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of the draught being indicated by the arrow; c is a section of the chimney. The cylinders are placed, as in the Rocket, on each side of the boiler; each working a separate wheel, but acting on spokes placed at right angles to each other. The tube in which the grate and flue are placed diminishes in diameter as it approaches the chimney. At the mouth where the grate was placed, its diameter was two feet; and it was gradually reduced, so that, at the chimney, its diameter was only fifteen inches. The grate-bars extended five feet into the tube. The surface of water exposed to the radiant heat of the fire was sixteen square feet; and that exposed to the action of the heated air and flame was about seventy-five square feet. The magnitude of the grate, or sheet of burning fuel which radiated heat, was ten square feet.

(190.) The Novelty, of Messrs. Braithwaite and Ericson, is represented in fig. 92.; and a section of the generator and boiler is exhibited in fig. 93.; the corresponding parts in the two figures are marked by the same letters.

[blocks in formation]

A is the generator or receiver containing the steam which works the engine; this communicates with a lower generator B, which extends in a horizontal direction the entire length of the carriage. Within the generator A is contained the furnace F, which communicates in a tube c, carried up through the generator, and terminated at the top by sliding shutters, which exclude the air, and which are only opened to supply fuel to the grate F. Below the grate the furnace is not open, as usual, to the atmosphere, but communicates,

by a tube E, with a bellows D; which is worked by the engine, and which forces a constant stream of air, by the



Fig. 93.


tube E, through the fuel on F, so as to keep that fuel in vivid combustion. The heated air contained in the furnace F is driven on, by the same force, through a small curved tube marked e, which circulates like a worm (as represented in fig. 93.) through the horizontal generator or receiver; and, tapering gradually, until reduced to very small dimensions, it finally issues into the chimney G. The air in passing along this tube, imparts its heat to the water by which the tube is surrounded, and is brought to a considerably reduced temperature when discharged into the chimney. The cylinder, which is represented at K, works one pair of wheels, by means of a bell-crank, the other pair, when necessary, being connected with them.

In this engine, the magnitude of the surface of burning fuel on the grate-bars is less than two square feet; the surface exposed to radiant heat is nine and a half square feet; and the surface of water exposed to heated air is about thirtythree square feet.

The superiority of the Rocket may be attributed chiefly to the greater quantity of surface of the water which is exposed to the action of the fire. With a less extent of grate-bars than the Sanspareil, in the proportion of three to five, it exposes a greater surface of water to radiant heat, in the proportion of four to three; and a greater surface of water to heated air, in the proportion of more than three to two. It was found that the Rocket, compared with the Sanspareil, consumed fuel, in the evaporation of a given quantity of water,

in the proportion of eleven to twenty-eight. The suggestion of using the tubes to conduct through the water the heated air to the chimney is due to Mr. Booth, treasurer of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company.

(191.) The object to be effected in the boilers of these engines is, to keep a small quantity of water at an excessive temperature, by means of a small quantity of fuel kept in the most active state of combustion. To accomplish this, it is necessary, first, so to shape the boiler, furnace, and flues, that the water shall be in contact with as extensive a surface as possible, every part of which is acted on, either immediately, by the heat radiating from the fire, or mediately, by the air which has passed through the fire, and which finally rushes into the chimney: and, secondly, that such a forcible draught should be maintained in the furnace, that a quantity of heat shall be extricated from the fuel, by combustion, sufficient to maintain the water at the necessary temperature, and to produce the steam with sufficient rapidity. To accomplish these objects, therefore, the chamber containing the grate should be completely surrounded by water, and should be below the level of the water in the boiler. The magnitude of the surface exposed to radiation should be as great as is consistent with the whole magnitude of the machine. The comparative advantage which the Rocket possessed in these respects over the other engines will be evident on inspection. In the next place, it is necessary that the heat, which is absorbed by the air passing through the fuel, and keeping it in a state of combustion, should be transferred to the water before the air escapes into the chimney. Air being a bad conductor of heat, to accomplish this it is necessary that the air in the flues should be exposed to as great an extent of surface in contact with the water as possible. No contrivance can be less adapted for the attainment of this end than one or two large tubes traversing the boiler, as in the earliest locomotive engines: the body of air which passed through the centre of these tubes had no contact with their surface, and, consequently, passed into the chimney at nearly the same temperature as that which it had when it quitted the fire. The only portion of air which imparted its heat to the water

was that portion which passed next to the surface of the tube.

Several methods suggest themselves to increase the surface of water in contact with a given quantity of air passing through it. This would be accomplished by causing the air to pass between plates placed near each other, so as to divide the current into thin strata, having between them strata of water, or it might be made to pass between tubes differing slightly in diameter, the water passing through an inner tube, and being also in contact with the external surface of the outer tube. Such a method would be similar in principle to the steam-jacket used in Watt's steam engines, or to the condenser of Cartwright's engine already described. But, considering the facility of constructing small tubes, and of placing them in the boiler, that method, perhaps, is, on the whole, the best in practice; although the shape of a tube, geometrically considered, is most unfavourable for the exposure of a fluid contained in it to its surface. The air which passes from the fire-chamber, being subdivided as it passes through the boiler by a great number of very small tubes, may be made to impart all its excess of heat to the water before it issues into the chimney. This is all which the most refined contrivance can effect. The Rocket engine was traversed by twenty-five tubes, each three inches in diameter; and the principle has since been carried to a much greater extent.

The abstraction of a great quantity of heat from the air before it reaches the chimney is attended with one consequence, which, at first view, would present a difficulty apparently insurmountable; the chimney would, in fact, lose its power of draught. This difficulty, however, was removed by using the waste steam, which had passed from the cylinder after working the engine, for the purpose of producing a draught. This steam was urged through a jet presented upwards in the chimney, and driven out with such force in that direction as to create a sufficient draught to work the furnace.

It will be observed that the principle of draught in the Novelty is totally distinct from this: in that engine the draught is produced by a bellows worked by the engine. The question, as far as relates to these two methods, is, whether more power

is lost in supplying the steam through the jet, as in the Rocket, or in working the bellows, as in the Novelty. The force requisite to impel the steam through the jet must be exerted by the returning stroke of the piston, and, consequently, must rob the working effect to an equivalent amount. On the other hand, the power requisite to work the bellows in the Novelty must be subducted from the available power of the engine. The former method has been hitherto found to be the more effectual and economical.

The importance of these details will be understood, when it is considered that the only limit to the attainment of speed by locomotive engines is the power to produce, in a given time, a certain quantity of steam. Each stroke of the piston causes one revolution of the wheels, and consumes four cylinders full of steam: consequently, a cylinder of steam corresponds to a certain number of feet of road travelled over hence it is that the production of a rapid and abundant supply of heat, and the imparting of that heat quickly and effectually to the water, is the key to the solution of the problem to construct an engine capable of rapid motion. The method of subdividing the flue into tubes was carried much further by Mr. Stephenson after the construction of the Rocket; and, indeed, the principle was so obvious, it is only surprising that, in the first instance, tubes of smaller diameter than three inches were not used. In engines since constructed, the number of tubes vary from ninety to one hundred and twenty, the diameter being reduced to two inches or less; and in some instances tubes have been introduced, even to the number of one hundred and fifty, of one and a half inch diameter. In the Meteor,

twenty square feet are exposed to radiation, and one hundred and thirty-nine to the contact of heated air; in the Arrow, twenty square feet to radiation, and one hundred and forty-five to the contact of heated air. The superior economy of fuel gained by this means will be apparent by inspecting the following table, which exhibits the consumption of fuel which was requisite to convey a ton weight a mile in each of four engines, expressing also the rate of the motion :


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