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ciety for the conversion of negro slaves, | Patronage of the church of England, tabu-
506-proofs of the increase of religious lar view of, 554, 555.

Peasants of the Crimea, present state of,
128-and of those in Central India, 401,
402-condition of the English peasantry
before and after the Norman conquest,
498, 499.

feeling among them, 507-oppressed Patzinacæ, irruption of, into Europe, 119.
condition of the negroes and people of
colour in the United States, particularly
at Charleston, 343, 344 -
Washington by ladies, 354.
Niger, river, observations on the probable
course of, 522.


flogged at

Nuttall (Thomas), Travels in the Arkansa
Territory, 1-character of the work, and
course pursued by the author, 2.


Oates (Titus), person of described, 202-
credulity of the English nation respect-
ing his plot, 199, 200.

Ogurs, or Onogurs, ravages of Europe by,


Ohio river, confluence of, with the Missis-
sippi, 4-remarks on its course and navi-
gation, 5.

[ocr errors]

Oojein (city), notice of, 386.
Opera (French), remarks on, 414.
Orators (legal) of ancient Greece, remarks
on, 314-particularly of Lycurgus's ora-
tion against Leocrates, 319-322-of
Lysias's oration against Andocides, and
the reply of the latter, 324-326-Ly-
sias and Isæus, compared, 328-charac-
ter of Lysias, 327. 329-analysis of, and
remarks on his oration against Eratos-
thenes, 330-333-and on Hyperides's
oration against Aristogeiton, 334–337.
Otway's Tragedy of Don Carlos, remarks
on, 372, 373.

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Oudney (Dr.), Denham (Maj.), and others,
exploratory researches of in the interior
of Africa, 510-their reception at Mour-
zouk, ib.-journey thence to Kouka, 511,
512-their reception, 513-account of
the sheik, 513, 514-of the Sultan of
Birnie, 514-and of the Sheik's expedi-
tion, under Boo Khaloom, against the
Fellatas, 515, 516-dangerous situation
and providential escape of Major Den-
ham, 517, 518-the river Shary exa-
mined by Dr. Oudney and Lieut. Clap-
perton, 519, 520-remarks on their dis-
coveries, 521, 522-population of Bor-
nou, 520, 521-temperature and produc-
tions of that country, 521.


Palafox (Don), biographical notice of, 75
-his noble defence of Zaragoza, 75—

Paley's Sermons, style of, 303.
Pamplona, fortress of, acquired by the
French, by treachery, 61.

Peele's Tragedy of David and Bethsabe,
remarks on, 36, 37.

Phantasmagoria, early known, 459.
Physic (astrological), prevalence of, 462,


Piccatrix's (King) work on magic, notice
of, 453.
Pittsburgh and its coal-formation, de-
scribed, 2, 3-state of the country be-
tween it and Cincinnati, 3, 4.
Platte river, course of, 18, 19.
Poinsinet, anecdote of, 433 note t-plan
of his Cercle, ou la Soirée à la mode,'

Popular preaching, remarks on, 283.
Porteus's (Bishop) Sermons, style of, 303.
Portugal, perfidious measures of Buona-
parte to obtain possession of, 55, 56—
emigration of the royal family to the
Brazils, 57, 58-atrocities committed in
Portugal by the French, under Junot,
79, 80-who is defeated at the battle of
Vimeira by Sir Arthur Wellesley, 80-
82 and compelled to evacuate the
country, by a convention, 82, 83.
Prairie-dogs, habits of, 17, 18.
Prices, high or low, of commodities, in-
fluenced by supply and demand, 216—
218. See Tooke.

Profits, effects of deficient or abundant

supply of commodities on, when com-
pared with the demand, 223-232.
Profligacy of Charles II. and his court, in-
fluence of on the drama, 206-209-
how counteracted, 209-213.
Protestants, why hated by the Spaniards,
257-the superiority of Protestant states
over Popish ones, accounted for, 261,
262-sketch of the history of protes-
tantism in Spain, 246–256.
Publications (New), lists of, 277.
Pulpit Eloquence, importance of, 283-
286-causes of the points of difference
between the French and English preach-
ers;-first, the greater frequency with
which the duty devolves on the English,
than on the French preacher, 289
which enabled the latter to polish and
elaborate their discourses, 290 fine
opening of Massillon's funeral oration on
Louis XIV., 291-English preachers in
a continued course of exertion, 292.-
Secondly, the greater authority assumed



by the priestly character in Roman Ca-|
tholic countries, 293, 294. Thirdly, in
Roman Catholic countries, the sermon
is almost a distinct service, 295-causes
of the popularity of the Methodist
preachers, 295-297-the character of
the pulpit eloquence of the church of
England formed by circumstances, 297
-remarks on the style of Latimer, 298
-of the homilies, ib.—of Andrewes and
Donne, 299-of Bishops Hall and Tay-
lor, 300-state of pulpit eloquence after
the restoration, 301-character of Bar-
row, 301-of Tillotson, ib.-of Sher-
lock, Clarke, and other divines of the
18th century, 302-of Bishops Horne,
Horsley and Porteus, 303-of Drs. Pa-
ley and Blair, ib.-of Mr. Irving, 307
-313-delineation of the qualities re-
quisite for a preacher, 304-306-spe-
cimens of American pulpit eloquence,



Quin (M. J.) Visit to Spain, 240-charac-
ter of his work, ibid. 241.


Racine's Tragedies, remarks on, 44, 45.
Rajpoots or native Hindoo princes, notice
of, 386, 387-their number, 388-man-
ners, 391, 392-priests, 392-belief in
witchcraft prevalent among them, 403.
Reformation in Spain, sketch of the history
of, 246-251. finally extinguished there,
by the inquisition, 252-256.
Regiomantanus, anecdote of, 458.
Regnard's Légataire Universel, plan of,
431-extracts from it, 432-its indeli-
cacy, ib.

Regulators, a new class of American citi-
zens, notice of, 357, 358.
Restoration of king Charles II. described,
172, 173.

Revenues (Ecclesiastical). See Clergy.
Rocky Mountains, described, 20, 21.
Routh (Rev. Dr.) judicious observations of,

on Burnet's history of his own time,

Rowdies, a new class of American citizens,
notice of, 357.

Russell (Lord John), Don Carlos, a tragedy,
370-analysis of it, with extracts and
remarks, 375-382.


Savary (M. Duc de Rovigo), Extrait des
Memoires concernant la Catastrophe de
M. le Duc d'Enghien, 561-remarks on
the total failure of the object of his pub-
lication, 561-refutation of his attempts
to charge M. de Talleyrand with the

chief guilt of the murder of the duke
d'Enghien, 562-567-and to excol-
pate Buonaparte from it, 567–572—
circumstances of the duke's mock trial,
572-576-remarks thereon, 576-580
-examination of Savary's attempted
vindication of himself, 580-585-his
guilt established, 585.

Schiller's tragedies, remarks on, 427, 428—
particularly on his tragedy of Don Car-
los, 373, 374.

Schoolcraft (H. R.) Travels to the Sources
of the Mississippi River, 1-character of
the work, and course pursued by the
author, 2-his account of the course of
the Mississippi, 6-9-remarks thereon,
9-11-Mistake in his calculations of
its elevation, corrected, 11, 12.
Scotland, remarks on the income of the
clergy of, 558-560.

Scriptures, versions of, in the languages of
India, remarks on, 411.

Sermons, difference between French and
English accounted for, 292-299—re-
marks on the style of the principal wri-,
ters of sermons in the sixteenth, seven-
teenth, and eighteenth centuries, 298—
303-character of Mr. Irving's sermons,

Shadwell, self-conceit of, exposed, 207,

Shakspeare, why not fairly appreciated in
France, 45-remarks on the French im-
mitations of his Hamlet, and Romeo and
Juliet, by Ducis, 46-48—in what the
excellency of his character consists, 416
418-great distance between Shakspeare
and Schiller, 427, 428-admirable scenes
in his Macbeth and Hamlet, 429—noble
testimony to his works by a French
critic, 437.

Shary river, notice of, 519, 520,
Sherlock's sermons, style of, 302.
Slavery, origin and progress of, 497-its
gradual decline and disappearance in
England, 499-and in other countries,
499, 500.-See Negro Slavery.
Sondies, a tribe in Central India, notice of,
393, 394.

Southey (Robert), History of the Peninsu
lar War, 53-his qualifications for the
undertaking, 54-plan of the work, 55—
perfidious manoeuvres of Buonaparte, to
obtain military possession of Portugal,
55, 56-emigration of the royal family
of Portugal to the Brazils, 57, 58-po-
pular character of Prince Ferdinand, 58,
59-his letter to Buonaparte, 59-
charged by his father with conspiring
against him, ib.-entrance of the French
troops into Spain, 60-they get posses-



the only measure that will tranquillize
that country, 276-history of the inva-
sion of Spain by Buonaparte, 60-79—
evil influence of French symmetries on
the Spanish stage, 424, 426-remarks
on the magical colleges of Spain, 452,


Stage, profligate state of, in the reign of
Charles II. 206–209.

Superstitions of the Crim-Tartars, notice of,
136-account of the superstitious philo-
sophy of the middle ages, 464-468-of
the seventeenth century, 469-471.
Supply and Demand, influence of, on the
prices of commodities, 216-218-effects
of variations in the seasons on the supply,
as compared with the demand, 219-
223-effects of deficient or abundant
supply, when compared with the de-
mand, on profits and commercial specu-
lations, 223-232-and of long periods
of abundant or deficient supply, on the
fall or rise in value of the precious me-
tals, 233-238.

Swift (Dean), remarks of, on Burnet's His-
tory of his own Time, 166-168.


Talismans, magical, of the middle ages, re-
marks on, 454.

sion of Pamplona by treachery, 61-
situation of the Spanish court, 61, 62–
account of the insurrection at Aranjuez,
63-resignation of Charles IV. and ac-
cession of Ferdinand VII., 64-perplexi-
ty of his situation, 65-he falls into the
toils of Buonaparte, and is sent prisoner
into France, 66, 67-Murat occupies
Madrid, 68-he massacres the Spaniards
there, 69 singular fidelity of Mr.
Southey's narration, ib.-Joseph Buona-
parte intruded into the throne of Spain,
70-simultaneous rising of the Spaniards
in the provinces, 71, 72-difficult situa-
tion of the French in Catalonia, 73—
gallant defence of Valencia, 74-account
of the siege of_Zaragoza, 75—77-sur-
render of the French General Dupont,
78-the Spanish patriots re-enter Ma-
drid, 79-detestable conduct of the
French under Junot, in Portugal, 79, 80
-defeat of them at the battle of Vimiero,
by the British forces under Sir Arthur
Wellesley, 80-82-remarks on his con-
vention with Junot, 82, 83-and on
some blemishes in Mr. Southey's work,
84, 85.
Spain, conduct of towards the conquered
Moors, 242, 243-introduction of the
Inquisition in that country, 244-its an-
tipathy to printed books, particularly
Hebrew and Arabic, 245-the reforma-
tion in Spain first commenced by Ro-
drigo de Valer, 246-account of his la-
bours, 246--248-notice of the Protestant
church at Valladolid, 249-progress of
Protestantism in Spain, 250, 251-ac-
count of the first Auto da Fe, at Valla-
dolid, 252, 253-and of the second,
254, 255-fortitude of Gonzalez and his
sisters, 255, 256-and of the sisters and
nieces Gomez, 256-the source of the
hatred of Protestants by the Spaniards, Tillotson's Sermons, character of, 301, 302.
257-the establishment of the Inquisi-Tithes, proved to originate in grant, or by
tion fatal to literature in Spain, 258-
260-real cause of the superiority of
Protestant states over Popish ones, 261,
262-effect of the accession of the House
of Bourbon to the throne of Spain, 263
-the Inquisition encouraged by Philip
V. 264-efforts of the ministers of Fer-
dinand VI. and of Charles III. to check
the influence of the church, 265-intro-
duction of liberal principles into Spain,
266, 267-persecution by the Inquisi-
tion of every one suspected of republican
principles, as heretical, 268-remarks on
the two parties into which Spain is di-
vided, 269-and on the constitution of
that country, 270-274-picture of
Spain, in consequence of it, 274, 275-

[blocks in formation]

Talleyrand (M. de), exculpated from the
charge of M. Savary, of being guilty of
the murder of the Duke d'Enghien, 562

Tartars, irruption of, into Russia, in the
thirteenth century, 121-description of
their persons, ib.-defeat the Russians,
122-are finally subdued, ib. See Crim-

Taylor's (Bishop), Sermons, style of, 300.
Thackeray (Rev. Francis), Defence of the

Clergy of the Church of England, 524,
See Clergy.

prescription, 527, 528. 533-537-vin-
dication of the authorities on which that
proof rests, 538, 539-the assertion that
they originated in a parliamentary grant
considered, 540, 541-and the right of
the clergy to them established, 541-
543-proof that tithes do not add to the
exchangeable or money value of land,
528-532-and that the common clas
mour about the burthen of an ecclesiasti-
cal establishment is utterly unfounded,
543, 544-the right of the clergy to a
full tenth of the gross produce, establish
ed, 544-546-the abolition of them
would not permanently increase the ave
rage profits of capital employed in agri-
culture, 547.


Tooke (Thomas), Thoughts and Details on | Vimeiro, battle of, 80-82.

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sas, 23.


War, influence of, on the price of corn, 222
-224-effects of the late war on home
consumption, as well as on British ex-
ports, 227-229.

High and Low Prices, 214-character Vines, exuberant, in the valley of the Arkan-
and plan of his work, ib.-remarks on
his definitions of the depreciation of
money' and 'depreciation of currency,'
214, 215-propositions established by
Mr. Tooke's work; First, that the prices
of commodities depend entirely on sup-
ply and demand, 216-218-Secondly, Warwick (Sir Philip), reflections of, on the
that the supply of commodities, as com- murder of Charles, 177, 178-his ac-
pared with the demand, is much more count of the condition of the English
affected, and for a much longer period, people before the civil war, 179.
by variations in the seasons, than has Washington, present state of, 344, 345-
hitherto been supposed, 219-223- slave flogging there, by ladies, 354.
Thirdly, that when the supply of commo-Webb (Captain W. S.), notice of antedilu-
dities is in some degree deficient com-
pared with the demand, profits are high,
and mercantile speculations greatly en-
couraged; and vice versâ when the sup-
ply is abundant compared with the de-
mand, 223-232-and Fourthly, that
when periods of abundant or deficient
supply are of considerable duration, they |
are necessarily accompanied with a fall
or rise in the value of the precious metals
on the country where they take place,
according to any mode of estimating
their value which has ever been consi-
dered as approximating to the truth, 233

-238-concluding remarks, 259.
Tragedy (French), state of during and sub-
sequently to the Revolution, 26, 27—
passionate attachment of the French to
the drama, since the restoration of the
Bourbons, 28-the French theatre de-
scended from the Greek stage, 29-32-
specimen of the tragedies of Garnier, 53,
34 of Hardy, 34, 33-remarks on the
tragedies of Corneille, 39, 40-particu-
larly of his Cid,' 40-43—on the tra-
gedies of Racine, 44, 45-and on the
imitations of Shakspeare's tragedies by
Ducis, 46-49-on the tragedies of Ar-
nault, 49, 50-Le Mercier, 50, 51—
Legouvé, 51-on the later French trage-
dies, 52-influence of the French na-
tional taste upon the theatre, 52, 53.
Tsaad (Lake), notice of, 511, 512. 520,

Tumuli, a the confluence of the rivers Mis-

sissippi and Missouri, notice of, 12, 13.


Valencia, gallant defence of, by the Spani-
ards, 74.
Valér (Rodrigo de), the Apostle of the Re-
formation in Spain, 246-248.

Valley of the Mississippi described, 1—24
-general remarks thereon, 25.

vian remains discovered by, in the Hi-
malayan mountains, 155, 156.

Wellesley (Sir Arthur), defeats the French
at the battle of Vimeiro, 80-82-re-
marks on the wisdom of his convention
with Junot, 82, 83.
Wheeling, town, present state of, 3.
Wilberforce (William, Esq.), Appeal in Be.
half of Negro Slaves, 475-remarks
thereon, 479. See Negro-Slavery.
Witchcraft, tracts on, 440-belief of, pre-
valent in Central India, 403-arguments
used against it, in the fifteenth century,
441-witchcraft, how punished by the
old common law of England, 442-notice
of different acts of parliament, ib. 443—
particularly of the statute 1 Jac. J. c. 12,
443-extract from King James I.'s dia-
logue, on the temper with which he
wished that act to be put in execution,
ib. 444-prosecution of William Coke
and Alison Dick, in Scotland, for witch-
craft, 444, 445-singular confession of
Lillias Adie, 445-barbarous execution
of a Scottish witch in 1722, 446—and of
numerous other persons in New Eng-
land, ib. repeal of the British laws
concerning witchcraft, ib.-account of
the horrid prosecutions for witchcraft, at
Wurtzburgh, in 1627, 1628 and 1629,
447-and in the bishopric of Bamberg,
447, 448-remarks on the confessions
extorted from witches by the rack, 449,
450-on the witchcraft of the Scandina-
vians, 451, 452.


Women, condition and amusements of,
among the Crim-Tartars, 131, 132-op-
pressive condition of, in ancient Greece,


Yaou (River), notice of, 512.


Villeinage, state of, in England, in the Zaragoza, account of the siege of, 75—77.

middle ages, 498-its decline, 499.


NOTE.-In Continuation of Intelligence respecting the Interior of Africa.

On the 21st October last, the Commander-in-Chief of the African station gave an order to the commander of H. M. S. Swinger, to convey to the British factory, at the mouth of Benin river, and there land, Mr. Belzoni, who made his appearance at Cape Coast Castle, with a view to penetrate into the interior, towards Timbuctoo. It so happened that, at this time, there was on board the Owen Glendower, a seaman known by the name of William Pasco, whose real name, however, was Abou Bouker, a native of Houssa, an intelligent and well-behaved man, about thirty-three years of age. This man left Kashna, or, as he calls it, Birnie-Kashna (the city of Kashna), about the year 1805, in company with a caravan of merchants; some intended to collect the Coola nuts in Gunja, and others with slaves for the coast. In four days' travelling (on asses' and mules, at the rate of twenty-five miles a day) from BirnieKashna, they reached a river as wide as the Gambia at St. Mary's, running to the right of the rising sun, and coming from the country of Gober. It is called the Quarra-luan-dadi, or River of fresh


Five days beyond this, still travelling to the southward, they arrived on the banks of another river, deeper and broader than the former, called Gulbi, which runs through the countries Guari and Nooffi; and he has been told, and believes, that these two streams unite into one at Zugum near Kaba, and that it then proceeds towards the rising sun to Birnie Bornou. The Gulbi has a strong saline taste, and abounds with hippopotami and alligators. Proceeding southerly for several days (he does not recollect how many) he came in sight of a range of high mountains, one part of which, named Waoony, much higher than the rest, had a white top like marble (snow), and in its appearance resembled Fogo, one of the Cape de Verd Islands.

In about a week after leaving these mountains, they discovered the sea from the summit of some high hills, which having descended, they had to cross a small river called Echoo (supposed to be Lagos). From hence they continued their route in the direction of the setting sun, having the sea in sight at intervals on the left hand, and in ten days arrived at Annamaboe on the coast.

Here Abou Bouker took the name of William Pasco, and entered on board the Lille-Belt, with the determination of following the sea, a trait of no small degree of boldness in a young man from the centre of Africa, who had beheld that element for the first time; and he has ever since remained in his Majesty's naval service.

A circumstance, however, occurred which made him desirous of being discharged from the Owen Glendower. In a Portugueze slave-vessel of about 100 tons, were found, when captured, 187


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