloud rolling dun,
Where furious Frank * and fiery Hun

Shout 'mid their sulphurous canopy.

The combat deepens: On, ye brave!
Who rush to glory or the grave!
Wave, Munich,* all thy banners wave,

And charge with all thy chivalry!


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15 You can hear him wield * his heavy sledge,* With measured beat and slow,

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JOHN GREENLEAF WHITTIER (1808- ) was born at Havershill, Massachusetts, where his ancestors had long been settled. Many of his poems were devoted to the cause of Abolition. He contributes to all the leading American Magazines of the present day.

Up from the meadows, rich with corn,
Clear from the cool September morn,
The clustered spires of Frederick * stand,
Green-walled by the hills of Maryland.


Clustered, crowded together. Frederick, or Fredericksburg, in Virginia, U.S.

Green-walled, &c., surrounded, as by a natural wall, by the hills of the Blue Ridge, a branch of the Alleghany Mountains.

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