Printed for C. Bathurst, W. Strahan, J. F. and C. Rivington, MDCCLXXVIII. Perfons Represented King of France. Bertram, Count of Roufillon. Lafeu, an old Lord. Parolles, a parafitical follower of Bertram ; a coward, but vain, and a great pretender to valour. Several young French Lords, that ferve with Bertram in the Florentine war. Steward, } Servants to the Countess of Roufillon. Countess of Roufillon, mother to Bertram. Helena, daughter to Gerard de Narbon, a famous phyfician, fome time fince dead. An old widow of Florence. Diana, Daughter to the widow. Violenta 3, Mariana, Neighbours and friends to the widow. Lords, attending on the King; Officers, Soldiers, &c. SCENE lies partly in France, and partly in Tuscany. The perfons were first enumerated by Rowe. 2 Parolles.] I fuppofe we should write this name Paroles, i.e. a creature made up of empty words. STEEVENS. 3 Violenta only enters once, and then she neither speaks, nor is fpoken to. STEEvens. r |