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" Macaulay,' wrote Miss Elizabeth Barrett to Mr. Home in 1843 ; 'he has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul, and makes us ready by it for battle. I very much admire Mr. Macaulay, and could scarcely read his ballads and keep lying down. They seemed... "
Blackwood's Magazine - Página 139
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Mrs. E. B. Browning's Life, Letters & Essays: Letters ... addressed to ...

Elizabeth Barrett Browning - 1877 - 382 páginas
...hope of seeing Mr. Kenyon and asking about Macaulay. You are very right in admiring Macaulaj', who has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul, and...to my feet as the mesmeric powers are said to do. I do not, however, think that Mr. Kenyon knows him as intimately as you fancy — although to be sure...
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Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Addressed to Richard ..., Volumen 1

Elizabeth Barrett Browning - 1877 - 436 páginas
...the hope of seeing Mr. Kenyon and asking about Macaulay. You are very right in admiring Macaulay, who has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul, and...to my feet as the mesmeric powers are said to do. I do not, however, think that Mr. Kenyon knows him as intimately as you fancy — although to be sure...
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Letters and Essays ...: Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, addressed to ...

Elizabeth Barrett Browning - 1877 - 442 páginas
...the hope of seeing Mr. Kcnyon and asking about Macaulay. You arc very right in admiring Macaulay, who has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul, and...to my feet as the mesmeric powers are said to do. I do not, however, think that Mr. Kenyon knows him as intimately as you fancy — •Ii:-j.rh to be...
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Wordsworth to Dobell

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1880 - 650 páginas
...1812.] ' You are very right in admiring Macaulay,' wrote Miss Elizabeth Barrett to Mr. Home in 1843 ; 'he has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul,...up to my feet as the mesmeric powers are said to do V This testimony from so competent a judge as Mrs. Browning is all the more valuable because, great...
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The English Poets: Wordsworth to Dobell

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1880 - 648 páginas
...iSu.] 'You arc very right in admiring Macaulay,' wrote Miss Elizabeth Barrett to Mr. Home in 1843 ! 'ne has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul, and...up to my feet as the mesmeric powers are said to do V This testimony from so competent a judge as Mrs. Browning is all the more valuable because, great...
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The English Poets: Selections with Critical Introductions by ..., Volumen 4

Matthew Arnold - 1881 - 654 páginas
...'You are very right in admiring Macaulay,' wrote Miss Elizabeth Barrett to Mr. Home in 1843 » <ne has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul, and...up to my feet as the mesmeric powers are said to do V This testimony from so competent a judge as Mrs. Browning is all the more valuable because, great...
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The English Poets: Wordsworth to Tennyson

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1883 - 734 páginas
...1812.] ' You are very right in admiring Macaulay,' wrote Miss Elizabeth Barrett to Mr. Home in 1843 ; 'he has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul,...up to my feet as the mesmeric powers are said to do V This testimony from so competent a judge as Mrs. Browning is all the more valuable because, great...
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The English poets, selections, ed. by T.H. Ward. Wordsworth to Dobell ...

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1883 - 686 páginas
...l8ia.] ' You are very right in admiring Macaulay,' wrote Miss Elizabeth Barrett to Mr. Home in 1843 ; ' he has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul,...up to my feet as the mesmeric powers are said to do V This testimony from so competent a judge as Mrs. Browning is all the more valuable because, great...
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Wordsworth to Dobell

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1884 - 654 páginas
...1812.] 'You are very right in admiring Macaulay,' wrote Miss Elizabeth Barrett to Mr. Horne in 1843 ; 'he has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul,...up to my feet as the mesmeric powers are said to do V This testimony from so competent a judge as Mrs. Browning is all the more valuable because, great...
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The English Poets: Wordsworth to Rossetti. 2d ed., rev

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1888 - 698 páginas
...iSl 2.] 'You are very right in admiring Macaulay.' wrote Miss Elizabeth Barrett to Mr. Home in 1843 ; 'he has a noble, clear, metallic note in his soul,...me up to my feet as the mesmeric powers are said to do1.' This testimony from so competent a judge as Mrs. Browning is all the more valuable because, great...
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