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OF 1795.

PARLIAMENT with 31 fail of the line and 11 Fri

meets. The gates. Returns to port without meeting an enemy.

Dec. 30. 1794. addrefs on his Majefty's fpeech carried in the Houfe of Lords, 107 to 12; in the Commons 246 to 73. Jan. 4. 1795. Earl Fitzwilliam, being appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, arrives at Dublin.

16. Intelligence received that the French had croffed the Waal, and were rapidly advancing into Holland. As they proceed, the different towns are furrendered to them without oppofition. The British army, unable to cope with a force fo infinitely fuperior in numbers, retreats flowly into Germany, encountering many hardhips, in their march, from the inclemency of the weather, &c.

La Pique French frigate of 38 guns, taken, in the Weft Indies, by the Blanche, Capt. Faulknor, who is killed in the action. The boats, being ftaved, Mr Milne the fecond Lieutenant gallantly swims on board to take poffeffion of the prize.

18. The Exchange and Councilroom at Liverpool destroyed by fire. 19. The Stadtholder, the princefs of Orange, and their family, landed at Yarmouth. Apartments provided for them at Hampton-Court palace. Their treasure and baggage were brought to town in fourteen waggons.

22. The fnow which had been falling for feveral days preceding, fo deep as to interrupt travelling, and in many places to stop all communi


25. An embargo laid on all Dutch hipping in British ports.

29. Liberal fubfcriptions made in every part to relieve the indigent At no period were the benevolence and humanity of the inhabitants of Edinburgh more confpicuous.-The thermometer, this day, at 13 deg.

Lord Howe fails from Spithead

Immenfe mifchief done in England by the fudden thaw-A number of bridges, &c. carried away. In Scotland the froft still continues.

Feb. 4. Mr Pitt brought down a meffage from his Majefty refpecting the Auftrian loan. On the addres in answer to this, an amendment was moved by Mr Fox, which was negatived, 173 to 58.

12. The fnow lies exceffively deep in the streets of Edinburgh and in the neighbourhood-Three hundred foldiers and labourers employed by the Magiftrates to clear the roads to the coal-hills-14. A gentle thaw commences, the thermometer from 34 to 40 deg. this however is foon again fucceeded by froft.

20. An embargo laid on the fhipping, till the different quotas of men (required by the new bill for manning the navy) are furnished.

23. Mr Pitt opens the Budget. The loan 18 millions, 6 of which are for the Emperor. The new taxes on wine, fpirits, tea, coffee, infurances, hair powder, and limitation of franking.

26. Obferved as a day of humiliation and prayer in Scotland, in confequence of his Majefty's proclamation.

March. 3. A complete thaw commences, the froft having lafted 51 days. 4. Richard Brothers, a pretended political prophet, taken into cuftody, and fent to a mad-house.

16. Admiral Hotham defeats the French fleet in the Mediterranean, and captures the Ca Ira of 80, and Cenfeur of 74 guns.

31. Earl Fitzwilliam having been fuperfeded in the Viceroyalty of Ireland, Lord Camden, his fucceffor, arrives in Dublin. April

April. 7. Princefs Caroline of Brunfwick landed at Greenwich, and proceeded to St James's palace, where on the evening of the next day, the was married to the Prince of Wales, with every poffible fplendour.

9. The King of Pruffia concludes a peace with the French Republic.

14. The trial of Mr Haftings concluded. The Lords feverally gave their folemn decifion, and he was acquitted of all the charges of impeachment brought against him by the Commons. This trial commenced Feb. 12. 1788, and from that period to its clofe fat 149 days.

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18. Two French frigates of 40 guns each (La Gentille and La Gloire) taken by Admiral Colpoy's Squadron.

23. The trial of the Rev, Mr Jack fon for high treafon came on at Dublin. He was found guilty, but recommended to mercy. On being brought up a week afterwards, to receive fentence, he dropped down, and almost instantly expired, in confequence, it is fuppofed, of poifon.

30. The fleet of tranfports of 140 fail, with the British infantry from the continent on board, arrive off the coaft of Northumberland.

May. 1. The campaign between the Auftrians and French opened by a'bloody action before Mentz, in which the former were completely


The Boyne man of war, of 98 guns, burnt by accident at Spithead.

15. The court-martial held at Portsmouth on Captain Molloy, for not having used his utmoft endeavours, in the engagement of May 29., and June 1. 1794, clofed, after fitting, fixteen days. His fentence was, that he be difmiffed from his Majesty's thip the Cæfer.

19. An infurrection takes place at Paris, excited principally by the fcarcity of bread, and by the intrigues of the Jacobins, in which Ferrand, ne of the Deputies, is maffacred.

27. Mr Wilberforce brings ferward a motion refpecting peace, which is negatived, 201 to 86.

June 1. Admiral Cornwallis, with five fail of the line and two frigates, fell in with the French fleet off U. fhant, of 13 fail of the line and 12 frigates, which, after maintaining a running fight, he outfailed by fuperior feamanship; the enemy, notwithftanding their great fuperiority, fhewing little inclination to engage.

5. A dreadful fire broke out at Copenhagen, which confumed about 57. streets, and 1200 or 1500 houses.

24. The new Conftitution of France prefented by the Committee of Eleven to the Convention.

Lord Bridport attacks the French fquadron off L'Orient, and captures the Alexander, Formidable, and Tigre, fhips of the line,

27. Parliament rifes-The royal affent is given to the bills arranging. the Prince of Wale's debts-and for the establishment of their Royal Highneffes the Prince and Princess's Household.

The Senate of the United States of America ratifies the treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, with Great Britain.

July 3. A body of French emigrants, about 7000 in number, having been formed into regiments upon British pay, were landed on the French coaft, and took poffeffion of the peninfula of Quiberon and Fort Penthievre; but on the night of the 21ft, in confequence of treachery among themselves, they were surprised by the Republican army. About 900 of the troops, and 1500 Royalists who had joined them, efcaped on board the fleet; the reft were either killed or taken prifoners.

14. An engagement takes place. between Admiral Hotham's and the French fleet in the Mediterranean, in which the Alcide a French 74 ftruck; but was afterwards accidentally blown

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July 17. The Ville de Paris of 320 guns, the finest ship ever built in England, launched at Chatham. 22. Twenty-four fail of Eaft-Indiamen arrive safe at Portsmouth.

23. Mr York, alias Redhead, convicted at York affizes of a confpiraey and uttering feditious words. He was afterwards fentenced to be imprifoned two years.

Aug. 4. The French Convention ratified a treaty of peace with Spain. 13. A fevere ftorm of thunder and lightning, the effects of which were almost general in England and Scotland. In Perthshire, confiderable damage was done by the fwelling of

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14. Letters of marque iffued authorifing the capture of Dutch veffels.

17. The church of St Paul, Covent-Garden, built by Inigo Jones, and highly admired for its fimple elegance, confumed by fire.

20. Manheim furrenders to the French army; without making any defence.

23. The Scipio man of war, with tranfports under convoy, containing 3000 troops, arrived at Martinique. The Maroon negroes in Jamaica having evinced a rebellious fpirit, and committed a variety of depredations, are reduced to fubjection by the fpirited and judicious meafures of the Governor, Lord Balcarras.

27. The New Bridewell in Edinburgh, an important improvement in the police of that city, receives its firft inhabitants.

28. Rear-Admiral Pringle's fquadron arrived in Leith roads where it continued ill Nov. 15.

diterranean fleet unfortunately fell in with a French fquadron of fuperior force to their convoy, when the Cenfeur, of 74 guns, and a number of the merchantmen, were captured.

27. After a violent oppofition from the fections of Paris, during which a number of lives were loft, the Convention fucceeded in eftablishing the new conftitution, and this day the New Legiflature met for the first time, the Council of Five Hundred at the Thuilleries, that of the Elders, confifting of 250, at the Palais Bourbon.

29. Parliament meets A moft daring outrage was committed on his Majefty in his paffage through St James's Park to the House of Lords. A pebble, or bullet, thrown with great force, broke one of the windows in the carriage, but providentially his Majefty received no hurt. When his Majefty had delivered his fpeech, the Lords deferred the confideration of it till next day, and proceeded to examine feveral perfons who had been apprehended as acceffory to the above attempt. Their Lordships concluded an addrefs of congratulation to his Majefty on his fortunate efcape.

In the Commons, an address on the fpeech was moved as ufual, and an amendment proposed by Mr Fox, negatived 240 to 59.-An address on his Majefty's efcape was also unanimously voted.

30. The addrefs on the fpeech paffes, in the House of Lords, without a divifion.

On the 17th of this month, the French army in the neighbourhood of Manheim were defeated by the Auftrian General Wurmfer, with great lofs; in confequence of which they retreat across the Rhine, purfued in every direction by the Austrians.

A gold mine (or rather detached pieces of that metal) discovered in the county of Wicklow mountains in Ireland. Oct. 7. The homeward-bound Me- ed camp before Mentz, and gained

On the 29th, Marshal Clairfait attacked the French in their entrench

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a complete victory.-The fiege of Mentz is of confequence raifed, and the French retreat with precipitation.

Nov. 3. A felect committee appointed by the Houfe of Commons to enquire into the scarcity and high price of corn-The diftilleries are topt till Feb. 1797.

7. The Lord Provoft and Magiftrates of Edinburgh vote an addrefs of congratulation to his Majesty on his escape from the daring attempt on his perfon.

Similar addreffes were prefented from every county, city, and public body, in the kingdom, all expreffing their abhorrence at the outrage, and most of them recommending a law to to prevent fuch daring attempts in future.

6-10. Two bills were brought into Parliament, one for the prefervation of his Majefty's perfon, the other for fuppreffing feditious meetings. During the pendency of thefe bilis, the public mind was greatly agitated; petitions for and against them being prefented from almost every quarter. In their different ftages through Parliament, notwithstanding a most strenuous oppofition, they were carried by very great majorities. After being confiderably modified and altered, they received the royal affent on the 18th December.

15. The powerful armament deftined for the Weft Indies, which for a confiderable time before had been in preparation, under the command of Sir Ralph Abercromby, and efcorted by a fquadron, commanded by Admiral Chriftian, fails from Portf mouth, but before they clear the Channel are encountered by a violent ftorm, which difperfes the fleet, and compells them to return, with the lofs of feveral transports.-Having repaired the damage, they again fail on December 9. and again unfortunately fuffer in a gale of wind which drives about 35 transports back; the main

body of the fleet, however, confifting of 183 tranfports, proceeds on its voyage.


18. An inceffant and heavy rain takes place, by which the rivers fo greatly fwelled as to do very great damage to mills, bridges, &c. The new bridge over the Clyde at Glafgow was swept away.

The fhock of an earthquake felt at York, Sheffield, &c.

21. Manheim furrendered to the Auftrian army.

25. The King of Poland figned the treaty of partition of Poland.

26. Intelligence received of the important capture of the Cape of Good Hope by his Majefty's forces commanded by Admiral Elphinstone, and Generals Clarke and Craig.

Dec. 1. Another engagement be. tween the Auftrians and French at Kreutzenach, in which the latter have the advantage.

7. Mr Pitt opens the BudgetThe loan 18 millions. Taxes on collateral fucceffion-tobacco-printed cottons-horfes-10 per cent. on alfeffed taxes-diminution of drawbacks on fugar and falt.

8. Mr Pitt brings down a meffage from his Majefty, intimating that the order of things in France at prefent was fuch as to induce his Majefty to meet any difpofition to negociation on the part of the enemy.

10. The French Executive Directory having openly announced the ruined ftate of the finances, the Legiflature decrees a forced loan of 600 millions of livres.

11. An agreement refpecting the quality and confumption of bread acceded to by the Houfe of Com mons.

23. The Count D'Artois fails from Portsmouth in the Jason frigate for Leith. Apartments are prepared at the palace of Holyroodhoufe, where the Prince is to refide,

24. Parliament adjourned to Feb. 2. 1796,



HE great number of friends mifs this opportunity of feeing Paris,

Tand grate tions whom Linne. where he had previoully made feve

us had found in Holland, afforded him fine profpects and fecured his fubfequent welfare. The Dutch wished to prevail on fo valuable a man not to leave their country. It was propofed to him to make a botanical voyage at the expence of the republic to the Cape of Good Hope, with the promife of giving him, on his return, a profefforship of botany in a Dutch univerfity. But Linnæus alfo flighted this offer, because he violently longed after his country, and after thofe bright hopes which he flattered himself he would realize there.

The beginning of the year 1738 was the dullest time Linnæus paffed in Holland. Formerly he always was of a ferene, unruffled, and cheerful temper; but now difquietude and melancholy preyed upon him. The celebrity which he had gained, the remonftrances of his friends, in short, nothing could raise his depreffed fpirits. The Herculean labours to which he had devoted the elapfed year,could not but act with malign influence npon his health. Towards the clofe of January he was feized with a violent fever, which lasted upwards of fix weeks. In March he vifited Hartecamp for the laft time, to enjoy the fweets of the vernal year, and to effect a complete restoration of his declining health.

He intended to pay a vifit to Hal. ler at Goettingen, and to profeffor Ludwig at Leipzic, on his way back to Sweden, and had propofed to himfelf to pass through Upper and Low er Saxony, and the Danish dominions, Both, according to his promife, expected him with impatience. But he altered his refolution. Being fo near the confines of France, he would not Ed. Mag. Jan. 1796.

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ral acquaintances by his correfpondence.


He reached the capital in the beginning of May, where Anthony and Bernard de Juffieu, two brothers, were the principal botanifts. The former was the fucceffor of Tournefort, and died in 1758, and his bro ther in 1777. They gave Linnæus a most kind and flattering reception though Anthony was a bigotted a herent to Tournefort's fyftem, an too old to begin to learn a new one, Through them he became acquainted, with the most eminent French literati, and faw all the botanical and other natural curiofities at Paris. He, left, with fome reluctance, a city where he had enjoyed fo much pleafure and entertainment. After one month's refidence in the French metropolis he went on board a ship at Rouen, in which, after a paffage of five days, he reached Helfinburgh in Scania, whence he fet out to Stockholm.

After an abfence of three years and an half, Linnæus returned to his country, and reached Stockholm in September 1738. The thought of his arrival made his heart vibratę with the utmoft joy. He now expected to reap honours and refpect, as the reward of his long and noble exertions. But how foon did he expe rience the truth of the adage, which tells us that a prophet is no where lefs valued than in his own country! The winter of 1738 nipt the laurels he had gathered in Holland. The rude climate of Sweden did not seem propitious to their growth. For the fake of his daily fupport he now bę, gan to follow the advice of his intended father in law, by applying himself to the practice of medicine. B

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