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" But such a pit ! It is nine miles in circumference, and' its lowest area, which not long ago fell about 300 feet, just as ice on a pond falls when the water below it is withdrawn, covers six square miles. The depth of the crater varies from 800 to 1100... "
The Hawaiian Archipelago: Six Months Among the Palm Groves, Coral Reefs, and ... - Página 76
de Isabella Lucy Bird - 1894 - 423 páginas
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The Year-book of Facts in Science and Art

1876 - 346 páginas
...water below it is withdrawn, covers six square miles. The depth of the crater varies from 800 to 1,100 feet in different years, according as the molten sea below is at flood or ebb. On the west aide of Hawaii is an extinct volcano, Hualulai, 10,000 high, which has only slept 1801,...
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Nature, Volumen 11

Sir Norman Lockyer - 1875 - 538 páginas
...water below it is withdrawn, covers six square miles. The depth of the crater varies from 800 to 1,100 feet in different years, according as the molten sea below is at flood or ebb." We wish we had space to quote Miss Bird's fearfully vivid description of what she saw during the two...
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Nature, Volumen 11

Sir Norman Lockyer - 1875 - 544 páginas
...water below it is withdrawn, covers six square miles. The depth of the crater varies from 800 to 1,100 feet in different years, according as the molten sea below is at flood or ebb." We wish we had space to quote Miss Bird's fearfully vivid description of what she saw during the two...
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The countries of the world, Volumen 4;Volumen 78

Robert Brown - 1876 - 362 páginas
...ago, fell about 300 feet, covers six square miles. The depth of the crater varies from 800 to 1,100 feet, in different years, according as the molten sea below is "at flood or ebb." When quiescent, steam-cracks, jets of sulphurous vapour, " blowing cones," needle-shaped crystals of...
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All true, records of peril and adventure by sea and land [&c].

James Macaulay - 1879 - 418 páginas
...water below it is withdrawn, covers six square miles. The depth of the crater varies from 800 to 1,000 feet in different years, according as the molten sea below is at flood or ebb." This lake, the Hale mau-mau, or House of Everlasting Fire, of the Hawaiian mythology, the reputed abode...
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The Paradise of the Pacific: Sketches of Hawaiian Scenery and Life

Herbert Henry Gowen - 1892 - 180 páginas
...water below it is withdrawn, covers six square miles. The depth of the crater varies from 800 to 1,100 feet in different years, according as the molten sea...margin, in the form of steam cracks, jets of sulphurous vapour, blowing cones, accumulating deposits of acicular crystals of sulphur, &c., and the pit itself...
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The Story of the Hills: A Book about Mountains for General Readers

Henry Neville Hutchinson - 1892 - 424 páginas
...— covers six square miles. The depth of the crater varies from eight hundred to one thousand feet, according as the molten sea below is at flood or ebb....for some distance round its margin, in the form of steam-cracks, jets of sulphurous vapour, blowing cones, accumulating deposits of acicular crystals...
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The Volcano's Deadly Work: From the Fall of Pompeii to the Destruction of St ...

Charles Morris - 1902 - 522 páginas
...withdrawn— covers six square miles. The depth of the crater varies from eight hundred to one thousand feet, according as the molten sea below is at flood or ebb....less throughout its whole depth and for some distance along its margin, in the form of steam-cracks, jets of sulphurous vapor, blowing cones, accumulating...
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